(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Micheline type 'a parsing_result = 'a * error list type point = { point : int ; byte : int ; line : int ; column : int } let point_zero = { point = 0 ; byte = 0 ; line = 0 ; column = 0 } let point_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { line ; column ; point ; byte } -> (line, column, point, byte)) (fun (line, column, point, byte) -> { line ; column ; point ; byte }) (obj4 (req "line" uint16) (req "column" uint16) (req "point" uint16) (req "byte" uint16)) type location = { start : point ; stop : point } let location_zero = { start = point_zero ; stop = point_zero } let location_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { start ; stop } -> (start, stop)) (fun (start, stop) -> { start ; stop }) (obj2 (req "start" point_encoding) (req "stop" point_encoding)) type token_value = | String of string | Int of string | Ident of string | Annot of string | Comment of string | Eol_comment of string | Semi | Open_paren | Close_paren | Open_brace | Close_brace let token_value_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (obj1 (req "string" string)) (function String s -> Some s | _ -> None) (fun s -> String s) ; case (obj1 (req "int" string)) (function Int s -> Some s | _ -> None) (fun s -> Int s) ; case (obj1 (req "annot" string)) (function Annot s -> Some s | _ -> None) (fun s -> Annot s) ; case (obj2 (req "comment" string) (dft "end_of_line" bool false)) (function | Comment s -> Some (s, false) | Eol_comment s -> Some (s, true) | _ -> None) (function | (s, false) -> Comment s | (s, true) -> Eol_comment s) ; case (obj1 (req "punctuation" (string_enum [ "(", Open_paren ; ")", Close_paren ; "{", Open_brace ; "}", Close_brace ; ";", Semi ]))) (fun t -> Some t) (fun t -> t) ] type token = { token : token_value ; loc : location } type error += Invalid_utf8_sequence of point * string type error += Unexpected_character of point * string type error += Undefined_escape_sequence of point * string type error += Missing_break_after_number of point type error += Unterminated_string of location type error += Unterminated_integer of location type error += Unterminated_comment of location let tokenize source = let decoder = Uutf.decoder ~encoding:`UTF_8 (`String source) in let here () = { point = Uutf.decoder_count decoder ; byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder ; line = Uutf.decoder_line decoder ; column = Uutf.decoder_col decoder } in let tok start stop token = { loc = { start ; stop } ; token } in let stack = ref [] in let errors = ref [] in let rec next () = match !stack with | charloc :: charlocs -> stack := charlocs ; charloc | [] -> let loc = here () in match Uutf.decode decoder with | `Await -> assert false | `Malformed s -> errors := Invalid_utf8_sequence (loc, s) :: !errors ; next () | `Uchar _ | `End as other -> other, loc in let back charloc = stack := charloc :: !stack in let uchar_to_char c = if Uchar.is_char c then Some (Uchar.to_char c) else None in let rec skip acc = match next () with | `End, _ -> List.rev acc | `Uchar c, start -> begin match uchar_to_char c with | Some ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') -> ident acc start (fun s -> Ident s) | Some '@' -> ident acc start (fun s -> Annot s) | Some '-' -> begin match next () with | `End, stop -> errors := Unterminated_integer { start ; stop } :: !errors ; List.rev acc | `Uchar c, stop as first -> begin match uchar_to_char c with | Some '0' -> base acc start | Some ('1'..'9') -> integer `dec acc start false | Some _ | None -> errors := Unterminated_integer { start ; stop } :: !errors ; back first ; skip acc end end | Some '0' -> base acc start | Some ('1'..'9') -> integer `dec acc start false | Some (' ' | '\n') -> skip acc | Some ';' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Semi :: acc) | Some '{' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Open_brace :: acc) | Some '}' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Close_brace :: acc) | Some '(' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Open_paren :: acc) | Some ')' -> skip (tok start (here ()) Close_paren :: acc) | Some '"' -> string acc [] start | Some '#' -> eol_comment acc start | Some '/' -> begin match next () with | `Uchar c, _ when Uchar.equal c (Uchar.of_char '*') -> comment acc start 0 | (`Uchar _ | `End), _ as charloc -> errors := Unexpected_character (start, "/") :: !errors ; back charloc ; skip acc end | Some _ | None -> let byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder in let s = String.sub source start.byte (byte - start.byte) in errors := Unexpected_character (start, s) :: !errors ; skip acc end and base acc start = match next () with | (`Uchar c, stop) as charloc -> begin match uchar_to_char c with | Some ('0'.. '9') -> integer `dec acc start false | Some 'x' -> integer `hex acc start true | Some 'b' -> integer `bin acc start true | Some ('a' | 'c'..'w' | 'y' | 'z' | 'A'..'Z') -> errors := Missing_break_after_number stop :: !errors ; back charloc ; skip (tok start stop (Int "0") :: acc) | Some _ | None -> back charloc ; skip (tok start stop (Int "0") :: acc) end | (_, stop) as other -> back other ; skip (tok start stop (Int "0") :: acc) and integer base acc start first = let tok stop = let value = String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in tok start stop (Int value) in match next () with | (`Uchar c, stop) as charloc -> let missing_break () = errors := Missing_break_after_number stop :: !errors ; back charloc ; skip (tok stop :: acc) in begin match base, Uchar.to_char c with | `dec, ('0'.. '9') -> integer `dec acc start false | `dec, ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') -> missing_break () | `hex, ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F') -> integer `hex acc start false | `hex, ('g'..'z' | 'G'..'Z') -> missing_break () | `bin, ('0' | '1') -> integer `bin acc start false | `bin, ('2'..'9' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') -> missing_break () | (`bin | `hex), _ when first -> errors := Unterminated_integer { start ; stop } :: !errors ; back charloc ; skip (tok stop :: acc) | _ -> back charloc ; skip (tok stop :: acc) end | (`End, stop) as other -> if first && base = `bin || base = `hex then begin errors := Unterminated_integer { start ; stop } :: !errors end ; back other ; skip (tok stop :: acc) and string acc sacc start = let tok () = tok start (here ()) (String (String.concat "" (List.rev sacc))) in match next () with | `End, stop -> errors := Unterminated_string { start ; stop } :: !errors ; skip (tok () :: acc) | `Uchar c, stop -> match uchar_to_char c with | Some '"' -> skip (tok () :: acc) | Some '\n' -> errors := Unterminated_string { start ; stop } :: !errors ; skip (tok () :: acc) | Some '\\' -> begin match next () with | `End, stop -> errors := Unterminated_string { start ; stop } :: !errors ; skip (tok () :: acc) | `Uchar c, loc -> match uchar_to_char c with | Some '"' -> string acc ("\"" :: sacc) start | Some 'r' -> string acc ("\r" :: sacc) start | Some 'n' -> string acc ("\n" :: sacc) start | Some 't' -> string acc ("\t" :: sacc) start | Some 'b' -> string acc ("\b" :: sacc) start | Some '\\' -> string acc ("\\" :: sacc) start | Some _ | None -> let byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder in let s = String.sub source loc.byte (byte - loc.byte) in errors := Undefined_escape_sequence (loc, s) :: !errors ; string acc sacc start end | Some _ | None -> let byte = Uutf.decoder_byte_count decoder in let s = String.sub source stop.byte (byte - stop.byte) in string acc (s :: sacc) start and ident acc start ret = let tok stop = let name = String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in tok start stop (ret name) in match next () with | (`Uchar c, stop) as charloc -> begin match uchar_to_char c with | Some ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9') -> ident acc start ret | Some _ | None -> back charloc ; skip (tok stop :: acc) end | (_, stop) as other -> back other ; skip (tok stop :: acc) and comment acc start lvl = match next () with | `End, stop -> errors := Unterminated_comment { start ; stop } :: !errors ; let text = String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in skip (tok start stop (Comment text) :: acc) | `Uchar c, _ -> begin match uchar_to_char c with | Some '*' -> begin match next () with | `Uchar c, _ when Uchar.equal c (Uchar.of_char '/') -> if lvl = 0 then let stop = here () in let text = String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in skip (tok start stop (Comment text) :: acc) else comment acc start (lvl - 1) | other -> back other ; comment acc start lvl end | Some '/' -> begin match next () with | `Uchar c, _ when Uchar.equal c (Uchar.of_char '*') -> comment acc start (lvl + 1) | other -> back other ; comment acc start lvl end | Some _ | None -> comment acc start lvl end and eol_comment acc start = let tok stop = let text = String.sub source start.byte (stop.byte - start.byte) in tok start stop (Eol_comment text) in match next () with | `Uchar c, stop -> begin match uchar_to_char c with | Some '\n' -> skip (tok stop :: acc) | Some _ | None -> eol_comment acc start end | (_, stop) as other -> back other ; skip (tok stop :: acc) in let tokens = skip [] in tokens, List.rev !errors type node = (location, string) Micheline.node let node_encoding = Micheline.table_encoding location_encoding Data_encoding.string (* Beginning of a sequence of consecutive primitives *) let min_point : node list -> point = function | [] -> point_zero | Int ({ start }, _) :: _ | String ({ start }, _) :: _ | Prim ({ start }, _, _, _) :: _ | Seq ({ start }, _, _) :: _ -> start (* End of a sequence of consecutive primitives *) let rec max_point : node list -> point = function | [] -> point_zero | _ :: (_ :: _ as rest) -> max_point rest | Int ({ stop }, _) :: [] | String ({ stop }, _) :: [] | Prim ({ stop }, _, _, _) :: [] | Seq ({ stop }, _, _) :: [] -> stop (* An item in the parser's state stack. Not every value of type [mode list] is a valid parsing context. It must respect the following additional invariants. - a state stack always ends in [Toplevel _], - [Toplevel _] does not appear anywhere else, - [Unwrapped _] cannot appear directly on top of [Wrapped _], - [Wrapped _] cannot appear directly on top of [Sequence _], - [Wrapped _] cannot appear directly on top of [Sequence _]. *) type mode = | Toplevel of node list | Expression of node option | Sequence of token * node list * string option | Unwrapped of location * string * node list * string option | Wrapped of token * string * node list * string option (* Enter a new parsing state. *) let push_mode mode stack = mode :: stack (* Leave a parsing state. *) let pop_mode = function | [] -> assert false | _ :: rest -> rest (* Usually after a [pop_mode], jump back into the previous parsing state, injecting the current reduction (insert the just parsed item of a sequence or argument of a primitive application). *) let fill_mode result = function | [] -> assert false | Expression _ :: _ :: _ -> assert false | Expression (Some _) :: [] -> assert false | Toplevel _ :: _ :: _ -> assert false | Expression None :: [] -> Expression (Some result) :: [] | Toplevel exprs :: [] -> Toplevel (result :: exprs) :: [] | Sequence (token, exprs, annot) :: rest -> Sequence (token, result :: exprs, annot) :: rest | Wrapped (token, name, exprs, annot) :: rest -> Wrapped (token, name, result :: exprs, annot) :: rest | Unwrapped (start, name, exprs, annot) :: rest -> Unwrapped (start, name, result :: exprs, annot) :: rest type error += Unclosed of token type error += Unexpected of token type error += Extra of token type error += Misaligned of node type error += Empty let rec parse ?(check = true) errors tokens stack = (* Two steps: - 1. parse without checking indentation [parse] - 2. check indentation [check] (inlined in 1) *) match stack, tokens with (* Start by preventing all absurd cases, so now the pattern matching exhaustivity can tell us that we treater all possible tokens for all possible valid states. *) | [], _ | [ Wrapped _ ], _ | [ Unwrapped _ ], _ | Unwrapped _ :: Unwrapped _ :: _, _ | Unwrapped _ :: Wrapped _ :: _, _ | Toplevel _ :: _ :: _, _ | Expression _ :: _ :: _, _ -> assert false (* Return *) | Expression (Some result) :: _, [] -> [ result ], List.rev errors | Expression (Some _) :: _, token :: rem -> let errors = Unexpected token :: errors in parse ~check errors rem (* skip *) stack | Expression None :: _, [] -> let errors = Empty :: errors in let ghost = { start = point_zero ; stop = point_zero} in [ Seq (ghost, [], None) ], List.rev errors | Toplevel [ Seq (_, exprs, _) as expr ] :: [], [] -> let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: false errors expr else errors in exprs, List.rev errors | Toplevel exprs :: [], [] -> let exprs = List.rev exprs in let loc = { start = min_point exprs ; stop = max_point exprs } in let expr = Seq (loc, exprs, None) in let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: true errors expr else errors in exprs, List.rev errors (* Ignore comments *) | _, { token = Eol_comment _ | Comment _ } :: rest -> parse ~check errors rest stack | (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _, ({ token = Int _ | String _ } as token):: { token = Eol_comment _ | Comment _ } :: rest | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _, ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Eol_comment _ | Comment _ } :: rest -> parse ~check errors (token :: rest) stack (* Erroneous states *) | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ , ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Open_paren | Open_brace } :: rem | Unwrapped _ :: Expression _ :: _ , ({ token = Semi | Close_brace | Close_paren } as token) :: rem | Expression None :: _ , ({ token = Semi | Close_brace | Close_paren | Open_paren } as token) :: rem -> let errors = Unexpected token :: errors in parse ~check errors rem (* skip *) stack | (Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _ , ({ token = Semi } as valid) :: ({ token = Semi } as token) :: rem -> let errors = Unexpected token :: errors in parse ~check errors (valid (* skip *) :: rem) stack | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ , { token = Open_paren } :: ({ token = Int _ | String _ | Annot _ | Close_paren } as token) :: rem | (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _, { token = Int _ | String _ } :: ({ token = Ident _ | Int _ | String _ | Annot _ | Close_paren | Open_paren | Open_brace } as token) :: rem | Unwrapped (_, _, _, _) :: Toplevel _ :: _, ({ token = Close_brace } as token) :: rem | Unwrapped (_, _, _, _) :: _, ({ token = Close_paren } as token) :: rem | Toplevel _ :: [], ({ token = Close_paren } as token) :: rem | Toplevel _ :: [], ({ token = Close_brace } as token) :: rem | _, ({ token = Annot _ } as token) :: rem -> let errors = Unexpected token :: errors in parse ~check errors rem (* skip *) stack | Wrapped (token, _, _, _) :: _, ({ token = Close_brace | Semi } :: _ | []) | (Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _, ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: _ | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _, ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: ({ token = Close_brace | Semi } :: _ | []) | (Sequence (token, _, _) :: _ | Unwrapped _ :: Sequence (token, _, _) :: _), ({ token = Close_paren } :: _ | [])-> let errors = Unclosed token :: errors in let fake = { token with token = match token.token with | Open_paren -> Close_paren | Open_brace -> Close_brace | _ -> assert false } in parse ~check errors (fake :: (* insert *) tokens) stack (* Valid states *) | (Toplevel _ | Sequence (_, _, _)) :: _ , { token = Ident name ; loc } :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest -> let mode = Unwrapped (loc, name, [], Some annot) in parse ~check errors rest (push_mode mode stack) | (Expression None | Toplevel _ | Sequence (_, _, _)) :: _ , { token = Ident name ; loc } :: rest -> let mode = Unwrapped (loc, name, [], None) in parse ~check errors rest (push_mode mode stack) | (Unwrapped _ | Wrapped _) :: _, { token = Int value ; loc } :: rest | (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _, { token = Int value ; loc } :: ([] | { token = Semi | Close_brace} :: _ as rest) -> let expr : node = Int (loc, value) in let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: false errors expr else errors in parse ~check errors rest (fill_mode expr stack) | (Unwrapped _ | Wrapped _) :: _, { token = String contents ; loc } :: rest | (Expression None | Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _, { token = String contents ; loc } :: ([] | { token = Semi | Close_brace} :: _ as rest) -> let expr : node = String (loc, contents) in let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: false errors expr else errors in parse ~check errors rest (fill_mode expr stack) | Sequence ({ loc = { start } }, exprs, annot) :: _ , { token = Close_brace ; loc = { stop } } :: rest -> let exprs = List.rev exprs in let expr = Micheline.Seq ({ start ; stop }, exprs, annot) in let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: false errors expr else errors in parse ~check errors rest (fill_mode expr (pop_mode stack)) | (Sequence _ | Toplevel _) :: _ , { token = Semi } :: rest -> parse ~check errors rest stack | Unwrapped ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) :: Expression _ :: _, ([] as rest) | Unwrapped ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) :: Toplevel _ :: _, ({ token = Semi } :: _ | [] as rest) | Unwrapped ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) :: Sequence _ :: _ , ({ token = Close_brace | Semi } :: _ as rest) | Wrapped ({ loc = { start ; stop } }, name, exprs, annot) :: _ , { token = Close_paren } :: rest -> let exprs = List.rev exprs in let stop = if exprs = [] then stop else max_point exprs in let expr = Micheline.Prim ({ start ; stop }, name, exprs, annot) in let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: false errors expr else errors in parse ~check errors rest (fill_mode expr (pop_mode stack)) | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ , ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest -> let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], Some annot) in parse ~check errors rest (push_mode mode stack) | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ , ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: rest -> let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], None) in parse ~check errors rest (push_mode mode stack) | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _) :: _ , { token = Ident name ; loc } :: rest -> let expr = Micheline.Prim (loc, name, [], None) in let errors = if check then do_check ~toplevel: false errors expr else errors in parse ~check errors rest (fill_mode expr stack) | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _ | Toplevel _ | Sequence _ | Expression None) :: _ , ({ token = Open_brace } as token) :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest -> let mode = Sequence (token, [], Some annot) in parse ~check errors rest (push_mode mode stack) | (Wrapped _ | Unwrapped _ | Toplevel _ | Sequence _ | Expression None) :: _ , ({ token = Open_brace } as token) :: rest -> let mode = Sequence (token, [], None) in parse ~check errors rest (push_mode mode stack) (* indentation checker *) and do_check ?(toplevel = false) errors = function | Seq ({ start ; stop }, [], _) as expr -> if start.column >= stop.column then Misaligned expr :: errors else errors | Prim ({ start ; stop }, _, first :: rest, _) | Seq ({ start ; stop }, first :: rest, _) as expr -> let { column = first_column ; line = first_line } = min_point [ first ] in if start.column >= stop.column then Misaligned expr :: errors else if not toplevel && start.column >= first_column then Misaligned expr :: errors else (* In a sequence or in the arguments of a primitive, we require all items to be aligned, but we relax the rule to allow consecutive items to be writtem on the same line. *) let rec in_line_or_aligned prev_start_line errors = function | [] -> errors | expr :: rest -> let { column ; line = start_line } = min_point [ expr ] in let { line = stop_line } = max_point [ expr ] in let errors = if stop_line <> prev_start_line && column <> first_column then Misaligned expr :: errors else errors in in_line_or_aligned start_line errors rest in in_line_or_aligned first_line errors rest | Prim (_, _, [], _) | String _ | Int _ -> errors let parse_expression ?check tokens = let result = match tokens with | ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: { token = Annot annot } :: rest -> let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], Some annot) in parse ?check [] rest [ mode ; Expression None ] | ({ token = Open_paren } as token) :: { token = Ident name } :: rest -> let mode = Wrapped (token, name, [], None) in parse ?check [] rest [ mode ; Expression None ] | _ -> parse ?check [] tokens [ Expression None ] in match result with | [ single ], errors -> single, errors | _ -> assert false let parse_toplevel ?check tokens = parse ?check [] tokens [ Toplevel [] ] let print_point ppf { line ; column } = Format.fprintf ppf "At line %d character %d" line column let print_token_kind ppf = function | Open_paren | Close_paren -> Format.fprintf ppf "parenthesis" | Open_brace | Close_brace -> Format.fprintf ppf "curly brace" | String _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "string constant" | Int _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "integer constant" | Ident _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "identifier" | Annot _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "annotation" | Comment _ | Eol_comment _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "comment" | Semi -> Format.fprintf ppf "semi colon" let print_location ppf loc = if loc.start.line = loc.stop.line then if loc.start.column = loc.stop.column then Format.fprintf ppf "At line %d character %d" loc.start.line loc.start.column else Format.fprintf ppf "At line %d characters %d to %d" loc.start.line loc.start.column loc.stop.column else Format.fprintf ppf "From line %d character %d to line %d character %d" loc.start.line loc.start.column loc.stop.line loc.stop.column let no_parsing_error (ast, errors) = match errors with | [] -> ok ast | errors -> Error errors let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.invalid_utf8_sequence" ~title: "Micheline parser error: invalid UTF-8 sequence" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ a sequence of bytes that is not valid UTF-8 \ was encountered." ~pp:(fun ppf (point, str) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, invalid UTF-8 sequence %S" print_point point str) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "point" point_encoding) (req "sequence" string)) (function Invalid_utf8_sequence (point, str) -> Some (point, str) | _ -> None) (fun (point, str) -> Invalid_utf8_sequence (point, str)) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.unexpected_character" ~title: "Micheline parser error: unexpected character" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ an unexpected character was encountered." ~pp:(fun ppf (point, str) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unexpected character %s" print_point point str) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "point" point_encoding) (req "character" string)) (function Unexpected_character (point, str) -> Some (point, str) | _ -> None) (fun (point, str) -> Unexpected_character (point, str)) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.undefined_escape_sequence" ~title: "Micheline parser error: undefined escape sequence" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ an unexpected escape sequence was encountered in a string." ~pp:(fun ppf (point, str) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, undefined escape sequence \"%s\"" print_point point str) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "point" point_encoding) (req "sequence" string)) (function Undefined_escape_sequence (point, str) -> Some (point, str) | _ -> None) (fun (point, str) -> Undefined_escape_sequence (point, str)) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.missing_break_after_number" ~title: "Micheline parser error: missing break after number" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ a number was not visually separated from \ its follower token, leading to misreadability." ~pp:(fun ppf point -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, missing break after number" print_point point) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "point" point_encoding)) (function Missing_break_after_number point -> Some point | _ -> None) (fun point -> Missing_break_after_number point) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.unterminated_string" ~title: "Micheline parser error: unterminated string" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ a string was not terminated." ~pp:(fun ppf loc -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unterminated string" print_location loc) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "location" location_encoding)) (function Unterminated_string loc -> Some loc | _ -> None) (fun loc -> Unterminated_string loc) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.unterminated_integer" ~title: "Micheline parser error: unterminated integer" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ an integer was not terminated." ~pp:(fun ppf loc -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unterminated integer" print_location loc) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "location" location_encoding)) (function Unterminated_integer loc -> Some loc | _ -> None) (fun loc -> Unterminated_integer loc) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.unterminated_comment" ~title: "Micheline parser error: unterminated comment" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ a commentX was not terminated." ~pp:(fun ppf loc -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unterminated comment" print_location loc) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "location" location_encoding)) (function Unterminated_comment loc -> Some loc | _ -> None) (fun loc -> Unterminated_comment loc) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.unclosed_token" ~title: "Micheline parser error: unclosed token" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ a parenthesis or a brace was unclosed." ~pp:(fun ppf (loc, token) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unclosed %a" print_location loc print_token_kind token) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "location"location_encoding) (req "token" token_value_encoding)) (function Unclosed { loc ; token } -> Some (loc, token) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, token) -> Unclosed { loc ; token }) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.unexpected_token" ~title: "Micheline parser error: unexpected token" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ an unexpected token was encountered." ~pp:(fun ppf (loc, token) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, unexpected %a" print_location loc print_token_kind token) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "location"location_encoding) (req "token" token_value_encoding)) (function Unexpected { loc ; token } -> Some (loc, token) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, token) -> Unexpected { loc ; token }) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.extra_token" ~title: "Micheline parser error: extra token" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ an extra semi colon or parenthesis was encountered." ~pp:(fun ppf (loc, token) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, extra %a" print_location loc print_token_kind token) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "location"location_encoding) (req "token" token_value_encoding)) (function Extra { loc ; token } -> Some (loc, token) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, token) -> Extra { loc ; token }) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.misaligned_node" ~title: "Micheline parser error: misaligned node" ~description: "While parsing a piece of Micheline source, \ an expression was not aligned with its \ siblings of the same mother application \ or sequence." ~pp:(fun ppf node -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a, misaligned expression" print_location (location node)) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "expression" node_encoding)) (function Misaligned node -> Some node | _ -> None) (fun node -> Misaligned node) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "micheline.parse_error.empty_expression" ~title: "Micheline parser error: empty_expression" ~description: "Tried to interpret an empty piece or \ Micheline source as a single expression." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "empty expression") Data_encoding.empty (function Empty -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Empty)