module J = Yojson.Basic module JSON_string_utils = struct let member = J.Util.member let string = J.Util.to_string_option let int = J.Util.to_int_option let swap f l r = f r l let unit x = Some x let bind f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x) let bind2 f = fun l r -> match l, r with None, None -> None | None, Some _ -> None | Some _, None -> None | Some l, Some r -> Some (f l r) let default d = function Some x -> x | None -> d let string_of_int = bind string_of_int let (||) l r = l |> default r let (|^) = bind2 (^) end type 'a thunk = unit -> 'a (** Errors are encoded in JSON. This is because different libraries will implement their own helpers, and we don't want to hardcode in their type how they are supposed to interact. *) type error = J.t (** Thunks are used because computing some errors can be costly, and we don't to spend most of our time building errors. Instead, their computation is deferred. *) type error_thunk = error thunk (** Annotations should be used in debug mode to aggregate information about some value history. Where it was produced, when it was modified, etc. It's currently not being used. *) type annotation = J.t (** Even in debug mode, building annotations can be quite resource-intensive. Instead, a thunk is passed, that is computed only when debug information is queried (typically before a print). *) type annotation_thunk = annotation thunk (** Types of traced elements. It might be good to rename it `trace` at some point. *) type 'a result = Ok of 'a * annotation_thunk list | Errors of error_thunk list (** Constructors *) let ok x = Ok (x, []) let fail err = Errors [err] (** Monadic operators *) let bind f = function | Ok (x, annotations) -> (match f x with Ok (x', annotations') -> Ok (x', annotations' @ annotations) | Errors _ as e' -> ignore annotations; e') | Errors _ as e -> e let map f = function | Ok (x, annotations) -> Ok (f x, annotations) | Errors _ as e -> e (** Usual bind-syntax is `>>=`, but this is taken from the Tezos code base. Where the `result` bind is `>>?`, Lwt's (threading library) is `>>=`, and the combination of both is `>>=?`. *) let (>>?) x f = bind f x let (>>|?) x f = map f x (** Used by PPX_let, an OCaml preprocessor. What it does is that, when you only care about the case where a result isn't an error, instead of writing: ``` (* Stuff that might return an error *) >>? fun ok_value -> (* Stuff being done on the result *) ``` You can write: ``` let%bind ok_value = (* Stuff that might return an error *) in (* Stuff being done on the result *) ``` This is much more typical of OCaml. makes the code more readable, easy to write and refactor. It is used pervasively in LIGO. *) module Let_syntax = struct let bind m ~f = m >>? f module Open_on_rhs_bind = struct end end (** Build a thunk from a constant. *) let thunk x () = x (** Build a standard error, with a title, a message, an error code and some data. *) let mk_error ?(error_code : int thunk option) ?(message : string thunk option) ?(data : (string * string thunk) list option) ~(title : string thunk) () : error = let error_code' = (fun x -> ("error_code" , `Int (x ()))) error_code in let title' = X_option.some ("title" , `String (title ())) in let data' = let aux (key , value) = (key , `String (value ())) in (fun x -> ("data" , `Assoc ( aux x))) data in let message' = (fun x -> ("message" , `String (x ()))) message in `Assoc (X_option.collapse_list [ error_code' ; title' ; message' ; data' ]) let error ?data ?error_code title message () = mk_error ?data ?error_code ~title:(title) ~message:(message) () (** Helpers that ideally shouldn't be used in production. *) let simple_error str () = mk_error ~title:(thunk str) () let simple_fail str = fail @@ simple_error str (** To be used when you only want to signal an error. It can be useful when followed by `trace_strong`. *) let dummy_fail = simple_fail "dummy" (** A major feature of Trace is that it enables having a stack of errors (that should act as a simplified stack frame), rather than a unique error. It is done by using the function `trace`. For instance, let's say that you have a function that can trigger two errors, and you want to pass their data along with an other error, what you would usually do is: ``` let foobarer ... = ... in let value = try ( get key map ) with | Bad_key _ -> raise (Foobar_error ("bad key" , key , map)) | Missing_value _ -> raise (Foobar_error ("missing index" , key , map)) in ... ``` With Trace, you would instead: ``` let foobarer ... = ... in let%bind value = trace (simple_error "error getting key") @@ get key map in ... ``` And this will pass along the error triggered by "get key map". *) let trace err = function | Ok _ as o -> o | Errors errs -> Errors (err :: errs) (** Erase the current error stack, and replace it by the given error. It's useful when using `Asserts` and you want to discard its auto-generated message. *) let trace_strong err = function | Ok _ as o -> o | Errors _ -> Errors [err] (** Trace, but with an error which generation may itself fail. *) let trace_r err_thunk_may_fail = function | Ok _ as o -> o | Errors errs -> ( match err_thunk_may_fail () with | Ok (err, annotations) -> ignore annotations; Errors (err :: errs) | Errors errors_while_generating_error -> (* TODO: the complexity could be O(n*n) in the worst case, this should use some catenable lists. *) Errors (errors_while_generating_error @ errs) ) (** `trace_f f error` yields a function that acts the same as `f`, but with an error frame that has one more error. *) let trace_f f error x = trace error @@ f x (** Same, but for functions with 2 parameters. *) let trace_f_2 f error x y = trace error @@ f x y (** Same, but with a prototypical error. *) let trace_f_ez f name = trace_f f (error (thunk "in function") name) let trace_f_2_ez f name = trace_f_2 f (error (thunk "in function") name) (** Check if there is no error. Useful for tests. *) let to_bool = function | Ok _ -> true | Errors _ -> false let to_option = function | Ok (o, annotations) -> ignore annotations; Some o | Errors _ -> None (** Convert an option to a result, with a given error if the parameter is None. *) let trace_option error = function | None -> fail error | Some s -> ok s (** Utilities to interact with other data-structure. `bind_t` takes an `'a result t` and makes a `'a t result` out of it. It "lifts" the error out of the type. The most common context is when mapping a given type. For instance, if you use a function that can fail in ``, you need to manage a whole list of results. Instead, you do `let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ f lst`, which will yield an `'a list`. `bind_map_t` is roughly syntactic sugar for `bind_t @@`. So that you can rewrite the previous example as `let%bind lst' = bind_map_list f lst`. Same thing with folds. *) let bind_map_option f = function | None -> ok None | Some s -> f s >>? fun x -> ok (Some x) let rec bind_list = function | [] -> ok [] | hd :: tl -> ( hd >>? fun hd -> bind_list tl >>? fun tl -> ok @@ hd :: tl ) let bind_ne_list = fun (hd , tl) -> hd >>? fun hd -> bind_list tl >>? fun tl -> ok @@ (hd , tl) let bind_smap (s:_ X_map.String.t) = let open X_map.String in let aux k v prev = prev >>? fun prev' -> v >>? fun v' -> ok @@ add k v' prev' in fold aux s (ok empty) let bind_fold_smap f init (smap : _ X_map.String.t) = let aux k v prev = prev >>? fun prev' -> f prev' k v in X_map.String.fold aux smap init let bind_map_smap f smap = bind_smap ( f smap) let bind_map_list f lst = bind_list ( f lst) let bind_map_ne_list : _ -> 'a X_list.Ne.t -> 'b X_list.Ne.t result = fun f lst -> bind_ne_list ( f lst) let bind_iter_list : (_ -> unit result) -> _ list -> unit result = fun f lst -> bind_map_list f lst >>? fun _ -> ok () let bind_location (x:_ Location.wrap) = x.wrap_content >>? fun wrap_content -> ok { x with wrap_content } let bind_map_location f x = bind_location ( f x) let bind_fold_list f init lst = let aux x y = x >>? fun x -> f x y in List.fold_left aux (ok init) lst let bind_fold_map_list = fun f acc lst -> let rec aux (acc , prev) f = function | [] -> ok (acc , prev) | hd :: tl -> f acc hd >>? fun (acc' , hd') -> aux (acc' , hd' :: prev) f tl in aux (acc , []) f lst >>? fun (_acc' , lst') -> ok @@ List.rev lst' let bind_fold_map_right_list = fun f acc lst -> let rec aux (acc , prev) f = function | [] -> ok (acc , prev) | hd :: tl -> f acc hd >>? fun (acc' , hd') -> aux (acc' , hd' :: prev) f tl in aux (acc , []) f (List.rev lst) >>? fun (_acc' , lst') -> ok lst' let bind_fold_right_list f init lst = let aux x y = x >>? fun x -> f x y in X_list.fold_right' aux (ok init) lst let bind_find_map_list error f lst = let rec aux lst = match lst with | [] -> fail error | hd :: tl -> ( match f hd with | Errors _ -> aux tl | o -> o ) in aux lst let bind_list_iter f lst = let aux () y = f y in bind_fold_list aux () lst let bind_or (a, b) = match a with | Ok _ as o -> o | _ -> b let bind_lr (type a b) ((a : a result), (b:b result)) : [`Left of a | `Right of b] result = match (a, b) with | (Ok _ as o), _ -> map (fun x -> `Left x) o | _, (Ok _ as o) -> map (fun x -> `Right x) o | _, Errors b -> Errors b let bind_lr_lazy (type a b) ((a : a result), (b:unit -> b result)) : [`Left of a | `Right of b] result = match a with | Ok _ as o -> map (fun x -> `Left x) o | _ -> ( match b() with | Ok _ as o -> map (fun x -> `Right x) o | Errors b -> Errors b ) let bind_and (a, b) = a >>? fun a -> b >>? fun b -> ok (a, b) let bind_pair = bind_and let bind_map_pair f (a, b) = bind_pair (f a, f b) (** Wraps a call that might trigger an exception in a result. *) let generic_try err f = try ( ok @@ f () ) with _ -> fail err (** Same, but with a handler that generates an error based on the exception, rather than a fixed error. *) let specific_try handler f = try ( ok @@ f () ) with exn -> fail (handler exn) (** Same, but tailored to `Sys_error`s, found in `Sys` from `Pervasives`. *) let sys_try f = let handler = function | Sys_error str -> error (thunk "Sys_error") (fun () -> str) | exn -> raise exn in specific_try handler f (** Same, but for a given command. *) let sys_command command = sys_try (fun () -> Sys.command command) >>? function | 0 -> ok () | n -> fail (fun () -> error (thunk "Nonzero return code") (fun () -> (string_of_int n)) ()) (** Assertion module. Would make sense to move it outside Trace. *) module Assert = struct let assert_fail ?(msg="didn't fail") = function | Ok _ -> simple_fail msg | _ -> ok () let assert_true ?(msg="not true") = function | true -> ok () | false -> simple_fail msg let assert_equal ?msg expected actual = assert_true ?msg (expected = actual) let assert_equal_int ?msg expected actual = let msg = let default = Format.asprintf "Not equal int : expected %d, got %d" expected actual in X_option.unopt ~default msg in assert_equal ~msg expected actual let assert_equal_bool ?msg expected actual = let msg = let default = Format.asprintf "Not equal bool : expected %b, got %b" expected actual in X_option.unopt ~default msg in assert_equal ~msg expected actual let assert_none ?(msg="not a none") opt = match opt with | None -> ok () | _ -> simple_fail msg let assert_list_size ?(msg="lst doesn't have the right size") lst n = assert_true ~msg List.(length lst = n) let assert_list_empty ?(msg="lst isn't empty") lst = assert_true ~msg List.(length lst = 0) let assert_list_same_size ?(msg="lists don't have same size") a b = assert_true ~msg List.(length a = length b) let assert_list_size_2 ~msg = function | [a;b] -> ok (a, b) | _ -> simple_fail msg let assert_list_size_1 ~msg = function | [a] -> ok a | _ -> simple_fail msg end let json_of_error = J.to_string let error_pp out (e : error) = let open JSON_string_utils in let message = let opt = e |> member "message" |> string in X_option.unopt ~default:"" opt in let error_code = let error_code = e |> member "error_code" in match error_code with | `Null -> "" | _ -> " (" ^ (J.to_string error_code) ^ ")" in let title = let opt = e |> member "title" |> string in X_option.unopt ~default:"" opt in let data = let data = e |> member "data" in match data with | `Null -> "" | _ -> J.to_string data in Format.fprintf out "%s (%s): %s. %s" title error_code message data let error_pp_short out (e : error) = let open JSON_string_utils in let title = e |> member "title" |> string || "(no title)" in let error_code = e |> member "error_code" |> int |> string_of_int || "no error code" in Format.fprintf out "%s (%s)" title error_code let errors_pp = Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_newline error_pp let errors_pp_short = Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_newline error_pp_short