open Trace open Function module I = Parser.Cameligo.Ast module O = Ast_simplified open O.Combinators let unwrap : type a . a Location.wrap -> a = Location.unwrap open Operators.Simplify.Cameligo let type_variable : string -> O.type_expression result = fun str -> match List.assoc_opt str type_constants with | Some s -> ok @@ O.T_constant (s , []) | None -> ok @@ O.T_variable str let get_param_restricted_pattern : I.param -> I.restricted_pattern Location.wrap result = fun p -> match p with | I.Param_restricted_pattern c -> ok c | _ -> let error = let title () = "not a restricted param pattern" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%a" I.pp_param p in error title content in fail error let get_unrestricted_pattern : I.restricted_pattern -> I.pattern Location.wrap result = fun rp -> match rp with | I.Pr_restrict p -> ok p | _ -> let error = let title () = "not an unrestricted param pattern" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%a" I.pp_restricted_pattern rp in error title content in fail error let get_p_type_annotation : I.pattern -> (I.pattern Location.wrap * I.restricted_type_expression Location.wrap) result = fun p -> match p with | I.P_type_annotation pta -> ok pta | _ -> simple_fail "not a pattern type annotation" let get_p_variable : I.pattern -> string Location.wrap result = fun p -> match p with | I.P_variable v -> ok v | _ -> simple_fail "not a pattern variable" let get_p_option_typed_variable : I.pattern -> (string Location.wrap * I.restricted_type_expression Location.wrap option) result = fun p -> match p with | I.P_variable v -> ok (v , None) | I.P_type_annotation (pat , rte) -> ( let%bind v = get_p_variable @@ unwrap pat in ok (v , Some rte) ) | _ -> simple_fail "not an optionally typed pattern variable" let get_p_typed_variable : I.pattern -> (string Location.wrap * I.restricted_type_expression Location.wrap) result = fun p -> let%bind (p' , rte) = trace (simple_error "get_p_typed_variable") @@ get_p_type_annotation p in let%bind var = get_p_variable (unwrap p') in ok (var , rte) let get_eh_accessor : _ -> _ result = fun x -> match x with | I.Eh_accessor x -> ok x | _ -> simple_fail "not a simple eh_accessor" let get_typed_variable_param : I.param -> _ result = fun arg -> let%bind up = let%bind rp = get_param_restricted_pattern arg in let%bind up = get_unrestricted_pattern (unwrap rp) in ok up in let%bind (var , rte) = get_p_typed_variable (unwrap up) in ok (var , rte) let get_untyped_variable_param : I.param -> _ result = fun arg -> let%bind rp = get_param_restricted_pattern arg in let%bind var = match (unwrap rp) with | I.Pr_variable v -> ok v | _ -> simple_fail "a regular variable was expected" in ok var let get_type_annotation_ : I.type_annotation_ -> I.type_expression Location.wrap result = fun p -> match p with | I.Type_annotation_ p -> ok p let get_e_match_clause : I.e_match_clause -> (I.pattern Location.wrap * I.expression_no_match Location.wrap) result = fun e -> match e with | E_match_clause c -> ok c let match_clauses : type a . (I.pattern * a) list -> a O.matching result = fun _clauses -> let match_bool _ = simple_fail "" in let match_stuff _ = simple_fail "" in bind_find_map_list (simple_error "no weird matching yet") (fun f -> f ()) [ match_bool ; match_stuff ] let rec of_no_match : I.expression_no_match -> I.expression = fun enm -> let open I in let self = of_no_match in match enm with | Em_let_in (a, b, c) -> E_let_in (a , self b , self c) | Em_fun (a , b) -> E_fun (a , self b) | Em_record r -> E_record r | Em_ifthenelse (a , b , c) -> E_ifthenelse (self a , self b , self c) | Em_ifthen (a , b) -> E_ifthen (self a , self b) | Em_main m -> E_main m let rec of_no_seq : I.expression_no_seq -> I.expression = fun enm -> let open I in let self = of_no_seq in match enm with | Es_let_in (a, b, c) -> E_let_in (a , self b , self c) | Es_fun (a , b) -> E_fun (a , self b) | Es_record r -> E_record r | Es_ifthenelse (a , b , c) -> E_ifthenelse (self a , self b , self c) | Es_ifthen (a , b) -> E_ifthen (self a , self b) | Es_match (a , b) -> E_match (self a , b) | Es_main m -> E_main m let rec type_expression : I.type_expression -> O.type_expression result = fun te -> match te with | T_variable tv -> let%bind tv' = bind_map_location type_variable tv in ok @@ unwrap tv' | T_tuple lst -> let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (bind_map_location type_expression) lst in ok @@ O.T_tuple ( unwrap lst') | T_paren p -> let%bind p' = bind_map_location type_expression p in ok @@ unwrap p' | T_record r -> let aux : I.t_record_element -> _ = fun (T_record_element (s, te)) -> let%bind te' = bind_map_location type_expression te in ok (s, te') in let%bind r' = bind_map_list (bind_map_location aux) r in let te_map = let lst = ((fun (x, y) -> unwrap x, unwrap y) >| unwrap) r' in let open Map.String in List.fold_left (fun prec (k , v) -> add k v prec) empty lst in ok @@ O.T_record te_map | T_application (arg , f) -> let%bind arg' = bind_map_location type_expression arg in match unwrap f with | I.T_variable v -> ( match List.assoc_opt v.wrap_content type_constants with | Some s -> ( match arg'.wrap_content with | T_tuple lst -> ok @@ O.T_constant (s , lst) | e -> ok @@ O.T_constant (s , [ e ]) ) | None -> ( let error = let title () = "unrecognized type-constant" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%s" v.wrap_content in error title content in fail error ) ) | _ -> simple_fail "type applying to non-var" let rec of_restricted_type_expression : I.restricted_type_expression -> I.type_expression = fun rte -> let self = of_restricted_type_expression in match rte with | Tr_variable tv -> T_variable tv | Tr_application (a , b) -> T_application ( self a , self b) | Tr_paren te -> unwrap te let restricted_type_expression : I.restricted_type_expression -> O.type_expression result = Function.compose type_expression of_restricted_type_expression let rec expression : I.expression -> O.expression result = fun e -> match e with | I.E_sequence lst -> ( let%bind lst' = bind_map_list expression @@ unwrap lst in match lst' with | [] -> simple_fail "empty sequence" | hd :: tl -> ok @@ List.fold_right' (fun prec cur -> e_sequence prec cur) hd tl ) | I.E_let_in (pattern , expr , body) -> ( let%bind (name , rte) = get_p_option_typed_variable @@ unwrap pattern in let%bind type_expression' = bind_map_option (fun x -> restricted_type_expression @@ unwrap x) rte in let%bind expr' = expression @@ unwrap expr in let%bind body' = expression @@ unwrap body in ok @@ e_let_in (unwrap name , type_expression') expr' body' ) | I.E_ifthenelse ite -> ifthenelse ite | I.E_ifthen it -> ifthen it | I.E_match m -> match_ m | I.E_record r -> record r | I.E_fun (pattern , expr) -> ( let%bind (name , rte) = get_p_typed_variable @@ unwrap pattern in let name' = unwrap name in let%bind type_expression' = restricted_type_expression (unwrap rte) in let%bind expr' = expression (unwrap expr) in ok @@ e_lambda name' (Some type_expression') None expr' ) | I.E_main m -> expression_main m and ifthenelse : (I.expression Location.wrap * I.expression Location.wrap * I.expression Location.wrap) -> O.expression result = fun ite -> let (cond , branch_true , branch_false) = ite in let%bind cond' = bind_map_location expression cond in let%bind branch_true' = bind_map_location expression branch_true in let%bind branch_false' = bind_map_location expression branch_false in ok @@ O.(e_matching_bool (unwrap cond') (unwrap branch_true') (unwrap branch_false')) and ifthen : (I.expression Location.wrap * I.expression Location.wrap) -> O.expression result = fun it -> let (cond , branch_true) = it in let%bind cond' = bind_map_location expression cond in let%bind branch_true' = bind_map_location expression branch_true in ok @@ O.(e_matching_bool (unwrap cond') (unwrap branch_true') (e_unit ())) and match_ : I.expression Location.wrap * I.e_match_clause Location.wrap list -> O.expression result = fun m -> let (expr , clauses) = m in let%bind expr' = expression (unwrap expr) in let%bind clauses' = let%bind clauses = bind_map_list get_e_match_clause @@ unwrap clauses in let aux (x , y) = let x' = unwrap x in let%bind y' = expression @@ of_no_match @@ unwrap y in ok (x' , y') in bind_map_list aux clauses in let%bind matching = match_clauses clauses' in ok O.(e_matching expr' matching) and record = fun r -> let aux : I.e_record_element -> _ = fun re -> match re with | E_record_element_record_implicit _ -> simple_fail "no implicit record element yet" | E_record_element_record_explicit (s, e) -> let%bind e' = bind_map_location (Function.compose expression of_no_seq) e in ok (s, e') in let%bind r' = bind_map_list (bind_map_location aux) r in let lst = ((fun (x, y) -> unwrap x, unwrap y) >| unwrap) r' in ok @@ O.(e_ez_record lst) and expression_main : I.expression_main Location.wrap -> O.expression result = fun em -> let return x = ok @@ x in let simple_binop name ab = let%bind (a' , b') = bind_map_pair expression_main ab in return @@ e_binop name a' b' in let error_main = let title () = "simplifying main_expression" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%a" I.pp_expression_main (unwrap em) in error title content in trace error_main @@ match (unwrap em) with | Eh_tuple lst -> let%bind lst' = bind_map_list expression_main lst in return @@ e_tuple lst' | Eh_module_ident (lst , v) -> identifier_application (lst , v) None | Eh_variable v -> identifier_application ([] , v) None | Eh_application (f , arg) -> ( let%bind arg' = expression_main arg in match unwrap f with | Eh_variable v -> identifier_application ([] , v) (Some arg') | Eh_module_ident (lst , v) -> identifier_application (lst , v) (Some arg') | _ -> ( let%bind f' = expression_main f in return @@ e_application f' arg' ) ) | Eh_type_annotation (e, te) -> ( let%bind e' = expression_main e in let%bind te' = bind_map_location restricted_type_expression te in ok @@ e_annotation e' (unwrap te') ) | Eh_lt ab -> simple_binop "LT" ab | Eh_gt ab -> simple_binop "GT" ab | Eh_le ab -> simple_binop "LE" ab | Eh_eq ab -> simple_binop "EQ" ab | Eh_neq ab -> simple_binop "NEQ" ab | Eh_cons ab -> simple_binop "CONS" ab | Eh_addition ab -> simple_binop "ADD" ab | Eh_substraction ab -> simple_binop "MINUS" ab | Eh_multiplication ab -> simple_binop "TIMES" ab | Eh_division ab -> simple_binop "DIV" ab | Eh_int n -> return @@ e_int (unwrap n) | Eh_string s -> return @@ e_string (unwrap s) | Eh_unit _ -> return @@ e_unit () | Eh_tz n -> return @@ e_tez (unwrap n) | Eh_constructor _ -> simple_fail "constructor without parameter" | Eh_data_structure (kind , content) -> ( match unwrap kind with | "list" -> ( let%bind lst = bind_map_list expression_main content in ok @@ e_list lst ) | kind' -> ( let error = let title () = "data-structures not supported yet" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%s" kind' in error title content in fail error ) ) | Eh_name _ -> simple_fail "named parameter not supported yet" | Eh_assign x -> simple_binop "ASSIGN" x | Eh_accessor (src , path) -> ok @@ O.(e_accessor_props (e_variable (unwrap src)) ( unwrap path)) | Eh_bottom e -> expression (unwrap e) and identifier_application : (string Location.wrap) list * string Location.wrap -> O.expression option -> _ result = fun (lst , v) param_opt -> let constant_name = String.concat "." (( unwrap lst) @ [unwrap v]) in match List.assoc_opt constant_name constants , param_opt with | Some s , None -> ok O.(e_constant s []) | Some s , Some param -> ( let params = match Location.unwrap param with | E_tuple lst -> lst | _ -> [ param ] in ok O.(e_constant s params) ) | None , param_opt -> ( let%bind () = let error = let title () = "no module identifiers yet" in let content () = Format.asprintf "%s" constant_name in error title content in trace_strong error @@ Assert.assert_list_empty lst in match (constant_name , param_opt) with | "failwith" , Some param -> ok O.(e_failwith param) | _ , Some param -> ok @@ e_application (e_variable (unwrap v)) param | _ , None -> ok @@ e_variable (unwrap v) ) let let_content : I.let_content -> _ result = fun l -> match l with | (Let_content (n, args, ty_opt, e)) -> ( let%bind args' = bind_map_list (bind_map_location get_typed_variable_param) args in let%bind ty' = let%bind tya = trace_option (simple_error "top-level declarations need a type") @@ ty_opt in let%bind ty = get_type_annotation_ (unwrap tya) in bind_map_location type_expression ty in match args' with | [] -> ( (* No arguments. Simplify as regular value. *) let%bind e' = bind_map_location expression e in ok @@ O.Declaration_constant (unwrap n , Some (unwrap ty') , unwrap e') ) | [_param] -> simple_fail "no syntactic sugar for functions yet param" | _lst -> ( (* Arguments without fun. *) simple_fail "if you want currified functions, please do so explicitly" ) ) let let_entry : _ -> _ result = fun l -> let (I.Let_content (n , args , ty_opt , e)) = l in let%bind () = trace_strong (simple_error "entry-point shouldn't have type annotations") @@ Assert.assert_none ty_opt in let%bind (param , storage) = trace_option (simple_error "entry-points should have exactly two params") @@ List.to_pair args in let%bind (param_name , param_ty) = let%bind param' = bind_map_location get_typed_variable_param param in let (param_name , param_ty) = unwrap param' in let param_name' = unwrap param_name in let%bind param_ty' = restricted_type_expression (unwrap param_ty) in ok (param_name' , param_ty') in let%bind storage_name = get_untyped_variable_param (unwrap storage) in let storage_ty = O.T_variable "storage" in let (arguments_name , input_ty) = let ty = t_tuple [param_ty ; storage_ty] in let nty = ("arguments" , ty) in nty in let tpl_declarations = let aux = fun i (name , type_expression) expr -> e_let_in (name , Some type_expression) (e_accessor (e_variable arguments_name) [ Access_tuple i ]) expr in let lst = List.mapi aux [ (param_name , param_ty) ; ((unwrap storage_name) , storage_ty)] in fun expr -> List.fold_right' (fun prec cur -> cur prec) expr lst in let%bind result = expression (unwrap e) in let result = tpl_declarations result in let input_type' = input_ty in let output_type' = O.(t_pair (t_list t_operation , storage_ty)) in let lambda = e_lambda arguments_name (Some input_ty) (Some output_type') result in let type_annotation = Some (O.T_function (input_type', output_type')) in ok @@ O.Declaration_constant (unwrap n , type_annotation , lambda) let let_init_storage : _ -> _ result = fun l -> let (args , ty_opt , e) = l in let%bind () = trace_strong (simple_error "storage init shouldn't have a type annotation") @@ Assert.assert_none ty_opt in let%bind () = trace (simple_error "storage init should have no parameter (address)") @@ Assert.assert_list_size args 0 in let%bind content = let%bind expr = bind_map_location expression e in ok expr in let type_annotation = O.t_variable "storage" in ok @@ O.(Declaration_constant ("storage" , Some type_annotation , (unwrap content))) let let_init_content : I.let_content -> _ result = fun l -> let (I.Let_content (n, args, ty_opt, e)) = l in match (unwrap n) with | "storage" -> let_init_storage (args , ty_opt , e) | _ -> simple_fail "%init directives are only used for storage" let statement : I.statement -> O.declaration result = fun s -> match s with | Statement_variable_declaration x -> let_content (unwrap x) | Statement_init_declaration x -> let_init_content (unwrap x) | Statement_entry_declaration x -> let_entry (unwrap x) | Statement_type_declaration (n, te) -> let%bind te' = bind_map_location type_expression te in ok @@ O.Declaration_type (unwrap n , unwrap te') let program : I.program -> O.program result = fun (Program lst) -> bind_map_list (bind_map_location statement) lst let main : I.entry_point -> O.program Location.wrap result = bind_map_location program