--- id: inline title: Inlining --- import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax'; When compiling a contract in LIGO, declarations will get inlined if they are only used once and pure. Inlining often results in larger contracts and is therefore not aggressively done. A pure declaration is one that doesn't cause side effects like causing a failure or operation. In some cases you might want to override the default behaviour of LIGO and force inlining. The declaration still needs to be pure though. ## Inline attribute To force inlining you can use the inline attribute. <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo function fst(const p : nat * nat) : nat is p.0; attributes ["inline"] ; function main(const p : nat * nat; const s : nat * nat) : list(operation) * (nat * nat) is ((list end : list(operation)), (fst(p.0,p.1), fst(s.1,s.0))) ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo let fst (p: (nat * nat)) : nat = p.0 [@@inline] let main (p : (nat * nat)) (s : (nat * nat)) : (operation list * (nat * nat)) = (([]: operation list), (fst (p.0, p.1), fst (s.1, s.0))) ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo [@inline] let fst = (p: (nat, nat)) : nat => p[0] let main = (p : (nat, nat), s : (nat, nat)) : (list(operation), (nat, nat)) => (([]: list(operation)), (fst((p[0], p[1])), fst((s[1], s[0])))) ``` </Syntax> Now if we measure the difference between inlining and without inlining, using `ligo measure-contract name_of_contract.ligo <entrypoint>`, we see the following results: <table> <tr> <td>With inlining</td><td>66 bytes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Without inlining</td><td>170 bytes</td> </tr> </table> :::info Note that these results can change due to ongoing work to optimize output of the LIGO compiler. :::