--- id: math-numbers-tez title: Math, Numbers & Tez --- import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax'; LIGO offers three built-in numerical types: `int`, `nat` and `tez`. Values of type `int` are integers; values of type `nat` are natural numbers (integral numbers greater than or equal to zero); values of type `tez` are units of measure of Tezos tokens. * Integer literals are the same found in mainstream programming languages, for example, `10`, `-6` and `0`, but there is only one canonical zero: `0` (so, for instance, `-0` and `00` are invalid). * Natural numbers are written as digits follwed by the suffix `n`, like so: `12n`, `0n`, and the same restriction on zero as integers applies: `0n` is the only way to specify the natural zero. * Tezos tokens can be specified using literals of three kinds: * units of millionth of `tez`, using the suffix `mutez` after a natural literal, like `10000mutez` or `0mutez`; * units of `tez`, using the suffix `tz` or `tez`, like `3tz` or `3tez`; * decimal amounts of `tz` or `tez`, like `12.3tz` or `12.4tez`. Note that large integral values can be expressed using underscores to separate groups of digits, like `1_000mutez` or `0.000_004tez`. ## Addition Addition in LIGO is accomplished by means of the `+` infix operator. Some type constraints apply, for example you cannot add a value of type `tez` to a value of type `nat`. In the following example you can find a series of arithmetic operations, including various numerical types. However, some bits remain in comments as they would otherwise not compile, for example, adding a value of type `int` to a value of type `tez` is invalid. Note that adding an integer to a natural number produces an integer. <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo group=a // int + int yields int const a : int = 5 + 10 // nat + int yields int const b : int = 5n + 10 // tez + tez yields tez const c : tez = 5mutez + 0.000_010tez //tez + int or tez + nat is invalid // const d : tez = 5mutez + 10n // two nats yield a nat const e : nat = 5n + 10n // nat + int yields an int: invalid // const f : nat = 5n + 10; const g : int = 1_000_000 ``` > Pro tip: you can use underscores for readability when defining large > numbers: > >```pascaligo > const sum : tez = 100_000mutez >``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo group=a // int + int yields int let a : int = 5 + 10 // nat + int yields int let b : int = 5n + 10 // tez + tez yields tez let c : tez = 5mutez + 0.000_010tez // tez + int or tez + nat is invalid // let d : tez = 5mutez + 10n // two nats yield a nat let e : nat = 5n + 10n // nat + int yields an int: invalid // let f : nat = 5n + 10 let g : int = 1_000_000 ``` > Pro tip: you can use underscores for readability when defining large > numbers: > >```cameligo >let sum : tez = 100_000mutez >``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo group=a // int + int yields int let a : int = 5 + 10; // nat + int yields int let b : int = 5n + 10; // tez + tez yields tez let c : tez = 5mutez + 0.000_010tez; // tez + int or tez + nat is invalid: // let d : tez = 5mutez + 10n; // two nats yield a nat let e : nat = 5n + 10n; // nat + int yields an int: invalid // let f : nat = 5n + 10; let g : int = 1_000_000; ``` > Pro tip: you can use underscores for readability when defining large > numbers: >```reasonligo >let sum : tex = 100_000mutez; >``` </Syntax> ## Subtraction Subtraction looks as follows. > ⚠️ Even when subtracting two `nats`, the result is an `int` <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo group=b const a : int = 5 - 10 // Subtraction of two nats yields an int const b : int = 5n - 2n // Therefore the following is invalid // const c : nat = 5n - 2n const d : tez = 5mutez - 1mutez ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo group=b let a : int = 5 - 10 // Subtraction of two nats yields an int let b : int = 5n - 2n // Therefore the following is invalid // let c : nat = 5n - 2n let d : tez = 5mutez - 1mutez ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo group=b let a : int = 5 - 10; // Subtraction of two nats yields an int let b : int = 5n - 2n; // Therefore the following is invalid // let c : nat = 5n - 2n; let d : tez = 5mutez - 1mutez; ``` </Syntax> ## Multiplication You can multiply values of the same type, such as: <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo group=c const a : int = 5 * 5 const b : nat = 5n * 5n // You can also multiply `nat` and `tez` const c : tez = 5n * 5mutez ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo group=c let a : int = 5 * 5 let b : nat = 5n * 5n // You can also multiply `nat` and `tez` let c : tez = 5n * 5mutez ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo group=c let a : int = 5 * 5; let b : nat = 5n * 5n; // You can also multiply `nat` and `tez` let c : tez = 5n * 5mutez; ``` </Syntax> ## Euclidean Division In LIGO you can divide `int`, `nat`, and `tez`. Here is how: > ⚠️ Division of two `tez` values results into a `nat` <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo group=d const a : int = 10 / 3 const b : nat = 10n / 3n const c : nat = 10mutez / 3mutez ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo group=d let a : int = 10 / 3 let b : nat = 10n / 3n let c : nat = 10mutez / 3mutez ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo group=d let a : int = 10 / 3; let b : nat = 10n / 3n; let c : nat = 10mutez / 3mutez; ``` </Syntax> LIGO also allows you to compute the remainder of the Euclidean division. In LIGO, it is a natural number. <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo group=d const a : int = 120 const b : int = 9 const rem1 : nat = a mod b // 3 const c : nat = 120n const rem2 : nat = c mod b // 3 const d : nat = 9n const rem3 : nat = c mod d // 3 const rem4 : nat = a mod d // 3 ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo group=d let a : int = 120 let b : int = 9 let rem1 : nat = a mod b // 3 let c : nat = 120n let rem2 : nat = c mod b // 3 let d : nat = 9n let rem3 : nat = c mod d // 3 let rem4 : nat = a mod d // 3 ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo group=d let a : int = 120; let b : int = 9; let rem1 : nat = a mod b; // 3 let c : nat = 120n; let rem2 : nat = c mod b; // 3 let d : nat = 9n; let rem3 : nat = c mod d; // 3 let rem4 : nat = a mod d; // 3 ``` </Syntax> ## From `int` to `nat` and back You can *cast* an `int` to a `nat` and vice versa. Here is how: <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo group=e const a : int = int (1n) const b : nat = abs (1) ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo group=e let a : int = int (1n) let b : nat = abs (1) ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo group=e let a : int = int (1n); let b : nat = abs (1); ``` </Syntax> ## Checking a `nat` You can check if a value is a `nat` by using a predefined cast function which accepts an `int` and returns an optional `nat`: if the result is not `None`, then the provided integer was indeed a natural number, and not otherwise. <Syntax syntax="pascaligo"> ```pascaligo group=e const is_a_nat : option (nat) = is_nat (1) ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="cameligo"> ```cameligo group=e let is_a_nat : nat option = Michelson.is_nat (1) ``` </Syntax> <Syntax syntax="reasonligo"> ```reasonligo group=e let is_a_nat : option (nat) = Michelson.is_nat (1); ``` </Syntax>