const repoUrl = ''; let reasonHighlightJs = require('reason-highlightjs'); const siteConfig = { title: 'LIGO', // Title for your website. tagline: 'LIGO is a friendly smart contract language for Tezos', taglineSub: 'Michelson was never so easy', url: '', // Your website URL baseUrl: '/', // Base URL for your project */ // For type URLs, you would set the url and baseUrl like: // url: '', // baseUrl: '/test-site/', // Used for publishing and more projectName: 'ligo', organizationName: 'TBN', // For top-level user or org sites, the organization is still the same. // e.g., for the site, it would be set like... // organizationName: 'JoelMarcey' // For no header links in the top nav bar -> headerLinks: [], headerLinks: [ { href: '', label: 'Try Online' }, { doc: 'intro/installation', label: 'Install' }, { doc: 'intro/what-and-why', label: 'Docs' }, { doc: 'tutorials/get-started/tezos-taco-shop-smart-contract', label: 'Tutorials' }, { blog: true, label: 'Blog' }, // TODO: { href: "/odoc", label: "API" }, // { doc: 'contributors/origin', label: 'Contribute' }, { href: '/contact', label: 'Ask Questions' }, { search: true } ], footerLinks: { docs: [ { doc: 'intro/installation', label: 'Install' }, { doc: 'api/cli-commands', label: 'CLI Commands' }, { doc: 'contributors/origin', label: 'Contribute' }, { href: '/odoc', label: 'API Documentation' } ], community: [ { href: '', label: 'Tezos Agora Forum', blankTarget: true }, { href: '', label: 'Tezos Stack Exchange', blankTarget: true }, { href: '', label: 'Telegram', blankTarget: true }, { href: '', label: 'Discord', blankTarget: true } ], more: [ { doc: 'tutorials/get-started/tezos-taco-shop-smart-contract', label: 'Tutorials' }, { href: repoUrl, label: 'GitLab' } ] }, /* path to images for header/footer */ footerIcon: 'img/logo.svg', favicon: 'img/logo.svg', /* Colors for website */ colors: { primaryColor: '#1A1A1A', secondaryColor: '#1A1A1A' }, // This copyright info is used in /core/Footer.js and blog RSS/Atom feeds. copyright: `© ${new Date().getFullYear()} LIGO. All rights reserved.`, highlight: { // Highlight.js theme to use for syntax highlighting in code blocks. theme: 'default', hljs: function (hljs) { hljs.registerLanguage('reasonligo', reasonHighlightJs); hljs.registerLanguage('pascaligo', function (hljs) { return { // case_insensitive: true, beginKeywords: '', keywords: { keyword: 'and attributes begin big_map block case const contains else' + ' end False for from function if in is list map mod nil' + ' not of or patch record remove set skip then to True type' + ' var while with', literal: 'true false unit int string Some None bool nat list' }, lexemes: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', contains: [ hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, { className: 'type', begin: /[A-Z][a-z]+/ }, { begin: /[*+-:;\(\)\{\}|\>\<]/ // className: 'ignore' } ] }; }); } }, // Add custom scripts here that would be placed in <script> tags. scripts: [''], // On page navigation for the current documentation page. onPageNav: 'separate', // No .html extensions for paths. cleanUrl: true, // Open Graph and Twitter card images. ogImage: 'img/logo.svg', twitterImage: 'img/undraw_tweetstorm.svg', // Show documentation's last contributor's name. // enableUpdateBy: true, // Show documentation's last update time. // enableUpdateTime: true, // You may provide arbitrary config keys to be used as needed by your // template. For example, if you need your repo's URL... repoUrl: repoUrl, stylesheets: [ ',400i,500,500i,700,700i|Open+Sans:300,300i,400,600|Source+Code+Pro&display=swap' ], algolia: { apiKey: '12be98d9fd4242a5f16b70a5cc6b0158', indexName: 'ligolang', algoliaOptions: {} // Optional, if provided by Algolia }, docsSideNavCollapsible: true, gaTrackingId: 'UA-153751765-1', gaGtag: true }; module.exports = siteConfig;