(*                                                                           *)
(* Open Source License                                                       *)
(* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com>     *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a   *)
(* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*)
(* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *)
(* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,  *)
(* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the     *)
(* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:      *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included   *)
(* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                    *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                                                 *)
(*                                                                           *)

open Alpha_context
open Gas

module Cost_of = struct
  let log2 =
    let rec help acc = function 0 -> acc | n -> help (acc + 1) (n / 2) in
    help 1

  let z_bytes (z : Z.t) =
    let bits = Z.numbits z in
    (7 + bits) / 8

  let int_bytes (z : 'a Script_int.num) = z_bytes (Script_int.to_zint z)

  let timestamp_bytes (t : Script_timestamp.t) =
    let z = Script_timestamp.to_zint t in
    z_bytes z

  (* For now, returns size in bytes, but this could get more complicated... *)
  let rec size_of_comparable :
      type a b. (a, b) Script_typed_ir.comparable_struct -> a -> int =
   fun wit v ->
    match wit with
    | Int_key _ ->
        int_bytes v
    | Nat_key _ ->
        int_bytes v
    | String_key _ ->
        String.length v
    | Bytes_key _ ->
        MBytes.length v
    | Bool_key _ ->
    | Key_hash_key _ ->
    | Timestamp_key _ ->
        timestamp_bytes v
    | Address_key _ ->
    | Mutez_key _ ->
    | Pair_key ((l, _), (r, _), _) ->
        let (lval, rval) = v in
        size_of_comparable l lval + size_of_comparable r rval

  let string length = alloc_bytes_cost length

  let bytes length = alloc_mbytes_cost length

  let manager_operation = step_cost 10_000

  module Legacy = struct
    let zint z = alloc_bits_cost (Z.numbits z)

    let set_to_list : type item. item Script_typed_ir.set -> cost =
     fun (module Box) -> alloc_cost @@ Pervasives.(Box.size * 2)

    let map_to_list : type key value. (key, value) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
     fun (module Box) ->
      let size = snd Box.boxed in
      3 *@ alloc_cost size

    let z_to_int64 = step_cost 2 +@ alloc_cost 1

    let hash data len = (10 *@ step_cost (MBytes.length data)) +@ bytes len

    let set_access : type elt. elt -> elt Script_typed_ir.set -> int =
     fun _key (module Box) -> log2 @@ Box.size

    let set_update key _presence set = set_access key set *@ alloc_cost 3

  module Interpreter = struct
    let cycle = atomic_step_cost 10

    let nop = free

    let stack_op = atomic_step_cost 10

    let push = atomic_step_cost 10

    let wrap = atomic_step_cost 10

    let variant_no_data = atomic_step_cost 10

    let branch = atomic_step_cost 10

    let pair = atomic_step_cost 10

    let pair_access = atomic_step_cost 10

    let cons = atomic_step_cost 10

    let loop_size = atomic_step_cost 5

    let loop_cycle = atomic_step_cost 10

    let loop_iter = atomic_step_cost 20

    let loop_map = atomic_step_cost 30

    let empty_set = atomic_step_cost 10

    let set_to_list : type elt. elt Script_typed_ir.set -> cost =
     fun (module Box) -> atomic_step_cost (Box.size * 20)

    let set_mem : type elt. elt -> elt Script_typed_ir.set -> cost =
     fun elt (module Box) ->
      let elt_bytes = size_of_comparable Box.elt_ty elt in
      atomic_step_cost ((1 + (elt_bytes / 82)) * log2 Box.size)

    let set_update : type elt. elt -> bool -> elt Script_typed_ir.set -> cost =
     fun elt _ (module Box) ->
      let elt_bytes = size_of_comparable Box.elt_ty elt in
      atomic_step_cost ((1 + (elt_bytes / 82)) * log2 Box.size)

    let set_size = atomic_step_cost 10

    let empty_map = atomic_step_cost 10

    let map_to_list : type key value. (key, value) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost
     fun (module Box) ->
      let size = snd Box.boxed in
      atomic_step_cost (size * 20)

    let map_access :
        type key value. key -> (key, value) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost =
     fun key (module Box) ->
      let map_card = snd Box.boxed in
      let key_bytes = size_of_comparable Box.key_ty key in
      atomic_step_cost ((1 + (key_bytes / 70)) * log2 map_card)

    let map_mem = map_access

    let map_get = map_access

    let map_update :
        type key value.
        key -> value option -> (key, value) Script_typed_ir.map -> cost =
     fun key _value (module Box) ->
      let map_card = snd Box.boxed in
      let key_bytes = size_of_comparable Box.key_ty key in
      atomic_step_cost ((1 + (key_bytes / 38)) * log2 map_card)

    let map_size = atomic_step_cost 10

    let add_timestamp (t1 : Script_timestamp.t) (t2 : 'a Script_int.num) =
      let bytes1 = timestamp_bytes t1 in
      let bytes2 = int_bytes t2 in
      atomic_step_cost (51 + (Compare.Int.max bytes1 bytes2 / 62))

    let sub_timestamp = add_timestamp

    let diff_timestamps (t1 : Script_timestamp.t) (t2 : Script_timestamp.t) =
      let bytes1 = timestamp_bytes t1 in
      let bytes2 = timestamp_bytes t2 in
      atomic_step_cost (51 + (Compare.Int.max bytes1 bytes2 / 62))

    let rec concat_loop l acc =
      match l with [] -> 30 | _ :: tl -> concat_loop tl (acc + 30)

    let concat_string string_list =
      atomic_step_cost (concat_loop string_list 0)

    let slice_string string_length =
      atomic_step_cost (40 + (string_length / 70))

    let concat_bytes bytes_list = atomic_step_cost (concat_loop bytes_list 0)

    let int64_op = atomic_step_cost 61

    let z_to_int64 = atomic_step_cost 20

    let int64_to_z = atomic_step_cost 20

    let bool_binop _ _ = atomic_step_cost 10

    let bool_unop _ = atomic_step_cost 10

    let abs int = atomic_step_cost (61 + (int_bytes int / 70))

    let int _int = free

    let neg = abs

    let add i1 i2 =
        (51 + (Compare.Int.max (int_bytes i1) (int_bytes i2) / 62))

    let sub = add

    let mul i1 i2 =
      let bytes = Compare.Int.max (int_bytes i1) (int_bytes i2) in
      atomic_step_cost (51 + (bytes / 6 * log2 bytes))

    let indic_lt x y = if Compare.Int.(x < y) then 1 else 0

    let div i1 i2 =
      let bytes1 = int_bytes i1 in
      let bytes2 = int_bytes i2 in
      let cost = indic_lt bytes2 bytes1 * (bytes1 - bytes2) * bytes2 in
      atomic_step_cost (51 + (cost / 3151))

    let shift_left _i _shift_bits = atomic_step_cost 30

    let shift_right _i _shift_bits = atomic_step_cost 30

    let logor i1 i2 =
      let bytes1 = int_bytes i1 in
      let bytes2 = int_bytes i2 in
      atomic_step_cost (51 + (Compare.Int.max bytes1 bytes2 / 70))

    let logand i1 i2 =
      let bytes1 = int_bytes i1 in
      let bytes2 = int_bytes i2 in
      atomic_step_cost (51 + (Compare.Int.min bytes1 bytes2 / 70))

    let logxor = logor

    let lognot i = atomic_step_cost (51 + (int_bytes i / 20))

    let exec = atomic_step_cost 10

    let compare_bool _ _ = atomic_step_cost 30

    let compare_string s1 s2 =
      let bytes1 = String.length s1 in
      let bytes2 = String.length s2 in
      atomic_step_cost (30 + (Compare.Int.min bytes1 bytes2 / 123))

    let compare_bytes b1 b2 =
      let bytes1 = MBytes.length b1 in
      let bytes2 = MBytes.length b2 in
      atomic_step_cost (30 + (Compare.Int.min bytes1 bytes2 / 123))

    let compare_tez _ _ = atomic_step_cost 30

    let compare_zint i1 i2 =
        (51 + (Compare.Int.min (int_bytes i1) (int_bytes i2) / 82))

    let compare_key_hash _ _ = atomic_step_cost 92

    let compare_timestamp t1 t2 =
      let bytes1 = timestamp_bytes t1 in
      let bytes2 = timestamp_bytes t2 in
      atomic_step_cost (51 + (Compare.Int.min bytes1 bytes2 / 82))

    let compare_address _ _ = atomic_step_cost 92

    let compare_res = atomic_step_cost 30

    let unpack_failed bytes =
      (* We cannot instrument failed deserialization,
         so we take worst case fees: a set of size 1 bytes values. *)
      let len = MBytes.length bytes in
      (len *@ alloc_mbytes_cost 1)
      +@ (len *@ (log2 len *@ (alloc_cost 3 +@ step_cost 1)))

    let address = atomic_step_cost 10

    let contract = step_cost 10000

    let transfer = step_cost 10

    let create_account = step_cost 10

    let create_contract = step_cost 10

    let implicit_account = step_cost 10

    let set_delegate = step_cost 10 +@ write_bytes_cost (Z.of_int 32)

    let balance = atomic_step_cost 10

    let now = atomic_step_cost 10

    let check_signature_secp256k1 bytes = atomic_step_cost (10342 + (bytes / 5))

    let check_signature_ed25519 bytes = atomic_step_cost (36864 + (bytes / 5))

    let check_signature_p256 bytes = atomic_step_cost (36864 + (bytes / 5))

    let check_signature (pkey : Signature.public_key) bytes =
      match pkey with
      | Ed25519 _ ->
          check_signature_ed25519 (MBytes.length bytes)
      | Secp256k1 _ ->
          check_signature_secp256k1 (MBytes.length bytes)
      | P256 _ ->
          check_signature_p256 (MBytes.length bytes)

    let hash_key = atomic_step_cost 30

    let hash_blake2b b = atomic_step_cost (102 + (MBytes.length b / 5))

    let hash_sha256 b = atomic_step_cost (409 + MBytes.length b)

    let hash_sha512 b =
      let bytes = MBytes.length b in
      atomic_step_cost (409 + ((bytes lsr 1) + (bytes lsr 4)))

    let steps_to_quota = atomic_step_cost 10

    let source = atomic_step_cost 10

    let self = atomic_step_cost 10

    let amount = atomic_step_cost 10

    let chain_id = step_cost 1

    let stack_n_op n =
      atomic_step_cost (20 + ((n lsr 1) + (n lsr 2) + (n lsr 4)))

    let apply = alloc_cost 8 +@ step_cost 1

    let rec compare :
        type a s. (a, s) Script_typed_ir.comparable_struct -> a -> a -> cost =
     fun ty x y ->
      match ty with
      | Bool_key _ ->
          compare_bool x y
      | String_key _ ->
          compare_string x y
      | Bytes_key _ ->
          compare_bytes x y
      | Mutez_key _ ->
          compare_tez x y
      | Int_key _ ->
          compare_zint x y
      | Nat_key _ ->
          compare_zint x y
      | Key_hash_key _ ->
          compare_key_hash x y
      | Timestamp_key _ ->
          compare_timestamp x y
      | Address_key _ ->
          compare_address x y
      | Pair_key ((tl, _), (tr, _), _) ->
          (* Reasonable over-approximation of the cost of lexicographic comparison. *)
          let (xl, xr) = x and (yl, yr) = y in
          compare tl xl yl +@ compare tr xr yr

  module Typechecking = struct
    let cycle = step_cost 1

    let bool = free

    let unit = free

    let string = string

    let bytes = bytes

    let z = Legacy.zint

    let int_of_string str =
      alloc_cost @@ Pervasives.( / ) (String.length str) 5

    let tez = step_cost 1 +@ alloc_cost 1

    let string_timestamp = step_cost 3 +@ alloc_cost 3

    let key = step_cost 3 +@ alloc_cost 3

    let key_hash = step_cost 1 +@ alloc_cost 1

    let signature = step_cost 1 +@ alloc_cost 1

    let chain_id = step_cost 1 +@ alloc_cost 1

    let contract = step_cost 5

    let get_script = step_cost 20 +@ alloc_cost 5

    let contract_exists = step_cost 15 +@ alloc_cost 5

    let pair = alloc_cost 2

    let union = alloc_cost 1

    let lambda = alloc_cost 5 +@ step_cost 3

    let some = alloc_cost 1

    let none = alloc_cost 0

    let list_element = alloc_cost 2 +@ step_cost 1

    let set_element size = log2 size *@ (alloc_cost 3 +@ step_cost 2)

    let map_element size = log2 size *@ (alloc_cost 4 +@ step_cost 2)

    let primitive_type = alloc_cost 1

    let one_arg_type = alloc_cost 2

    let two_arg_type = alloc_cost 3

    let operation b = bytes b

    let type_ nb_args = alloc_cost (nb_args + 1)

    (* Cost of parsing instruction, is cost of allocation of
       constructor + cost of contructor parameters + cost of
       allocation on the stack type *)
    let instr : type b a. (b, a) Script_typed_ir.instr -> cost =
     fun i ->
      let open Script_typed_ir in
      alloc_cost 1
      (* cost of allocation of constructor *)
      match i with
      | Drop ->
          alloc_cost 0
      | Dup ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Swap ->
          alloc_cost 0
      | Const _ ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Cons_pair ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Car ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Cdr ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Cons_some ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Cons_none _ ->
          alloc_cost 3
      | If_none _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Left ->
          alloc_cost 3
      | Right ->
          alloc_cost 3
      | If_left _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Cons_list ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Nil ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | If_cons _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | List_map _ ->
          alloc_cost 5
      | List_iter _ ->
          alloc_cost 4
      | List_size ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Empty_set _ ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Set_iter _ ->
          alloc_cost 4
      | Set_mem ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Set_update ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Set_size ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Empty_map _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Map_map _ ->
          alloc_cost 5
      | Map_iter _ ->
          alloc_cost 4
      | Map_mem ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Map_get ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Map_update ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Map_size ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Empty_big_map _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Big_map_mem ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Big_map_get ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Big_map_update ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Concat_string ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Concat_string_pair ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Concat_bytes ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Concat_bytes_pair ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Slice_string ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Slice_bytes ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | String_size ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Bytes_size ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Add_seconds_to_timestamp ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Add_timestamp_to_seconds ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Sub_timestamp_seconds ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Diff_timestamps ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Add_tez ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Sub_tez ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Mul_teznat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Mul_nattez ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Ediv_teznat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Ediv_tez ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Or ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | And ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Xor ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Not ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Is_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Neg_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Neg_int ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Abs_int ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Int_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Add_intint ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Add_intnat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Add_natint ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Add_natnat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Sub_int ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Mul_intint ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Mul_intnat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Mul_natint ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Mul_natnat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Ediv_intint ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Ediv_intnat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Ediv_natint ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Ediv_natnat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Lsl_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Lsr_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Or_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | And_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | And_int_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Xor_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Not_nat ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Not_int ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Seq _ ->
          alloc_cost 8
      | If _ ->
          alloc_cost 8
      | Loop _ ->
          alloc_cost 4
      | Loop_left _ ->
          alloc_cost 5
      | Dip _ ->
          alloc_cost 4
      | Exec ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Apply _ ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Lambda _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Failwith _ ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Nop ->
          alloc_cost 0
      | Compare _ ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Eq ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Neq ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Lt ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Gt ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Le ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Ge ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Address ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Contract _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Transfer_tokens ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Create_account ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Implicit_account ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Create_contract _ ->
          alloc_cost 8
      (* Deducted the cost of removed arguments manager, spendable and delegatable:
           - manager: key_hash = 1
           - spendable: bool = 0
           - delegatable: bool = 0
      | Create_contract_2 _ ->
          alloc_cost 7
      | Set_delegate ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Now ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Balance ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Check_signature ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Hash_key ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Pack _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Unpack _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Blake2b ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Sha256 ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Sha512 ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Steps_to_quota ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Source ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Sender ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Self _ ->
          alloc_cost 2
      | Amount ->
          alloc_cost 1
      | Dig (n, _) ->
          n *@ alloc_cost 1 (* _ is a unary development of n *)
      | Dug (n, _) ->
          n *@ alloc_cost 1
      | Dipn (n, _, _) ->
          n *@ alloc_cost 1
      | Dropn (n, _) ->
          n *@ alloc_cost 1
      | ChainId ->
          alloc_cost 1

  module Unparse = struct
    let prim_cost l annot = Script.prim_node_cost_nonrec_of_length l annot

    let seq_cost = Script.seq_node_cost_nonrec_of_length

    let string_cost length = Script.string_node_cost_of_length length

    let cycle = step_cost 1

    let bool = prim_cost 0 []

    let unit = prim_cost 0 []

    (* We count the length of strings and bytes to prevent hidden
       miscalculations due to non detectable expansion of sharing. *)
    let string s = Script.string_node_cost s

    let bytes s = Script.bytes_node_cost s

    let z i = Script.int_node_cost i

    let int i = Script.int_node_cost (Script_int.to_zint i)

    let tez = Script.int_node_cost_of_numbits 60 (* int64 bound *)

    let timestamp x = Script_timestamp.to_zint x |> Script_int.of_zint |> int

    let operation bytes = Script.bytes_node_cost bytes

    let chain_id bytes = Script.bytes_node_cost bytes

    let key = string_cost 54

    let key_hash = string_cost 36

    let signature = string_cost 128

    let contract = string_cost 36

    let pair = prim_cost 2 []

    let union = prim_cost 1 []

    let some = prim_cost 1 []

    let none = prim_cost 0 []

    let list_element = alloc_cost 2

    let set_element = alloc_cost 2

    let map_element = alloc_cost 2

    let one_arg_type = prim_cost 1

    let two_arg_type = prim_cost 2

    let set_to_list = Legacy.set_to_list

    let map_to_list = Legacy.map_to_list