(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) let record_proposal ctxt delegate proposal = Storage.Vote.Proposals.add ctxt (delegate, proposal) let get_proposals ctxt = Storage.Vote.Proposals.fold ctxt Protocol_hash.Map.empty ~f:(fun (proposal, _delegate) acc -> let previous = try Protocol_hash.Map.find proposal acc with Not_found -> 0l in Lwt.return (Protocol_hash.Map.add proposal (Int32.succ previous) acc)) let clear_proposals ctxt = Storage.Vote.Proposals.clear ctxt type ballots = { yay: int32 ; nay: int32 ; pass: int32 ; } let record_ballot = Storage.Vote.Ballots.init_set let get_ballots ctxt = Storage.Vote.Ballots.fold ctxt ~f:(fun delegate ballot (ballots: ballots tzresult) -> Storage.Vote.Listings.get ctxt delegate >>=? fun weight -> let count = Int32.add weight in Lwt.return begin ballots >>? fun ballots -> match ballot with | Yay -> ok { ballots with yay = count ballots.yay } | Nay -> ok { ballots with nay = count ballots.nay } | Pass -> ok { ballots with pass = count ballots.pass } end) (ok { yay = 0l ; nay = 0l; pass = 0l }) let clear_ballots = Storage.Vote.Ballots.clear let freeze_listings ctxt = Roll_storage.fold ctxt (ctxt, 0l) ~f:(fun _roll contract (ctxt, total as acc) -> Contract_storage.get_delegate_opt ctxt contract >>=? function | None -> return acc | Some delegate -> begin Storage.Vote.Listings.get_option ctxt delegate >>=? function | None -> return 0l | Some count -> return count end >>=? fun count -> Storage.Vote.Listings.init_set ctxt delegate (Int32.succ count) >>=? fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, Int32.succ total)) >>=? fun (ctxt, total) -> Storage.Vote.Listings_size.init ctxt total >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt let listing_size = Storage.Vote.Listings_size.get let in_listings = Storage.Vote.Listings.mem let clear_listings ctxt = Storage.Vote.Listings.clear ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Vote.Listings_size.remove ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt let get_current_period_kind = Storage.Vote.Current_period_kind.get let set_current_period_kind = Storage.Vote.Current_period_kind.set let get_current_quorum = Storage.Vote.Current_quorum.get let set_current_quorum = Storage.Vote.Current_quorum.set let get_current_proposal = Storage.Vote.Current_proposal.get let set_current_proposal = Storage.Vote.Current_proposal.set let clear_current_proposal = Storage.Vote.Current_proposal.delete let init ctxt = Storage.Vote.Current_quorum.init ctxt 80_00l >>=? fun ctxt -> Storage.Vote.Current_period_kind.init ctxt Proposal >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt