interactive_expr: BigMap LBRACKET Verbatim ARROW Bytes End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 148. ## ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BigMap LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## In state 251, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) -> nsepseq(binding,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: BigMap LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 141. ## ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap LBRACKET . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BigMap LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: BigMap Verbatim ARROW Bytes RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 259. ## ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BigMap sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## In state 251, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) -> nsepseq(binding,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: BigMap With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 140. ## ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap . sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(BigMap,binding) -> BigMap . LBRACKET RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BigMap ## interactive_expr: C_Some With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 136. ## ## core_expr -> C_Some . arguments [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## C_Some ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of C_Some LPAR WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 287. ## ## par(core_pattern) -> LPAR core_pattern . RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of C_Some LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 279. ## ## par(core_pattern) -> LPAR . core_pattern RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of C_Some With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 278. ## ## constr_pattern -> C_Some . par(core_pattern) [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## C_Some ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of Constr LPAR WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 293. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) -> core_pattern . [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) -> core_pattern . COMMA nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of Constr LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 277. ## ## par(nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA)) -> LPAR . nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 276. ## ## constr_pattern -> Constr . tuple_pattern [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## constr_pattern -> Constr . [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LBRACKET VBAR Block ## ## Ends in an error in state: 264. ## ## case(expr) -> Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) . cases(expr) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LBRACKET WILD ARROW Bytes End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 328. ## ## case(expr) -> Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(expr) . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(expr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 326, spurious reduction of production case_clause(expr) -> pattern ARROW expr ## In state 330, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) -> case_clause(expr) ## In state 327, spurious reduction of production cases(expr) -> nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 263. ## ## case(expr) -> Case expr Of LBRACKET . option(VBAR) cases(expr) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LPAR WILD COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 294. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) -> core_pattern COMMA . nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern COMMA ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LPAR WILD CONS Bytes ARROW ## ## Ends in an error in state: 306. ## ## par(cons_pattern) -> LPAR cons_pattern . RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR cons_pattern ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 300, spurious reduction of production pattern -> core_pattern ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cons_pattern -> core_pattern CONS pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LPAR WILD CONS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 298. ## ## cons_pattern -> core_pattern CONS . pattern [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern CONS ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LPAR WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 297. ## ## cons_pattern -> core_pattern . CONS pattern [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) -> core_pattern . [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) -> core_pattern . COMMA nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 272. ## ## par(cons_pattern) -> LPAR . cons_pattern RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## par(nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA)) -> LPAR . nsepseq(core_pattern,COMMA) RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List LBRACKET WILD End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 310. ## ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 314, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern ## In state 313, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) -> nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 308. ## ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) RBRACKET [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List LBRACKET . RBRACKET [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List WILD RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 322. ## ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) . End [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 314, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern ## In state 313, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) -> nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List WILD SEMI WILD SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 319. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern SEMI . nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) -> core_pattern SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern SEMI ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List WILD SEMI WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 318. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern . SEMI nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) -> core_pattern . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List WILD SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 315. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern SEMI . nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) -> core_pattern SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern SEMI ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 314. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) -> core_pattern . SEMI nsepseq(core_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) -> core_pattern . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(core_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of List With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 271. ## ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List . sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) End [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List . End [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(core_pattern,SEMI) RBRACKET [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## injection(List,core_pattern) -> List . LBRACKET RBRACKET [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET End CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of VBAR Block ## ## Ends in an error in state: 333. ## ## case(expr) -> Case expr Of option(VBAR) . cases(expr) End [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of option(VBAR) ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW Bytes RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 334. ## ## case(expr) -> Case expr Of option(VBAR) cases(expr) . End [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of option(VBAR) cases(expr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 326, spurious reduction of production case_clause(expr) -> pattern ARROW expr ## In state 330, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) -> case_clause(expr) ## In state 327, spurious reduction of production cases(expr) -> nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW Bytes Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 330. ## ## nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) -> case_clause(expr) . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) -> case_clause(expr) . VBAR nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## case_clause(expr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 326, spurious reduction of production case_clause(expr) -> pattern ARROW expr ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW Bytes VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 331. ## ## nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) -> case_clause(expr) VBAR . nsepseq(case_clause(expr),VBAR) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## case_clause(expr) VBAR ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 325. ## ## case_clause(expr) -> pattern ARROW . expr [ VBAR RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ARROW ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD CONS WILD CONS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 304. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) -> core_pattern CONS . nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) [ RPAR ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern CONS ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD CONS WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 303. ## ## nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) -> core_pattern . [ RPAR ARROW ] ## nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) -> core_pattern . CONS nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) [ RPAR ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD CONS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 301. ## ## pattern -> core_pattern CONS . nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) [ RPAR ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern CONS ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD RPAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 324. ## ## case_clause(expr) -> pattern . ARROW expr [ VBAR RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 300, spurious reduction of production pattern -> core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 300. ## ## pattern -> core_pattern . [ RPAR ARROW ] ## pattern -> core_pattern . CONS nsepseq(core_pattern,CONS) [ RPAR ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim Of With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 262. ## ## case(expr) -> Case expr Of . option(VBAR) cases(expr) End [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## case(expr) -> Case expr Of . LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(expr) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of ## interactive_expr: Case Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 261. ## ## case(expr) -> Case expr . Of option(VBAR) cases(expr) End [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## case(expr) -> Case expr . Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(expr) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Case With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 135. ## ## case(expr) -> Case . expr Of option(VBAR) cases(expr) End [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## case(expr) -> Case . expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(expr) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case ## interactive_expr: Constr DOT And With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 176. ## ## core_expr -> module_field . [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## fun_call -> module_field . arguments [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## module_field ## interactive_expr: Constr DOT Ident DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 124. ## ## projection -> Constr DOT Ident DOT . nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT Ident DOT ## interactive_expr: Constr DOT Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 123. ## ## module_fun -> Ident . [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## projection -> Constr DOT Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT Ident ## interactive_expr: Constr DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 119. ## ## module_field -> Constr DOT . module_fun [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## projection -> Constr DOT . Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT ## interactive_expr: Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 118. ## ## core_expr -> Constr . arguments [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## core_expr -> Constr . [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## module_field -> Constr . DOT module_fun [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## projection -> Constr . DOT Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 116. ## ## fun_expr -> Function parameters COLON type_expr Is . expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function parameters COLON type_expr Is ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 115. ## ## fun_expr -> Function parameters COLON type_expr . Is expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function parameters COLON type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 114. ## ## fun_expr -> Function parameters COLON . type_expr Is expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function parameters COLON ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 113. ## ## fun_expr -> Function parameters . COLON type_expr Is expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function parameters ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Const Ident COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 79. ## ## param_decl -> Const Ident COLON . param_type [ SEMI RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Const Ident COLON ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Const Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 78. ## ## param_decl -> Const Ident . COLON param_type [ SEMI RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Const Ident ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Const With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 77. ## ## param_decl -> Const . Ident COLON param_type [ SEMI RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Const ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var Ident COLON Ident SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 82. ## ## nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI) -> param_decl SEMI . nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## param_decl SEMI ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var Ident COLON Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 81. ## ## nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI) -> param_decl . [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI) -> param_decl . SEMI nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## param_decl ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 16, spurious reduction of production core_type -> Ident ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 76, spurious reduction of production param_type -> fun_type ## In state 75, spurious reduction of production param_decl -> Var Ident COLON param_type ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 73. ## ## param_decl -> Var Ident . COLON param_type [ SEMI RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Var Ident ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR Var With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 72. ## ## param_decl -> Var . Ident COLON param_type [ SEMI RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Var ## interactive_expr: Function LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 71. ## ## par(nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI)) -> LPAR . nsepseq(param_decl,SEMI) RPAR [ COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## interactive_expr: Function With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 112. ## ## fun_expr -> Function . parameters COLON type_expr Is expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function ## interactive_expr: Ident DOT Ident ASS ## ## Ends in an error in state: 151. ## ## fun_call_or_par_or_projection -> projection . option(arguments) [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## path -> projection . [ With LBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## projection ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection ## In state 160, spurious reduction of production projection -> Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) ## interactive_expr: Ident DOT Int DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 128. ## ## nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection DOT . nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## selection DOT ## interactive_expr: Ident DOT Int While ## ## Ends in an error in state: 127. ## ## nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection . [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## selection ## interactive_expr: Ident DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 159. ## ## projection -> Ident DOT . nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident DOT ## interactive_expr: Ident LBRACKET Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 243. ## ## brackets(expr) -> LBRACKET expr . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACKET expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Ident LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 242. ## ## brackets(expr) -> LBRACKET . expr RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: Ident LPAR Verbatim COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 341. ## ## nsepseq(expr,COMMA) -> expr COMMA . nsepseq(expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr COMMA ## interactive_expr: Ident LPAR Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 340. ## ## nsepseq(expr,COMMA) -> expr . [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(expr,COMMA) -> expr . COMMA nsepseq(expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Ident LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 111. ## ## par(nsepseq(expr,COMMA)) -> LPAR . nsepseq(expr,COMMA) RPAR [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## interactive_expr: Ident While ## ## Ends in an error in state: 110. ## ## core_expr -> Ident . [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## fun_call -> Ident . arguments [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## path -> Ident . [ With LBRACKET ] ## projection -> Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE LBRACKET GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Constr DOT Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 163. ## ## projection -> Constr DOT Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else EQ ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT Ident ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Constr DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 162. ## ## projection -> Constr DOT . Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else EQ ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 161. ## ## projection -> Constr . DOT Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else EQ ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident EQ Bytes RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 239. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_path_assignment) -> Record sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 194, spurious reduction of production field_path_assignment -> path EQ expr ## In state 232, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment ## In state 231, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 237. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 236. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 194, spurious reduction of production field_path_assignment -> path EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 233. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident EQ Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 232. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 194, spurious reduction of production field_path_assignment -> path EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 168. ## ## field_path_assignment -> path EQ . expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## path EQ ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident While ## ## Ends in an error in state: 158. ## ## path -> Ident . [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else EQ ] ## projection -> Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else EQ ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 167. ## ## field_path_assignment -> path . EQ expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## path ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 158, spurious reduction of production path -> Ident ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record LBRACKET Ident EQ Bytes End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 164. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_path_assignment) -> Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 194, spurious reduction of production field_path_assignment -> path EQ expr ## In state 232, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment ## In state 231, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 157. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_path_assignment) -> Record LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: Ident With Record With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 156. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_path_assignment) -> Record . sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ne_injection(Record,field_path_assignment) -> Record . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record ## interactive_expr: Ident With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 155. ## ## update_record -> path With . ne_injection(Record,field_path_assignment) [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## path With ## interactive_expr: If Verbatim Then Verbatim Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 348. ## ## cond_expr -> If expr Then expr option(SEMI) Else . expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then expr option(SEMI) Else ## interactive_expr: If Verbatim Then Verbatim SEMI EQ ## ## Ends in an error in state: 347. ## ## cond_expr -> If expr Then expr option(SEMI) . Else expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then expr option(SEMI) ## interactive_expr: If Verbatim Then Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 346. ## ## cond_expr -> If expr Then expr . option(SEMI) Else expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: If Verbatim Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 345. ## ## cond_expr -> If expr Then . expr option(SEMI) Else expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: If Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 344. ## ## cond_expr -> If expr . Then expr option(SEMI) Else expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 109. ## ## cond_expr -> If . expr Then expr option(SEMI) Else expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: LPAR Bytes RPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 170. ## ## fun_call_or_par_or_projection -> par(expr) . option(arguments) [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## par(expr) ## interactive_expr: LPAR If Verbatim Then Bytes Else Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 352. ## ## par(expr) -> LPAR expr . RPAR [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## tuple_comp -> expr . COMMA nsepseq(expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 349, spurious reduction of production cond_expr -> If expr Then expr option(SEMI) Else expr ## In state 228, spurious reduction of production expr -> cond_expr ## interactive_expr: LPAR Verbatim COLON Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 359. ## ## par(annot_expr) -> LPAR annot_expr . RPAR [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR annot_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 16, spurious reduction of production core_type -> Ident ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 358, spurious reduction of production annot_expr -> disj_expr COLON type_expr ## interactive_expr: LPAR Verbatim COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 357. ## ## annot_expr -> disj_expr COLON . type_expr [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr COLON ## interactive_expr: LPAR Verbatim COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 354. ## ## tuple_comp -> expr COMMA . nsepseq(expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr COMMA ## interactive_expr: LPAR Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 356. ## ## annot_expr -> disj_expr . COLON type_expr [ RPAR ] ## disj_expr -> disj_expr . Or conj_expr [ RPAR Or COMMA COLON ] ## expr -> disj_expr . [ RPAR COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## interactive_expr: LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 107. ## ## par(annot_expr) -> LPAR . annot_expr RPAR [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## par(expr) -> LPAR . expr RPAR [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LPAR LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## par(tuple_comp) -> LPAR . tuple_comp RPAR [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## interactive_expr: Lang Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 361. ## ## code_inj -> Lang expr . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Lang expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Lang With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 106. ## ## code_inj -> Lang . expr RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Lang ## interactive_expr: List LBRACKET Verbatim End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 365. ## ## injection(List,expr) -> List LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) -> nsepseq(expr,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: List LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 363. ## ## injection(List,expr) -> List LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(List,expr) -> List LBRACKET . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: List Verbatim RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 377. ## ## injection(List,expr) -> List sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) -> nsepseq(expr,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: List With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 105. ## ## injection(List,expr) -> List . sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(List,expr) -> List . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(List,expr) -> List . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(List,expr) -> List . LBRACKET RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List ## interactive_expr: MINUS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 104. ## ## unary_expr -> MINUS . core_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## MINUS ## interactive_expr: Map LBRACKET Verbatim ARROW Bytes End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 382. ## ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## In state 251, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) -> nsepseq(binding,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Map LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 380. ## ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map LBRACKET . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: Map Verbatim ARROW Bytes RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 385. ## ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## In state 251, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) -> nsepseq(binding,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Map Verbatim ARROW Bytes SEMI Verbatim ARROW Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 256. ## ## nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding SEMI . nsepseq(binding,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) -> binding SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## binding SEMI ## interactive_expr: Map Verbatim ARROW Bytes SEMI Verbatim ARROW Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 255. ## ## nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding . SEMI nsepseq(binding,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) -> binding . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## interactive_expr: Map Verbatim ARROW Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 252. ## ## nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding SEMI . nsepseq(binding,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) -> binding SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## binding SEMI ## interactive_expr: Map Verbatim ARROW Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 251. ## ## nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding . SEMI nsepseq(binding,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) -> binding . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(binding,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## interactive_expr: Map Verbatim ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 249. ## ## binding -> expr ARROW . expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ARROW ## interactive_expr: Map Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 248. ## ## binding -> expr . ARROW expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Map With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 103. ## ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map . sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Map,binding) -> Map . LBRACKET RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map ## interactive_expr: Not Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 173. ## ## add_expr -> mult_expr . [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . TIMES unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . SLASH unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . Mod unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr ## interactive_expr: Not With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 99. ## ## unary_expr -> Not . core_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Not ## interactive_expr: Record Ident EQ Bytes RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 400. ## ## record_expr -> Record sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 388, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## In state 393, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment ## In state 392, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Record Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 398. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: Record Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 397. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 388, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Record Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 394. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: Record Ident EQ Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 393. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 388, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Record Ident EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 98. ## ## field_assignment -> Ident EQ . expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident EQ ## interactive_expr: Record Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 97. ## ## field_assignment -> Ident . EQ expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## interactive_expr: Record LBRACKET Ident EQ Bytes End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 389. ## ## record_expr -> Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 388, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## In state 393, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment ## In state 392, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Record LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 96. ## ## record_expr -> Record LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: Record With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 95. ## ## record_expr -> Record . sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## record_expr -> Record . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record ## interactive_expr: Set LBRACKET Verbatim End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 404. ## ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) -> nsepseq(expr,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Set LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 402. ## ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set LBRACKET . RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: Set Verbatim RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 407. ## ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) -> nsepseq(expr,SEMI) ## interactive_expr: Set Verbatim SEMI Verbatim SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 374. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr SEMI . nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr SEMI ## interactive_expr: Set Verbatim SEMI Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 373. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . SEMI nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Set Verbatim SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 370. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr SEMI . nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr SEMI ## interactive_expr: Set Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 369. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . SEMI nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Set With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 94. ## ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set . sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set . End [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## injection(Set,expr) -> Set . LBRACKET RBRACKET [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Contains Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set ## interactive_expr: Verbatim And With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 225. ## ## conj_expr -> conj_expr And . set_membership [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## conj_expr And ## interactive_expr: Verbatim CAT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 201. ## ## cat_expr -> cons_expr CAT . cat_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cons_expr CAT ## interactive_expr: Verbatim COLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 195. ## ## disj_expr -> disj_expr . Or conj_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## expr -> disj_expr . [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## interactive_expr: Verbatim CONS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 208. ## ## cons_expr -> add_expr CONS . cons_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr CONS ## interactive_expr: Verbatim Contains With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 198. ## ## set_membership -> core_expr Contains . set_membership [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_expr Contains ## interactive_expr: Verbatim EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 221. ## ## comp_expr -> comp_expr EQ . cat_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr EQ ## interactive_expr: Verbatim GE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 219. ## ## comp_expr -> comp_expr GE . cat_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr GE ## interactive_expr: Verbatim GT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 217. ## ## comp_expr -> comp_expr GT . cat_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr GT ## interactive_expr: Verbatim LE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 215. ## ## comp_expr -> comp_expr LE . cat_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr LE ## interactive_expr: Verbatim LT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 213. ## ## comp_expr -> comp_expr LT . cat_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr LT ## interactive_expr: Verbatim MINUS Verbatim With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 207. ## ## add_expr -> add_expr MINUS mult_expr . [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . TIMES unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . SLASH unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . Mod unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr MINUS mult_expr ## interactive_expr: Verbatim MINUS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 206. ## ## add_expr -> add_expr MINUS . mult_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr MINUS ## interactive_expr: Verbatim Mod With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 191. ## ## mult_expr -> mult_expr Mod . unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr Mod ## interactive_expr: Verbatim NE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 211. ## ## comp_expr -> comp_expr NE . cat_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of NE LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr NE ## interactive_expr: Verbatim Or With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 196. ## ## disj_expr -> disj_expr Or . conj_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr Or ## interactive_expr: Verbatim PLUS Verbatim With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 205. ## ## add_expr -> add_expr PLUS mult_expr . [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . TIMES unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . SLASH unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## mult_expr -> mult_expr . Mod unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr PLUS mult_expr ## interactive_expr: Verbatim PLUS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 204. ## ## add_expr -> add_expr PLUS . mult_expr [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr PLUS ## interactive_expr: Verbatim SLASH With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 189. ## ## mult_expr -> mult_expr SLASH . unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr SLASH ## interactive_expr: Verbatim TIMES With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 174. ## ## mult_expr -> mult_expr TIMES . unary_expr [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr TIMES ## interactive_expr: Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 604. ## ## interactive_expr -> expr . EOF [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## interactive_expr: Verbatim With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 197. ## ## set_membership -> core_expr . Contains set_membership [ VBAR Type To Then Step SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Of Function From End Else EOF Const COMMA COLON Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## unary_expr -> core_expr . [ VBAR Type To Then TIMES Step SLASH SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Of NE Mod MINUS LT LE GT GE Function From End Else EQ EOF Const CONS COMMA COLON CAT Block Begin Attributes And ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_expr ## interactive_expr: With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 602. ## ## interactive_expr' -> . interactive_expr [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ## contract: Attributes LBRACKET String End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 548. ## ## ne_injection(Attributes,String) -> Attributes LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Attributes LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 540, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String ## In state 551, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) -> nsepseq(String,SEMI) ## contract: Attributes LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 547. ## ## ne_injection(Attributes,String) -> Attributes LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) RBRACKET [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Attributes LBRACKET ## contract: Attributes String End Attributes String End SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 597. ## ## seq(declaration) -> declaration . seq(declaration) [ EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## declaration ## contract: Attributes String End SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 595. ## ## nseq(declaration) -> declaration . seq(declaration) [ EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## declaration ## contract: Attributes String End With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 590. ## ## attr_decl -> open_attr_decl . option(SEMI) [ Type Recursive Function EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## open_attr_decl ## contract: Attributes String RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 552. ## ## ne_injection(Attributes,String) -> Attributes sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) . End [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Attributes sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 540, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String ## In state 551, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) -> nsepseq(String,SEMI) ## contract: Attributes String SEMI String SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 543. ## ## nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String SEMI . nsepseq(String,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) -> String SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## String SEMI ## contract: Attributes String SEMI String With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 542. ## ## nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String . SEMI nsepseq(String,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) -> String . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## String ## contract: Attributes String SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 541. ## ## nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String SEMI . nsepseq(String,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) -> String SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## String SEMI ## contract: Attributes String With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 540. ## ## nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(String,SEMI) -> String . SEMI nsepseq(String,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) -> String . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(String,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## String ## contract: Attributes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 539. ## ## ne_injection(Attributes,String) -> Attributes . sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) End [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ne_injection(Attributes,String) -> Attributes . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(String,SEMI) RBRACKET [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Attributes ## contract: Const Ident COLON Ident EQ Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 588. ## ## const_decl -> open_const_decl . option(SEMI) [ Type Recursive Function EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## open_const_decl ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 496, spurious reduction of production unqualified_decl(EQ) -> Ident COLON type_expr EQ expr ## In state 497, spurious reduction of production open_const_decl -> Const unqualified_decl(EQ) ## contract: Const Ident COLON String EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 495. ## ## unqualified_decl(EQ) -> Ident COLON type_expr EQ . expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident COLON type_expr EQ ## contract: Const Ident COLON String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 494. ## ## unqualified_decl(EQ) -> Ident COLON type_expr . EQ expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident COLON type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Const Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 492. ## ## unqualified_decl(EQ) -> Ident . COLON type_expr EQ expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Const With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 491. ## ## open_const_decl -> Const . unqualified_decl(EQ) [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Const ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON Ident Is Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 586. ## ## fun_decl -> open_fun_decl . option(SEMI) [ Type Recursive Function EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## open_fun_decl ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 464, spurious reduction of production open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of LBRACKET VBAR Block ## ## Ends in an error in state: 502. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) . cases(if_clause) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of LBRACKET WILD ARROW Skip End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 531. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) . RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 533, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) -> case_clause(if_clause) ## In state 530, spurious reduction of production cases(if_clause) -> nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 501. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr Of LBRACKET . option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of LBRACKET ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of VBAR Block ## ## Ends in an error in state: 536. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr Of option(VBAR) . cases(if_clause) End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of option(VBAR) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW Skip RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 537. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr Of option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) . End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 533, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) -> case_clause(if_clause) ## In state 530, spurious reduction of production cases(if_clause) -> nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW Skip VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 534. ## ## nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) -> case_clause(if_clause) VBAR . nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## case_clause(if_clause) VBAR ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW Skip With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 533. ## ## nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) -> case_clause(if_clause) . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) -> case_clause(if_clause) . VBAR nsepseq(case_clause(if_clause),VBAR) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## case_clause(if_clause) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 504. ## ## case_clause(if_clause) -> pattern ARROW . if_clause [ VBAR RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ARROW ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of WILD RPAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 503. ## ## case_clause(if_clause) -> pattern . ARROW if_clause [ VBAR RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 300, spurious reduction of production pattern -> core_pattern ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim Of With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 500. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr Of . option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr Of . LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr Of ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 499. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr . Of option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## case(if_clause) -> Case expr . Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Case With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 498. ## ## case(if_clause) -> Case . expr Of option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## case(if_clause) -> Case . expr Of LBRACKET option(VBAR) cases(if_clause) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Case ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Constr DOT And With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 511. ## ## fun_call -> module_field . arguments [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## module_field ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 490. ## ## module_field -> Constr . DOT module_fun [ LPAR ] ## projection -> Constr . DOT Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ LBRACKET ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ARROW Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 474. ## ## for_loop -> For Ident option(arrow_clause) . In collection expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For Ident option(arrow_clause) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 472. ## ## arrow_clause -> ARROW . Ident [ In ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ARROW ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ASS Bytes To Verbatim Step Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 487. ## ## for_loop -> For var_assign To expr Step expr . block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For var_assign To expr Step expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ASS Bytes To Verbatim Step With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 486. ## ## for_loop -> For var_assign To expr Step . expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For var_assign To expr Step ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ASS Bytes To Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 485. ## ## for_loop -> For var_assign To expr . block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## for_loop -> For var_assign To expr . Step expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For var_assign To expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ASS Bytes To With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 484. ## ## for_loop -> For var_assign To . expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## for_loop -> For var_assign To . expr Step expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For var_assign To ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ASS Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 483. ## ## for_loop -> For var_assign . To expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## for_loop -> For var_assign . To expr Step expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For var_assign ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 471, spurious reduction of production var_assign -> Ident ASS expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident ASS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 470. ## ## var_assign -> Ident ASS . expr [ To ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ASS ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident In Set Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 480. ## ## for_loop -> For Ident option(arrow_clause) In collection expr . block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For Ident option(arrow_clause) In collection expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident In Set With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 479. ## ## for_loop -> For Ident option(arrow_clause) In collection . expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For Ident option(arrow_clause) In collection ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 475. ## ## for_loop -> For Ident option(arrow_clause) In . collection expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For Ident option(arrow_clause) In ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 469. ## ## for_loop -> For Ident . option(arrow_clause) In collection expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## var_assign -> Ident . ASS expr [ To ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For Ident ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin For With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 468. ## ## for_loop -> For . var_assign To expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## for_loop -> For . var_assign To expr Step expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## for_loop -> For . Ident option(arrow_clause) In collection expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## For ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Ident ASS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 517. ## ## assignment -> lhs ASS . rhs [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## lhs ASS ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Ident DOT Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 510. ## ## lhs -> path . [ ASS ] ## map_lookup -> path . brackets(expr) [ ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## path ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection ## In state 160, spurious reduction of production projection -> Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) ## In state 166, spurious reduction of production path -> projection ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Ident LBRACKET Bytes RBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 516. ## ## assignment -> lhs . ASS rhs [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## lhs ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 457. ## ## fun_call -> Ident . arguments [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## path -> Ident . [ LBRACKET ASS ] ## projection -> Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ LBRACKET ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If Verbatim Then LBRACE Skip End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 568. ## ## clause_block -> LBRACE sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) . RBRACE [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 554, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement ## In state 571, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) -> nsepseq(statement,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If Verbatim Then LBRACE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 456. ## ## clause_block -> LBRACE . sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) RBRACE [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If Verbatim Then Skip Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 574. ## ## conditional -> If expr Then if_clause option(SEMI) Else . if_clause [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then if_clause option(SEMI) Else ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If Verbatim Then Skip SEMI EQ ## ## Ends in an error in state: 573. ## ## conditional -> If expr Then if_clause option(SEMI) . Else if_clause [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then if_clause option(SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If Verbatim Then Skip With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 572. ## ## conditional -> If expr Then if_clause . option(SEMI) Else if_clause [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then if_clause ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If Verbatim Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 455. ## ## conditional -> If expr Then . if_clause option(SEMI) Else if_clause [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 454. ## ## conditional -> If expr . Then if_clause option(SEMI) Else if_clause [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 453. ## ## conditional -> If . expr Then if_clause option(SEMI) Else if_clause [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 430. ## ## map_patch -> Patch path . With ne_injection(Map,binding) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## record_patch -> Patch path . With ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## set_patch -> Patch path . With ne_injection(Set,expr) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Patch path ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 158, spurious reduction of production path -> Ident ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Map LBRACKET Verbatim ARROW Bytes End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 446. ## ## ne_injection(Map,binding) -> Map LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## In state 251, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) -> nsepseq(binding,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Map LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 445. ## ## ne_injection(Map,binding) -> Map LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map LBRACKET ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Map Verbatim ARROW Bytes RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 448. ## ## ne_injection(Map,binding) -> Map sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) . End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production binding -> expr ARROW expr ## In state 251, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(binding,SEMI) -> binding ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) -> nsepseq(binding,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Map With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 444. ## ## ne_injection(Map,binding) -> Map . sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ne_injection(Map,binding) -> Map . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(binding,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Record Ident EQ Bytes RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 442. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) -> Record sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) . End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 388, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## In state 393, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment ## In state 392, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Record LBRACKET Ident EQ Bytes End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 440. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) -> Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 388, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## In state 393, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment ## In state 392, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Record LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 439. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) -> Record LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Record With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 438. ## ## ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) -> Record . sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) -> Record . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Set LBRACKET Verbatim End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 434. ## ## ne_injection(Set,expr) -> Set LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) -> nsepseq(expr,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Set LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 433. ## ## ne_injection(Set,expr) -> Set LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set LBRACKET ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Set Verbatim RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 436. ## ## ne_injection(Set,expr) -> Set sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) . End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) -> nsepseq(expr,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With Set With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 432. ## ## ne_injection(Set,expr) -> Set . sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) End [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ne_injection(Set,expr) -> Set . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI) RBRACKET [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch Ident With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 431. ## ## map_patch -> Patch path With . ne_injection(Map,binding) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## record_patch -> Patch path With . ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## set_patch -> Patch path With . ne_injection(Set,expr) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Patch path With ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Patch With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 429. ## ## map_patch -> Patch . path With ne_injection(Map,binding) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## record_patch -> Patch . path With ne_injection(Record,field_assignment) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## set_patch -> Patch . path With ne_injection(Set,expr) [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Patch ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Remove Verbatim From Map With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 427. ## ## map_remove -> Remove expr From Map . path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Remove expr From Map ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Remove Verbatim From Set With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 425. ## ## set_remove -> Remove expr From Set . path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Remove expr From Set ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Remove Verbatim From With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 424. ## ## map_remove -> Remove expr From . Map path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## set_remove -> Remove expr From . Set path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Remove expr From ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Remove Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 423. ## ## map_remove -> Remove expr . From Map path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## set_remove -> Remove expr . From Set path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Remove expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Remove With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 422. ## ## map_remove -> Remove . expr From Map path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## set_remove -> Remove . expr From Set path [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Remove ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Skip End While ## ## Ends in an error in state: 465. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is block . With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is block ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Skip End With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 466. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is block With . expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is block With ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Skip RBRACE ## ## Ends in an error in state: 576. ## ## block -> Begin sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) . End [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Begin sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 554, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement ## In state 571, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) -> nsepseq(statement,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Skip SEMI Skip SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 557. ## ## nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement SEMI . nsepseq(statement,SEMI) [ RBRACE End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) -> statement SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) [ RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## statement SEMI ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Skip SEMI Skip With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 556. ## ## nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement . [ RBRACE End ] ## nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement . SEMI nsepseq(statement,SEMI) [ RBRACE End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) -> statement . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) [ RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## statement ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Skip SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 555. ## ## nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement SEMI . nsepseq(statement,SEMI) [ RBRACE End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) -> statement SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) [ RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## statement SEMI ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Skip With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 554. ## ## nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement . [ RBRACE End ] ## nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement . SEMI nsepseq(statement,SEMI) [ RBRACE End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) -> statement . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(statement,SEMI)) [ RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## statement ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Var Ident COLON String ASS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 418. ## ## unqualified_decl(ASS) -> Ident COLON type_expr ASS . expr [ SEMI RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident COLON type_expr ASS ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Var Ident COLON String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 417. ## ## unqualified_decl(ASS) -> Ident COLON type_expr . ASS expr [ SEMI RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident COLON type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Var Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 415. ## ## unqualified_decl(ASS) -> Ident . COLON type_expr ASS expr [ SEMI RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin Var With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 414. ## ## open_var_decl -> Var . unqualified_decl(ASS) [ SEMI RBRACE End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Var ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin While Verbatim VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 412. ## ## while_loop -> While expr . block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## While expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 197, spurious reduction of production unary_expr -> core_expr ## In state 144, spurious reduction of production mult_expr -> unary_expr ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production add_expr -> mult_expr ## In state 203, spurious reduction of production cons_expr -> add_expr ## In state 200, spurious reduction of production cat_expr -> cons_expr ## In state 223, spurious reduction of production comp_expr -> cat_expr ## In state 210, spurious reduction of production set_membership -> comp_expr ## In state 146, spurious reduction of production conj_expr -> set_membership ## In state 227, spurious reduction of production disj_expr -> conj_expr ## In state 195, spurious reduction of production expr -> disj_expr ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin While With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 411. ## ## while_loop -> While . expr block [ VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## While ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Begin With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 413. ## ## block -> Begin . sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) End [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Begin ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Block LBRACE Skip End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 579. ## ## block -> Block LBRACE sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) . RBRACE [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Block LBRACE sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 554, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(statement,SEMI) -> statement ## In state 571, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) -> nsepseq(statement,SEMI) ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Block LBRACE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 410. ## ## block -> Block LBRACE . sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) RBRACE [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Block LBRACE ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is Block With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 409. ## ## block -> Block . LBRACE sep_or_term_list(statement,SEMI) RBRACE [ With VBAR SEMI RBRACKET RBRACE End Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Block ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 463. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is . block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is . expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 462. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr . Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr . Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 460. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters . COLON type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident parameters . COLON type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function Ident parameters ## contract: Function Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 459. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident . parameters COLON type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Function Ident . parameters COLON type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function Ident ## contract: Function With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 458. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Function . Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Function . Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Function ## contract: Recursive Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String Is With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 89. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is . block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is . expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is ## contract: Recursive Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR COLON String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 88. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr . Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr . Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Recursive Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Recursive Function Ident LPAR Const Ident COLON Ident RPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 86. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters . COLON type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident parameters . COLON type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Recursive Function Ident parameters ## contract: Recursive Function Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 70. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident . parameters COLON type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function Ident . parameters COLON type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Recursive Function Ident ## contract: Recursive Function With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 69. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function . Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive Function . Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Recursive Function ## contract: Recursive With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 68. ## ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive . Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is block With expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## open_fun_decl -> Recursive . Function Ident parameters COLON type_expr Is expr [ Type SEMI Recursive RBRACE Function End EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Recursive ## contract: Type Ident Is BigMap With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 19. ## ## core_type -> BigMap . type_tuple [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BigMap ## contract: Type Ident Is Constr Of With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 28. ## ## variant -> Constr Of . fun_type [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr Of ## contract: Type Ident Is Constr VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 40. ## ## nsepseq(variant,VBAR) -> variant VBAR . nsepseq(variant,VBAR) [ Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## variant VBAR ## contract: Type Ident Is Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 27. ## ## variant -> Constr . [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## variant -> Constr . Of fun_type [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## contract: Type Ident Is Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 16. ## ## core_type -> Ident . [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## core_type -> Ident . type_tuple [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Type Ident Is LPAR String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 62. ## ## par(type_expr) -> LPAR type_expr . RPAR [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Type Ident Is LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 7. ## ## par(type_expr) -> LPAR . type_expr RPAR [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## contract: Type Ident Is List With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 14. ## ## core_type -> List . par(type_expr) [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## List ## contract: Type Ident Is Map LPAR String COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 22. ## ## nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) -> type_expr COMMA . nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_expr COMMA ## contract: Type Ident Is Map LPAR String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 21. ## ## nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) -> type_expr . [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) -> type_expr . COMMA nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Type Ident Is Map LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 13. ## ## par(nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA)) -> LPAR . nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) RPAR [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## contract: Type Ident Is Map With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 12. ## ## core_type -> Map . type_tuple [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Map ## contract: Type Ident Is Record Ident COLON Ident RBRACKET ## ## Ends in an error in state: 60. ## ## record_type -> Record sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) . End [ Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 16, spurious reduction of production core_type -> Ident ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 48, spurious reduction of production field_decl -> Ident COLON type_expr ## In state 53, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl ## In state 52, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) ## contract: Type Ident Is Record Ident COLON Ident SEMI Ident COLON Ident SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 58. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl SEMI . nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl SEMI ## contract: Type Ident Is Record Ident COLON Ident SEMI Ident COLON Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 57. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . SEMI nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 16, spurious reduction of production core_type -> Ident ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 48, spurious reduction of production field_decl -> Ident COLON type_expr ## contract: Type Ident Is Record Ident COLON Ident SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 54. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl SEMI . nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl SEMI ## contract: Type Ident Is Record Ident COLON Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 53. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . [ RBRACKET End ] ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . SEMI nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACKET End ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 16, spurious reduction of production core_type -> Ident ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 48, spurious reduction of production field_decl -> Ident COLON type_expr ## contract: Type Ident Is Record Ident COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 11. ## ## field_decl -> Ident COLON . type_expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident COLON ## contract: Type Ident Is Record Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 10. ## ## field_decl -> Ident . COLON type_expr [ SEMI RBRACKET End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Type Ident Is Record LBRACKET Ident COLON Ident End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 49. ## ## record_type -> Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) . RBRACKET [ Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 16, spurious reduction of production core_type -> Ident ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 48, spurious reduction of production field_decl -> Ident COLON type_expr ## In state 53, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl ## In state 52, spurious reduction of production sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) -> nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) ## contract: Type Ident Is Record LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 9. ## ## record_type -> Record LBRACKET . sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) RBRACKET [ Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record LBRACKET ## contract: Type Ident Is Record With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 8. ## ## record_type -> Record . sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) End [ Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## record_type -> Record . LBRACKET sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) RBRACKET [ Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Record ## contract: Type Ident Is Set With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 6. ## ## core_type -> Set . par(type_expr) [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Set ## contract: Type Ident Is String ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 37. ## ## fun_type -> cartesian ARROW . fun_type [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cartesian ARROW ## contract: Type Ident Is String TIMES String TIMES With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 34. ## ## nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) -> core_type TIMES . nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type TIMES ## contract: Type Ident Is String TIMES String With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 33. ## ## nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) -> core_type . [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) -> core_type . TIMES nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type ## contract: Type Ident Is String TIMES With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 31. ## ## cartesian -> core_type TIMES . nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type TIMES ## contract: Type Ident Is String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 65. ## ## type_decl -> Type Ident Is type_expr . option(SEMI) [ Type Recursive Function EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Type Ident Is type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 30, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 44, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Type Ident Is String With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 30. ## ## cartesian -> core_type . [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## cartesian -> core_type . TIMES nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type ## contract: Type Ident Is VBAR Const ## ## Ends in an error in state: 26. ## ## sum_type -> option(VBAR) . nsepseq(variant,VBAR) [ Type SEMI Recursive RPAR RBRACKET Is Function End EQ EOF Const COMMA Attributes ASS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## option(VBAR) ## contract: Type Ident Is With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 3. ## ## type_decl -> Type Ident Is . type_expr option(SEMI) [ Type Recursive Function EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Type Ident Is ## contract: Type Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 2. ## ## type_decl -> Type Ident . Is type_expr option(SEMI) [ Type Recursive Function EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Type Ident ## contract: Type With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 1. ## ## type_decl -> Type . Ident Is type_expr option(SEMI) [ Type Recursive Function EOF Const Attributes ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Type ## contract: With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 0. ## ## contract' -> . contract [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ##