(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Client_keys let scheme = "https" let title = "Built-in tezos-signer using remote signer through hardcoded https requests." let description = "Valid locators are of this form:\n\ \ - https://host/tz1...\n\ \ - https://host:port/path/to/service/tz1...\n" let parse uri = (* extract `tz1..` from the last component of the path *) assert (Uri.scheme uri = Some scheme) ; let path = Uri.path uri in begin match String.rindex_opt path '/' with | None -> failwith "Invalid locator %a" Uri.pp_hum uri | Some i -> let pkh = String.sub path (i + 1) (String.length path - i - 1) in let path = String.sub path 0 i in return (Uri.with_path uri path, pkh) end >>=? fun (base, pkh) -> Lwt.return (Signature.Public_key_hash.of_b58check pkh) >>=? fun pkh -> return (base, pkh) let public_key uri = parse (uri : pk_uri :> Uri.t) >>=? fun (base, pkh) -> RPC_client.call_service Media_type.all_media_types ~base Signer_services.public_key ((), pkh) () () let neuterize uri = return (Client_keys.make_pk_uri (uri : sk_uri :> Uri.t)) let public_key_hash uri = public_key uri >>=? fun pk -> return (Signature.Public_key.hash pk) let sign ?watermark uri msg = parse (uri : sk_uri :> Uri.t) >>=? fun (base, pkh) -> let msg = match watermark with | None -> msg | Some watermark -> MBytes.concat "" [ Signature.bytes_of_watermark watermark ; msg ] in RPC_client.call_service Media_type.all_media_types ~base Signer_services.sign ((), pkh) () msg let make_base host port = Uri.make ~scheme ~host ~port ()