(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Alpha_context module Cost_of : sig val cycle : Gas.cost val loop_cycle : Gas.cost val list_size : Gas.cost val nop : Gas.cost val stack_op : Gas.cost val bool_binop : 'a -> 'b -> Gas.cost val bool_unop : 'a -> Gas.cost val pair : Gas.cost val pair_access : Gas.cost val cons : Gas.cost val variant_no_data : Gas.cost val branch : Gas.cost val concat_string : string list -> Gas.cost val concat_bytes : MBytes.t list -> Gas.cost val slice_string : int -> Gas.cost val slice_bytes : Gas.cost val map_mem : 'a -> ('b, 'c) Script_typed_ir.map -> Gas.cost val map_to_list : ('b, 'c) Script_typed_ir.map -> Gas.cost val map_get : 'a -> ('b, 'c) Script_typed_ir.map -> Gas.cost val map_update : 'a -> 'b -> ('c, 'd) Script_typed_ir.map -> Gas.cost val map_size : Gas.cost val big_map_mem : 'key -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map -> Gas.cost val big_map_get : 'key -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map -> Gas.cost val big_map_update : 'key -> 'value option -> ('key, 'value) Script_typed_ir.big_map -> Gas.cost val set_to_list : 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> Gas.cost val set_update : 'a -> bool -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> Gas.cost val set_mem : 'a -> 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> Gas.cost val mul : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val div : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val add : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val sub : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val abs : 'a Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val neg : 'a Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val int : 'a -> Gas.cost val add_timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> 'a Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val sub_timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> 'a Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val diff_timestamps : Script_timestamp.t -> Script_timestamp.t -> Gas.cost val empty_set : Gas.cost val set_size : Gas.cost val empty_map : Gas.cost val int64_op : Gas.cost val z_to_int64 : Gas.cost val int64_to_z : Gas.cost val bitwise_binop : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val logor : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val logand : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val logxor : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val lognot : 'a Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val shift_left : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val shift_right : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val exec : Gas.cost val push : Gas.cost val compare_res : Gas.cost val unpack_failed : MBytes.t -> Gas.cost val address : Gas.cost val contract : Gas.cost val transfer : Gas.cost val create_account : Gas.cost val create_contract : Gas.cost val implicit_account : Gas.cost val set_delegate : Gas.cost val balance : Gas.cost val now : Gas.cost val check_signature : Gas.cost val hash_key : Gas.cost val hash : MBytes.t -> int -> Gas.cost val steps_to_quota : Gas.cost val source : Gas.cost val self : Gas.cost val amount : Gas.cost val wrap : Gas.cost val compare_bool : 'a -> 'b -> Gas.cost val compare_string : string -> string -> Gas.cost val compare_bytes : MBytes.t -> MBytes.t -> Gas.cost val compare_tez : 'a -> 'b -> Gas.cost val compare_int : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val compare_nat : 'a Script_int.num -> 'b Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val compare_key_hash : 'a -> 'b -> Gas.cost val compare_timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> Script_timestamp.t -> Gas.cost val compare_address : Contract.t -> Contract.t -> Gas.cost val manager_operation : Gas.cost module Typechecking : sig val cycle : Gas.cost val unit : Gas.cost val bool : Gas.cost val tez : Gas.cost val z : Z.t -> Gas.cost val string : int -> Gas.cost val bytes : int -> Gas.cost val int_of_string : string -> Gas.cost val string_timestamp : Gas.cost val key : Gas.cost val key_hash : Gas.cost val signature : Gas.cost val contract : Gas.cost (** Gas.Cost of getting the code for a contract *) val get_script : Gas.cost val contract_exists : Gas.cost (** Additional Gas.cost of parsing a pair over the Gas.cost of parsing each type *) val pair : Gas.cost val union : Gas.cost val lambda : Gas.cost val some : Gas.cost val none : Gas.cost val list_element : Gas.cost val set_element : int -> Gas.cost val map_element : int -> Gas.cost val primitive_type : Gas.cost val one_arg_type : Gas.cost val two_arg_type : Gas.cost val operation : int -> Gas.cost (** Cost of parsing a type *) val type_ : int -> Gas.cost (** Cost of parsing an instruction *) val instr : ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.instr -> Gas.cost end module Unparse : sig val prim_cost : int -> Script.annot -> Gas.cost val seq_cost : int -> Gas.cost val cycle : Gas.cost val unit : Gas.cost val bool : Gas.cost val z : Z.t -> Gas.cost val int : 'a Script_int.num -> Gas.cost val tez : Gas.cost val string : string -> Gas.cost val bytes : MBytes.t -> Gas.cost val timestamp : Script_timestamp.t -> Gas.cost val key : Gas.cost val key_hash : Gas.cost val signature : Gas.cost val operation : MBytes.t -> Gas.cost val contract : Gas.cost (** Additional Gas.cost of parsing a pair over the Gas.cost of parsing each type *) val pair : Gas.cost val union : Gas.cost val some : Gas.cost val none : Gas.cost val list_element : Gas.cost val set_element : Gas.cost val map_element : Gas.cost val one_arg_type : Script.annot -> Gas.cost val two_arg_type : Script.annot -> Gas.cost val set_to_list : 'a Script_typed_ir.set -> Gas.cost val map_to_list : ('a, 'b) Script_typed_ir.map -> Gas.cost end end