(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) module type QTY = sig val id : string end module type S = sig type qty type error += | Addition_overflow of qty * qty (* `Temporary *) | Subtraction_underflow of qty * qty (* `Temporary *) | Multiplication_overflow of qty * int64 (* `Temporary *) | Negative_multiplicator of qty * int64 (* `Temporary *) | Invalid_divisor of qty * int64 (* `Temporary *) val id : string val zero : qty val one_mutez : qty val one_cent : qty val fifty_cents : qty val one : qty val ( -? ) : qty -> qty -> qty tzresult val ( +? ) : qty -> qty -> qty tzresult val ( *? ) : qty -> int64 -> qty tzresult val ( /? ) : qty -> int64 -> qty tzresult val to_mutez : qty -> int64 (** [of_mutez n] (micro tez) is None if n is negative *) val of_mutez : int64 -> qty option (** [of_mutez_exn n] fails if n is negative. It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *) val of_mutez_exn : int64 -> qty (** It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *) val add_exn : qty -> qty -> qty (** It should only be used at toplevel for constants. *) val mul_exn : qty -> int -> qty val encoding : qty Data_encoding.t val to_int64 : qty -> int64 include Compare.S with type t := qty val pp : Format.formatter -> qty -> unit val of_string : string -> qty option val to_string : qty -> string end module Make (T : QTY) : S = struct type qty = int64 (* invariant: positive *) type error += | Addition_overflow of qty * qty (* `Temporary *) | Subtraction_underflow of qty * qty (* `Temporary *) | Multiplication_overflow of qty * int64 (* `Temporary *) | Negative_multiplicator of qty * int64 (* `Temporary *) | Invalid_divisor of qty * int64 (* `Temporary *) include Compare.Int64 let zero = 0L (* all other constant are defined from the value of one micro tez *) let one_mutez = 1L let one_cent = Int64.mul one_mutez 10_000L let fifty_cents = Int64.mul one_cent 50L (* 1 tez = 100 cents = 1_000_000 mutez *) let one = Int64.mul one_cent 100L let id = T.id let of_string s = let triplets = function | hd :: tl -> let len = String.length hd in Compare.Int.( len <= 3 && len > 0 && List.for_all (fun s -> String.length s = 3) tl) | [] -> false in let integers s = triplets (String.split_on_char ',' s) in let decimals s = let l = String.split_on_char ',' s in if Compare.Int.(List.length l > 2) then false else triplets (List.rev l) in let parse left right = let remove_commas s = String.concat "" (String.split_on_char ',' s) in let pad_to_six s = let len = String.length s in String.init 6 (fun i -> if Compare.Int.(i < len) then s.[i] else '0') in try Some (Int64.of_string (remove_commas left ^ pad_to_six (remove_commas right))) with _ -> None in match String.split_on_char '.' s with | [left; right] -> if String.contains s ',' then if integers left && decimals right then parse left right else None else if Compare.Int.(String.length right > 0) && Compare.Int.(String.length right <= 6) then parse left right else None | [left] -> if (not (String.contains s ',')) || integers left then parse left "" else None | _ -> None let pp ppf amount = let mult_int = 1_000_000L in let rec left ppf amount = let (d, r) = (Int64.(div amount 1000L), Int64.(rem amount 1000L)) in if d > 0L then Format.fprintf ppf "%a%03Ld" left d r else Format.fprintf ppf "%Ld" r in let right ppf amount = let triplet ppf v = if Compare.Int.(v mod 10 > 0) then Format.fprintf ppf "%03d" v else if Compare.Int.(v mod 100 > 0) then Format.fprintf ppf "%02d" (v / 10) else Format.fprintf ppf "%d" (v / 100) in let (hi, lo) = (amount / 1000, amount mod 1000) in if Compare.Int.(lo = 0) then Format.fprintf ppf "%a" triplet hi else Format.fprintf ppf "%03d%a" hi triplet lo in let (ints, decs) = (Int64.(div amount mult_int), Int64.(to_int (rem amount mult_int))) in Format.fprintf ppf "%a" left ints ; if Compare.Int.(decs > 0) then Format.fprintf ppf ".%a" right decs let to_string t = Format.asprintf "%a" pp t let ( - ) t1 t2 = if t2 <= t1 then Some (Int64.sub t1 t2) else None let ( -? ) t1 t2 = match t1 - t2 with | None -> error (Subtraction_underflow (t1, t2)) | Some v -> ok v let ( +? ) t1 t2 = let t = Int64.add t1 t2 in if t < t1 then error (Addition_overflow (t1, t2)) else ok t let ( *? ) t m = let open Compare.Int64 in let open Int64 in let rec step cur pow acc = if cur = 0L then ok acc else pow +? pow >>? fun npow -> if logand cur 1L = 1L then acc +? pow >>? fun nacc -> step (shift_right_logical cur 1) npow nacc else step (shift_right_logical cur 1) npow acc in if m < 0L then error (Negative_multiplicator (t, m)) else match step m t 0L with | Ok res -> Ok res | Error ([Addition_overflow _] as errs) -> Error (Multiplication_overflow (t, m) :: errs) | Error errs -> Error errs let ( /? ) t d = if d <= 0L then error (Invalid_divisor (t, d)) else ok (Int64.div t d) let add_exn t1 t2 = let t = Int64.add t1 t2 in if t <= 0L then invalid_arg "add_exn" else t let mul_exn t m = match t *? Int64.(of_int m) with | Ok v -> v | Error _ -> invalid_arg "mul_exn" let of_mutez t = if t < 0L then None else Some t let of_mutez_exn x = match of_mutez x with None -> invalid_arg "Qty.of_mutez" | Some v -> v let to_int64 t = t let to_mutez t = t let encoding = let open Data_encoding in check_size 10 (conv Z.of_int64 (Json.wrap_error Z.to_int64) n) let () = let open Data_encoding in register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:(T.id ^ ".addition_overflow") ~title:("Overflowing " ^ T.id ^ " addition") ~pp:(fun ppf (opa, opb) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Overflowing addition of %a %s and %a %s" pp opa T.id pp opb T.id) ~description:("An addition of two " ^ T.id ^ " amounts overflowed") (obj1 (req "amounts" (tup2 encoding encoding))) (function Addition_overflow (a, b) -> Some (a, b) | _ -> None) (fun (a, b) -> Addition_overflow (a, b)) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:(T.id ^ ".subtraction_underflow") ~title:("Underflowing " ^ T.id ^ " subtraction") ~pp:(fun ppf (opa, opb) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Underflowing subtraction of %a %s and %a %s" pp opa T.id pp opb T.id) ~description:("An subtraction of two " ^ T.id ^ " amounts underflowed") (obj1 (req "amounts" (tup2 encoding encoding))) (function Subtraction_underflow (a, b) -> Some (a, b) | _ -> None) (fun (a, b) -> Subtraction_underflow (a, b)) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:(T.id ^ ".multiplication_overflow") ~title:("Overflowing " ^ T.id ^ " multiplication") ~pp:(fun ppf (opa, opb) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Overflowing multiplication of %a %s and %Ld" pp opa T.id opb) ~description: ("A multiplication of a " ^ T.id ^ " amount by an integer overflowed") (obj2 (req "amount" encoding) (req "multiplicator" int64)) (function Multiplication_overflow (a, b) -> Some (a, b) | _ -> None) (fun (a, b) -> Multiplication_overflow (a, b)) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:(T.id ^ ".negative_multiplicator") ~title:("Negative " ^ T.id ^ " multiplicator") ~pp:(fun ppf (opa, opb) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Multiplication of %a %s by negative integer %Ld" pp opa T.id opb) ~description: ("Multiplication of a " ^ T.id ^ " amount by a negative integer") (obj2 (req "amount" encoding) (req "multiplicator" int64)) (function Negative_multiplicator (a, b) -> Some (a, b) | _ -> None) (fun (a, b) -> Negative_multiplicator (a, b)) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:(T.id ^ ".invalid_divisor") ~title:("Invalid " ^ T.id ^ " divisor") ~pp:(fun ppf (opa, opb) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Division of %a %s by non positive integer %Ld" pp opa T.id opb) ~description: ("Multiplication of a " ^ T.id ^ " amount by a non positive integer") (obj2 (req "amount" encoding) (req "divisor" int64)) (function Invalid_divisor (a, b) -> Some (a, b) | _ -> None) (fun (a, b) -> Invalid_divisor (a, b)) end