(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Tezos Protocol Environment - Arbitrary precision arithmetic. *) type t val zero: t val one: t external abs: t -> t = "ml_z_abs" "ml_as_z_abs" (** Absolute value. *) external neg: t -> t = "ml_z_neg" "ml_as_z_neg" (** Unary negation. *) external add: t -> t -> t = "ml_z_add" "ml_as_z_add" (** Addition. *) external sub: t -> t -> t = "ml_z_sub" "ml_as_z_sub" (** Subtraction. *) external mul: t -> t -> t = "ml_z_mul" "ml_as_z_mul" (** Multiplication. *) val ediv_rem: t -> t -> (t * t) (** Euclidean division and remainder. [ediv_rem a b] returns a pair [(q, r)] such that [a = b * q + r] and [0 <= r < |b|]. Raises [Division_by_zero] if [b = 0]. *) external logand: t -> t -> t = "ml_z_logand" "ml_as_z_logand" (** Bitwise logical and. *) external logor: t -> t -> t = "ml_z_logor" "ml_as_z_logor" (** Bitwise logical or. *) external logxor: t -> t -> t = "ml_z_logxor" "ml_as_z_logxor" (** Bitwise logical exclusive or. *) external lognot: t -> t = "ml_z_lognot" "ml_as_z_lognot" (** Bitwise logical negation. The identity [lognot a]=[-a-1] always hold. *) external shift_left: t -> int -> t = "ml_z_shift_left" "ml_as_z_shift_left" (** Shifts to the left. Equivalent to a multiplication by a power of 2. The second argument must be non-negative. *) external shift_right: t -> int -> t = "ml_z_shift_right" "ml_as_z_shift_right" (** Shifts to the right. This is an arithmetic shift, equivalent to a division by a power of 2 with rounding towards -oo. The second argument must be non-negative. *) val to_string: t -> string val of_string: string -> t external to_int64: t -> int64 = "ml_z_to_int64" (** Converts to a 64-bit integer. May raise [Overflow]. *) external of_int64: int64 -> t = "ml_z_of_int64" (** Converts from a 64-bit integer. *) external to_int: t -> int = "ml_z_to_int" (** Converts to a base integer. May raise an [Overflow]. *) external of_int: int -> t = "ml_z_of_int" [@@ noalloc] (** Converts from a base integer. *) external equal: t -> t -> bool = "ml_z_equal" [@@ noalloc] external compare: t -> t -> int = "ml_z_compare" [@@ noalloc] external numbits: t -> int = "ml_z_numbits" [@@ noalloc] (** Returns the number of significant bits in the given number. If [x] is zero, [numbits x] returns 0. Otherwise, [numbits x] returns a positive integer [n] such that [2^{n-1} <= |x| < 2^n]. Note that [numbits] is defined for negative arguments, and that [numbits (-x) = numbits x]. *)