open Trace open Test_helpers let file = "./contracts/basic_multisig/multisig.ligo" let mfile = "./contracts/basic_multisig/multisig.mligo" let refile = "./contracts/basic_multisig/multisig.religo" let type_file f s = let%bind typed,state = Ligo.Compile.Utils.type_file f s (Contract "main") in ok @@ (typed,state) let get_program f st = let s = ref None in fun () -> match !s with | Some s -> ok s | None -> ( let%bind program = type_file f st in s := Some program ; ok program ) let compile_main f s () = let%bind typed_prg,_ = type_file f s in let%bind mini_c_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in let%bind michelson_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c_prg "main" in let%bind (_contract: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) = (* fails if the given entry point is not a valid contract *) Ligo.Compile.Of_michelson.build_contract michelson_prg in ok () open Ast_imperative let init_storage threshold counter pkeys = let keys = (fun el -> let (_,pk_str,_) = str_keys el in e_key @@ pk_str) pkeys in e_record_ez [ ("id" , e_string "MULTISIG" ) ; ("counter" , e_nat counter ) ; ("threshold" , e_nat threshold) ; ("auth" , e_typed_list keys (t_key ())) ; ] let (first_owner , first_contract) = let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in let id = List.nth dummy_environment.identities 0 in let kt = id.implicit_contract in Protocol.Alpha_context.Contract.to_b58check kt , kt let bad_contract () = let title = (thunk ("Not a contract")) in let message () = Format.asprintf "" in let data = [ ] in error ~data title message () let op_list = let open Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context in let source : Contract.t = first_contract in let%bind operation = let parameters : Script.lazy_expr = Script.unit_parameter in let entrypoint = "default" in let open Proto_alpha_utils in let%bind destination = Trace.trace_alpha_tzresult (bad_contract) @@ Contract.of_b58check "tz1PpDGHRXFQq3sYDuH8EpLWzPm5PFpe1sLE" in ok @@ Transaction {; parameters; entrypoint; destination} in ok @@ (e_typed_list [e_literal (Literal_operation (Internal_operation {source;operation;nonce=0}))] (t_operation ())) let empty_payload = e_unit () let chain_id_zero = e_chain_id @@ Tezos_crypto.Base58.simple_encode Tezos_base__TzPervasives.Chain_id.b58check_encoding (* sign the message 'msg' with 'keys', if 'is_valid'=false the providid signature will be incorrect *) let params counter payload keys is_validl f s = let%bind program,_ = get_program f s () in let aux = fun acc (key,is_valid) -> let (_,_pk,sk) = key in let (pkh,_,_) = str_keys key in let msg = e_tuple [ payload ; e_nat counter ; e_string (if is_valid then "MULTISIG" else "XX") ; chain_id_zero ] in let%bind signature = sign_message program msg sk in ok @@ (e_pair (e_key_hash pkh) (e_signature signature))::acc in let%bind signed_msgs = Trace.bind_fold_list aux [] (List.rev @@ List.combine keys is_validl) in ok @@ e_record_ez [ ("counter" , e_nat counter ) ; ("payload" , payload) ; ("signatures" , e_typed_list signed_msgs (t_pair (t_key_hash (),t_signature ())) ) ; ] (* Provide one valid signature when the threshold is two of two keys *) let not_enough_1_of_2 f s () = let%bind program = get_program f s () in let exp_failwith = "Not enough signatures passed the check" in let keys = gen_keys () in let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_payload [keys] [true] f s in let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender:first_contract () in let%bind () = expect_string_failwith program ~options "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 2 0 [keys;gen_keys()])) exp_failwith in ok () let unmatching_counter f s () = let%bind program = get_program f s () in let exp_failwith = "Counters does not match" in let keys = gen_keys () in let%bind test_params = params 1 empty_payload [keys] [true] f s in let%bind () = expect_string_failwith program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 1 0 [keys])) exp_failwith in ok () (* Provide one invalid signature (correct key but incorrect signature) when the threshold is one of one key *) let invalid_1_of_1 f s () = let%bind program = get_program f s () in let exp_failwith = "Invalid signature" in let keys = [gen_keys ()] in let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_payload keys [false] f s in let%bind () = expect_string_failwith program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 1 0 keys)) exp_failwith in ok () (* Provide one valid signature when the threshold is one of one key *) let valid_1_of_1 f s () = let%bind program = get_program f s () in let%bind op_list = op_list in let keys = gen_keys () in let%bind () = expect_eq_n_trace_aux [0;1;2] program "main" (fun n -> let%bind params = params n empty_payload [keys] [true] f s in ok @@ e_pair params (init_storage 1 n [keys]) ) (fun n -> ok @@ e_pair op_list (init_storage 1 (n+1) [keys]) ) in ok () (* Provive two valid signatures when the threshold is two of three keys *) let valid_2_of_3 f s () = let%bind program = get_program f s () in let%bind op_list = op_list in let param_keys = [gen_keys (); gen_keys ()] in let st_keys = param_keys @ [gen_keys ()] in let%bind () = expect_eq_n_trace_aux [0;1;2] program "main" (fun n -> let%bind params = params n empty_payload param_keys [true;true] f s in ok @@ e_pair params (init_storage 2 n st_keys) ) (fun n -> ok @@ e_pair op_list (init_storage 2 (n+1) st_keys) ) in ok () (* Provide one invalid signature and two valid signatures when the threshold is two of three keys *) let invalid_3_of_3 f s () = let%bind program = get_program f s () in let valid_keys = [gen_keys() ; gen_keys()] in let invalid_key = gen_keys () in let param_keys = valid_keys @ [invalid_key] in let st_keys = valid_keys @ [gen_keys ()] in let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_payload param_keys [false;true;true] f s in let exp_failwith = "Invalid signature" in let%bind () = expect_string_failwith program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 2 0 st_keys)) exp_failwith in ok () (* Provide two valid signatures when the threshold is three of three keys *) let not_enough_2_of_3 f s () = let%bind program = get_program f s() in let valid_keys = [gen_keys() ; gen_keys()] in let st_keys = gen_keys () :: valid_keys in let%bind test_params = params 0 empty_payload (valid_keys) [true;true] f s in let exp_failwith = "Not enough signatures passed the check" in let%bind () = expect_string_failwith program "main" (e_pair test_params (init_storage 3 0 st_keys)) exp_failwith in ok () let main = test_suite "Basic Multisig" [ test "compile" (compile_main file "pascaligo"); test "unmatching_counter" (unmatching_counter file "pascaligo"); test "valid_1_of_1" (valid_1_of_1 file "pascaligo"); test "invalid_1_of_1" (invalid_1_of_1 file "pascaligo"); test "not_enough_signature" (not_enough_1_of_2 file "pascaligo"); test "valid_2_of_3" (valid_2_of_3 file "pascaligo"); test "invalid_3_of_3" (invalid_3_of_3 file "pascaligo"); test "not_enough_2_of_3" (not_enough_2_of_3 file "pascaligo"); test "compile (mligo)" (compile_main mfile "cameligo"); test "unmatching_counter (mligo)" (unmatching_counter mfile "cameligo"); test "valid_1_of_1 (mligo)" (valid_1_of_1 mfile "cameligo"); test "invalid_1_of_1 (mligo)" (invalid_1_of_1 mfile "cameligo"); test "not_enough_signature (mligo)" (not_enough_1_of_2 mfile "cameligo"); test "valid_2_of_3 (mligo)" (valid_2_of_3 mfile "cameligo"); test "invalid_3_of_3 (mligo)" (invalid_3_of_3 mfile "cameligo"); test "not_enough_2_of_3 (mligo)" (not_enough_2_of_3 mfile "cameligo"); test "compile (religo)" (compile_main refile "reasonligo"); test "unmatching_counter (religo)" (unmatching_counter refile "reasonligo"); test "valid_1_of_1 (religo)" (valid_1_of_1 refile "reasonligo"); test "invalid_1_of_1 (religo)" (invalid_1_of_1 refile "reasonligo"); test "not_enough_signature (religo)" (not_enough_1_of_2 refile "reasonligo"); test "valid_2_of_3 (religo)" (valid_2_of_3 refile "reasonligo"); test "invalid_3_of_3 (religo)" (invalid_3_of_3 refile "reasonligo"); test "not_enough_2_of_3 (religo)" (not_enough_2_of_3 refile "reasonligo"); ]