(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module type NAME = sig val base : string list type t val encoding : t Data_encoding.t val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module type EVENT = sig type t val level : t -> Logging.level val encoding : t Data_encoding.t val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module type REQUEST = sig type 'a t type view val view : 'a t -> view val encoding : view Data_encoding.t val pp : Format.formatter -> view -> unit end module type TYPES = sig type state type parameters type view val view : state -> parameters -> view val encoding : view Data_encoding.t val pp : Format.formatter -> view -> unit end module Make (Name : NAME) (Event : EVENT) (Request : REQUEST) (Types : TYPES) = struct let base_name = String.concat "." Name.base module Logger = Logging.Make(struct let name = base_name end) type message = Message: 'a Request.t * 'a tzresult Lwt.u option -> message type 'a queue and bounded and infinite type dropbox type _ buffer_kind = | Queue : infinite queue buffer_kind | Bounded : { size : int } -> bounded queue buffer_kind | Dropbox : { merge : (dropbox t -> any_request -> any_request option -> any_request option) } -> dropbox buffer_kind and any_request = Any_request : _ Request.t -> any_request and _ buffer = | Queue_buffer : (Time.t * message) Lwt_pipe.t -> infinite queue buffer | Bounded_buffer : (Time.t * message) Lwt_pipe.t -> bounded queue buffer | Dropbox_buffer : (Time.t * message) Lwt_dropbox.t -> dropbox buffer and 'kind t = { limits : Worker_types.limits ; timeout : float option ; parameters : Types.parameters ; mutable (* only for init *) worker : unit Lwt.t ; mutable (* only for init *) state : Types.state option ; buffer : 'kind buffer ; event_log : (Logging.level * Event.t Ring.t) list ; canceler : Lwt_canceler.t ; name : Name.t ; id : int ; mutable status : Worker_types.worker_status ; mutable current_request : (Time.t * Time.t * Request.view) option ; table : 'kind table ; } and 'kind table = { buffer_kind : 'kind buffer_kind ; mutable last_id : int ; instances : (Name.t, 'kind t) Hashtbl.t ; zombies : (int, 'kind t) Hashtbl.t } type error += Closed of Name.t let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:("worker." ^ base_name ^ ".closed") ~title:("Worker " ^ base_name ^ " closed") ~description: ("An operation on a " ^ base_name ^ " worker could not complete \ before it was shut down.") ~pp: (fun ppf name -> Format.fprintf ppf "Worker %s[%a] has been shut down." base_name Name.pp name) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "worker_id" Name.encoding)) (function Closed net_id -> Some net_id | _ -> None) (fun net_id -> Closed net_id) let queue_item ?u r = Time.now (), Message (r, u) let drop_request (w : dropbox t) request = let Dropbox { merge } = w.table.buffer_kind in let Dropbox_buffer message_box = w.buffer in try match match Lwt_dropbox.peek message_box with | None -> merge w (Any_request request) None | Some (_, Message (old, _)) -> Lwt.ignore_result (Lwt_dropbox.take message_box) ; merge w (Any_request request) (Some (Any_request old)) with | None -> () | Some (Any_request neu) -> Lwt_dropbox.put message_box (Time.now (), Message (neu, None)) with Lwt_dropbox.Closed -> () let push_request (type a) (w : a queue t) request = match w.buffer with | Queue_buffer message_queue -> Lwt_pipe.push message_queue (queue_item request) | Bounded_buffer message_queue -> Lwt_pipe.push message_queue (queue_item request) let push_request_now (w : infinite queue t) request = let Queue_buffer message_queue = w.buffer in Lwt_pipe.push_now_exn message_queue (queue_item request) let try_push_request_now (w : bounded queue t) request = let Bounded_buffer message_queue = w.buffer in Lwt_pipe.push_now message_queue (queue_item request) let push_request_and_wait (type a) (w : a queue t) request = let message_queue = match w.buffer with | Queue_buffer message_queue -> message_queue | Bounded_buffer message_queue -> message_queue in let t, u = Lwt.wait () in Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push message_queue (queue_item ~u request) >>= fun () -> t) (function | Lwt_pipe.Closed -> fail (Closed w.name) | exn -> fail (Exn exn)) let close (type a) (w : a t) = let wakeup = function | _, Message (_, Some u) -> Lwt.wakeup_later u (Error [ Closed w.name ]) | _ -> () in let close_queue message_queue = let messages = Lwt_pipe.pop_all_now message_queue in List.iter wakeup messages ; Lwt_pipe.close message_queue in match w.buffer with | Queue_buffer message_queue -> close_queue message_queue | Bounded_buffer message_queue -> close_queue message_queue | Dropbox_buffer message_box -> Option.iter ~f:wakeup (Lwt_dropbox.peek message_box) ; Lwt_dropbox.close message_box let pop (type a) (w : a t) = let pop_queue message_queue = match w.timeout with | None -> Lwt_pipe.pop message_queue >>= fun m -> return (Some m) | Some timeout -> Lwt_pipe.pop_with_timeout (Lwt_unix.sleep timeout) message_queue >>= fun m -> return m in match w.buffer with | Queue_buffer message_queue -> pop_queue message_queue | Bounded_buffer message_queue -> pop_queue message_queue | Dropbox_buffer message_box -> match w.timeout with | None -> Lwt_dropbox.take message_box >>= fun m -> return (Some m) | Some timeout -> Lwt_dropbox.take_with_timeout (Lwt_unix.sleep timeout) message_box >>= fun m -> return m let trigger_shutdown w = Lwt.ignore_result (Lwt_canceler.cancel w.canceler) let protect { canceler } ?on_error f = Lwt_utils_unix.protect ?on_error ~canceler f let canceler { canceler } = canceler let log_event w evt = let level = Event.level evt in let log = match level with | Debug -> Logger.lwt_debug | Info -> Logger.lwt_log_info | Notice -> Logger.lwt_log_notice | Warning -> Logger.lwt_warn | Error -> Logger.lwt_log_error | Fatal -> Logger.lwt_fatal_error in log "[%a] %a" Name.pp w.name Event.pp evt >>= fun () -> begin if level >= w.limits.backlog_level then Ring.add (List.assoc level w.event_log) evt end ; Lwt.return_unit let record_event w evt = Lwt.ignore_result (log_event w evt) module type HANDLERS = sig type self val on_launch : self -> Name.t -> Types.parameters -> Types.state Lwt.t val on_request : self -> 'a Request.t -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t val on_no_request : self -> unit tzresult Lwt.t val on_close : self -> unit Lwt.t val on_error : self -> Request.view -> Worker_types.request_status -> error list -> unit tzresult Lwt.t val on_completion : self -> 'a Request.t -> 'a -> Worker_types.request_status -> unit Lwt.t end let create_table buffer_kind = { buffer_kind ; last_id = 0 ; instances = Hashtbl.create 10 ; zombies = Hashtbl.create 10 } let worker_loop (type kind) handlers (w : kind t) = let (module Handlers : HANDLERS with type self = kind t) = handlers in let do_close errs = let t0 = match w.status with | Running t0 -> t0 | _ -> assert false in w.status <- Closing (t0, Time.now ()) ; Handlers.on_close w >>= fun () -> close w ; Lwt_canceler.cancel w.canceler >>= fun () -> w.status <- Closed (t0, Time.now (), errs) ; w.state <- None ; Hashtbl.remove w.table.instances w.name ; Hashtbl.add w.table.zombies w.id w ; Lwt.ignore_result (Lwt_unix.sleep w.limits.zombie_memory >>= fun () -> List.iter (fun (_, ring) -> Ring.clear ring) w.event_log ; Lwt_unix.sleep (w.limits.zombie_lifetime -. w.limits.zombie_memory) >>= fun () -> Hashtbl.remove w.table.zombies w.id ; Lwt.return ()) ; Lwt.return_unit in let rec loop () = begin Lwt_utils_unix.protect ~canceler:w.canceler begin fun () -> pop w end >>=? function | None -> Handlers.on_no_request w | Some (pushed, Message (request, u)) -> let current_request = Request.view request in let treated = Time.now () in w.current_request <- Some (pushed, treated, current_request) ; Logger.debug "[%a] request: @[%a@]" Name.pp w.name Request.pp current_request ; match u with | None -> Handlers.on_request w request >>=? fun res -> let completed = Time.now () in w.current_request <- None ; Handlers.on_completion w request res Worker_types.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } >>= fun () -> return () | Some u -> Handlers.on_request w request >>= fun res -> Lwt.wakeup_later u res ; Lwt.return res >>=? fun res -> let completed = Time.now () in w.current_request <- None ; Handlers.on_completion w request res Worker_types.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } >>= fun () -> return () end >>= function | Ok () -> loop () | Error [Lwt_utils_unix.Canceled | Exn Lwt_pipe.Closed | Exn Lwt_dropbox.Closed ] -> Logger.lwt_log_info "[%a] worker terminated" Name.pp w.name >>= fun () -> do_close None | Error errs -> begin match w.current_request with | Some (pushed, treated, request) -> let completed = Time.now () in w.current_request <- None ; Handlers.on_error w request Worker_types.{ pushed ; treated ; completed } errs | None -> assert false end >>= function | Ok () -> loop () | Error errs -> Logger.lwt_log_error "@[[%a] worker crashed:@ %a@]" Name.pp w.name pp_print_error errs >>= fun () -> do_close (Some errs) in loop () let launch : type kind. kind table -> ?timeout:float -> Worker_types.limits -> Name.t -> Types.parameters -> (module HANDLERS with type self = kind t) -> kind t Lwt.t = fun table ?timeout limits name parameters (module Handlers) -> if Hashtbl.mem table.instances name then invalid_arg (Format.asprintf "Lwt_worker.launch: \ duplicate worker %s[%a]" base_name Name.pp name) ; Logger.lwt_log_info "[%a] worker started" Name.pp name >>= fun () -> let canceler = Lwt_canceler.create () in let buffer : kind buffer = match table.buffer_kind with | Queue -> Queue_buffer (Lwt_pipe.create ()) | Bounded { size } -> Bounded_buffer (Lwt_pipe.create ~size:(size, (fun _ -> 1)) ()) | Dropbox _ -> Dropbox_buffer (Lwt_dropbox.create ()) in let event_log = let levels = [ Logging.Debug ; Info ; Notice ; Warning ; Error ; Fatal ] in List.map (fun l -> l, Ring.create limits.backlog_size) levels in let w = { limits ; parameters ; name ; canceler ; table ; buffer ; state = None ; id = (table.last_id <- table.last_id + 1; table.last_id) ; worker = Lwt.return_unit ; event_log ; timeout ; current_request = None ; status = Launching (Time.now ())} in Hashtbl.add table.instances name w ; Handlers.on_launch w name parameters >>= fun state -> w.status <- Running (Time.now ()) ; w.state <- Some state ; w.worker <- Lwt_utils.worker (Format.asprintf "%s[%a]" base_name Name.pp w.name) ~run:(fun () -> worker_loop (module Handlers) w) ~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel w.canceler) ; Lwt.return w let shutdown w = Logger.lwt_debug "triggering shutdown" >>= fun () -> Lwt_canceler.cancel w.canceler >>= fun () -> w.worker let state w = match w.state with | None -> invalid_arg "Lwt_worker.state: \ state called before worker was initialized" | Some state -> state let last_events w = List.map (fun (level, ring) -> (level, Ring.elements ring)) w.event_log let pending_requests (type a) (w : a queue t) = let message_queue = match w.buffer with | Queue_buffer message_queue -> message_queue | Bounded_buffer message_queue -> message_queue in List.map (function (t, Message (req, _)) -> t, Request.view req) (Lwt_pipe.peek_all message_queue) let status { status } = status let current_request { current_request } = current_request let view w = Types.view (state w) w.parameters let list { instances } = Hashtbl.fold (fun n w acc -> (n, w) :: acc) instances [] end