(* Printing the AST *) val offsets : bool ref val mode : [`Byte | `Point] ref (* Printing the tokens reconstructed from the AST. This is very useful for debugging, as the output of [print_token ast] can be textually compared to that of [Lexer.trace] (see module [LexerMain]). The optional parameter [undo] is bound to [true] if the caller wants the AST to be unparsed before printing (those nodes that have been normalised with function [norm_let] and [norm_fun]). *) val print_tokens : Buffer.t -> AST.t -> unit val print_pattern : Buffer.t -> AST.pattern -> unit val print_expr : Buffer.t -> AST.expr -> unit val tokens_to_string : AST.t -> string val pattern_to_string : AST.pattern -> string val expr_to_string : AST.expr -> string