(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Misc type error += | Consume_roll_change (* `Permanent *) | No_roll_for_delegate (* `Permanent *) | No_roll_snapshot_for_cycle of Cycle_repr.t (* `Permanent *) | Unregistered_delegate of Signature.Public_key_hash.t (* `Permanent *) let () = let open Data_encoding in (* Consume roll change *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.manager.consume_roll_change" ~title:"Consume roll change" ~description:"Change is not enough to consume a roll." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Not enough change to consume a roll.") empty (function Consume_roll_change -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Consume_roll_change) ; (* No roll for delegate *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.manager.no_roll_for_delegate" ~title:"No roll for delegate" ~description:"Delegate has no roll." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Delegate has no roll.") empty (function No_roll_for_delegate -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> No_roll_for_delegate) ; (* No roll snapshot for cycle *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.manager.no_roll_snapshot_for_cycle" ~title:"No roll snapshot for cycle" ~description:"A snapshot of the rolls distribution does not exist for this cycle." ~pp:(fun ppf c -> Format.fprintf ppf "A snapshot of the rolls distribution does not exist for cycle %a" Cycle_repr.pp c) (obj1 (req "cycle" Cycle_repr.encoding)) (function No_roll_snapshot_for_cycle c-> Some c | _ -> None) (fun c -> No_roll_snapshot_for_cycle c) ; (* Unregistered delegate *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"contract.manager.unregistered_delegate" ~title:"Unregistered delegate" ~description:"A contract cannot be delegated to an unregistered delegate" ~pp:(fun ppf k-> Format.fprintf ppf "The provided public key (with hash %a) is \ \ not registered as valid delegate key." Signature.Public_key_hash.pp k) (obj1 (req "hash" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) (function Unregistered_delegate k -> Some k | _ -> None) (fun k -> Unregistered_delegate k) let get_contract_delegate c contract = Storage.Contract.Delegate.get_option c contract let delegate_pubkey ctxt delegate = Storage.Contract.Manager.get_option ctxt (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? function | None | Some (Manager_repr.Hash _) -> fail (Unregistered_delegate delegate) | Some (Manager_repr.Public_key pk) -> return pk let clear_cycle c cycle = Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.get c cycle >>=? fun index -> Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.delete c cycle >>=? fun c -> Storage.Roll.Last_for_snapshot.delete (c, cycle) index >>=? fun c -> Storage.Roll.Owner.delete_snapshot c (cycle, index) >>= fun c -> return c let fold ctxt ~f init = Storage.Roll.Next.get ctxt >>=? fun last -> let rec loop ctxt roll acc = acc >>=? fun acc -> if Roll_repr.(roll = last) then return acc else Storage.Roll.Owner.get_option ctxt roll >>=? function | None -> loop ctxt (Roll_repr.succ roll) (return acc) | Some delegate -> loop ctxt (Roll_repr.succ roll) (f roll delegate acc) in loop ctxt Roll_repr.first (return init) let snapshot_rolls_for_cycle ctxt cycle = Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.get ctxt cycle >>=? fun index -> Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.set ctxt cycle (index + 1) >>=? fun ctxt -> Storage.Roll.Owner.snapshot ctxt (cycle, index) >>=? fun ctxt -> Storage.Roll.Next.get ctxt >>=? fun last -> Storage.Roll.Last_for_snapshot.init (ctxt, cycle) index last >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt let freeze_rolls_for_cycle ctxt cycle = Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.get ctxt cycle >>=? fun max_index -> Storage.Seed.For_cycle.get ctxt cycle >>=? fun seed -> let rd = Seed_repr.initialize_new seed [MBytes.of_string "roll_snapshot"] in let seq = Seed_repr.sequence rd 0l in let selected_index = Seed_repr.take_int32 seq (Int32.of_int max_index) |> fst |> Int32.to_int in Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.set ctxt cycle selected_index >>=? fun ctxt -> fold_left_s (fun ctxt index -> if Compare.Int.(index = selected_index) then return ctxt else Storage.Roll.Owner.delete_snapshot ctxt (cycle, index) >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Roll.Last_for_snapshot.delete (ctxt, cycle) index >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt ) ctxt Misc.(0 --> (max_index - 1)) >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt (* Roll selection *) module Random = struct let int32_to_bytes i = let b = MBytes.create 4 in MBytes.set_int32 b 0 i; b let level_random seed use level = let position = level.Level_repr.cycle_position in Seed_repr.initialize_new seed [MBytes.of_string ("level "^use^":"); int32_to_bytes position] let owner c kind level offset = let cycle = level.Level_repr.cycle in Seed_storage.for_cycle c cycle >>=? fun random_seed -> let rd = level_random random_seed kind level in let sequence = Seed_repr.sequence rd (Int32.of_int offset) in Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.get c cycle >>=? fun index -> Storage.Roll.Last_for_snapshot.get (c, cycle) index >>=? fun bound -> let rec loop sequence = let roll, sequence = Roll_repr.random sequence ~bound in Storage.Roll.Owner.Snapshot.get_option c ((cycle, index), roll) >>=? function | None -> loop sequence | Some delegate -> return delegate in Storage.Roll.Owner.snapshot_exists c (cycle, index) >>= fun snapshot_exists -> fail_unless snapshot_exists (No_roll_snapshot_for_cycle cycle) >>=? fun () -> loop sequence end let baking_rights_owner c level ~priority = Random.owner c "baking" level priority let endorsement_rights_owner c level ~slot = Random.owner c "endorsement" level slot let traverse_rolls ctxt head = let rec loop acc roll = Storage.Roll.Successor.get_option ctxt roll >>=? function | None -> return (List.rev acc) | Some next -> loop (next :: acc) next in loop [head] head let get_rolls ctxt delegate = Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option ctxt delegate >>=? function | None -> return_nil | Some head_roll -> traverse_rolls ctxt head_roll let count_rolls ctxt delegate = Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option ctxt delegate >>=? function | None -> return 0 | Some head_roll -> let rec loop acc roll = Storage.Roll.Successor.get_option ctxt roll >>=? function | None -> return acc | Some next -> loop (succ acc) next in loop 1 head_roll let get_change c delegate = Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.get_option c delegate >>=? function | None -> return Tez_repr.zero | Some change -> return change module Delegate = struct let fresh_roll c = Storage.Roll.Next.get c >>=? fun roll -> Storage.Roll.Next.set c (Roll_repr.succ roll) >>=? fun c -> return (roll, c) let get_limbo_roll c = Storage.Roll.Limbo.get_option c >>=? function | None -> fresh_roll c >>=? fun (roll, c) -> Storage.Roll.Limbo.init c roll >>=? fun c -> return (roll, c) | Some roll -> return (roll, c) let consume_roll_change c delegate = let tokens_per_roll = Constants_storage.tokens_per_roll c in Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.get c delegate >>=? fun change -> trace Consume_roll_change (Lwt.return Tez_repr.(change -? tokens_per_roll)) >>=? fun new_change -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.set c delegate new_change let recover_roll_change c delegate = let tokens_per_roll = Constants_storage.tokens_per_roll c in Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.get c delegate >>=? fun change -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(change +? tokens_per_roll) >>=? fun new_change -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.set c delegate new_change let pop_roll_from_delegate c delegate = recover_roll_change c delegate >>=? fun c -> (* beginning: delegate : roll -> successor_roll -> ... limbo : limbo_head -> ... *) Storage.Roll.Limbo.get_option c >>=? fun limbo_head -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option c delegate >>=? function | None -> fail No_roll_for_delegate | Some roll -> Storage.Roll.Owner.delete c roll >>=? fun c -> Storage.Roll.Successor.get_option c roll >>=? fun successor_roll -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.set_option c delegate successor_roll >>= fun c -> (* delegate : successor_roll -> ... roll ------^ limbo : limbo_head -> ... *) Storage.Roll.Successor.set_option c roll limbo_head >>= fun c -> (* delegate : successor_roll -> ... roll ------v limbo : limbo_head -> ... *) Storage.Roll.Limbo.init_set c roll >>= fun c -> (* delegate : successor_roll -> ... limbo : roll -> limbo_head -> ... *) return (roll, c) let create_roll_in_delegate c delegate delegate_pk = consume_roll_change c delegate >>=? fun c -> (* beginning: delegate : delegate_head -> ... limbo : roll -> limbo_successor -> ... *) Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option c delegate >>=? fun delegate_head -> get_limbo_roll c >>=? fun (roll, c) -> Storage.Roll.Owner.init c roll delegate_pk >>=? fun c -> Storage.Roll.Successor.get_option c roll >>=? fun limbo_successor -> Storage.Roll.Limbo.set_option c limbo_successor >>= fun c -> (* delegate : delegate_head -> ... roll ------v limbo : limbo_successor -> ... *) Storage.Roll.Successor.set_option c roll delegate_head >>= fun c -> (* delegate : delegate_head -> ... roll ------^ limbo : limbo_successor -> ... *) Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.init_set c delegate roll >>= fun c -> (* delegate : roll -> delegate_head -> ... limbo : limbo_successor -> ... *) return c let ensure_inited c delegate = Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.mem c delegate >>= function | true -> return c | false -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.init c delegate Tez_repr.zero let is_inactive c delegate = Storage.Contract.Inactive_delegate.mem c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>= fun inactive -> if inactive then return inactive else Storage.Contract.Delegate_desactivation.get_option c (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? function | Some last_active_cycle -> let { Level_repr.cycle = current_cycle } = Raw_context.current_level c in return Cycle_repr.(last_active_cycle < current_cycle) | None -> (* This case is only when called from `set_active`, when creating a contract. *) return_false let add_amount c delegate amount = ensure_inited c delegate >>=? fun c -> let tokens_per_roll = Constants_storage.tokens_per_roll c in Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.get c delegate >>=? fun change -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(amount +? change) >>=? fun change -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.set c delegate change >>=? fun c -> delegate_pubkey c delegate >>=? fun delegate_pk -> let rec loop c change = if Tez_repr.(change < tokens_per_roll) then return c else Lwt.return Tez_repr.(change -? tokens_per_roll) >>=? fun change -> create_roll_in_delegate c delegate delegate_pk >>=? fun c -> loop c change in is_inactive c delegate >>=? fun inactive -> if inactive then return c else loop c change >>=? fun c -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option c delegate >>=? fun rolls -> match rolls with | None -> return c | Some _ -> Storage.Active_delegates_with_rolls.add c delegate >>= fun c -> return c let remove_amount c delegate amount = let tokens_per_roll = Constants_storage.tokens_per_roll c in let rec loop c change = if Tez_repr.(amount <= change) then return (c, change) else pop_roll_from_delegate c delegate >>=? fun (_, c) -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(change +? tokens_per_roll) >>=? fun change -> loop c change in Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.get c delegate >>=? fun change -> is_inactive c delegate >>=? fun inactive -> begin if inactive then return (c, change) else loop c change >>=? fun (c, change) -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option c delegate >>=? fun rolls -> match rolls with | None -> Storage.Active_delegates_with_rolls.del c delegate >>= fun c -> return (c, change) | Some _ -> return (c, change) end >>=? fun (c, change) -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(change -? amount) >>=? fun change -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.set c delegate change let set_inactive ctxt delegate = ensure_inited ctxt delegate >>=? fun ctxt -> let tokens_per_roll = Constants_storage.tokens_per_roll ctxt in Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.get ctxt delegate >>=? fun change -> Storage.Contract.Inactive_delegate.add ctxt (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>= fun ctxt -> Storage.Active_delegates_with_rolls.del ctxt delegate >>= fun ctxt -> let rec loop ctxt change = Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option ctxt delegate >>=? function | None -> return (ctxt, change) | Some _roll -> pop_roll_from_delegate ctxt delegate >>=? fun (_, ctxt) -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(change +? tokens_per_roll) >>=? fun change -> loop ctxt change in loop ctxt change >>=? fun (ctxt, change) -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.set ctxt delegate change >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt let set_active ctxt delegate = is_inactive ctxt delegate >>=? fun inactive -> let current_cycle = (Raw_context.current_level ctxt).cycle in let preserved_cycles = Constants_storage.preserved_cycles ctxt in (* When the delegate is new or inactive, she will become active in `1+preserved_cycles`, and we allow `preserved_cycles` for the delegate to start baking. When the delegate is active, we only give her at least `preserved_cycles` after the current cycle before to be deactivated. *) Storage.Contract.Delegate_desactivation.get_option ctxt (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>=? fun current_expiration -> let expiration = match current_expiration with | None -> Cycle_repr.add current_cycle (1+2*preserved_cycles) | Some current_expiration -> let delay = if inactive then (1+2*preserved_cycles) else 1+preserved_cycles in let updated = Cycle_repr.add current_cycle delay in Cycle_repr.max current_expiration updated in Storage.Contract.Delegate_desactivation.init_set ctxt (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) expiration >>= fun ctxt -> if not inactive then return ctxt else begin ensure_inited ctxt delegate >>=? fun ctxt -> let tokens_per_roll = Constants_storage.tokens_per_roll ctxt in Storage.Roll.Delegate_change.get ctxt delegate >>=? fun change -> Storage.Contract.Inactive_delegate.del ctxt (Contract_repr.implicit_contract delegate) >>= fun ctxt -> delegate_pubkey ctxt delegate >>=? fun delegate_pk -> let rec loop ctxt change = if Tez_repr.(change < tokens_per_roll) then return ctxt else Lwt.return Tez_repr.(change -? tokens_per_roll) >>=? fun change -> create_roll_in_delegate ctxt delegate delegate_pk >>=? fun ctxt -> loop ctxt change in loop ctxt change >>=? fun ctxt -> Storage.Roll.Delegate_roll_list.get_option ctxt delegate >>=? fun rolls -> match rolls with | None -> return ctxt | Some _ -> Storage.Active_delegates_with_rolls.add ctxt delegate >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt end end module Contract = struct let add_amount c contract amount = get_contract_delegate c contract >>=? function | None -> return c | Some delegate -> Delegate.add_amount c delegate amount let remove_amount c contract amount = get_contract_delegate c contract >>=? function | None -> return c | Some delegate -> Delegate.remove_amount c delegate amount end let init ctxt = Storage.Roll.Next.init ctxt Roll_repr.first let init_first_cycles ctxt = let preserved = Constants_storage.preserved_cycles ctxt in (* Precompute rolls for cycle (0 --> preserved_cycles) *) List.fold_left (fun ctxt c -> ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> let cycle = Cycle_repr.of_int32_exn (Int32.of_int c) in Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.init ctxt cycle 0 >>=? fun ctxt -> snapshot_rolls_for_cycle ctxt cycle >>=? fun ctxt -> freeze_rolls_for_cycle ctxt cycle) (return ctxt) (0 --> preserved) >>=? fun ctxt -> let cycle = Cycle_repr.of_int32_exn (Int32.of_int (preserved + 1)) in (* Precomputed a snapshot for cycle (preserved_cycles + 1) *) Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.init ctxt cycle 0 >>=? fun ctxt -> snapshot_rolls_for_cycle ctxt cycle >>=? fun ctxt -> (* Prepare storage for storing snapshots for cycle (preserved_cycles+2) *) let cycle = Cycle_repr.of_int32_exn (Int32.of_int (preserved + 2)) in Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.init ctxt cycle 0 >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt let snapshot_rolls ctxt = let current_level = Raw_context.current_level ctxt in let preserved = Constants_storage.preserved_cycles ctxt in let cycle = Cycle_repr.add current_level.cycle (preserved+2) in snapshot_rolls_for_cycle ctxt cycle let cycle_end ctxt last_cycle = let preserved = Constants_storage.preserved_cycles ctxt in begin match Cycle_repr.sub last_cycle preserved with | None -> return ctxt | Some cleared_cycle -> clear_cycle ctxt cleared_cycle end >>=? fun ctxt -> let frozen_roll_cycle = Cycle_repr.add last_cycle (preserved+1) in freeze_rolls_for_cycle ctxt frozen_roll_cycle >>=? fun ctxt -> Storage.Roll.Snapshot_for_cycle.init ctxt (Cycle_repr.succ (Cycle_repr.succ frozen_roll_cycle)) 0 >>=? fun ctxt -> return ctxt let update_tokens_per_roll ctxt new_tokens_per_roll = let constants = Raw_context.constants ctxt in let old_tokens_per_roll = constants.tokens_per_roll in Raw_context.patch_constants ctxt begin fun constants -> { constants with Constants_repr.tokens_per_roll = new_tokens_per_roll } end >>= fun ctxt -> let decrease = Tez_repr.(new_tokens_per_roll < old_tokens_per_roll) in begin if decrease then Lwt.return Tez_repr.(old_tokens_per_roll -? new_tokens_per_roll) else Lwt.return Tez_repr.(new_tokens_per_roll -? old_tokens_per_roll) end >>=? fun abs_diff -> Storage.Delegates.fold ctxt (Ok ctxt) begin fun pkh ctxt -> Lwt.return ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> count_rolls ctxt pkh >>=? fun rolls -> Lwt.return Tez_repr.(abs_diff *? Int64.of_int rolls) >>=? fun amount -> if decrease then Delegate.add_amount ctxt pkh amount else Delegate.remove_amount ctxt pkh amount end