interactive_expr: Begin Fun WILD ARROW Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 483. ## ## sequence -> Begin option(series) . End [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Begin option(series) ## interactive_expr: Begin Fun WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 465. ## ## fun_expr(seq_expr) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW ## interactive_expr: Begin Fun With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 463. ## ## fun_expr(seq_expr) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Fun WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 452. ## ## fun_expr(closed_if) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Fun With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 450. ## ## fun_expr(closed_if) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then If True Then True COMMA Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 455. ## ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr Then closed_if . Else closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 342, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 341, spurious reduction of production tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) ## In state 218, spurious reduction of production tuple_expr -> tuple(disj_expr_level) ## In state 453, spurious reduction of production base_expr(closed_if) -> tuple_expr ## In state 353, spurious reduction of production base_if_then_else__open(closed_if) -> base_expr(closed_if) ## In state 352, spurious reduction of production closed_if -> base_if_then_else__open(closed_if) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 456. ## ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 449. ## ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 448. ## ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 447. ## ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 445. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 446. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 444. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 443. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 458. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 459. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 457. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 442. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Match True Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 264. ## ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match expr . With option(VBAR) cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Match True With VBAR Begin ## ## Ends in an error in state: 266. ## ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match expr With option(VBAR) . cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With option(VBAR) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 404. ## ## cases(base_cond) -> cases(base_cond) . VBAR case_clause(base_cond) [ VBAR ] ## cases(base_if_then_else) -> cases(base_cond) . VBAR case_clause(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cases(base_cond) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 390, spurious reduction of production base_expr(base_cond) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 354, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(base_cond) -> base_expr(base_cond) ## In state 355, spurious reduction of production base_cond -> base_cond__open(base_cond) ## In state 401, spurious reduction of production case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern ARROW base_cond ## In state 409, spurious reduction of production cases(base_cond) -> case_clause(base_cond) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Match True With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 265. ## ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match expr With . option(VBAR) cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then Match With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 263. ## ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match . expr With option(VBAR) cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then True COMMA Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 460. ## ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If expr Then closed_if . Else seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 342, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 341, spurious reduction of production tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) ## In state 218, spurious reduction of production tuple_expr -> tuple(disj_expr_level) ## In state 453, spurious reduction of production base_expr(closed_if) -> tuple_expr ## In state 353, spurious reduction of production base_if_then_else__open(closed_if) -> base_expr(closed_if) ## In state 352, spurious reduction of production closed_if -> base_if_then_else__open(closed_if) ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 461. ## ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 454. ## ## base_expr(closed_if) -> disj_expr_level . [ Else ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ Or Else COMMA BOOL_OR ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ Or Else COMMA BOOL_OR ] ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: Begin If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 441. ## ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: Begin If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 440. ## ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Begin If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 439. ## ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: Begin Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 437. ## ## last_expr -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Begin Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 438. ## ## last_expr -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Begin Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 436. ## ## last_expr -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Begin Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 435. ## ## last_expr -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## interactive_expr: Begin Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 479. ## ## last_expr -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Begin Let WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 480. ## ## last_expr -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Begin Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 478. ## ## last_expr -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Begin Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 434. ## ## last_expr -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In series [ End ] ## last_expr -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 240. ## ## match_expr(seq_expr) -> Match expr . With option(VBAR) cases(seq_expr) [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With VBAR Begin ## ## Ends in an error in state: 243. ## ## match_expr(seq_expr) -> Match expr With option(VBAR) . cases(seq_expr) [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With option(VBAR) ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW Bytes VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 431. ## ## cases(base_cond) -> cases(base_cond) VBAR . case_clause(base_cond) [ VBAR ] ## cases(seq_expr) -> cases(base_cond) VBAR . case_clause(seq_expr) [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cases(base_cond) VBAR ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 424. ## ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . base_cond [ VBAR ] ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 422. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr Then . base_cond [ VBAR ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else base_cond [ VBAR ] ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 421. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr . Then base_cond [ VBAR ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else base_cond [ VBAR ] ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 420. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If . expr Then base_cond [ VBAR ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else base_cond [ VBAR ] ## if_then_else(seq_expr) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW True COMMA Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 430. ## ## cases(base_cond) -> cases(base_cond) . VBAR case_clause(base_cond) [ VBAR ] ## cases(seq_expr) -> cases(base_cond) . VBAR case_clause(seq_expr) [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cases(base_cond) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 342, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 341, spurious reduction of production tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) ## In state 218, spurious reduction of production tuple_expr -> tuple(disj_expr_level) ## In state 415, spurious reduction of production base_expr(base_cond) -> tuple_expr ## In state 354, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(base_cond) -> base_expr(base_cond) ## In state 355, spurious reduction of production base_cond -> base_cond__open(base_cond) ## In state 401, spurious reduction of production case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern ARROW base_cond ## In state 409, spurious reduction of production cases(base_cond) -> case_clause(base_cond) ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 427. ## ## base_expr(base_cond) -> disj_expr_level . [ VBAR ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ VBAR SEMI Or End COMMA BOOL_OR ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ VBAR SEMI Or End COMMA BOOL_OR ] ## seq_expr -> disj_expr_level . [ SEMI End ] ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ VBAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 254. ## ## case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern ARROW . base_cond [ VBAR ] ## case_clause(seq_expr) -> pattern ARROW . seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ARROW ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With WILD CONS Bytes SEMI ## ## Ends in an error in state: 253. ## ## case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern . ARROW base_cond [ VBAR ] ## case_clause(seq_expr) -> pattern . ARROW seq_expr [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 96, spurious reduction of production tail -> sub_pattern ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production pattern -> sub_pattern CONS tail ## interactive_expr: Begin Match True With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 241. ## ## match_expr(seq_expr) -> Match expr With . option(VBAR) cases(seq_expr) [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With ## interactive_expr: Begin Match With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 203. ## ## match_expr(seq_expr) -> Match . expr With option(VBAR) cases(seq_expr) [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match ## interactive_expr: Begin True SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 469. ## ## option(SEMI) -> SEMI . [ End ] ## series -> seq_expr SEMI . series [ End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## seq_expr SEMI ## interactive_expr: Begin True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 462. ## ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ SEMI Or End BOOL_OR ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ SEMI Or End BOOL_OR ] ## seq_expr -> disj_expr_level . [ SEMI End ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: Begin With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 202. ## ## sequence -> Begin . option(series) End [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Begin ## interactive_expr: C_None WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 219. ## ## add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level . [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,Mod,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . Mod unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,SLASH,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . SLASH unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,TIMES,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . TIMES unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr_level ## interactive_expr: C_Some With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 204. ## ## constr_expr -> C_Some . core_expr [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## C_Some ## interactive_expr: Constr DOT Ident DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 197. ## ## projection -> Constr DOT Ident DOT . nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT Ident DOT ## interactive_expr: Constr DOT Ident WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 196. ## ## module_fun -> Ident . [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## projection -> Constr DOT Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT Ident ## interactive_expr: Constr DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 194. ## ## module_field -> Constr DOT . module_fun [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## projection -> Constr DOT . Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT ## interactive_expr: Constr WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 193. ## ## constr_expr -> Constr . core_expr [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## constr_expr -> Constr . [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## module_field -> Constr . DOT module_fun [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## projection -> Constr . DOT Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## interactive_expr: Fun WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 191. ## ## fun_expr(expr) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW ## interactive_expr: Fun WILD RPAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 357. ## ## nseq(irrefutable) -> irrefutable . seq(irrefutable) [ ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## irrefutable ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 135, spurious reduction of production irrefutable -> sub_irrefutable ## interactive_expr: Fun WILD WILD RPAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 359. ## ## seq(irrefutable) -> irrefutable . seq(irrefutable) [ ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## irrefutable ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 135, spurious reduction of production irrefutable -> sub_irrefutable ## interactive_expr: Fun With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 189. ## ## fun_expr(expr) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun ## interactive_expr: Ident DOT Int DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 186. ## ## nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection DOT . nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## selection DOT ## interactive_expr: Ident DOT Int WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 185. ## ## nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection . [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## selection ## interactive_expr: Ident DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 182. ## ## projection -> Ident DOT . nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident DOT ## interactive_expr: Ident WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 181. ## ## core_expr -> Ident . [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## projection -> Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## interactive_expr: If True Then Fun WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 504. ## ## fun_expr(closed_if) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . closed_if [ Else ] ## fun_expr(expr) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW ## interactive_expr: If True Then Fun With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 502. ## ## fun_expr(closed_if) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW closed_if [ Else ] ## fun_expr(expr) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun ## interactive_expr: If True Then If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 509. ## ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . closed_if [ Else ] ## if_then_else(expr) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: If True Then If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 501. ## ## if_then(expr) -> If expr Then . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## if_then_else(expr) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: If True Then If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 500. ## ## if_then(expr) -> If expr . Then expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## if_then_else(expr) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: If True Then If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 499. ## ## if_then(expr) -> If . expr Then expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## if_then_else(expr) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 497. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 498. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 496. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 495. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 513. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 514. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 512. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: If True Then Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 494. ## ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 490. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match expr . With option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match expr . With option(VBAR) cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With VBAR Begin ## ## Ends in an error in state: 492. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match expr With option(VBAR) . cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match expr With option(VBAR) . cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With option(VBAR) ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Bytes VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 405. ## ## cases(base_cond) -> cases(base_cond) VBAR . case_clause(base_cond) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## cases(base_if_then_else) -> cases(base_cond) VBAR . case_clause(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cases(base_cond) VBAR ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Fun WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 385. ## ## fun_expr(base_cond) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## fun_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Fun With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 383. ## ## fun_expr(base_cond) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## fun_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 382. ## ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_if_then_else) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 276. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr Then . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_if_then_else) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 275. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr . Then base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_if_then_else) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 274. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If . expr Then base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_if_then_else) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 272. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 273. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 271. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 270. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 397. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 398. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 396. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 269. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## let_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW True End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 390. ## ## base_expr(base_cond) -> disj_expr_level . [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## base_expr(base_if_then_else) -> disj_expr_level . [ Else ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In Else EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 268. ## ## case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern ARROW . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## case_clause(base_if_then_else) -> pattern ARROW . base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ARROW ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With WILD CONS Bytes SEMI ## ## Ends in an error in state: 267. ## ## case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern . ARROW base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## case_clause(base_if_then_else) -> pattern . ARROW base_if_then_else [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 96, spurious reduction of production tail -> sub_pattern ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production pattern -> sub_pattern CONS tail ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match True With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 491. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match expr With . option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match expr With . option(VBAR) cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With ## interactive_expr: If True Then Match With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 489. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match . expr With option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## match_expr(base_if_then_else) -> Match . expr With option(VBAR) cases(base_if_then_else) [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match ## interactive_expr: If True Then True COMMA Bytes VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 505. ## ## base_expr(closed_if) -> tuple_expr . [ Else ] ## base_expr(expr) -> tuple_expr . [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tuple_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 342, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 341, spurious reduction of production tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) ## In state 218, spurious reduction of production tuple_expr -> tuple(disj_expr_level) ## interactive_expr: If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 517. ## ## if_then_else(expr) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: If True Then True VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 506. ## ## base_expr(closed_if) -> disj_expr_level . [ Else ] ## base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level . [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In Else EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 488. ## ## if_then(expr) -> If expr Then . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(expr) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 487. ## ## if_then(expr) -> If expr . Then expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(expr) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 180. ## ## if_then(expr) -> If . expr Then expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(expr) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Constr DOT Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 521. ## ## projection -> Constr DOT Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT Ident ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Constr DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 520. ## ## projection -> Constr DOT . Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 519. ## ## projection -> Constr . DOT Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident DOT Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 525. ## ## update_record -> LBRACE path . With sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) RBRACE [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE path ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 185, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(selection,DOT) -> selection ## In state 188, spurious reduction of production projection -> Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) ## In state 524, spurious reduction of production path -> projection ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 552. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 551. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 518, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 548. ## ## field_assignment -> Ident . EQ expr [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 547. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 546. ## ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) -> field_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 518, spurious reduction of production field_assignment -> Ident EQ expr ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 178. ## ## field_assignment -> Ident EQ . expr [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident EQ ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 177. ## ## field_assignment -> Ident . EQ expr [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## path -> Ident . [ With ] ## projection -> Ident . DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With Ident DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 528. ## ## nsepseq(field_name,DOT) -> Ident DOT . nsepseq(field_name,DOT) [ EQ ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident DOT ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 542. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 541. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 536, spurious reduction of production field_path_assignment -> nsepseq(field_name,DOT) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 538. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment SEMI ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With Ident EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 537. ## ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI nsepseq(field_path_assignment,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) -> field_path_assignment . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_path_assignment,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_path_assignment ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 536, spurious reduction of production field_path_assignment -> nsepseq(field_name,DOT) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With Ident EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 535. ## ## field_path_assignment -> nsepseq(field_name,DOT) EQ . expr [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## nsepseq(field_name,DOT) EQ ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 527. ## ## nsepseq(field_name,DOT) -> Ident . [ EQ ] ## nsepseq(field_name,DOT) -> Ident . DOT nsepseq(field_name,DOT) [ EQ ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## interactive_expr: LBRACE Ident With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 526. ## ## update_record -> LBRACE path With . sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) RBRACE [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE path With ## interactive_expr: LBRACE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 176. ## ## record_expr -> LBRACE . sep_or_term_list(field_assignment,SEMI) RBRACE [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## update_record -> LBRACE . path With sep_or_term_list(field_path_assignment,SEMI) RBRACE [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE ## interactive_expr: LBRACKET True SEMI True SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 567. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr SEMI . nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr SEMI ## interactive_expr: LBRACKET True SEMI True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 566. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . [ RBRACKET ] ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . SEMI nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: LBRACKET True SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 563. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr SEMI . nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr SEMI ## interactive_expr: LBRACKET True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 562. ## ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . [ RBRACKET ] ## nsepseq(expr,SEMI) -> expr . SEMI nsepseq(expr,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) -> expr . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(expr,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 168. ## ## list__(expr) -> LBRACKET . option(sep_or_term_list(expr,SEMI)) RBRACKET [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACKET ## interactive_expr: LPAR True COLON String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 580. ## ## par(__anonymous_1) -> LPAR expr COLON type_expr . RPAR [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR expr COLON type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## interactive_expr: LPAR True COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 579. ## ## par(__anonymous_1) -> LPAR expr COLON . type_expr RPAR [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR expr COLON ## interactive_expr: LPAR True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 577. ## ## par(__anonymous_1) -> LPAR expr . COLON type_expr RPAR [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## par(expr) -> LPAR expr . RPAR [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 165. ## ## par(__anonymous_1) -> LPAR . expr COLON type_expr RPAR [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## par(expr) -> LPAR . expr RPAR [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## unit -> LPAR . RPAR [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## interactive_expr: Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 174. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 175. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 171. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 170. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## interactive_expr: Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 555. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Let WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 556. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 554. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 169. ## ## let_expr(expr) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(expr) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In expr [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## interactive_expr: MINUS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 167. ## ## unary_expr_level -> MINUS . call_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## MINUS ## interactive_expr: Match True Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 570. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match expr . With option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Match True With LPAR Bytes RPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 245. ## ## pattern -> sub_pattern . CONS tail [ ARROW ] ## tuple(sub_pattern) -> sub_pattern . COMMA nsepseq(sub_pattern,COMMA) [ ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_pattern ## interactive_expr: Match True With VBAR Begin ## ## Ends in an error in state: 572. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match expr With option(VBAR) . cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With option(VBAR) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Bytes VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 576. ## ## cases(base_cond) -> cases(base_cond) VBAR . case_clause(base_cond) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cases(base_cond) VBAR ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Fun WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 414. ## ## fun_expr(base_cond) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Fun With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 412. ## ## fun_expr(base_cond) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Fun WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 287. ## ## fun_expr(base_cond) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## fun_expr(closed_if) -> Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun nseq(irrefutable) ARROW ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Fun With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 285. ## ## fun_expr(base_cond) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## fun_expr(closed_if) -> Fun . nseq(irrefutable) ARROW closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Fun ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 362. ## ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 284. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr Then . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 283. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr . Then base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 282. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If . expr Then base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(closed_if) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 280. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 281. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 279. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 278. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 377. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 378. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 376. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 277. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## let_expr(closed_if) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In closed_if [ Else ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then True Else With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 411. ## ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then closed_if Else . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then closed_if Else ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then True End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 297. ## ## base_expr(base_cond) -> disj_expr_level . [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## base_expr(closed_if) -> disj_expr_level . [ Else ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In Else EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True Then With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 262. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr Then . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr Then . closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr Then ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 261. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If expr . Then base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If expr . Then closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW If With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 260. ## ## if_then(base_cond) -> If . expr Then base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## if_then_else(base_cond) -> If . expr Then closed_if Else base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## If ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 258. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 259. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 257. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 256. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr Type ## ## Ends in an error in state: 418. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) . In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 172, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> ## In state 173, spurious reduction of production seq(Attr) -> Attr seq(Attr) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let WILD EQ Bytes In With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 419. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding seq(Attr) In . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding seq(Attr) In ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 417. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 255. ## ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## let_expr(base_cond) -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) In base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW True COMMA Bytes Else ## ## Ends in an error in state: 575. ## ## cases(base_cond) -> cases(base_cond) . VBAR case_clause(base_cond) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match expr With option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) . [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 342, spurious reduction of production nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 341, spurious reduction of production tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) ## In state 218, spurious reduction of production tuple_expr -> tuple(disj_expr_level) ## In state 415, spurious reduction of production base_expr(base_cond) -> tuple_expr ## In state 354, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(base_cond) -> base_expr(base_cond) ## In state 355, spurious reduction of production base_cond -> base_cond__open(base_cond) ## In state 401, spurious reduction of production case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern ARROW base_cond ## In state 409, spurious reduction of production cases(base_cond) -> case_clause(base_cond) ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW True End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 416. ## ## base_expr(base_cond) -> disj_expr_level . [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 574. ## ## case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern ARROW . base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ARROW ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD COMMA WILD COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 250. ## ## nsepseq(sub_pattern,COMMA) -> sub_pattern COMMA . nsepseq(sub_pattern,COMMA) [ ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_pattern COMMA ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD COMMA WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 249. ## ## nsepseq(sub_pattern,COMMA) -> sub_pattern . [ ARROW ] ## nsepseq(sub_pattern,COMMA) -> sub_pattern . COMMA nsepseq(sub_pattern,COMMA) [ ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_pattern ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 248. ## ## tuple(sub_pattern) -> sub_pattern COMMA . nsepseq(sub_pattern,COMMA) [ ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_pattern COMMA ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD CONS Bytes SEMI ## ## Ends in an error in state: 573. ## ## case_clause(base_cond) -> pattern . ARROW base_cond [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## pattern ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 96, spurious reduction of production tail -> sub_pattern ## In state 247, spurious reduction of production pattern -> sub_pattern CONS tail ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD CONS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 246. ## ## pattern -> sub_pattern CONS . tail [ ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_pattern CONS ## interactive_expr: Match True With WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 402. ## ## pattern -> core_pattern . [ ARROW ] ## sub_pattern -> core_pattern . [ CONS COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_pattern ## interactive_expr: Match True With With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 571. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match expr With . option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match expr With ## interactive_expr: Match With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 166. ## ## match_expr(base_cond) -> Match . expr With option(VBAR) cases(base_cond) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Match ## interactive_expr: Not With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 162. ## ## unary_expr_level -> Not . call_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Not ## interactive_expr: True BOOL_AND With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 317. ## ## bin_op(conj_expr_level,BOOL_AND,comp_expr_level) -> conj_expr_level BOOL_AND . comp_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In End Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## conj_expr_level BOOL_AND ## interactive_expr: True BOOL_OR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 348. ## ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level BOOL_OR . conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In End Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level BOOL_OR ## interactive_expr: True CAT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 300. ## ## bin_op(cons_expr_level,CAT,cat_expr_level) -> cons_expr_level CAT . cat_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cons_expr_level CAT ## interactive_expr: True COMMA True COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 343. ## ## nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level COMMA . nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In Else EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level COMMA ## interactive_expr: True COMMA True End ## ## Ends in an error in state: 342. ## ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level . [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In Else EOF COLON Attr ] ## nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In Else EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: True COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 340. ## ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level COMMA . nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In Else EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level COMMA ## interactive_expr: True CONS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 314. ## ## bin_op(add_expr_level,CONS,cons_expr_level) -> add_expr_level CONS . cons_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr_level CONS ## interactive_expr: True Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 200. ## ## module_field -> Constr . DOT module_fun [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## projection -> Constr . DOT Ident DOT nsepseq(selection,DOT) [ With VBAR Type True Then TIMES String SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or Nat NE Mutez Mod MINUS Let LT LPAR LE LBRACKET LBRACE Int In Ident GT GE False End Else EQ EOF Constr CONS COMMA COLON CAT Bytes Begin BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## interactive_expr: True EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 329. ## ## bin_op(comp_expr_level,EQ,cat_expr_level) -> comp_expr_level EQ . cat_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr_level EQ ## interactive_expr: True GE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 327. ## ## bin_op(comp_expr_level,GE,cat_expr_level) -> comp_expr_level GE . cat_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr_level GE ## interactive_expr: True GT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 325. ## ## bin_op(comp_expr_level,GT,cat_expr_level) -> comp_expr_level GT . cat_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr_level GT ## interactive_expr: True LE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 323. ## ## bin_op(comp_expr_level,LE,cat_expr_level) -> comp_expr_level LE . cat_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr_level LE ## interactive_expr: True LT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 321. ## ## bin_op(comp_expr_level,LT,cat_expr_level) -> comp_expr_level LT . cat_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr_level LT ## interactive_expr: True MINUS C_None WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 313. ## ## bin_op(add_expr_level,MINUS,mult_expr_level) -> add_expr_level MINUS mult_expr_level . [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,Mod,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . Mod unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,SLASH,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . SLASH unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,TIMES,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . TIMES unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr_level MINUS mult_expr_level ## interactive_expr: True MINUS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 312. ## ## bin_op(add_expr_level,MINUS,mult_expr_level) -> add_expr_level MINUS . mult_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr_level MINUS ## interactive_expr: True Mod With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 233. ## ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,Mod,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level Mod . unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr_level Mod ## interactive_expr: True NE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 319. ## ## bin_op(comp_expr_level,NE,cat_expr_level) -> comp_expr_level NE . cat_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or NE Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## comp_expr_level NE ## interactive_expr: True Or With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 298. ## ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level Or . conj_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In End Else EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level Or ## interactive_expr: True PLUS C_None WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 311. ## ## bin_op(add_expr_level,PLUS,mult_expr_level) -> add_expr_level PLUS mult_expr_level . [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,Mod,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . Mod unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,SLASH,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . SLASH unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,TIMES,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level . TIMES unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr_level PLUS mult_expr_level ## interactive_expr: True PLUS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 310. ## ## bin_op(add_expr_level,PLUS,mult_expr_level) -> add_expr_level PLUS . mult_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## add_expr_level PLUS ## interactive_expr: True SLASH With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 231. ## ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,SLASH,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level SLASH . unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr_level SLASH ## interactive_expr: True TIMES With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 220. ## ## bin_op(mult_expr_level,TIMES,unary_expr_level) -> mult_expr_level TIMES . unary_expr_level [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## mult_expr_level TIMES ## interactive_expr: True True True WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 226. ## ## seq(core_expr) -> core_expr . seq(core_expr) [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_expr ## interactive_expr: True True WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 224. ## ## nseq(core_expr) -> core_expr . seq(core_expr) [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_expr ## interactive_expr: True VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 366. ## ## base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level . [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,BOOL_OR,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . BOOL_OR conj_expr_level [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## bin_op(disj_expr_level,Or,conj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . Or conj_expr_level [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Or Let In EOF COMMA COLON BOOL_OR Attr ] ## tuple(disj_expr_level) -> disj_expr_level . COMMA nsepseq(disj_expr_level,COMMA) [ With Type Then SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE Let In EOF COLON Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## disj_expr_level ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## interactive_expr: True WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 222. ## ## call_expr -> core_expr . nseq(core_expr) [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## call_expr_level -> core_expr . [ With VBAR Type Then TIMES SLASH SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE PLUS Or NE Mod MINUS Let LT LE In GT GE End Else EQ EOF CONS COMMA COLON CAT BOOL_OR BOOL_AND Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_expr ## interactive_expr: True With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 597. ## ## interactive_expr -> expr . EOF [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## interactive_expr: With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 595. ## ## interactive_expr' -> . interactive_expr [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ## contract: Let Ident WILD COLON String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 158. ## ## let_binding -> Ident nseq(sub_irrefutable) option(type_annotation) . EQ expr [ Type Let In EOF Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident nseq(sub_irrefutable) option(type_annotation) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 156, spurious reduction of production type_annotation -> COLON type_expr ## In state 157, spurious reduction of production option(type_annotation) -> type_annotation ## contract: Let Ident WILD EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 159. ## ## let_binding -> Ident nseq(sub_irrefutable) option(type_annotation) EQ . expr [ Type Let In EOF Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident nseq(sub_irrefutable) option(type_annotation) EQ ## contract: Let Ident WILD WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 151. ## ## seq(sub_irrefutable) -> sub_irrefutable . seq(sub_irrefutable) [ EQ COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_irrefutable ## contract: Let Ident WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 150. ## ## nseq(sub_irrefutable) -> sub_irrefutable . seq(sub_irrefutable) [ EQ COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_irrefutable ## contract: Let Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 149. ## ## let_binding -> Ident . nseq(sub_irrefutable) option(type_annotation) EQ expr [ Type Let In EOF Attr ] ## sub_irrefutable -> Ident . [ EQ COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Let LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 127. ## ## nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) -> field_pattern SEMI . nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) -> field_pattern SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_pattern SEMI ## contract: Let LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes SEMI Ident EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 126. ## ## nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) -> field_pattern . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) -> field_pattern . SEMI nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) -> field_pattern . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_pattern ## contract: Let LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 123. ## ## nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) -> field_pattern SEMI . nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) -> field_pattern SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_pattern SEMI ## contract: Let LBRACE Ident EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 122. ## ## nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) -> field_pattern . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) -> field_pattern . SEMI nsepseq(field_pattern,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) -> field_pattern . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_pattern,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_pattern ## contract: Let LBRACE Ident EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 69. ## ## field_pattern -> Ident EQ . sub_pattern [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident EQ ## contract: Let LBRACE Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 68. ## ## field_pattern -> Ident . EQ sub_pattern [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Let LBRACE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 67. ## ## record_pattern -> LBRACE . sep_or_term_list(field_pattern,SEMI) RBRACE [ WILD SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr CONS COMMA COLON ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE ## contract: Let LPAR Constr C_Some With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 80. ## ## constr_pattern -> C_Some . sub_pattern [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## C_Some ## contract: Let LPAR Constr Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 79. ## ## constr_pattern -> Constr . [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## constr_pattern -> Constr . sub_pattern [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LBRACKET WILD RPAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 92. ## ## nsepseq(tail,SEMI) -> tail . [ RBRACKET ] ## nsepseq(tail,SEMI) -> tail . SEMI nsepseq(tail,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) -> tail . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tail ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 96, spurious reduction of production tail -> sub_pattern ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LBRACKET WILD SEMI WILD RPAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 94. ## ## nsepseq(tail,SEMI) -> tail . [ RBRACKET ] ## nsepseq(tail,SEMI) -> tail . SEMI nsepseq(tail,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) -> tail . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tail ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 96, spurious reduction of production tail -> sub_pattern ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LBRACKET WILD SEMI WILD SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 95. ## ## nsepseq(tail,SEMI) -> tail SEMI . nsepseq(tail,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) -> tail SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tail SEMI ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LBRACKET WILD SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 93. ## ## nsepseq(tail,SEMI) -> tail SEMI . nsepseq(tail,SEMI) [ RBRACKET ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) -> tail SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(tail,SEMI)) [ RBRACKET ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tail SEMI ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LBRACKET With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 75. ## ## list__(tail) -> LBRACKET . option(sep_or_term_list(tail,SEMI)) RBRACKET [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACKET ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LPAR WILD COMMA WILD COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 112. ## ## nsepseq(tail,COMMA) -> tail COMMA . nsepseq(tail,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tail COMMA ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LPAR WILD COMMA WILD SEMI ## ## Ends in an error in state: 111. ## ## nsepseq(tail,COMMA) -> tail . [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(tail,COMMA) -> tail . COMMA nsepseq(tail,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tail ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 96, spurious reduction of production tail -> sub_pattern ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LPAR WILD COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 110. ## ## tuple(tail) -> tail COMMA . nsepseq(tail,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## tail COMMA ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LPAR WILD CONS With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 97. ## ## tail -> sub_pattern CONS . tail [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_pattern CONS ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LPAR WILD SEMI ## ## Ends in an error in state: 108. ## ## par(tail) -> LPAR tail . RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## tuple(tail) -> tail . COMMA nsepseq(tail,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR tail ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 96, spurious reduction of production tail -> sub_pattern ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LPAR WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 96. ## ## tail -> sub_pattern . [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET COMMA ARROW ] ## tail -> sub_pattern . CONS tail [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_pattern ## contract: Let LPAR Constr LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 74. ## ## par(ptuple) -> LPAR . ptuple RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## par(tail) -> LPAR . tail RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## unit -> LPAR . RPAR [ SEMI RPAR RBRACKET RBRACE CONS COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## contract: Let LPAR Constr WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 147. ## ## par(closed_irrefutable) -> LPAR closed_irrefutable . RPAR [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COMMA COLON ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR closed_irrefutable ## contract: Let LPAR Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 130. ## ## closed_irrefutable -> Constr . sub_pattern [ RPAR ] ## sub_irrefutable -> Constr . [ RPAR COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## contract: Let LPAR WILD COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 145. ## ## typed_pattern -> irrefutable COLON . type_expr [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## irrefutable COLON ## contract: Let LPAR WILD WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 144. ## ## closed_irrefutable -> irrefutable . [ RPAR ] ## typed_pattern -> irrefutable . COLON type_expr [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## irrefutable ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 135, spurious reduction of production irrefutable -> sub_irrefutable ## contract: Let LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 65. ## ## par(closed_irrefutable) -> LPAR . closed_irrefutable RPAR [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COMMA COLON ARROW ] ## unit -> LPAR . RPAR [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COMMA COLON ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## contract: Let Rec WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 584. ## ## let_declaration -> Let Rec let_binding . seq(Attr) [ Type Let EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## contract: Let Rec With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 64. ## ## let_declaration -> Let Rec . let_binding seq(Attr) [ Type Let EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let Rec ## contract: Let WILD COLON Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 373. ## ## let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) . EQ expr [ Type Let In EOF Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## irrefutable option(type_annotation) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 156, spurious reduction of production type_annotation -> COLON type_expr ## In state 157, spurious reduction of production option(type_annotation) -> type_annotation ## contract: Let WILD COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 155. ## ## type_annotation -> COLON . type_expr [ EQ ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## COLON ## contract: Let WILD COMMA WILD COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 139. ## ## nsepseq(sub_irrefutable,COMMA) -> sub_irrefutable COMMA . nsepseq(sub_irrefutable,COMMA) [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COLON ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_irrefutable COMMA ## contract: Let WILD COMMA WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 138. ## ## nsepseq(sub_irrefutable,COMMA) -> sub_irrefutable . [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COLON ARROW ] ## nsepseq(sub_irrefutable,COMMA) -> sub_irrefutable . COMMA nsepseq(sub_irrefutable,COMMA) [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COLON ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_irrefutable ## contract: Let WILD COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 136. ## ## tuple(sub_irrefutable) -> sub_irrefutable COMMA . nsepseq(sub_irrefutable,COMMA) [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COLON ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_irrefutable COMMA ## contract: Let WILD EQ Bytes Attr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 172. ## ## seq(Attr) -> Attr . seq(Attr) [ Type Let In EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Attr ## contract: Let WILD EQ Bytes With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 586. ## ## let_declaration -> Let let_binding . seq(Attr) [ Type Let EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let let_binding ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 222, spurious reduction of production call_expr_level -> core_expr ## In state 229, spurious reduction of production unary_expr_level -> call_expr_level ## In state 216, spurious reduction of production mult_expr_level -> unary_expr_level ## In state 219, spurious reduction of production add_expr_level -> mult_expr_level ## In state 309, spurious reduction of production cons_expr_level -> add_expr_level ## In state 299, spurious reduction of production cat_expr_level -> cons_expr_level ## In state 331, spurious reduction of production comp_expr_level -> cat_expr_level ## In state 338, spurious reduction of production conj_expr_level -> comp_expr_level ## In state 345, spurious reduction of production disj_expr_level -> conj_expr_level ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production base_expr(expr) -> disj_expr_level ## In state 368, spurious reduction of production base_cond__open(expr) -> base_expr(expr) ## In state 369, spurious reduction of production expr -> base_cond__open(expr) ## In state 375, spurious reduction of production let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ expr ## contract: Let WILD EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 374. ## ## let_binding -> irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ . expr [ Type Let In EOF Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## irrefutable option(type_annotation) EQ ## contract: Let WILD WILD ## ## Ends in an error in state: 372. ## ## let_binding -> irrefutable . option(type_annotation) EQ expr [ Type Let In EOF Attr ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## irrefutable ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 135, spurious reduction of production irrefutable -> sub_irrefutable ## contract: Let WILD With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 135. ## ## irrefutable -> sub_irrefutable . [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COLON ARROW ] ## tuple(sub_irrefutable) -> sub_irrefutable . COMMA nsepseq(sub_irrefutable,COMMA) [ WILD RPAR LPAR LBRACE Ident EQ Constr COLON ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## sub_irrefutable ## contract: Let With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 62. ## ## let_declaration -> Let . let_binding seq(Attr) [ Type Let EOF ] ## let_declaration -> Let . Rec let_binding seq(Attr) [ Type Let EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Let ## contract: Type Ident EQ Constr DOT With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 14. ## ## core_type -> Constr DOT . Ident [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr DOT ## contract: Type Ident EQ Constr Of With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 6. ## ## variant -> Constr Of . fun_type [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr Of ## contract: Type Ident EQ Constr VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 17. ## ## nsepseq(variant,VBAR) -> variant VBAR . nsepseq(variant,VBAR) [ Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## variant VBAR ## contract: Type Ident EQ Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 13. ## ## core_type -> Constr . DOT Ident [ Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## variant -> Constr . [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## variant -> Constr . Of fun_type [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## contract: Type Ident EQ Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 592. ## ## declarations -> declaration . [ EOF ] ## declarations -> declaration . declarations [ EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## declaration ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production type_decl -> Type Ident EQ type_expr ## In state 588, spurious reduction of production declaration -> type_decl ## contract: Type Ident EQ LBRACE Ident COLON Constr SEMI Ident COLON Constr SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 48. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl SEMI . nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl SEMI ## contract: Type Ident EQ LBRACE Ident COLON Constr SEMI Ident COLON Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 47. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . SEMI nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 21, spurious reduction of production field_decl -> Ident COLON type_expr ## contract: Type Ident EQ LBRACE Ident COLON Constr SEMI With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 44. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl SEMI . nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl SEMI . seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl SEMI ## contract: Type Ident EQ LBRACE Ident COLON Ident VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 43. ## ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . [ RBRACE ] ## nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) -> field_decl . SEMI nsepseq(field_decl,SEMI) [ RBRACE ] ## nseq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) -> field_decl . SEMI seq(__anonymous_0(field_decl,SEMI)) [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## field_decl ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## In state 21, spurious reduction of production field_decl -> Ident COLON type_expr ## contract: Type Ident EQ LBRACE Ident COLON With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 11. ## ## field_decl -> Ident COLON . type_expr [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident COLON ## contract: Type Ident EQ LBRACE Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 10. ## ## field_decl -> Ident . COLON type_expr [ SEMI RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Ident ## contract: Type Ident EQ LBRACE With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 9. ## ## record_type -> LBRACE . sep_or_term_list(field_decl,SEMI) RBRACE [ Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE ## contract: Type Ident EQ LPAR String COMMA Constr RPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 19. ## ## core_type -> type_tuple . Ident [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_tuple ## contract: Type Ident EQ LPAR String COMMA String COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 54. ## ## nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) -> type_expr COMMA . nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_expr COMMA ## contract: Type Ident EQ LPAR String COMMA String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 53. ## ## nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) -> type_expr . [ RPAR ] ## nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) -> type_expr . COMMA nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Type Ident EQ LPAR String COMMA With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 52. ## ## tuple(type_expr) -> type_expr COMMA . nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_expr COMMA ## contract: Type Ident EQ LPAR String VBAR ## ## Ends in an error in state: 50. ## ## par(type_expr) -> LPAR type_expr . RPAR [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## tuple(type_expr) -> type_expr . COMMA nsepseq(type_expr,COMMA) [ RPAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR type_expr ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 28, spurious reduction of production cartesian -> core_type ## In state 36, spurious reduction of production fun_type -> cartesian ## In state 27, spurious reduction of production type_expr -> fun_type ## contract: Type Ident EQ LPAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 8. ## ## par(tuple(type_expr)) -> LPAR . tuple(type_expr) RPAR [ Ident ] ## par(type_expr) -> LPAR . type_expr RPAR [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAR ## contract: Type Ident EQ String ARROW With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 37. ## ## fun_type -> cartesian ARROW . fun_type [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## cartesian ARROW ## contract: Type Ident EQ String TIMES Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 30. ## ## core_type -> Constr . DOT Ident [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## contract: Type Ident EQ String TIMES String TIMES With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 33. ## ## nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) -> core_type TIMES . nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type TIMES ## contract: Type Ident EQ String TIMES String With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 32. ## ## core_type -> core_type . Ident [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) -> core_type . [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) -> core_type . TIMES nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type ## contract: Type Ident EQ String TIMES With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 29. ## ## cartesian -> core_type TIMES . nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type TIMES ## contract: Type Ident EQ String With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 28. ## ## cartesian -> core_type . [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## cartesian -> core_type . TIMES nsepseq(core_type,TIMES) [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## core_type -> core_type . Ident [ VBAR Type TIMES SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let Ident EQ EOF COMMA ARROW ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## core_type ## contract: Type Ident EQ VBAR Constr With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 5. ## ## variant -> Constr . [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## variant -> Constr . Of fun_type [ VBAR Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Constr ## contract: Type Ident EQ VBAR With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 4. ## ## sum_type -> VBAR . nsepseq(variant,VBAR) [ Type SEMI RPAR RBRACE Let EQ EOF COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## VBAR ## contract: Type Ident EQ With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 3. ## ## type_decl -> Type Ident EQ . type_expr [ Type Let EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Type Ident EQ ## contract: Type Ident With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 2. ## ## type_decl -> Type Ident . EQ type_expr [ Type Let EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Type Ident ## contract: Type With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 1. ## ## type_decl -> Type . Ident EQ type_expr [ Type Let EOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## Type ## contract: With ## ## Ends in an error in state: 0. ## ## contract' -> . contract [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ##