(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) include Logging.Make(struct let name = "node.validator.net" end) type t = { db: Distributed_db.t ; net_state: State.Net.t ; net_db: Distributed_db.net_db ; block_validator: Block_validator.t ; timeout: timeout ; bootstrap_threshold: int ; mutable bootstrapped: bool ; bootstrapped_wakener: unit Lwt.u ; valid_block_input: State.Block.t Lwt_watcher.input ; global_valid_block_input: State.Block.t Lwt_watcher.input ; new_head_input: State.Block.t Lwt_watcher.input ; parent: t option ; max_child_ttl: int option ; mutable child: t option ; prevalidator: Prevalidator.t ; active_peers: Peer_validator.t Lwt.t P2p.Peer_id.Table.t ; bootstrapped_peers: unit P2p.Peer_id.Table.t ; mutable worker: unit Lwt.t ; queue: State.Block.t Lwt_pipe.t ; canceler: Lwt_canceler.t ; } and timeout = { operation: float ; block_header: float ; block_operations: float ; protocol: float ; new_head_request: float ; } let rec shutdown nv = Lwt_canceler.cancel nv.canceler >>= fun () -> Distributed_db.deactivate nv.net_db >>= fun () -> Lwt.join ( nv.worker :: Prevalidator.shutdown nv.prevalidator :: Lwt_utils.may ~f:shutdown nv.child :: P2p.Peer_id.Table.fold (fun _ pv acc -> (pv >>= Peer_validator.shutdown) :: acc) nv.active_peers [] ) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit let shutdown_child nv = Lwt_utils.may ~f:shutdown nv.child let notify_new_block nv block = Option.iter nv.parent ~f:(fun nv -> Lwt_watcher.notify nv.valid_block_input block) ; Lwt_watcher.notify nv.valid_block_input block ; Lwt_watcher.notify nv.global_valid_block_input block ; assert (Lwt_pipe.push_now nv.queue block) let may_toggle_bootstrapped_network nv = if not nv.bootstrapped && P2p.Peer_id.Table.length nv.bootstrapped_peers >= nv.bootstrap_threshold then begin nv.bootstrapped <- true ; Lwt.wakeup_later nv.bootstrapped_wakener () ; end let may_activate_peer_validator nv peer_id = try P2p.Peer_id.Table.find nv.active_peers peer_id with Not_found -> let pv = Peer_validator.create ~new_head_request_timeout:nv.timeout.new_head_request ~block_header_timeout:nv.timeout.block_header ~block_operations_timeout:nv.timeout.block_operations ~protocol_timeout:nv.timeout.protocol ~notify_new_block:(notify_new_block nv) ~notify_bootstrapped: begin fun () -> P2p.Peer_id.Table.add nv.bootstrapped_peers peer_id () ; may_toggle_bootstrapped_network nv end ~notify_termination: begin fun _pv -> P2p.Peer_id.Table.remove nv.active_peers peer_id ; P2p.Peer_id.Table.remove nv.bootstrapped_peers peer_id ; end nv.block_validator nv.net_db peer_id in P2p.Peer_id.Table.add nv.active_peers peer_id pv ; pv let broadcast_head nv ~previous block = if not nv.bootstrapped then Lwt.return_unit else begin begin State.Block.predecessor block >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_true | Some predecessor -> Lwt.return (State.Block.equal predecessor previous) end >>= fun successor -> if successor then begin Distributed_db.Advertise.current_head nv.net_db block ; Lwt.return_unit end else begin Distributed_db.Advertise.current_branch nv.net_db block end end let rec create ?max_child_ttl ?parent ?(bootstrap_threshold = 1) timeout block_validator global_valid_block_input db net_state = let net_db = Distributed_db.activate db net_state in Prevalidator.create ~max_operations:2000 (* FIXME temporary constant *) ~operation_timeout:timeout.operation net_db >>= fun prevalidator -> let valid_block_input = Lwt_watcher.create_input () in let new_head_input = Lwt_watcher.create_input () in let canceler = Lwt_canceler.create () in let _, bootstrapped_wakener = Lwt.wait () in let nv = { db ; net_state ; net_db ; block_validator ; prevalidator ; timeout ; valid_block_input ; global_valid_block_input ; new_head_input ; parent ; max_child_ttl ; child = None ; bootstrapped = (bootstrap_threshold <= 0) ; bootstrapped_wakener ; bootstrap_threshold ; active_peers = P2p.Peer_id.Table.create 50 ; (* TODO use `2 * max_connection` *) bootstrapped_peers = P2p.Peer_id.Table.create 50 ; (* TODO use `2 * max_connection` *) worker = Lwt.return_unit ; queue = Lwt_pipe.create () ; canceler ; } in if nv.bootstrapped then Lwt.wakeup_later bootstrapped_wakener () ; Distributed_db.set_callback net_db { notify_branch = begin fun peer_id locator -> Lwt.async begin fun () -> may_activate_peer_validator nv peer_id >>= fun pv -> Peer_validator.notify_branch pv locator ; Lwt.return_unit end end ; notify_head = begin fun peer_id block ops -> Lwt.async begin fun () -> may_activate_peer_validator nv peer_id >>= fun pv -> Peer_validator.notify_head pv block ; (* TODO notify prevalidator only if head is known ??? *) Prevalidator.notify_operations nv.prevalidator peer_id ops ; Lwt.return_unit end; end ; disconnection = begin fun peer_id -> Lwt.async begin fun () -> may_activate_peer_validator nv peer_id >>= fun pv -> Peer_validator.shutdown pv >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit end end ; } ; nv.worker <- Lwt_utils.worker (Format.asprintf "net_validator.%a" Net_id.pp (State.Net.id net_state)) ~run:(fun () -> worker_loop nv) ~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel nv.canceler) ; Lwt.return nv (** Current block computation *) and worker_loop nv = begin Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:nv.canceler begin fun () -> Lwt_pipe.pop nv.queue >>= return end >>=? fun block -> Chain.head nv.net_state >>= fun head -> let head_header = State.Block.header head and head_hash = State.Block.hash head and block_header = State.Block.header block and block_hash = State.Block.hash block in if Fitness.(block_header.shell.fitness <= head_header.shell.fitness) then lwt_log_info "current head is better than %a %a %a, we do not switch" Block_hash.pp_short block_hash Fitness.pp block_header.shell.fitness Time.pp_hum block_header.shell.timestamp >>= fun () -> return () else begin Chain.set_head nv.net_state block >>= fun previous -> broadcast_head nv ~previous block >>= fun () -> Prevalidator.flush nv.prevalidator block ; (* FIXME *) may_switch_test_network nv block >>= fun () -> Lwt_watcher.notify nv.new_head_input block ; lwt_log_notice "update current head %a %a %a(%t)" Block_hash.pp_short block_hash Fitness.pp block_header.shell.fitness Time.pp_hum block_header.shell.timestamp (fun ppf -> if Block_hash.equal head_hash block_header.shell.predecessor then Format.fprintf ppf "same branch" else Format.fprintf ppf "changing branch") >>= fun () -> return () end end >>= function | Ok () -> worker_loop nv | Error [Lwt_utils.Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed] -> Lwt.return_unit | Error err -> lwt_log_error "@[Unexpected error:@ %a@]" pp_print_error err >>= fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel nv.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit and may_switch_test_network nv block = let create_child genesis protocol expiration = if State.Net.allow_forked_network nv.net_state then begin shutdown_child nv >>= fun () -> begin let net_id = Net_id.of_block_hash (State.Block.hash genesis) in State.Net.get (State.Net.global_state nv.net_state) net_id >>= function | Ok net_state -> return net_state | Error _ -> State.fork_testnet genesis protocol expiration >>=? fun net_state -> Chain.head net_state >>= fun new_genesis_block -> Lwt_watcher.notify nv.global_valid_block_input new_genesis_block ; Lwt_watcher.notify nv.valid_block_input new_genesis_block ; return net_state end >>=? fun net_state -> create ~parent:nv nv.timeout nv.block_validator nv.global_valid_block_input nv.db net_state >>= fun child -> nv.child <- Some child ; return () end else begin (* Ignoring request... *) return () end in let check_child genesis protocol expiration current_time = let activated = match nv.child with | None -> false | Some child -> Block_hash.equal (State.Net.genesis child.net_state).block genesis in State.Block.read nv.net_state genesis >>=? fun genesis -> begin match nv.max_child_ttl with | None -> Lwt.return expiration | Some ttl -> Lwt.return (Time.min expiration (Time.add (State.Block.timestamp genesis) (Int64.of_int ttl))) end >>= fun local_expiration -> let expired = Time.(local_expiration <= current_time) in if expired && activated then shutdown_child nv >>= return else if not activated && not expired then create_child genesis protocol expiration else return () in begin let block_header = State.Block.header block in State.Block.test_network block >>= function | Not_running -> shutdown_child nv >>= return | Running { genesis ; protocol ; expiration } -> check_child genesis protocol expiration block_header.shell.timestamp | Forking { protocol ; expiration } -> create_child block protocol expiration end >>= function | Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit | Error err -> lwt_log_error "@[<v 2>Error while switch test network:@ %a@]" Error_monad.pp_print_error err >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit (* TODO check the initial sequence of message when connecting to a new peer, and the one when activating a network. *) let create ?max_child_ttl ?bootstrap_threshold timeout block_validator global_valid_block_input global_db state = (* hide the optional ?parent *) create ?max_child_ttl ?bootstrap_threshold timeout block_validator global_valid_block_input global_db state let net_id { net_state } = State.Net.id net_state let net_state { net_state } = net_state let prevalidator { prevalidator } = prevalidator let net_db { net_db } = net_db let child { child } = child let validate_block nv ?(force = false) hash block operations = assert (Block_hash.equal hash (Block_header.hash block)) ; Chain.head nv.net_state >>= fun head -> let head = State.Block.header head in if force || Fitness.(head.shell.fitness <= block.shell.fitness) then Block_validator.validate ~canceler:nv.canceler ~notify_new_block:(notify_new_block nv) nv.block_validator nv.net_db hash block operations else failwith "Fitness too low" let bootstrapped { bootstrapped_wakener } = Lwt.protected (Lwt.waiter_of_wakener bootstrapped_wakener) let valid_block_watcher { valid_block_input } = Lwt_watcher.create_stream valid_block_input let new_head_watcher { new_head_input } = Lwt_watcher.create_stream new_head_input