(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type point = { line : int ; column : int ; point : int } type location = point * point let location_encoding = let open Data_encoding in let point_encoding = conv (fun { line ; column ; point } -> (line, column, point)) (fun (line, column, point) -> { line ; column ; point }) (obj3 (req "line" uint16) (req "column" uint16) (req "point" uint16)) in obj2 (req "start" point_encoding) (req "stop" point_encoding) type node = | Int of location * string | String of location * string | Prim of location * string * node list | Seq of location * node list let node_location = function | Int (loc, _) | String (loc, _) | Prim (loc, _, _) | Seq (loc, _) -> loc (*-- Located errors ---------------------------------------------------------*) (* Lexer error *) exception Illegal_character of location * char exception Illegal_escape of location * string exception Invalid_indentation of location exception Invalid_indentation_after_opener of location * char exception Invalid_indentation_in_block of location * char * location exception Newline_in_string of location exception Unaligned_closer of location * char * char * location exception Unclosed of location * char * location exception Unopened of location * char exception Unterminated_comment of location * location exception Unterminated_string of location exception Unterminated_string_in_comment of location * location * location (* Parser error *) exception Invalid_application of location exception Sequence_in_parens of location exception Missing_program_field of string (*-- Converters between IR and Located IR -----------------------------------*) let strip_locations root = let id = let id = ref (-1) in fun () -> incr id ; !id in let loc_table = ref [] in let rec strip_locations l = let id = id () in match l with | Int (loc, v) -> loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ; Script.Int (id, v) | String (loc, v) -> loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ; Script.String (id, v) | Seq (loc, seq) -> loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ; Script.Seq (id, List.map strip_locations seq) | Prim (loc, name, seq) -> loc_table := (id, loc) :: !loc_table ; Script.Prim (id, name, List.map strip_locations seq) in let stripped = strip_locations root in stripped, List.rev !loc_table