(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Tezos - Versioned (key x value) store (over Irmin) *) open Hash open Logging.Db module IrminPath = Irmin.Path.String_list module MBytesContent = struct type t = MBytes.t let t = Irmin.Type.(like cstruct) (fun x -> Cstruct.to_bigarray x) (fun x -> Cstruct.of_bigarray x) let merge = Irmin.Merge.default Irmin.Type.(option t) let pp ppf b = Format.pp_print_string ppf (MBytes.to_string b) let of_string s = Ok (MBytes.of_string s) end module GitStore = Irmin_unix.Git.FS.Make (MBytesContent) (Irmin.Path.String_list) (Irmin.Branch.String) type index = { path: string ; repo: GitStore.Repo.t ; patch_context: context -> context Lwt.t ; mutable commits: int ; repack_scheduler: Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.t ; } and context = { index: index ; parents: GitStore.Commit.t list ; tree: GitStore.tree ; } type t = context type commit = GitStore.Commit.Hash.t let dummy_commit = match GitStore.Commit.Hash.of_string "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" with | Ok c -> c | Error _ -> assert false let commit_encoding : commit Data_encoding.t = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun c -> Cstruct.to_bigarray (Irmin.Type.encode_cstruct GitStore.Commit.Hash.t c)) (fun c -> match Irmin.Type.decode_cstruct GitStore.Commit.Hash.t (Cstruct.of_bigarray c) with | Ok x -> x | _ -> assert false ) bytes (*-- Version Access and Update -----------------------------------------------*) let current_protocol_key = ["protocol"] let current_test_network_key = ["test_network"] let exists index key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Commit.of_hash index.repo key >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_false | Some _ -> Lwt.return_true let checkout index key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Commit.of_hash index.repo key >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some commit -> GitStore.Commit.tree commit >>= fun tree -> let ctxt = { index ; tree ; parents = [commit] } in index.patch_context ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> Lwt.return (Some ctxt) let checkout_exn index key = checkout index key >>= function | None -> Lwt.fail Not_found | Some p -> Lwt.return p exception Preexistent_context of Block_hash.t exception Empty_head of Block_hash.t let raw_commit ~time ~message context = let info = Irmin.Info.v ~date:(Time.to_seconds time) ~author:"Tezos" message in GitStore.Commit.v context.index.repo ~info ~parents:context.parents context.tree let commit ~time ~message context = begin Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task context.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> raw_commit ~time ~message context >>= fun commit -> Lwt.return (GitStore.Commit.hash commit) end >>= fun commit -> context.index.commits <- context.index.commits + 1 ; if context.index.commits mod 200 <> 0 then Lwt.return commit else begin Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.force_idle context.index.repack_scheduler begin fun () -> lwt_debug "begin git repack" >>= fun () -> let command = "git", [| "git" ; "-C" ; context.index.path ; "repack" ; "-a" ; "-d" |] in let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in Lwt_process.exec ~stdout: `Dev_null ~stderr: `Dev_null command >>= fun res -> let dt = Unix.gettimeofday () -. t0 in match res with | WEXITED 0 -> lwt_log_notice "git repack complete in %0.2f sec" dt | WEXITED code | WSTOPPED code | WSIGNALED code -> lwt_log_error "git repack failed with code %d after %0.2f sec" code dt end end >>= fun () -> Lwt.return commit (*-- Generic Store Primitives ------------------------------------------------*) type key = string list let data_key key = "data" :: key let undata_key = function | "data" :: key -> key | _ -> assert false let mem ctxt key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task ctxt.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Tree.mem ctxt.tree (data_key key) >>= fun v -> Lwt.return v let dir_mem ctxt key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task ctxt.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Tree.mem_tree ctxt.tree (data_key key) >>= fun v -> Lwt.return v let raw_get ctxt key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task ctxt.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Tree.find ctxt.tree key let get t key = raw_get t (data_key key) let raw_set ctxt key data = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task ctxt.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Tree.add ctxt.tree key data >>= fun tree -> Lwt.return { ctxt with tree } let set t key data = raw_set t (data_key key) data let raw_del ctxt key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task ctxt.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Tree.remove ctxt.tree key >>= fun tree -> Lwt.return { ctxt with tree } let del t key = raw_del t (data_key key) let list_one ctxt key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task ctxt.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Tree.list ctxt.tree (data_key key) >>= fun keys -> Lwt.return (List.map (fun (k,_) -> key @ [k]) keys) let list ctxt keys = Lwt_list.map_p (list_one ctxt) keys >|= List.flatten let remove_rec ctxt key = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task ctxt.index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Tree.remove ctxt.tree (data_key key) >>= fun tree -> Lwt.return { ctxt with tree } (*-- Predefined Fields -------------------------------------------------------*) let get_protocol v = raw_get v current_protocol_key >>= function | None -> assert false | Some data -> Lwt.return (Protocol_hash.of_bytes_exn data) let set_protocol v key = raw_set v current_protocol_key (Protocol_hash.to_bytes key) type test_network = | Not_running | Forking of { protocol: Protocol_hash.t ; expiration: Time.t ; } | Running of { net_id: Net_id.t ; genesis: Block_hash.t ; protocol: Protocol_hash.t ; expiration: Time.t ; } let test_network_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case ~tag:0 (obj1 (req "status" (constant "not_running"))) (function Not_running -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Not_running) ; case ~tag:1 (obj3 (req "status" (constant "forking")) (req "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding) (req "expiration" Time.encoding)) (function | Forking { protocol ; expiration } -> Some ((), protocol, expiration) | _ -> None) (fun ((), protocol, expiration) -> Forking { protocol ; expiration }) ; case ~tag:2 (obj5 (req "status" (constant "running")) (req "net_id" Net_id.encoding) (req "genesis" Block_hash.encoding) (req "protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding) (req "expiration" Time.encoding)) (function | Running { net_id ; genesis ; protocol ; expiration } -> Some ((), net_id, genesis, protocol, expiration) | _ -> None) (fun ((), net_id, genesis, protocol, expiration) -> Running { net_id ; genesis ; protocol ; expiration }) ; ] let get_test_network v = raw_get v current_test_network_key >>= function | None -> Lwt.fail (Failure "Unexpected error (Context.get_test_network)") | Some data -> match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes test_network_encoding data with | None -> Lwt.fail (Failure "Unexpected error (Context.get_test_network)") | Some r -> Lwt.return r let set_test_network v id = raw_set v current_test_network_key (Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes test_network_encoding id) let del_test_network v = raw_del v current_test_network_key let fork_test_network v ~protocol ~expiration = set_test_network v (Forking { protocol ; expiration }) (*-- Initialisation ----------------------------------------------------------*) let init ?patch_context ~root = GitStore.Repo.v (Irmin_git.config ~bare:true root) >>= fun repo -> Lwt.return { commits = 0 ; path = root ; repo ; repack_scheduler = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.create () ; patch_context = match patch_context with | None -> (fun ctxt -> Lwt.return ctxt) | Some patch_context -> patch_context } let get_branch net_id = Format.asprintf "%a" Net_id.pp net_id let commit_genesis index ~net_id ~time ~protocol = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> let tree = GitStore.Tree.empty in let ctxt = { index ; tree ; parents = [] } in index.patch_context ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> set_protocol ctxt protocol >>= fun ctxt -> set_test_network ctxt Not_running >>= fun ctxt -> raw_commit ~time ~message:"Genesis" ctxt >>= fun commit -> GitStore.Branch.set index.repo (get_branch net_id) commit >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (GitStore.Commit.hash commit) let compute_testnet_genesis forked_block = let genesis = Block_hash.hash_bytes [Block_hash.to_bytes forked_block] in let net_id = Net_id.of_block_hash genesis in net_id, genesis let commit_test_network_genesis index forked_block time ctxt = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> let net_id, genesis = compute_testnet_genesis forked_block in let branch = get_branch net_id in let message = Format.asprintf "Forking testnet: %s." branch in raw_commit ~time ~message ctxt >>= fun commit -> GitStore.Branch.set index.repo branch commit >>= fun () -> return (net_id, genesis, GitStore.Commit.hash commit) let reset_test_network ctxt forked_block timestamp = get_test_network ctxt >>= function | Not_running -> Lwt.return ctxt | Running { expiration } -> if Time.(expiration <= timestamp) then set_test_network ctxt Not_running else Lwt.return ctxt | Forking { protocol ; expiration } -> let net_id, genesis = compute_testnet_genesis forked_block in set_test_network ctxt (Running { net_id ; genesis ; protocol ; expiration }) let clear_test_network index net_id = (* TODO remove commits... ??? *) Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> let branch = get_branch net_id in GitStore.Branch.remove index.repo branch let set_head index net_id commit = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> let branch = get_branch net_id in GitStore.Commit.of_hash index.repo commit >>= function | None -> assert false | Some commit -> GitStore.Branch.set index.repo branch commit let set_master index commit = Lwt_utils.Idle_waiter.task index.repack_scheduler @@ fun () -> GitStore.Commit.of_hash index.repo commit >>= function | None -> assert false | Some commit -> GitStore.Branch.set index.repo GitStore.Branch.master commit