(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Utils open Logging.RPC module Services = Node_rpc_services let filter_bi include_ops (bi: Services.Blocks.block_info) = if include_ops then bi else { bi with operations = None } let register_bi_dir node dir = let dir = let implementation b include_ops = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return (filter_bi include_ops bi) in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.info implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return bi.hash in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.hash implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return bi.net in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.net implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return bi.predecessor in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.predecessor implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return bi.fitness in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.fitness implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return bi.timestamp in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.timestamp implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> match bi.protocol with | None -> raise Not_found | Some p -> RPC.Answer.return p in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.protocol implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return bi.test_protocol in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.test_protocol implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.block_info node b >>= fun bi -> RPC.Answer.return bi.test_network in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.test_network implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.operations node b >>= RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.operations implementation in let dir = let implementation b () = Node.RPC.pending_operations node b >>= fun res -> RPC.Answer.return res in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.pending_operations implementation in let dir = let implementation b { Services.Blocks.operations ; sort ; timestamp } = let timestamp = match timestamp with | None -> Time.now () | Some x -> x in Node.RPC.preapply ~timestamp ~sort node b operations >>= function | Ok (fitness, operations) -> RPC.Answer.return (Ok { Services.Blocks.fitness ; operations ; timestamp }) | Error _ as err -> RPC.Answer.return err in RPC.register1 dir Services.Blocks.preapply implementation in dir let ops_dir _node = let ops_dir = RPC.empty in ops_dir let rec insert_future_block (bi: Services.Blocks.block_info) = function | [] -> [bi] | ({timestamp} as head: Services.Blocks.block_info) :: tail as all -> if Time.compare bi.timestamp timestamp < 0 then bi :: all else head :: insert_future_block bi tail let create_delayed_stream ~filtering ~include_ops requested_heads bi_stream delay = let stream, push = Lwt_stream.create () in let current_blocks = ref (List.fold_left (fun acc h -> Block_hash_set.add h acc) Block_hash_set.empty requested_heads) in let next_future_block, is_futur_block, insert_future_block, pop_future_block = let future_blocks = ref [] in (* FIXME *) let future_blocks_set = ref Block_hash_set.empty in let next () = match !future_blocks with | [] -> None | bi :: _ -> Some bi and mem hash = Block_hash_set.mem hash !future_blocks_set and insert bi = future_blocks := insert_future_block bi !future_blocks ; future_blocks_set := Block_hash_set.add bi.hash !future_blocks_set and pop time = match !future_blocks with | {timestamp} as bi :: rest when Time.(timestamp <= time) -> future_blocks := rest ; future_blocks_set := Block_hash_set.remove bi.hash !future_blocks_set ; Some bi | _ -> None in next, mem, insert, pop in let _block_watcher_worker = let never_ending = fst (Lwt.wait ()) in let rec worker_loop () = lwt_debug "WWW worker_loop" >>= fun () -> let time = Time.(add (now ()) (Int64.of_int ~-delay)) in let migration_delay = match next_future_block () with | None -> never_ending | Some bi -> let delay = Time.diff bi.timestamp time in if delay <= 0L then Lwt.return_unit else Lwt_unix.sleep (Int64.to_float delay) in Lwt.choose [(migration_delay >|= fun () -> `Migrate) ; (Lwt_stream.get bi_stream >|= fun x -> `Block x) ] >>= function | `Block None -> lwt_debug "WWW worker_loop None" >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | `Block (Some (bi : Services.Blocks.block_info)) -> lwt_debug "WWW worker_loop Some" >>= fun () -> begin if not filtering || Block_hash_set.mem bi.predecessor !current_blocks || is_futur_block bi.predecessor then begin let time = Time.(add (now ()) (Int64.of_int ~-delay)) in if Time.(time < bi.timestamp) then begin insert_future_block bi ; Lwt.return_unit end else begin current_blocks := Block_hash_set.remove bi.predecessor !current_blocks |> Block_hash_set.add bi.hash ; push (Some [[filter_bi include_ops bi]]) ; Lwt.return_unit end end else begin Lwt.return_unit end end >>= fun () -> worker_loop () | `Migrate -> lwt_debug "WWW worker_loop Migrate" >>= fun () -> let time = Time.(add (now ()) (Int64.of_int ~-delay)) in let rec migrate_future_blocks () = match pop_future_block time with | Some bi -> push (Some [[filter_bi include_ops bi]]) ; migrate_future_blocks () | None -> Lwt.return_unit in migrate_future_blocks () >>= fun () -> worker_loop () in Lwt_utils.worker "block_watcher" ~run:worker_loop ~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt.return_unit) in stream let list_blocks node { Services.Blocks.operations ; length ; heads ; monitor ; delay ; min_date; min_heads} = let include_ops = match operations with None -> false | Some x -> x in let len = match length with None -> 1 | Some x -> x in let monitor = match monitor with None -> false | Some x -> x in let time = match delay with | None -> None | Some delay -> Some (Time.(add (now ()) (Int64.of_int ~-delay))) in begin match heads with | None -> Node.RPC.heads node >>= fun heads -> let heads = List.map snd (Block_hash_map.bindings heads) in let heads = match min_date with | None -> heads | Some date -> let min_heads = match min_heads with | None -> 0 | Some min_heads -> min_heads in snd @@ List.fold_left (fun (min_heads, acc) (bi : Node.RPC.block_info) -> min_heads - 1, if Time.(>) bi.timestamp date || min_heads > 0 then bi :: acc else acc) (min_heads, []) heads in begin match time with | None -> Lwt.return heads | Some time -> let rec current_predecessor (bi: Node.RPC.block_info) = if Time.compare bi.timestamp time <= 0 || bi.hash = bi.predecessor then Lwt.return bi else Node.RPC.raw_block_info node bi.predecessor >>= current_predecessor in Lwt_list.map_p current_predecessor heads end >|= fun heads_info -> let sorted_infos = List.sort (fun (bi1: Services.Blocks.block_info) (bi2: Services.Blocks.block_info) -> ~- (Fitness.compare bi1.fitness bi2.fitness)) heads_info in List.map (fun ({ hash } : Services.Blocks.block_info) -> hash) sorted_infos | Some heads -> let known_block h = try ignore (Node.RPC.raw_block_info node h) ; true with Not_found -> false in Lwt.return (List.filter known_block heads) end >>= fun requested_heads -> Node.RPC.list node len requested_heads >>= fun requested_blocks -> if not monitor then let infos = List.map (List.map (filter_bi include_ops)) requested_blocks in RPC.Answer.return infos else begin Node.RPC.valid_block_watcher node >>= fun (bi_stream, stopper) -> let stream = match delay with | None -> Lwt_stream.map (fun bi -> [[filter_bi include_ops bi]]) bi_stream | Some delay -> let filtering = heads <> None in create_delayed_stream ~filtering ~include_ops requested_heads bi_stream delay in let shutdown () = Watcher.shutdown stopper in let first_request = ref true in let next () = if not !first_request then begin Lwt_stream.get stream end else begin first_request := false ; let infos = List.map (List.map (filter_bi include_ops)) requested_blocks in Lwt.return (Some infos) end in RPC.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } end let list_operations node {Services.Operations.monitor; contents} = let monitor = match monitor with None -> false | Some x -> x in let include_ops = match contents with None -> false | Some x -> x in Node.RPC.operations node `Prevalidation >>= fun operations -> Lwt_list.map_p (fun hash -> if include_ops then Node.RPC.operation_content node hash >>= function | None | Some { Time.data = Error _ } -> Lwt.return (hash, None) | Some { Time.data = Ok bytes }-> Lwt.return (hash, Some bytes) else Lwt.return (hash, None)) operations >>= fun operations -> if not monitor then RPC.Answer.return operations else let stream, stopper = Node.RPC.operation_watcher node in let shutdown () = Watcher.shutdown stopper in let first_request = ref true in let next () = if not !first_request then Lwt_stream.get stream >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some (h, op) when include_ops -> Lwt.return (Some [h, Some op]) | Some (h, _) -> Lwt.return (Some [h, None]) else begin first_request := false ; Lwt.return (Some operations) end in RPC.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } let get_operations node hash () = Node.RPC.operation_content node hash >>= function | Some bytes -> RPC.Answer.return bytes | None -> raise Not_found let list_protocols node {Services.Protocols.monitor; contents} = let monitor = match monitor with None -> false | Some x -> x in let include_contents = match contents with None -> false | Some x -> x in Node.RPC.protocols node >>= fun protocols -> Lwt_list.map_p (fun hash -> if include_contents then Node.RPC.protocol_content node hash >>= function | None | Some { Time.data = Error _ } -> Lwt.return (hash, None) | Some { Time.data = Ok bytes }-> Lwt.return (hash, Some bytes) else Lwt.return (hash, None)) protocols >>= fun protocols -> if not monitor then RPC.Answer.return protocols else let stream, stopper = Node.RPC.protocol_watcher node in let shutdown () = Watcher.shutdown stopper in let first_request = ref true in let next () = if not !first_request then Lwt_stream.get stream >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some (h, op) when include_contents -> Lwt.return (Some [h, Some op]) | Some (h, _) -> Lwt.return (Some [h, None]) else begin first_request := false ; Lwt.return (Some protocols) end in RPC.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } let get_protocols node hash () = Node.RPC.protocol_content node hash >>= function | Some bytes -> RPC.Answer.return bytes | None -> raise Not_found let build_rpc_directory node = let dir = RPC.empty in let dir = RPC.register0 dir Services.Blocks.list (list_blocks node) in let dir = register_bi_dir node dir in let dir = let implementation block = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Node.RPC.context_dir node block >>= function | None -> Lwt.fail Not_found | Some context_dir -> Lwt.return context_dir) (fun _ -> Lwt.return RPC.empty) in RPC.register_dynamic_directory1 ~descr: "All the RPCs which are specific to the protocol version." dir Services.Blocks.proto_path implementation in let dir = RPC.register0 dir Services.Operations.list (list_operations node) in let dir = RPC.register1 dir Services.Operations.bytes (get_operations node) in let dir = RPC.register0 dir Services.Protocols.list (list_protocols node) in let dir = RPC.register1 dir Services.Protocols.bytes (get_protocols node) in let dir = let implementation (net_id, pred, time, fitness, operations, header) = Node.RPC.block_info node (`Head 0) >>= fun bi -> let timestamp = Utils.unopt ~default:(Time.now ()) time in let net_id = Utils.unopt ~default:bi.net net_id in let predecessor = Utils.unopt ~default:bi.hash pred in let res = Store.Block.to_bytes { shell = { net_id ; predecessor ; timestamp ; fitness ; operations } ; proto = header ; } in RPC.Answer.return res in RPC.register0 dir Services.forge_block implementation in let dir = let implementation (net_id, block_hash) = Node.RPC.validate node net_id block_hash >>= fun res -> RPC.Answer.return res in RPC.register0 dir Services.validate_block implementation in let dir = let implementation (block, blocking, force) = Node.RPC.inject_block node ?force block >>= fun (hash, wait) -> begin (if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash end >>= RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register0 dir Services.inject_block implementation in let dir = let implementation (contents, blocking, force) = Node.RPC.inject_operation node ?force contents >>= fun (hash, wait) -> begin (if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash end >>= RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register0 dir Services.inject_operation implementation in let dir = let implementation (proto, blocking, force) = Node.RPC.inject_protocol ?force node proto >>= fun (hash, wait) -> begin (if blocking then wait else return ()) >>=? fun () -> return hash end >>= RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register0 dir Services.inject_protocol implementation in let dir = let implementation () = RPC.Answer.return Data_encoding.Json.(schema (Error_monad.error_encoding ())) in RPC.register0 dir Services.Error.service implementation in let dir = RPC.register1 dir Services.complete (fun s () -> Node.RPC.complete node s >>= RPC.Answer.return) in let dir = RPC.register2 dir Services.Blocks.complete (fun block s () -> Node.RPC.complete node ~block s >>= RPC.Answer.return) in (* Network : Global *) let dir = let implementation () = Node.RPC.Network.stat node |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register0 dir Services.Network.stat implementation in let dir = let implementation () = let stream, stopper = Node.RPC.Network.watch node in let shutdown () = Watcher.shutdown stopper in let next () = Lwt_stream.get stream in RPC.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } in RPC.register0 dir Services.Network.events implementation in let dir = let implementation point timeout = Node.RPC.Network.connect node point timeout >>= RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Network.connect implementation in (* Network : Connection *) let dir = let implementation gid () = Node.RPC.Network.Connection.info node gid |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Network.Connection.info implementation in let dir = let implementation gid wait = Node.RPC.Network.Connection.kick node gid wait >>= RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Network.Connection.kick implementation in let dir = let implementation () = Node.RPC.Network.Connection.list node |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register0 dir Services.Network.Connection.list implementation in (* Network : Gid *) let dir = let implementation state = Node.RPC.Network.Gid.infos node state |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register0 dir Services.Network.Gid.infos implementation in let dir = let implementation gid () = Node.RPC.Network.Gid.info node gid |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Network.Gid.info implementation in let dir = let implementation gid monitor = if monitor then let stream, stopper = Node.RPC.Network.Gid.watch node gid in let shutdown () = Watcher.shutdown stopper in let first_request = ref true in let next () = if not !first_request then begin Lwt_stream.get stream >|= map_option ~f:(fun i -> [i]) end else begin first_request := false ; Lwt.return_some @@ Node.RPC.Network.Gid.events node gid end in RPC.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } else Node.RPC.Network.Gid.events node gid |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Network.Gid.events implementation in (* Network : Point *) let dir = let implementation state = Node.RPC.Network.Point.infos node state |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register0 dir Services.Network.Point.infos implementation in let dir = let implementation point () = Node.RPC.Network.Point.info node point |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Network.Point.info implementation in let dir = let implementation point monitor = if monitor then let stream, stopper = Node.RPC.Network.Point.watch node point in let shutdown () = Watcher.shutdown stopper in let first_request = ref true in let next () = if not !first_request then begin Lwt_stream.get stream >|= map_option ~f:(fun i -> [i]) end else begin first_request := false ; Lwt.return_some @@ Node.RPC.Network.Point.events node point end in RPC.Answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } else Node.RPC.Network.Point.events node point |> RPC.Answer.return in RPC.register1 dir Services.Network.Point.events implementation in let dir = RPC.register_describe_directory_service dir Services.describe in dir