const React = require('react'); const MarkdownBlock = require('../../core/CompLibrary').MarkdownBlock; const CodeExamples = require(`${process.cwd()}/core/CodeExamples`); const docUrl = require(`${process.cwd()}/core/UrlUtils`).docUrl; const FEATURES = [ { image: 'img/strong-type-system.svg', title: 'Strong Type System', content: 'Write types, then code. Benefit from the safety of type systems.' }, { image: 'img/syntax-agnostic.svg', title: 'Syntax Agnostic', content: 'Code in your language. Write PascaLIGO, CameLIGO, or add your own syntax.' }, { image: 'img/easy-integration.svg', title: 'Easy Integration', content: 'You can use LIGO as a NodeJS library with Granary' } ]; const PARTNERS = [ { name: 'Nomadic Labs', image: 'img/nomadic-logo.png', link: '', pinned: true }, { name: 'Tocqueville Group', image: 'img/tq-logo.svg', link: '', pinned: true }, { name: 'Stove Labs', image: 'img/stove-logo.png', link: '', pinned: true } ]; const Feature = props => (



); const Partner = props => ( ); module.exports = props => { return (

A friendly smart-contract language for Tezos

Michelson was never so easy

Our Partners
{PARTNERS.filter(entry => entry.pinned).map(Partner)}
); };