(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type block_error = | Cannot_parse_operation of Operation_hash.t | Invalid_fitness of { expected: Fitness.t ; found: Fitness.t } | Non_increasing_timestamp | Non_increasing_fitness | Invalid_level of { expected: Int32.t ; found: Int32.t } | Invalid_proto_level of { expected: int ; found: int } | Replayed_operation of Operation_hash.t | Outdated_operation of { operation: Operation_hash.t; originating_block: Block_hash.t } | Expired_network of { net_id: Net_id.t ; expiration: Time.t ; timestamp: Time.t ; } | Unexpected_number_of_validation_passes of int (* uint8 *) | Too_many_operations of { pass: int; found: int; max: int } | Oversized_operation of { operation: Operation_hash.t; size: int; max: int } | Unallowed_pass of { operation: Operation_hash.t ; pass: int ; allowed_pass: int list } let block_error_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (Tag 0) (obj2 (req "error" (constant "cannot_parse_operation")) (req "operation" Operation_hash.encoding)) (function Cannot_parse_operation operation -> Some ((), operation) | _ -> None) (fun ((), operation) -> Cannot_parse_operation operation) ; case (Tag 1) (obj3 (req "error" (constant "invalid_fitness")) (req "expected" Fitness.encoding) (req "found" Fitness.encoding)) (function | Invalid_fitness { expected ; found } -> Some ((), expected, found) | _ -> None) (fun ((), expected, found) -> Invalid_fitness { expected ; found }) ; case (Tag 2) (obj1 (req "error" (constant "non_increasing_timestamp"))) (function Non_increasing_timestamp -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Non_increasing_timestamp) ; case (Tag 3) (obj1 (req "error" (constant "non_increasing_fitness"))) (function Non_increasing_fitness -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Non_increasing_fitness) ; case (Tag 4) (obj3 (req "error" (constant "invalid_level")) (req "expected" int32) (req "found" int32)) (function | Invalid_level { expected ; found } -> Some ((), expected, found) | _ -> None) (fun ((), expected, found) -> Invalid_level { expected ; found }) ; case (Tag 5) (obj3 (req "error" (constant "invalid_proto_level")) (req "expected" uint8) (req "found" uint8)) (function | Invalid_proto_level { expected ; found } -> Some ((), expected, found) | _ -> None) (fun ((), expected, found) -> Invalid_proto_level { expected ; found }) ; case (Tag 6) (obj2 (req "error" (constant "replayed_operation")) (req "operation" Operation_hash.encoding)) (function Replayed_operation operation -> Some ((), operation) | _ -> None) (fun ((), operation) -> Replayed_operation operation) ; case (Tag 7) (obj3 (req "error" (constant "outdated_operation")) (req "operation" Operation_hash.encoding) (req "originating_block" Block_hash.encoding)) (function | Outdated_operation { operation ; originating_block } -> Some ((), operation, originating_block) | _ -> None) (fun ((), operation, originating_block) -> Outdated_operation { operation ; originating_block }) ; case (Tag 8) (obj2 (req "error" (constant "unexpected_number_of_passes")) (req "found" uint8)) (function | Unexpected_number_of_validation_passes n -> Some ((), n) | _ -> None) (fun ((), n) -> Unexpected_number_of_validation_passes n) ; case (Tag 9) (obj4 (req "error" (constant "too_many_operations")) (req "validation_pass" uint8) (req "found" uint16) (req "max" uint16)) (function | Too_many_operations { pass ; found ; max } -> Some ((), pass, found, max) | _ -> None) (fun ((), pass, found, max) -> Too_many_operations { pass ; found ; max }) ; case (Tag 10) (obj4 (req "error" (constant "oversized_operation")) (req "operation" Operation_hash.encoding) (req "found" int31) (req "max" int31)) (function | Oversized_operation { operation ; size ; max } -> Some ((), operation, size, max) | _ -> None) (fun ((), operation, size, max) -> Oversized_operation { operation ; size ; max }) ; case (Tag 11) (obj4 (req "error" (constant "invalid_pass")) (req "operation" Operation_hash.encoding) (req "pass" uint8) (req "allowed_pass" (list uint8))) (function | Unallowed_pass { operation ; pass ; allowed_pass } -> Some ((), operation, pass, allowed_pass) | _ -> None) (fun ((), operation, pass, allowed_pass) -> Unallowed_pass { operation ; pass ; allowed_pass }) ; ] let pp_block_error ppf = function | Cannot_parse_operation oph -> Format.fprintf ppf "Failed to parse the operation %a." Operation_hash.pp_short oph | Invalid_fitness { expected ; found } -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[Invalid fitness:@ \ \ expected %a@ \ \ found %a@]" Fitness.pp expected Fitness.pp found | Non_increasing_timestamp -> Format.fprintf ppf "Non increasing timestamp" | Non_increasing_fitness -> Format.fprintf ppf "Non increasing fitness" | Invalid_level { expected ; found } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid level:@ \ \ expected %ld@ \ \ found %ld" expected found | Invalid_proto_level { expected ; found } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid protocol level:@ \ \ expected %d@ \ \ found %d" expected found | Replayed_operation oph -> Format.fprintf ppf "The operation %a was previously included in the chain." Operation_hash.pp_short oph | Outdated_operation { operation ; originating_block } -> Format.fprintf ppf "The operation %a is outdated (originated in block: %a)" Operation_hash.pp_short operation Block_hash.pp_short originating_block | Expired_network { net_id ; expiration ; timestamp } -> Format.fprintf ppf "The block timestamp (%a) is later than \ its network expiration date: %a (net: %a)." Time.pp_hum timestamp Time.pp_hum expiration Net_id.pp_short net_id | Unexpected_number_of_validation_passes n -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid number of validation passes (found: %d)" n | Too_many_operations { pass ; found ; max } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Too many operations in validation pass %d (found: %d, max: %d)" pass found max | Oversized_operation { operation ; size ; max } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Oversized operation %a (size: %d, max: %d)" Operation_hash.pp_short operation size max | Unallowed_pass { operation ; pass ; allowed_pass } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Operation %a included in validation pass %d, \ \ while only the following passes are allowed: @[%a@]" Operation_hash.pp_short operation pass Format.(pp_print_list pp_print_int) allowed_pass type error += | Invalid_block of { block: Block_hash.t ; error: block_error } | Unavailable_protocol of { block: Block_hash.t ; protocol: Protocol_hash.t } | Inconsistent_operations_hash of { block: Block_hash.t ; expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ; found: Operation_list_list_hash.t } let () = Error_monad.register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"validator.invalid_block" ~title:"Invalid block" ~description:"Invalid block." ~pp:begin fun ppf (block, error) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[Invalid block %a@ %a@]" Block_hash.pp_short block pp_block_error error end Data_encoding.(merge_objs (obj1 (req "invalid_block" Block_hash.encoding)) block_error_encoding) (function Invalid_block { block ; error } -> Some (block, error) | _ -> None) (fun (block, error) -> Invalid_block { block ; error }) ; Error_monad.register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"validator.unavailable_protocol" ~title:"Missing protocol" ~description:"The protocol required for validating a block is missing." ~pp:begin fun ppf (block, protocol) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Missing protocol (%a) when validating the block %a." Protocol_hash.pp_short protocol Block_hash.pp_short block end Data_encoding.( obj2 (req "block" Block_hash.encoding) (req "missing_protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding)) (function | Unavailable_protocol { block ; protocol } -> Some (block, protocol) | _ -> None) (fun (block, protocol) -> Unavailable_protocol { block ; protocol }) ; Error_monad.register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"validator.inconsistent_operations_hash" ~title:"Invalid merkle tree" ~description:"The provided list of operations is inconsistent with \ the block header." ~pp:begin fun ppf (block, expected, found) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[The provided list of operations for block %a \ \ is inconsistent with the block header@ \ \ expected: %a@ \ \ found: %a@]" Block_hash.pp_short block Operation_list_list_hash.pp_short expected Operation_list_list_hash.pp_short found end Data_encoding.( obj3 (req "block" Block_hash.encoding) (req "expected" Operation_list_list_hash.encoding) (req "found" Operation_list_list_hash.encoding)) (function | Inconsistent_operations_hash { block ; expected ; found } -> Some (block, expected, found) | _ -> None) (fun (block, expected, found) -> Inconsistent_operations_hash { block ; expected ; found })