(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* Copyright (c) 2019 Nomadic Labs, *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (** Tezos Shell Net - Low level API for the Gossip network This is the entry point of the peer-to-peer layer. It is used by the Shell as the API to communicate with other nodes. *) type 'peer_meta peer_meta_config = { peer_meta_encoding : 'peer_meta Data_encoding.t; peer_meta_initial : unit -> 'peer_meta; score : 'peer_meta -> float ; } type 'conn_meta conn_meta_config = { conn_meta_encoding : 'conn_meta Data_encoding.t; conn_meta_value : P2p_peer.Id.t -> 'conn_meta ; private_node : 'conn_meta -> bool ; } type 'msg app_message_encoding = Encoding : { tag: int ; title: string ; encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ; wrap: 'a -> 'msg ; unwrap: 'msg -> 'a option ; max_length: int option ; } -> 'msg app_message_encoding type 'msg message_config = { encoding : 'msg app_message_encoding list ; versions : P2p_version.t list; } (** Network configuration *) type config = { listening_port : P2p_addr.port option; (** Tells if incoming connections accepted, precising the TCP port on which the peer can be reached (default: [9732])*) listening_addr : P2p_addr.t option; (** When incoming connections are accepted, precise on which IP adddress the node listen (default: [[::]]). *) discovery_port : P2p_addr.port option; (** Tells if local peer discovery is enabled, precising the TCP port on which the peer can be reached (default: [10732]) *) discovery_addr : Ipaddr.V4.t option; (** When local peer discovery is enabled, precise on which IP address messages are broadcasted (default: []). *) trusted_points : P2p_point.Id.t list ; (** List of hard-coded known peers to bootstrap the network from. *) peers_file : string ; (** The path to the JSON file where the metadata associated to peer_ids are loaded / stored. *) private_mode : bool ; (** If [true], only open outgoing/accept incoming connections to/from peers whose addresses are in [trusted_peers], and inform these peers that the identity of this node should be revealed to the rest of the network. *) identity : P2p_identity.t ; (** Cryptographic identity of the peer. *) proof_of_work_target : Crypto_box.target ; (** Expected level of proof of work of peers' identity. *) disable_mempool : bool ; (** If [true], all non-empty mempools will be ignored. *) trust_discovered_peers : bool ; (** If [true], peers discovered on the local network will be trusted. *) } (** Network capacities *) type limits = { connection_timeout : float ; (** Maximum time allowed to the establishment of a connection. *) authentication_timeout : float ; (** Delay granted to a peer to perform authentication, in seconds. *) greylist_timeout : int ; (** GC delay for the grelists tables, in seconds. *) maintenance_idle_time: float ; (** How long to wait at most, in seconds, before running a maintenance loop. *) min_connections : int ; (** Strict minimum number of connections (triggers an urgent maintenance) *) expected_connections : int ; (** Targeted number of connections to reach when bootstrapping / maintaining *) max_connections : int ; (** Maximum number of connections (exceeding peers are disconnected) *) backlog : int ; (** Argument of [Lwt_unix.accept].*) max_incoming_connections : int ; (** Maximum not-yet-authenticated incoming connections. *) max_download_speed : int option ; (** Hard-limit in the number of bytes received per second. *) max_upload_speed : int option ; (** Hard-limit in the number of bytes sent per second. *) read_buffer_size : int ; (** Size in bytes of the buffer passed to [Lwt_unix.read]. *) read_queue_size : int option ; write_queue_size : int option ; incoming_app_message_queue_size : int option ; incoming_message_queue_size : int option ; outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ; (** Various bounds for internal queues. *) known_peer_ids_history_size : int ; known_points_history_size : int ; (** Size of circular log buffers, in number of events recorded. *) max_known_peer_ids : (int * int) option ; max_known_points : (int * int) option ; (** Optional limitation of internal hashtables (max, target) *) swap_linger : float ; (** Peer swapping does not occur more than once during a timespan of [swap_linger] seconds. *) binary_chunks_size : int option ; (** Size (in bytes) of binary blocks that are sent to other peers. Default value is 64 kB. Max value is 64kB. *) } (** Type of a P2P layer instance, parametrized by: ['msg]: type of messages exchanged between peers ['peer_meta]: type of the metadata associated with peers (score, etc.) ['conn_meta]: type of the metadata associated with connection (ack_cfg) *) type ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) t type ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net = ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) t (** A faked p2p layer, which do not initiate any connection nor open any listening socket *) val faked_network : 'peer_meta peer_meta_config -> 'conn_meta -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net (** Main network initialisation function *) val create : config:config -> limits:limits -> 'peer_meta peer_meta_config -> 'conn_meta conn_meta_config -> 'msg message_config -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net tzresult Lwt.t val activate : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> unit (** Return one's peer_id *) val peer_id : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> P2p_peer.Id.t (** A maintenance operation : try and reach the ideal number of peers *) val maintain : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> unit Lwt.t (** Voluntarily drop some peers and replace them by new buddies *) val roll : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> unit Lwt.t (** Close all connections properly *) val shutdown : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> unit Lwt.t (** A connection to a peer *) type ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection (** Access the domain of active peers *) val connections : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection list (** Return the active peer with identity [peer_id] *) val find_connection : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection option (** Access the info of an active peer, if available *) val connection_info : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'conn_meta P2p_connection.Info.t val connection_local_metadata : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'conn_meta val connection_remote_metadata : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'conn_meta val connection_stat : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> P2p_stat.t (** Cleanly closes a connection. *) val disconnect : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ?wait:bool -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> unit Lwt.t val global_stat : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> P2p_stat.t (** Accessors for meta information about a global identifier *) val get_peer_metadata : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> 'peer_meta val set_peer_metadata : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> 'peer_meta -> unit (** Wait for a message from a given connection. *) val recv : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'msg tzresult Lwt.t (** Wait for a message from any active connections. *) val recv_any : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> (('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection * 'msg) Lwt.t (** [send net peer msg] is a thread that returns when [msg] has been successfully enqueued in the send queue. *) val send : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'msg -> unit tzresult Lwt.t (** [try_send net peer msg] is [true] if [msg] has been added to the send queue for [peer], [false] otherwise *) val try_send : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'msg -> bool (** Send a message to all peers *) val broadcast : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> 'msg -> unit val fold_connections : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> init:'a -> f:(P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a val iter_connections : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> (P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> unit) -> unit val on_new_connection : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> (P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> unit) -> unit val build_rpc_directory : (_, Peer_metadata.t , Connection_metadata.t) t -> unit RPC_directory.t val greylist_addr : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> P2p_addr.t -> unit val greylist_peer : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net -> P2p_peer.Id.t -> unit (**/**) module Raw : sig type 'a t = | Bootstrap | Advertise of P2p_point.Id.t list | Swap_request of P2p_point.Id.t * P2p_peer.Id.t | Swap_ack of P2p_point.Id.t * P2p_peer.Id.t | Message of 'a | Disconnect val encoding: 'msg app_message_encoding list -> 'msg t Data_encoding.t end