open Trace open Test_helpers module SnippetsGroup = Map.Make(struct type t = (string * string) let compare a b = compare a b end) let failed_to_compile_md_file md_file (s,group,prg) = let title () = "Failed to compile "^s^" group '"^group^"' in file '"^md_file^"'" in let content () = "unable to compile the program down to michelson" in let data = [ ("source" , fun () -> Format.asprintf "%s" prg) ; ] in error ~data title content (** binds the snippets by (syntax, group_name) e.g. :(pascaligo, a) -> "let .. in let .. in" (cameligo, a) -> "let .. in let .. in" syntax and group_name being retrieved from the .md file header & arguments e.g. : ```syntax group=group_name ...some code ... ``` **) let get_groups md_file = let channel = open_in md_file in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel channel in let code_blocks = Md.token lexbuf in List.fold_left (fun (grp_map: _ SnippetsGroup.t) (el:Md.block) -> match el.header with | Some s -> List.fold_left (fun grp_map arg -> match arg with | Md.NameValue ("group", name) -> SnippetsGroup.update (s,name) (fun arg_content -> match arg_content with | Some ct -> Some (String.concat "\n" (ct::el.contents)) | None -> Some (String.concat "\n" el.contents) ) grp_map | _ -> grp_map ) grp_map el.arguments | None -> grp_map ) SnippetsGroup.empty code_blocks (** evaluate each expression in each programs from the snippets group map **) let compile_groups _filename (grp_map: _ SnippetsGroup.t) = let grp_list = SnippetsGroup.bindings grp_map in let%bind _michelsons = bind_map_list (fun ((s,_grp),contents) -> (*TODO: hierarchical error ?*) trace_strong (failed_to_compile_md_file _filename (s,_grp,contents)) @@ let%bind v_syntax = Compile.Helpers.syntax_to_variant (Syntax_name s) None in let%bind simplified = Compile.Of_source.compile_string contents v_syntax in let%bind typed,_ = Compile.Of_simplified.compile simplified in let%bind mini_c = Compile.Of_typed.compile typed in bind_map_list (fun ((_,exp),_) -> Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c exp) mini_c ) grp_list in ok () let compile filename () = let groups = get_groups filename in let%bind () = compile_groups filename groups in ok () let md_root = "../../gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/" let main = test_suite "Markdown files" [ test "sets_lists_touples" (compile (md_root^"")) ; ]