function incr_map (const l : list (int)) : list (int) is (function (const i : int) : int is i + 1, l) type t is timestamp * nat -> map (string, address) type u is A | B of t * int | C of int -> (string -> int) type v is record aaaaaa : ttttttt; bbbbbb : record ccccccccc : string end end function back (var store : store) : list (operation) * store is begin var operations : list (operation) := list []; const operations : list (operation) = list []; const a : nat = 0n; x0 := record foo = "1"; bar = 4n end; x1 := nil; x2 := list end; x3 := 3#4# list [5; 6]; case foo of 10n -> skip end; if saaa.0.1.2.a.b.b.x contains xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[123] then skip else skip; s := set [3_000mutez; -2; 1n]; a := A; b := B (a); c := C (a, B (a)); d := None; e := Some (a, B (b)); z := z.1.2; x := if true then map [1 -> "1"; 2 -> "2"; 3 -> "3"; 4 -> "4"; 5 -> "5555555555555555"] else Unit; y := a.b.c[3]; a := "hello " ^ "world" ^ "!"; r := record aaaaaaaaaaaa = 100000000; bbbbbbb = ffffff (2, aa, x, y) + 1 end; r := r with record aaaaaaaaaaa = 444442; bbbbbbbbb = 43 + f (z) / 234 end; patch store.backers.8.aa.33333.5 with set [(1); f(2*3); 123124234/2345]; remove (1,2,3) from set; remove 3 from map; patch store.backers with map [sender -> amount]; if now > store.deadline and (not True) then begin f (x,1); for k -> d in map m block { skip }; for x in set s block { skip }; while i < 10n begin acc := 2 - (if toggle then f(x) else Unit); end; for i := 1n to 10n step 2n begin acc := acc + i; end; failwith ("Deadline passed"); end else case store.backers[sender] of [ None -> store.0.backers[sender] := amount | Some (_) -> skip | B (x, C (y,z)) -> skip | False#True#Unit#0xAA#"hi"#4#nil -> skip ] end with (operations, store, (more_stuff, and_here_too)) function claim (var store : store; const bar : t; const baz : u; var z : operations * store * (more_stuff * and_here_too)) : list (operation) * store * timestamp * nat -> map (string, address) is begin const operations : list (operation * map (address, map (longname, domain))) = nilllllllllll; var operations : list (operation * map (address, map (longname, domain))) := nilllllllllll; attributes ["foo"; "inline"]; if now <= store.deadline then failwith ("Too soon.") else case store.backers[sender] of None -> failwith ("Not a backer.") | Some (0) -> skip | Some (quantity) -> if balance >= store.goal or store.funded then failwith ("Goal reached: no refund.") else begin := list [transaction (unit, sender, quantity); transaction (foo, bar, bazzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)]; remove sender.0099999.fffff [fiar (abaxxasfdf)] from map store.backers.foooooo.barrrrr.01.bazzzzzzz end end end with long_function_name (operations, store, (more_stuff, (and_here_too, well_in_here_too), hello)) attributes ["inline"; "foo"] function withdraw (var store : store) : list (operation) * store is begin var operations : list (operation) := list end; if sender = owner then if now >= store.deadline then if balance >= store.goal then { // store.funded := True; patch store with record funded = True; a = b end; operations := list [Transfer (owner, balance)]; }; else failwith ("Below target.") else failwith ("Too soon."); else skip end with case (foo: bar) of nil -> (operations, (store : store)) | _ -> (operations, store) end