(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context open Clic type error += Bad_tez_arg of string * string (* Arg_name * value *) type error += Bad_max_priority of string type error += Bad_endorsement_delay of string let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"badTezArg" ~title:"Bad Tez Arg" ~description:("Invalid \xEA\x9C\xA9 notation in parameter.") ~pp:(fun ppf (arg_name, literal) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid \xEA\x9C\xA9 notation in parameter %s: '%s'" arg_name literal) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "parameter" string) (req "literal" string)) (function Bad_tez_arg (parameter, literal) -> Some (parameter, literal) | _ -> None) (fun (parameter, literal) -> Bad_tez_arg (parameter, literal)) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"badMaxPriorityArg" ~title:"Bad -max-priority arg" ~description:("invalid priority in -max-priority") ~pp:(fun ppf literal -> Format.fprintf ppf "invalid priority '%s'in -max-priority" literal) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "parameter" string)) (function Bad_max_priority parameter -> Some parameter | _ -> None) (fun parameter -> Bad_max_priority parameter) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"badEndorsementDelayArg" ~title:"Bad -endorsement-delay arg" ~description:("invalid priority in -endorsement-delay") ~pp:(fun ppf literal -> Format.fprintf ppf "Bad argument value for -endorsement-delay. Expected an integer, but given '%s'" literal) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "parameter" string)) (function Bad_endorsement_delay parameter -> Some parameter | _ -> None) (fun parameter -> Bad_endorsement_delay parameter) let tez_sym = "\xEA\x9C\xA9" let string_parameter = parameter (fun _ x -> return x) let init_arg = default_arg ~long:"init" ~placeholder:"data" ~doc:"initial value of the contract's storage" ~default:"Unit" string_parameter let arg_arg = default_arg ~long:"arg" ~placeholder:"data" ~doc:"argument passed to the contract's script, if needed" ~default:"Unit" string_parameter let delegate_arg = Client_keys.Public_key_hash.source_arg ~long:"delegate" ~placeholder:"address" ~doc:"delegate of the contract\n\ Must be a known address." () let source_arg = arg ~long:"source" ~placeholder:"address" ~doc:"source of the deposits to be paid\n\ Must be a known address." string_parameter let spendable_switch = switch ~long:"spendable" ~doc:"allow the manager to spend the contract's tokens" () let force_switch = switch ~long:"force" ~short:'f' ~doc:"disables the node's injection checks\n\ Force the injection of branch-invalid operation or force \ \ the injection of block without a fitness greater than the \ \ current head." () let minimal_timestamp_switch = switch ~long:"minimal-timestamp" ~doc:"Use the minimal timestamp instead of the current date \ as timestamp of the baked block." () let delegatable_switch = switch ~long:"delegatable" ~doc:"allow future delegate change" () let tez_format = "Text format: `DDDDDDD.DDDDDD`.\n\ Tez and mutez and separated by a period sign. Trailing and pending \ zeroes are allowed." let tez_parameter param = parameter (fun _ s -> match Tez.of_string s with | Some tez -> return tez | None -> fail (Bad_tez_arg (param, s))) let tez_arg ~default ~parameter ~doc = default_arg ~long:parameter ~placeholder:"amount" ~doc ~default (tez_parameter ("--" ^ parameter)) let tez_param ~name ~desc next = Clic.param ~name ~desc:(desc ^ " in \xEA\x9C\xA9\n" ^ tez_format) (tez_parameter name) next let fee_arg = tez_arg ~default:"0.05" ~parameter:"fee" ~doc:"fee in \xEA\x9C\xA9 to pay to the baker" let gas_limit_arg = arg ~long:"gas-limit" ~short:'G' ~placeholder:"amount" ~doc:"Set the gas limit of the transaction instead \ of letting the client decide based on a simulation" (parameter (fun _ s -> try let v = Z.of_string s in assert Compare.Z.(v >= Z.zero) ; return v with _ -> failwith "invalid gas limit (must be a positive number)")) let storage_limit_arg = arg ~long:"storage-limit" ~short:'S' ~placeholder:"amount" ~doc:"Set the storage limit of the transaction instead \ of letting the client decide based on a simulation" (parameter (fun _ s -> try let v = Z.of_string s in assert Compare.Z.(v >= Z.zero) ; return v with _ -> failwith "invalid storage limit (must be a positive number of bytes)")) let max_priority_arg = arg ~long:"max-priority" ~placeholder:"slot" ~doc:"maximum allowed baking slot" (parameter (fun _ s -> try return (int_of_string s) with _ -> fail (Bad_max_priority s))) let endorsement_delay_arg = default_arg ~long:"endorsement-delay" ~placeholder:"seconds" ~doc:"delay before endorsing blocks\n\ Delay between notifications of new blocks from the node and \ production of endorsements for these blocks." ~default:"15" (parameter (fun _ s -> try return (int_of_string s) with _ -> fail (Bad_endorsement_delay s))) let no_print_source_flag = switch ~long:"no-print-source" ~short:'q' ~doc:"don't print the source code\n\ If an error is encountered, the client will print the \ contract's source code by default.\n\ This option disables this behaviour." () let no_confirmation = switch ~long:"no-confirmation" ~doc:"don't print wait for the operation to be confirmed." () module Daemon = struct let baking_switch = switch ~long:"baking" ~short:'B' ~doc:"run the baking daemon" () let endorsement_switch = switch ~long:"endorsement" ~short:'E' ~doc:"run the endorsement daemon" () let denunciation_switch = switch ~long:"denunciation" ~short:'D' ~doc:"run the denunciation daemon" () end