include List let rec remove n = function | [] -> raise (Failure "List.remove") | _ :: tl when n = 0 -> tl | hd :: tl -> hd :: remove (n - 1) tl let rec remove_from n = function | [] -> raise (Failure "List.remove_from") | _ when n = 0 -> [] | hd :: tl -> hd :: remove_from (n - 1) tl let map ?(acc = []) f lst = let rec aux acc f = function | [] -> acc | hd :: tl -> aux (f hd :: acc) f tl in aux acc f (List.rev lst) let fold_map_right : type acc ele ret . (acc -> ele -> (acc * ret)) -> acc -> ele list -> ret list = fun f acc lst -> let rec aux (acc , prev) f = function | [] -> (acc , prev) | hd :: tl -> let (acc' , hd') = f acc hd in aux (acc' , hd' :: prev) f tl in snd @@ aux (acc , []) f (List.rev lst) let fold_map_acc : type acc ele ret . (acc -> ele -> (acc * ret)) -> acc -> ele list -> acc * ret list = fun f acc lst -> let rec aux (acc , prev) f = function | [] -> (acc , prev) | hd :: tl -> let (acc' , hd') = f acc hd in aux (acc' , hd' :: prev) f tl in let (acc, lst) = aux (acc , []) f lst in (acc, List.rev lst) let fold_map : type acc ele ret . (acc -> ele -> (acc * ret)) -> acc -> ele list -> ret list = fun f acc lst -> snd (fold_map_acc f acc lst) let fold_right' f init lst = List.fold_left f init (List.rev lst) (* breaking a dependency cycle with X_option *) let unopt ~default x = match x with | None -> default | Some x -> x let rec remove_element ?compare:cmp x lst = let compare = unopt ~default:compare cmp in match lst with | [] -> raise (Failure "X_list.remove_element") | hd :: tl when compare x hd = 0 -> tl | hd :: tl -> hd :: remove_element ~compare x tl let filter_map f = let rec aux acc lst = match lst with | [] -> List.rev acc | hd :: tl -> aux ( match f hd with | Some x -> x :: acc | None -> acc ) tl in aux [] let cons_iter = fun fhd ftl lst -> match lst with | [] -> () | hd :: tl -> fhd hd ; List.iter ftl tl let range n = let rec aux acc n = if n = 0 then acc else aux ((n-1) :: acc) (n-1) in aux [] n let find_map f lst = let rec aux = function | [] -> None | hd::tl -> ( match f hd with | Some _ as s -> s | None -> aux tl ) in aux lst let find_index f lst = let rec aux n = function | [] -> raise (Failure "find_index") | hd :: _ when f hd -> n | _ :: tl -> aux (n + 1) tl in aux 0 lst let find_full f lst = let rec aux n = function | [] -> raise (Failure "find_index") | hd :: _ when f hd -> (hd, n) | _ :: tl -> aux (n + 1) tl in aux 0 lst let assoc_i ~compare x lst = let rec aux n = function | [] -> raise (Failure "List:assoc_i") | (x', y) :: _ when compare x x' = 0 -> (y, n) | _ :: tl -> aux (n + 1) tl in aux 0 lst let rec from n lst = if n = 0 then lst else from (n - 1) (tl lst) let until n lst = let rec aux acc n lst = if n = 0 then acc else aux ((hd lst) :: acc) (n - 1) (tl lst) in rev (aux [] n lst) let uncons_opt = function | [] -> None | hd :: tl -> Some (hd, tl) let rev_uncons_opt = function | [] -> None | lst -> let r = rev lst in let last = hd r in let hds = rev @@ tl r in Some (hds , last) let hds lst = match rev_uncons_opt lst with | None -> failwith "toto" | Some (hds , _) -> hds let to_pair = function | [a ; b] -> Some (a , b) | _ -> None let to_singleton = function | [a] -> Some a | _ -> None (** overriding stdlib List functions with optional compare/eq arguments *) let rec mem ?compare:cmp x = let compare = unopt ~default:compare cmp in function | [] -> false | a::l -> compare a x = 0 || mem ~compare x l let rec memq ?eq:eq x = let eq = unopt ~default:(=) eq in function | [] -> false | a::l -> eq a x || memq ~eq x l let rec assoc ?compare:cmp x = let compare = unopt ~default:compare cmp in function [] -> raise Not_found | (a,b)::l -> if compare a x = 0 then b else assoc ~compare x l let rec assoc_opt ?compare:cmp x = let compare = unopt ~default:compare cmp in function [] -> None | (a,b)::l -> if compare a x = 0 then Some b else assoc_opt ~compare x l module Ne = struct type 'a t = 'a * 'a list let of_list lst = List.hd lst, lst let to_list (hd, tl : _ t) = hd :: tl let singleton hd : 'a t = hd , [] let hd : 'a t -> 'a = fst let cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t = fun hd' (hd , tl) -> hd' , hd :: tl let iter f (hd, tl : _ t) = f hd ; List.iter f tl let map f (hd, tl : _ t) = f hd, f tl let hd_map : _ -> 'a t -> 'a t = fun f (hd , tl) -> (f hd , tl) let mapi f (hd, tl : _ t) = let lst = List.mapi f (hd::tl) in of_list lst let concat (hd, tl : _ t) = hd @ List.concat tl let rev (hd, tl : _ t) = match tl with | [] -> (hd, []) | lst -> let r = List.rev lst in (List.hd r, r @ [hd]) let find_map = fun f (hd , tl : _ t) -> match f hd with | Some x -> Some x | None -> find_map f tl end