(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** An abstraction over all the disk storage used by the node. It encapsulates access to: - the index of validation contexts; and - the persistent state of the node: - the blockchain and its alternate heads of a "network"; - the pool of pending operations of a "network". *) type t type global_state = t (** Read the internal state of the node and initialize the blocks/operations/contexts databases. *) val read: ?patch_context:(Context.t -> Context.t Lwt.t) -> store_root:string -> context_root:string -> unit -> global_state tzresult Lwt.t (** {2 Errors} **************************************************************) type error += | Invalid_fitness of { block: Block_hash.t ; expected: Fitness.fitness ; found: Fitness.fitness } | Invalid_operations of { block: Block_hash.t ; expected: Operation_list_list_hash.t ; found: Operation_hash.t list list } | Unknown_network of Net_id.t | Unknown_operation of Operation_hash.t | Unknown_block of Block_hash.t | Unknown_protocol of Protocol_hash.t | Cannot_parse (** {2 Network} ************************************************************) (** Data specific to a given network. *) module Net : sig type t type net = t type genesis = { time: Time.t ; block: Block_hash.t ; protocol: Protocol_hash.t ; } val genesis_encoding: genesis Data_encoding.t (** Initialize a network for a given [genesis]. By default, the network does accept forking test network. When [~allow_forked_network:true] is provided, test network are allowed. *) val create: global_state -> ?allow_forked_network:bool -> genesis -> net Lwt.t (** Look up for a network by the hash of its genesis block. *) val get: global_state -> Net_id.t -> net tzresult Lwt.t (** Returns all the known networks. *) val all: global_state -> net list Lwt.t (** Destroy a network: this completly removes from the local storage all the data associated to the network (this includes blocks and operations). *) val destroy: global_state -> net -> unit Lwt.t (** Accessors. Respectively access to; - the network id (the hash of its genesis block) - its optional expiration time - the associated global state. *) val id: net -> Net_id.t val genesis: net -> genesis val expiration: net -> Time.t option val allow_forked_network: net -> bool end (** Shared signature for the databases of block_headers, operations and protocols. *) module type DATA_STORE = sig type store type key type value (** Is a value stored in the local database ? *) val known: store -> key -> bool Lwt.t (** Read a value in the local database. *) val read: store -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t val read_opt: store -> key -> value option Lwt.t val read_exn: store -> key -> value Lwt.t (** Read a value in the local database (without parsing). *) val read_raw: store -> key -> MBytes.t tzresult Lwt.t val read_raw_opt: store -> key -> MBytes.t option Lwt.t val read_raw_exn: store -> key -> MBytes.t Lwt.t (** Read data discovery time (the time when `store` was called). *) val read_discovery_time: store -> key -> Time.t tzresult Lwt.t val read_discovery_time_opt: store -> key -> Time.t option Lwt.t val read_discovery_time_exn: store -> key -> Time.t Lwt.t (** Store a value in the local database (pre-parsed value). It returns [false] when the value is already stored, or [true] otherwise. For a given value, only one call to `store` (or an equivalent call to `store_raw`) might return [true]. *) val store: store -> key -> value -> bool Lwt.t (** Store a value in the local database (unparsed data). It returns [Ok None] when the data is already stored, or [Ok (Some (hash, value))] otherwise. For a given data, only one call to `store_raw` (or an equivalent call to `store`) might return [Ok (Some _)]. It may return [Error] when the shell part of the value cannot be parsed. *) val store_raw: store -> key -> MBytes.t -> value option tzresult Lwt.t (** Remove a value from the local database. *) val remove: store -> key -> bool Lwt.t end (** {2 Block_header database} *************************************************) module Block_header : sig type shell_header = Store.Block_header.shell_header = { net_id: Net_id.t ; level: Int32.t ; proto_level: int ; (* uint8 *) predecessor: Block_hash.t ; timestamp: Time.t ; operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ; fitness: MBytes.t list ; } type t = Store.Block_header.t = { shell: shell_header ; proto: MBytes.t ; } type block_header = t include DATA_STORE with type store = Net.t and type key = Block_hash.t and type value = block_header val mark_invalid: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> error list -> bool Lwt.t val invalid: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> error list option Lwt.t val pending: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t val list_pending: Net.t -> Block_hash.Set.t Lwt.t val list_invalid: Net.t -> Block_hash.Set.t Lwt.t module Helpers : sig (** If [h1] is an ancestor of [h2] in the current [state], then [path state h1 h2] returns the chain of block from [h1] (excluded) to [h2] (included). *) val path: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> Block_hash.t -> (Block_hash.t * shell_header) list tzresult Lwt.t (** [common_ancestor state h1 h2] returns the first common ancestors in the history of blocks [h1] and [h2]. *) val common_ancestor: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> Block_hash.t -> (Block_hash.t * shell_header) tzresult Lwt.t (** [block_locator state max_length h] compute the sparse block locator (/à la/ Bitcoin) for the block [h]. *) val block_locator: Net.t -> int -> Block_hash.t -> Block_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t (** [iter_predecessors state blocks f] iter [f] on [blocks] and their recursive (known) predecessors. Blocks are visited with a decreasing fitness (then decreasing timestamp). If the optional argument [max] is provided, the iteration is stopped after [max] visited block. If [min_fitness] id provided, blocks with a fitness lower than [min_fitness] are ignored. If [min_date], blocks with a fitness lower than [min_date] are ignored. *) val iter_predecessors: Net.t -> ?max:int -> ?min_fitness:Fitness.fitness -> ?min_date:Time.t -> block_header list -> f:(block_header -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit tzresult Lwt.t end end module Operation_list : sig type store = Net.t type key = Block_hash.t * int type value = Operation_hash.t list * Operation_list_list_hash.path val known: store -> key -> bool Lwt.t val read: store -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t val read_opt: store -> key -> value option Lwt.t val read_exn: store -> key -> value Lwt.t val store: store -> key -> value -> bool Lwt.t val remove: store -> key -> bool Lwt.t val read_count: store -> Block_hash.t -> int tzresult Lwt.t val read_count_opt: store -> Block_hash.t -> int option Lwt.t val read_count_exn: store -> Block_hash.t -> int Lwt.t val store_count: store -> Block_hash.t -> int -> unit Lwt.t val read_all: store -> Block_hash.t -> Operation_hash.t list list tzresult Lwt.t val store_all: store -> Block_hash.t -> Operation_hash.t list list -> unit Lwt.t end (** {2 Valid block} ***********************************************************) (** The local database of known-valid blocks. *) module Valid_block : sig (** A validated block. *) type t = private { net_id: Net_id.t ; (** The genesis of the chain this block belongs to. *) hash: Block_hash.t ; (** The block hash. *) level: Int32.t ; (** The number of preceding block in the chain. *) proto_level: int ; (** The number of protocol amendment block in the chain (modulo 256) *) predecessor: Block_hash.t ; (** The preceding block in the chain. *) timestamp: Time.t ; (** The date at which this block has been forged. *) fitness: Protocol.fitness ; (** The (validated) score of the block. *) operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ; operations: Operation_hash.t list list ; (** The sequence of operations ans its (Merkle-)hash. *) discovery_time: Time.t ; (** The data at which the block was discorevered on the P2P network. *) protocol_hash: Protocol_hash.t ; (** The protocol to be used for validating the following blocks. *) protocol: (module Updater.REGISTRED_PROTOCOL) option ; (** The actual implementation of the protocol to be used for validating the following blocks. *) test_network: Context.test_network ; (** The current test network associated to the block. *) context: Context.t ; (** The validation context that was produced by the block validation. *) successors: Block_hash.Set.t ; invalid_successors: Block_hash.Set.t ; (** The set of valid successors (including forked networks). *) proto_header: MBytes.t; (** The uninterpreted protocol dependent part of the header. *) } type valid_block = t val known: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t val read: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> valid_block tzresult Lwt.t val read_opt: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> valid_block option Lwt.t val read_exn: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> valid_block Lwt.t val store: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> Updater.validation_result -> valid_block option tzresult Lwt.t val watcher: Net.t -> valid_block Lwt_stream.t * Watcher.stopper (** The known valid heads of the network's blockchain. *) val known_heads: Net.t -> valid_block list Lwt.t val fork_testnet: global_state -> Net.t -> valid_block -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> Net.t tzresult Lwt.t module Current : sig (** The genesis block of the network's blockchain. On a test network, the test protocol has been promoted as "main" protocol. *) val genesis: Net.t -> valid_block Lwt.t (** The current head of the network's blockchain. *) val head: Net.t -> valid_block Lwt.t (** The current protocol of the network's blockchain. *) val protocol: Net.t -> (module Updater.REGISTRED_PROTOCOL) Lwt.t (** Record a block as the current head of the network's blockchain. *) val set_head: Net.t -> valid_block -> unit Lwt.t val mem: Net.t -> Block_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t (** Atomically change the current head of the network's blockchain. This returns [true] whenever the change succeeded, or [false] when the current head os not equal to the [old] argument. *) val test_and_set_head: Net.t -> old:valid_block -> valid_block -> bool Lwt.t (** [find_new net locator max_length], where [locator] is a sparse block locator (/à la/ Bitcoin), returns the missing block when compared with the current branch of [net]. *) val find_new: Net.t -> Block_hash.t list -> int -> Block_hash.t list tzresult Lwt.t val new_blocks: Net.t -> from_block:valid_block -> to_block:valid_block -> (Block_hash.t * (Block_hash.t * Block_header.shell_header) list) Lwt.t end module Helpers : sig (** If [h1] is an ancestor of [h2] in the current [state], then [path state h1 h2] returns the chain of block from [h1] (excluded) to [h2] (included). Returns [None] otherwise. *) val path: Net.t -> valid_block -> valid_block -> valid_block list option Lwt.t (** [common_ancestor state h1 h2] returns the first common ancestors in the history of blocks [h1] and [h2]. *) val common_ancestor: Net.t -> valid_block -> valid_block -> valid_block Lwt.t (** [block_locator state max_length h] compute the sparse block locator (/à la/ Bitcoin) for the block [h]. *) val block_locator: Net.t -> int -> valid_block -> Block_hash.t list Lwt.t (** [iter_predecessors state blocks f] iter [f] on [blocks] and their recursive predecessors. Blocks are visited with a decreasing fitness (then decreasing timestamp). If the optional argument [max] is provided, the iteration is stopped after [max] visited block. If [min_fitness] id provided, blocks with a fitness lower than [min_fitness] are ignored. If [min_date], blocks with a fitness lower than [min_date] are ignored. *) val iter_predecessors: Net.t -> ?max:int -> ?min_fitness:Fitness.fitness -> ?min_date:Time.t -> valid_block list -> f:(valid_block -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit tzresult Lwt.t end end (** {2 Operation database} ****************************************************) module Operation : sig type shell_header = Store.Operation.shell_header = { net_id: Net_id.t ; } type t = Store.Operation.t = { shell: shell_header ; proto: MBytes.t ; } include DATA_STORE with type store = Net.t and type key = Operation_hash.t and type value = t val mark_invalid: Net.t -> Operation_hash.t -> error list -> bool Lwt.t val in_chain: Net.t -> Operation_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t val pending: Net.t -> Operation_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t val invalid: Net.t -> Operation_hash.t -> error list option Lwt.t val list_pending: Net.t -> Operation_hash.Set.t Lwt.t val list_invalid: Net.t -> Operation_hash.Set.t Lwt.t end (** {2 Protocol database} ***************************************************) module Protocol : sig include DATA_STORE with type store = global_state and type key = Protocol_hash.t and type value = Tezos_compiler.Protocol.t val list: global_state -> Protocol_hash.Set.t Lwt.t (* val mark_invalid: Net.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> error list -> bool Lwt.t *) (* val list_invalid: Net.t -> Protocol_hash.Set.t Lwt.t *) end