(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Protocol open Test_utils (* missing stuff in Alpha_context.Vote *) let ballots_zero = Alpha_context.Vote.{ yay = 0l ; nay = 0l ; pass = 0l } let ballots_equal b1 b2 = Alpha_context.Vote.(b1.yay = b2.yay && b1.nay = b2.nay && b1.pass = b2.pass) let ballots_pp ppf v = Alpha_context.Vote.( Format.fprintf ppf "{ yay = %ld ; nay = %ld ; pass = %ld" v.yay v.nay v.pass) (* constants and ratios used in voting: percent_mul denotes the percent multiplier initial_participation is 7000 that is, 7/10 * percent_mul the participation EMA ratio pr_ema_weight / den = 7 / 10 the participation ratio pr_num / den = 2 / 10 note: we use the same denominator for both participation EMA and participation rate. supermajority rate is s_num / s_den = 8 / 10 *) let percent_mul = 100_00 let initial_participation_num = 7 let initial_participation = initial_participation_num * percent_mul / 10 let pr_ema_weight = 8 let den = 10 let pr_num = den - pr_ema_weight let s_num = 8 let s_den = 10 let qr_min_num = 2 let qr_max_num = 7 let expected_qr_num = Float.(of_int qr_min_num +. of_int initial_participation_num *. (of_int qr_max_num -. of_int qr_min_num) /. of_int den) (* Protocol_hash.zero is "PrihK96nBAFSxVL1GLJTVhu9YnzkMFiBeuJRPA8NwuZVZCE1L6i" *) let protos = Array.map (fun s -> Protocol_hash.of_b58check_exn s) [| "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha61322gcLUGH" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphabc2a7ebx6WB" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha84efbeiF6cm" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha91249Z65tWS" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha537f5h25LnN" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha5c8fefgDYkr" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha3f31feSSarC" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphabe31ahnkxSC" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphabab3bgRb7zQ" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaf8d39cctbpk" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha3b981byuYxD" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaa116bccYowi" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphacce68eHqboj" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha225c7YrWwR7" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha58743cJL6FG" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphac91bcdvmJFR" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha1faaadhV7oW" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha98232gD94QJ" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha9d1d8cijvAh" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaeec52dKF6Gx" ; "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALpha841f2cQqajX" ; |] (** helper functions *) let mk_contracts_from_pkh pkh_list = List.map (Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract) pkh_list (* get the list of delegates and the list of their rolls from listings *) let get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b = Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l -> return ((mk_contracts_from_pkh (List.map fst l)), List.map snd l) (* compute the rolls of each delegate *) let get_rolls b delegates loc = Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l -> map_s (fun delegate -> Context.Contract.pkh delegate >>=? fun pkh -> match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with | None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" loc | Some (_, rolls) -> return rolls ) delegates let test_successful_vote num_delegates () = let min_proposal_quorum = Int32.(of_int @@ 100_00 / num_delegates) in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum num_delegates >>=? fun (b,_) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period ; _ } ; _ } -> (* no ballots in proposal period *) Context.Vote.get_ballots (B b) >>=? fun v -> Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ ballots_equal "Unexpected ballots" ballots_pp v ballots_zero >>=? fun () -> (* no ballots in proposal period *) Context.Vote.get_ballot_list (B b) >>=? begin function | [] -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected ballot list" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* period 0 *) Context.Vote.get_voting_period (B b) >>=? fun v -> let open Alpha_context in Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ Voting_period.equal "Unexpected period" Voting_period.pp v Voting_period.(root) >>=? fun () -> Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* participation EMA starts at initial_participation *) Context.Vote.get_participation_ema b >>=? fun v -> Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ initial_participation (Int32.to_int v) >>=? fun () -> (* listings must be populated in proposal period *) Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? begin function | [] -> failwith "%s - Unexpected empty listings" __LOC__ | _ -> return_unit end >>=? fun () -> (* beginning of proposal, denoted by _p1; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p1, rolls_p1) -> (* no proposals at the beginning of proposal period *) Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps -> begin if Environment.Protocol_hash.Map.is_empty ps then return_unit else failwith "%s - Unexpected proposals" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* no current proposal during proposal period *) Context.Vote.get_current_proposal (B b) >>=? begin function | None -> return_unit | Some _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected proposal" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> let del1 = List.nth delegates_p1 0 in let del2 = List.nth delegates_p1 1 in let props = List.map (fun i -> protos.(i)) (2 -- Constants.max_proposals_per_delegate) in Op.proposals (B b) del1 (Protocol_hash.zero::props) >>=? fun ops1 -> Op.proposals (B b) del2 [Protocol_hash.zero] >>=? fun ops2 -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops1;ops2] b >>=? fun b -> (* proposals are now populated *) Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps -> (* correctly count the double proposal for zero *) begin let weight = Int32.add (List.nth rolls_p1 0) (List.nth rolls_p1 1) in match Environment.Protocol_hash.(Map.find_opt zero ps) with | Some v -> if v = weight then return_unit else failwith "%s - Wrong count %ld is not %ld" __LOC__ v weight | None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* proposing more than maximum_proposals fails *) Op.proposals (B b) del1 (Protocol_hash.zero::props) >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Amendment.Too_many_proposals -> true | _ -> false end >>=? fun () -> (* proposing less than one proposal fails *) Op.proposals (B b) del1 [] >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Amendment.Empty_proposal -> true | _ -> false end >>=? fun () -> (* skip to testing_vote period -1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b -> (* we moved to a testing_vote period with one proposal *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* period 1 *) Context.Vote.get_voting_period (B b) >>=? fun v -> let open Alpha_context in Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ Voting_period.equal "Unexpected period" Voting_period.pp v Voting_period.(succ root) >>=? fun () -> (* listings must be populated in testing_vote period *) Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? begin function | [] -> failwith "%s - Unexpected empty listings" __LOC__ | _ -> return_unit end >>=? fun () -> (* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, rolls_p2) -> (* no proposals during testing_vote period *) Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps -> begin if Environment.Protocol_hash.Map.is_empty ps then return_unit else failwith "%s - Unexpected proposals" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* current proposal must be set during testing_vote period *) Context.Vote.get_current_proposal (B b) >>=? begin function | Some v -> if Protocol_hash.(equal zero v) then return_unit else failwith "%s - Wrong proposal" __LOC__ | None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* unanimous vote: all delegates --active when p2 started-- vote *) map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del Protocol_hash.zero Vote.Yay) delegates_p2 >>=? fun operations -> Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> Op.ballot (B b) del1 Protocol_hash.zero Vote.Nay >>=? fun op -> Block.bake ~operations:[op] b >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Amendment.Unauthorized_ballot -> true | _ -> false end >>=? fun () -> fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc)) 0l rolls_p2 >>=? fun rolls_sum -> (* # of Yays in ballots matches rolls of the delegate *) Context.Vote.get_ballots (B b) >>=? fun v -> Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ ballots_equal "Unexpected ballots" ballots_pp v Vote.{ yay = rolls_sum ; nay = 0l ; pass = 0l } >>=? fun () -> (* One Yay ballot per delegate *) Context.Vote.get_ballot_list (B b) >>=? begin function | [] -> failwith "%s - Unexpected empty ballot list" __LOC__ | l -> iter_s (fun delegate -> Context.Contract.pkh delegate >>=? fun pkh -> match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with | None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__ | Some (_, Vote.Yay) -> return_unit | Some _ -> failwith "%s - Wrong ballot" __LOC__ ) delegates_p2 end >>=? fun () -> (* skip to testing period -1 because we already baked one block with the ballot *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* period 2 *) Context.Vote.get_voting_period (B b) >>=? fun v -> let open Alpha_context in Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ Voting_period.equal "Unexpected period" Voting_period.pp v Voting_period.(succ (succ root)) >>=? fun () -> (* no ballots in testing period *) Context.Vote.get_ballots (B b) >>=? fun v -> Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ ballots_equal "Unexpected ballots" ballots_pp v ballots_zero >>=? fun () -> (* listings must be empty in testing period *) Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? begin function | [] -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected listings" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* skip to promotion_vote period *) Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b -> Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Promotion_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* period 3 *) Context.Vote.get_voting_period (B b) >>=? fun v -> let open Alpha_context in Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ Voting_period.equal "Unexpected period" Voting_period.pp v Voting_period.(succ (succ (succ root))) >>=? fun () -> (* listings must be populated in promotion_vote period *) Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? begin function | [] -> failwith "%s - Unexpected empty listings" __LOC__ | _ -> return_unit end >>=? fun () -> (* beginning of promotion_vote period, denoted by _p4; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p4, rolls_p4) -> (* no proposals during promotion_vote period *) Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps -> begin if Environment.Protocol_hash.Map.is_empty ps then return_unit else failwith "%s - Unexpected proposals" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* current proposal must be set during promotion_vote period *) Context.Vote.get_current_proposal (B b) >>=? begin function | Some v -> if Protocol_hash.(equal zero v) then return_unit else failwith "%s - Wrong proposal" __LOC__ | None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* unanimous vote: all delegates --active when p4 started-- vote *) map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del Protocol_hash.zero Vote.Yay) delegates_p4 >>=? fun operations -> Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc)) 0l rolls_p4 >>=? fun rolls_sum -> (* # of Yays in ballots matches rolls of the delegate *) Context.Vote.get_ballots (B b) >>=? fun v -> Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ ballots_equal "Unexpected ballots" ballots_pp v Vote.{ yay = rolls_sum ; nay = 0l ; pass = 0l } >>=? fun () -> (* One Yay ballot per delegate *) Context.Vote.get_ballot_list (B b) >>=? begin function | [] -> failwith "%s - Unexpected empty ballot list" __LOC__ | l -> iter_s (fun delegate -> Context.Contract.pkh delegate >>=? fun pkh -> match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with | None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__ | Some (_, Vote.Yay) -> return_unit | Some _ -> failwith "%s - Wrong ballot" __LOC__ ) delegates_p4 end >>=? fun () -> (* skip to end of promotion_vote period and activation*) Block.bake_n Int32.((to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* zero is the new protocol (before the vote this value is unset) *) Context.Vote.get_protocol b >>= fun p -> Assert.equal ~loc:__LOC__ Protocol_hash.equal "Unexpected proposal" Protocol_hash.pp p Protocol_hash.zero >>=? fun () -> return_unit (* given a list of active delegates, return the first k active delegates with which one can have quorum, that is: their roll sum divided by the total roll sum is bigger than pr_ema_weight/den *) let get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum active_delegates active_rolls = fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc)) 0l active_rolls >>=? fun active_rolls_sum -> let rec loop delegates rolls sum selected = match delegates, rolls with | [], [] -> selected | del :: delegates, del_rolls :: rolls -> if den * sum < Float.to_int (expected_qr_num *. (Int32.to_float active_rolls_sum)) then loop delegates rolls (sum + (Int32.to_int del_rolls)) (del :: selected) else selected | _, _ -> [] in return (loop active_delegates active_rolls 0 []) let get_expected_participation_ema rolls voter_rolls old_participation_ema = (* formula to compute the updated participation_ema *) let get_updated_participation_ema old_participation_ema participation = (pr_ema_weight * (Int32.to_int old_participation_ema) + pr_num * participation) / den in fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc)) 0l rolls >>=? fun rolls_sum -> fold_left_s (fun v acc -> return Int32.(add v acc)) 0l voter_rolls >>=? fun voter_rolls_sum -> let participation = (Int32.to_int voter_rolls_sum) * percent_mul / (Int32.to_int rolls_sum) in return (get_updated_participation_ema old_participation_ema participation) (* if not enough quorum -- get_updated_participation_ema < pr_ema_weight/den -- in testing vote, go back to proposal period *) let test_not_enough_quorum_in_testing_vote num_delegates () = let min_proposal_quorum = Int32.(of_int @@ 100_00 / num_delegates) in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum num_delegates >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period ; _ } ; _ } -> (* proposal period *) let open Alpha_context in Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> let proposer = List.nth delegates 0 in Op.proposals (B b) proposer [Protocol_hash.zero] >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to vote_testing period -1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b -> (* we moved to a testing_vote period with one proposal *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> Context.Vote.get_participation_ema b >>=? fun initial_participation_ema -> (* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, rolls_p2) -> get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum delegates_p2 rolls_p2 >>=? fun voters -> (* take the first two voters out so there cannot be quorum *) let voters_without_quorum = List.tl voters in get_rolls b voters_without_quorum __LOC__ >>=? fun voters_rolls_in_testing_vote -> (* all voters_without_quorum vote, for yays; no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *) map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del Protocol_hash.zero Vote.Yay) voters_without_quorum >>=? fun operations -> Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to testing period *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* we move back to the proposal period because not enough quorum *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* check participation_ema update *) get_expected_participation_ema rolls_p2 voters_rolls_in_testing_vote initial_participation_ema >>=? fun expected_participation_ema -> Context.Vote.get_participation_ema b >>=? fun new_participation_ema -> (* assert the formula to calculate participation_ema is correct *) Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ expected_participation_ema (Int32.to_int new_participation_ema) >>=? fun () -> return_unit (* if not enough quorum -- get_updated_participation_ema < pr_ema_weight/den -- in promotion vote, go back to proposal period *) let test_not_enough_quorum_in_promotion_vote num_delegates () = let min_proposal_quorum = Int32.(of_int @@ 100_00 / num_delegates) in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum num_delegates >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period ; _ } ; _ } -> Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> let proposer = List.nth delegates 0 in Op.proposals (B b) proposer (Protocol_hash.zero::[]) >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to vote_testing period -1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b -> (* we moved to a testing_vote period with one proposal *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, rolls_p2) -> get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum delegates_p2 rolls_p2 >>=? fun voters -> let open Alpha_context in (* all voters vote, for yays; no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *) map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del Protocol_hash.zero Vote.Yay) voters >>=? fun operations -> Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to testing period *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* we move to testing because we have supermajority and enough quorum *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* skip to promotion_vote period *) Block.bake_n (Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period) b >>=? fun b -> Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Promotion_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> Context.Vote.get_participation_ema b >>=? fun initial_participation_ema -> (* beginning of promotion period, denoted by _p4; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p4, rolls_p4) -> get_smallest_prefix_voters_for_quorum delegates_p4 rolls_p4 >>=? fun voters -> (* take the first voter out so there cannot be quorum *) let voters_without_quorum = List.tl voters in get_rolls b voters_without_quorum __LOC__ >>=? fun voter_rolls -> (* all voters_without_quorum vote, for yays; no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *) map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del Protocol_hash.zero Vote.Yay) voters_without_quorum >>=? fun operations -> Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to end of promotion_vote period *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> get_expected_participation_ema rolls_p4 voter_rolls initial_participation_ema >>=? fun expected_participation_ema -> Context.Vote.get_participation_ema b >>=? fun new_participation_ema -> (* assert the formula to calculate participation_ema is correct *) Assert.equal_int ~loc:__LOC__ expected_participation_ema (Int32.to_int new_participation_ema) >>=? fun () -> (* we move back to the proposal period because not enough quorum *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> return_unit let test_multiple_identical_proposals_count_as_one () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> let proposer = List.hd delegates in Op.proposals (B b) proposer [Protocol_hash.zero; Protocol_hash.zero] >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b -> (* compute the weight of proposals *) Context.Vote.get_proposals (B b) >>=? fun ps -> (* compute the rolls of proposer *) Context.Contract.pkh proposer >>=? fun pkh -> Context.Vote.get_listings (B b) >>=? fun l -> begin match List.find_opt (fun (del,_) -> del = pkh) l with | None -> failwith "%s - Missing delegate" __LOC__ | Some (_, proposer_rolls) -> return proposer_rolls end >>=? fun proposer_rolls -> (* correctly count the double proposal for zero as one proposal *) let expected_weight_proposer = proposer_rolls in match Environment.Protocol_hash.(Map.find_opt zero ps) with | Some v -> if v = expected_weight_proposer then return_unit else failwith "%s - Wrong count %ld is not %ld; identical proposals count as one" __LOC__ v expected_weight_proposer | None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__ (* assumes the initial balance of allocated by Context.init is at least 4 time the value of the tokens_per_roll constant *) let test_supermajority_in_proposal there_is_a_winner () = let min_proposal_quorum = 0l in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum ~initial_balances:[1L; 1L; 1L] 10 >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_cycle; blocks_per_voting_period; tokens_per_roll; _ } ; _ } -> let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in let del2 = List.nth delegates 1 in let del3 = List.nth delegates 2 in map_s (fun del -> Context.Contract.pkh del) [del1; del2; del3] >>=? fun pkhs -> let policy = Block.Excluding pkhs in Op.transaction (B b) (List.nth delegates 3) del1 tokens_per_roll >>=? fun op1 -> Op.transaction (B b) (List.nth delegates 4) del2 tokens_per_roll >>=? fun op2 -> begin if there_is_a_winner then Test_tez.Tez.( *? ) tokens_per_roll 3L else Test_tez.Tez.( *? ) tokens_per_roll 2L end >>?= fun bal3 -> Op.transaction (B b) (List.nth delegates 5) del3 bal3 >>=? fun op3 -> Block.bake ~policy ~operations:[op1; op2; op3] b >>=? fun b -> (* we let one voting period pass; we make sure that: - the three selected delegates remain active by re-registering as delegates - their number of rolls do not change *) fold_left_s (fun b _ -> Error_monad.map_s (fun del -> Context.Contract.pkh del >>=? fun pkh -> Op.delegation (B b) del (Some pkh) ) delegates >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~policy ~operations:ops b >>=? fun b -> Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b ) b (1 -- (Int32.to_int (Int32.div blocks_per_voting_period blocks_per_cycle))) >>=? fun b -> (* make the proposals *) Op.proposals (B b) del1 [protos.(0)] >>=? fun ops1 -> Op.proposals (B b) del2 [protos.(0)] >>=? fun ops2 -> Op.proposals (B b) del3 [protos.(1)] >>=? fun ops3 -> Block.bake ~policy ~operations:[ops1;ops2;ops3] b >>=? fun b -> Block.bake_n ~policy ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* we remain in the proposal period when there is no winner, otherwise we move to the testing vote period *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> if there_is_a_winner then return_unit else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing_vote" __LOC__ | Proposal -> if not there_is_a_winner then return_unit else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Testing_vote, obtained Proposal" __LOC__ | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> return_unit let test_quorum_in_proposal has_quorum () = let total_tokens = 32_000_000_000_000L in let half_tokens = Int64.div total_tokens 2L in Context.init ~initial_balances:[1L; half_tokens; half_tokens] 3 >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = { blocks_per_cycle; blocks_per_voting_period; min_proposal_quorum; _ } ; _ } -> let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in let del2 = List.nth delegates 1 in map_s (fun del -> Context.Contract.pkh del) [del1; del2] >>=? fun pkhs -> let policy = Block.Excluding pkhs in let quorum = if has_quorum then Int64.of_int32 min_proposal_quorum else Int64.(sub (of_int32 min_proposal_quorum) 10L) in let bal = Int64.(div (mul total_tokens quorum) 100_00L) |> Test_tez.Tez.of_mutez_exn in Op.transaction (B b) del2 del1 bal >>=? fun op2 -> Block.bake ~policy ~operations:[op2] b >>=? fun b -> (* we let one voting period pass; we make sure that: - the two selected delegates remain active by re-registering as delegates - their number of rolls do not change *) fold_left_s (fun b _ -> Error_monad.map_s (fun del -> Context.Contract.pkh del >>=? fun pkh -> Op.delegation (B b) del (Some pkh) ) [del1;del2] >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~policy ~operations:ops b >>=? fun b -> Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b ) b (1 -- (Int32.to_int (Int32.div blocks_per_voting_period blocks_per_cycle))) >>=? fun b -> (* make the proposal *) Op.proposals (B b) del1 [protos.(0)] >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~policy ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b -> Block.bake_n ~policy ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* we remain in the proposal period when there is no quorum, otherwise we move to the testing vote period *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> if has_quorum then return_unit else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing_vote" __LOC__ | Proposal -> if not has_quorum then return_unit else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Testing_vote, obtained Proposal" __LOC__ | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> return_unit let test_supermajority_in_testing_vote supermajority () = let min_proposal_quorum = Int32.(of_int @@ 100_00 / 100) in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum 100 >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period ; _ } ; _ } -> let del1 = List.nth delegates 0 in let proposal = protos.(0) in Op.proposals (B b) del1 [proposal] >>=? fun ops1 -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops1] b >>=? fun b -> Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* move to testing_vote *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* assert our proposal won *) Context.Vote.get_current_proposal (B b) >>=? begin function | Some v -> if Protocol_hash.(equal proposal v) then return_unit else failwith "%s - Wrong proposal" __LOC__ | None -> failwith "%s - Missing proposal" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* beginning of testing_vote period, denoted by _p2; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p2, _olls_p2) -> (* supermajority means [num_yays / (num_yays + num_nays) >= s_num / s_den], which is equivalent with [num_yays >= num_nays * s_num / (s_den - s_num)] *) let num_delegates = List.length delegates_p2 in let num_nays = num_delegates / 5 in (* any smaller number will do as well *) let num_yays = num_nays * s_num / (s_den - s_num) in (* majority/minority vote depending on the [supermajority] parameter *) let num_yays = if supermajority then num_yays else num_yays - 1 in let open Alpha_context in let nays_delegates, rest = List.split_n num_nays delegates_p2 in let yays_delegates, _ = List.split_n num_yays rest in map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del proposal Vote.Yay) yays_delegates >>=? fun operations_yays -> map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del proposal Vote.Nay) nays_delegates >>=? fun operations_nays -> let operations = operations_yays @ operations_nays in Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing -> if supermajority then return_unit else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Proposal, obtained Testing" __LOC__ | Proposal -> if not supermajority then return_unit else failwith "%s - Expected period kind Testing_vote, obtained Proposal" __LOC__ | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> return_unit (* test also how the selection scales: all delegates propose max proposals *) let test_no_winning_proposal num_delegates () = let min_proposal_quorum = Int32.(of_int @@ 100_00 / num_delegates) in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum num_delegates >>=? fun (b,_) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = {blocks_per_voting_period ; _ } ; _ } -> (* beginning of proposal, denoted by _p1; take a snapshot of the active delegates and their rolls from listings *) get_delegates_and_rolls_from_listings b >>=? fun (delegates_p1, _rolls_p1) -> let open Alpha_context in let props = List.map (fun i -> protos.(i)) (1 -- Constants.max_proposals_per_delegate) in (* all delegates active in p1 propose the same proposals *) map_s (fun del -> Op.proposals (B b) del props) delegates_p1 >>=? fun ops_list -> Block.bake ~operations:ops_list b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to testing_vote period -1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-2) b >>=? fun b -> (* we stay in the same proposal period because no winning proposal *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> return_unit (** Test that for the vote to pass with maximum possible participation_ema (100%), it is sufficient for the vote quorum to be equal or greater than the maximum quorum cap. *) let test_quorum_capped_maximum num_delegates () = let min_proposal_quorum = Int32.(of_int @@ 100_00 / num_delegates) in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum num_delegates >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> (* set the participation EMA to 100% *) Context.Vote.set_participation_ema b 100_00l >>= fun b -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = { blocks_per_voting_period ; quorum_max ; _ } ; _ } -> (* proposal period *) let open Alpha_context in Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* propose a new protocol *) let protocol = Protocol_hash.zero in let proposer = List.nth delegates 0 in Op.proposals (B b) proposer [protocol] >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to vote_testing period -1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* we moved to a testing_vote period with one proposal *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* take percentage of the delegates equal or greater than quorum_max *) let minimum_to_pass = Float.of_int (List.length delegates) *. Int32.(to_float quorum_max) /. 100_00. |> Float.ceil |> Float.to_int in let voters = List.take_n minimum_to_pass delegates in (* all voters vote for yays; no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *) map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del protocol Vote.Yay) voters >>=? fun operations -> Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to next period *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* expect to move to testing because we have supermajority and enough quorum *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end (** Test that for the vote to pass with minimum possible participation_ema (0%), it is sufficient for the vote quorum to be equal or greater than the minimum quorum cap. *) let test_quorum_capped_minimum num_delegates () = let min_proposal_quorum = Int32.(of_int @@ 100_00 / num_delegates) in Context.init ~min_proposal_quorum num_delegates >>=? fun (b,delegates) -> (* set the participation EMA to 0% *) Context.Vote.set_participation_ema b 0l >>= fun b -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = { blocks_per_voting_period ; quorum_min ; _ } ; _ } -> (* proposal period *) let open Alpha_context in Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Proposal -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* propose a new protocol *) let protocol = Protocol_hash.zero in let proposer = List.nth delegates 0 in Op.proposals (B b) proposer [protocol] >>=? fun ops -> Block.bake ~operations:[ops] b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to vote_testing period -1 because we already baked one block with the proposal *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* we moved to a testing_vote period with one proposal *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing_vote -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end >>=? fun () -> (* take percentage of the delegates equal or greater than quorum_min *) let minimum_to_pass = Float.of_int (List.length delegates) *. Int32.(to_float quorum_min) /. 100_00. |> Float.ceil |> Float.to_int in let voters = List.take_n minimum_to_pass delegates in (* all voters vote for yays; no nays, so supermajority is satisfied *) map_s (fun del -> Op.ballot (B b) del protocol Vote.Yay) voters >>=? fun operations -> Block.bake ~operations b >>=? fun b -> (* skip to next period *) Block.bake_n ((Int32.to_int blocks_per_voting_period)-1) b >>=? fun b -> (* expect to move to testing because we have supermajority and enough quorum *) Context.Vote.get_current_period_kind (B b) >>=? begin function | Testing -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "%s - Unexpected period kind" __LOC__ end let tests = [ Test.tztest "voting successful_vote" `Quick (test_successful_vote 137) ; Test.tztest "voting testing vote, not enough quorum" `Quick (test_not_enough_quorum_in_testing_vote 245) ; Test.tztest "voting promotion vote, not enough quorum" `Quick (test_not_enough_quorum_in_promotion_vote 432) ; Test.tztest "voting counting double proposal" `Quick test_multiple_identical_proposals_count_as_one; Test.tztest "voting proposal, with supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_proposal true) ; Test.tztest "voting proposal, without supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_proposal false) ; Test.tztest "voting proposal, with quorum" `Quick (test_quorum_in_proposal true) ; Test.tztest "voting proposal, without quorum" `Quick (test_quorum_in_proposal false) ; Test.tztest "voting testing vote, with supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_testing_vote true) ; Test.tztest "voting testing vote, without supermajority" `Quick (test_supermajority_in_testing_vote false) ; Test.tztest "voting proposal, no winning proposal" `Quick (test_no_winning_proposal 400) ; Test.tztest "voting quorum, quorum capped maximum" `Quick (test_quorum_capped_maximum 400) ; Test.tztest "voting quorum, quorum capped minimum" `Quick (test_quorum_capped_minimum 401) ; ]