{-| The heterogeneous list. -} module Product where -- | `Product xs` contains elements of each of the types from the `xs` list. data Product xs where Cons :: x -> Product xs -> Product (x : xs) Nil :: Product '[] -- | Find/modify the element with a given type. -- -- If you want to have same-types, use newtype wrappers. -- class Contains x xs where getElem :: Product xs -> x modElem :: (x -> x) -> Product xs -> Product xs instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Contains x (x : xs) where getElem (Cons x _) = x modElem f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) xs instance Contains x xs => Contains x (y : xs) where getElem (Cons _ xs) = getElem xs modElem f (Cons x xs) = Cons x (modElem f xs) -- | Add a name to the type. -- newtype (s :: String) := t = Tag { unTag :: t } -- | Retrieve a type associated with the given name. -- getTag :: forall s t xs. Contains (s := t) xs => Product xs -> t getTag = unTag . getElem @(s := t) -- | Modify a type associated with the given name. -- modTag :: forall s t xs . Contains (s := t) xs => (t -> t) -> Product xs -> Product xs modTag f = modElem @(s := t) (Tag . f . unTag)