(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module Encoding = struct include Encoding let splitted ~json ~binary = raw_splitted ~json:(Json.convert json) ~binary let assoc enc = let json = Json_encoding.assoc (Json.convert enc) in let binary = list (tup2 string enc) in raw_splitted ~json ~binary module Bounded = struct let string length = raw_splitted ~binary: begin let kind = Binary_size.unsigned_range_to_size length in check_size (length + Binary_size.integer_to_size kind) @@ dynamic_size ~kind Variable.string end ~json: begin let open Json_encoding in conv (fun s -> if String.length s > length then invalid_arg "oversized string" ; s) (fun s -> if String.length s > length then raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Invalid_argument "oversized string")) ; s) string end let bytes length = raw_splitted ~binary: begin let kind = Binary_size.unsigned_range_to_size length in check_size (length + Binary_size.integer_to_size kind) @@ dynamic_size ~kind Variable.bytes end ~json: begin let open Json_encoding in conv (fun s -> if MBytes.length s > length then invalid_arg "oversized string" ; s) (fun s -> if MBytes.length s > length then raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Invalid_argument "oversized string")) ; s) Json.bytes_jsont end end type 'a lazy_state = | Value of 'a | Bytes of MBytes.t | Both of MBytes.t * 'a type 'a lazy_t = { mutable state : 'a lazy_state ; encoding : 'a t } let force_decode le = match le.state with | Value value -> Some value | Both (_, value) -> Some value | Bytes bytes -> match Binary_reader.of_bytes le.encoding bytes with | Some expr -> le.state <- Both (bytes, expr) ; Some expr | None -> None let force_bytes le = match le.state with | Bytes bytes -> bytes | Both (bytes, _) -> bytes | Value value -> let bytes = Binary_writer.to_bytes_exn le.encoding value in le.state <- Both (bytes, value) ; bytes let lazy_encoding encoding = let binary = Encoding.conv force_bytes (fun bytes -> { state = Bytes bytes ; encoding }) Encoding.bytes in let json = Encoding.conv (fun le -> match force_decode le with | Some r -> r | None -> raise Exit) (fun value -> { state = Value value ; encoding }) encoding in splitted ~json ~binary let make_lazy encoding value = { encoding ; state = Value value } let fold_lazy fun_value fun_bytes fun_combine le = match le.state with | Value value -> fun_value value | Bytes bytes -> fun_bytes bytes | Both (bytes, value) -> fun_combine (fun_value value) (fun_bytes bytes) end include Encoding module Json = Json module Bson = Bson module Binary_schema = Binary_schema module Binary = struct include Binary_error include Binary_length include Binary_writer include Binary_reader include Binary_stream_reader let describe = Binary_description.describe end type json = Json.t let json = Json.encoding type json_schema = Json.schema let json_schema = Json.schema_encoding type bson = Bson.t