(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Client_keys let group = { Cli_entries.name = "keys" ; title = "Commands for managing the wallet of cryptographic keys" } let commands () = let open Cli_entries in let show_private_switch = switch ~long:"show-secret" ~short:'S' ~doc:"show the private key" () in [ command ~group ~desc: "List supported signing schemes.\n\ Signing schemes are identifiers for signer modules: the \ built-in signing routines, a hardware wallet, an \ external agent, etc.\n\ Each signer has its own format for describing secret \ keys, such a raw secret key for the default \ `unencrypted` scheme, the path on a hardware security \ module, an alias for an external agent, etc.\n\ This command gives the list of signer modules that this \ version of the tezos client supports." no_options (fixed [ "list" ; "signing" ; "schemes" ]) (fun () (cctxt : #Client_context.full_context) -> let signers = List.sort (fun (ka, _) (kb, _) -> String.compare ka kb) (registered_signers ()) in Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (n, (module S : SIGNER)) -> cctxt#message "@[Scheme `%s`: %s@,@[%a@]@]" n S.title Format.pp_print_text S.description) signers >>= return) ; command ~group ~desc: "Generate a pair of (unencrypted) keys." (args1 (Secret_key.force_switch ())) (prefixes [ "gen" ; "keys" ] @@ Secret_key.fresh_alias_param @@ stop) (fun force name (cctxt : #Client_context.full_context) -> Secret_key.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> gen_keys ~force cctxt name) ; command ~group ~desc: "Generate (unencrypted) keys including the given string." (args2 (switch ~long:"prefix" ~short:'P' ~doc:"the key must begin with tz1[word]" ()) (force_switch ())) (prefixes [ "gen" ; "vanity" ; "keys" ] @@ Public_key_hash.fresh_alias_param @@ prefix "matching" @@ (seq_of_param @@ string ~name:"words" ~desc:"string key must contain one of these words")) (fun (prefix, force) name containing cctxt -> Public_key_hash.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> gen_keys_containing ~force ~prefix ~containing ~name cctxt) ; command ~group ~desc: "Add a secret key to the wallet." (args1 (Secret_key.force_switch ())) (prefix "import" @@ string ~name:"scheme" ~desc:"signer to use for this secret key\n\ Use command `list signing schemes` for a list of \ supported signers." @@ prefixes [ "secret" ; "key" ] @@ Secret_key.fresh_alias_param @@ seq_of_param (string ~name:"spec" ~desc:"secret key specification\n\ Varies from one scheme to the other.\n\ Use command `list signing schemes` for more \ information.")) (fun force scheme name spec cctxt -> Secret_key.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> Lwt.return (find_signer_for_key ~scheme) >>=? fun signer -> let module Signer = (val signer : SIGNER) in Signer.sk_locator_of_human_input (cctxt :> Client_context.logging_wallet) spec >>=? fun skloc -> Signer.sk_of_locator skloc >>=? fun sk -> Signer.neuterize sk >>= fun pk -> Signer.pk_to_locator pk >>= fun pkloc -> Public_key.find_opt cctxt name >>=? function | None -> Signer.public_key_hash pk >>= fun pkh -> Secret_key.add ~force cctxt name skloc >>=? fun () -> Public_key_hash.add ~force cctxt name pkh >>=? fun () -> Public_key.add ~force cctxt name pkloc | Some pk -> fail_unless (pkloc = pk || force) (failure "public and secret keys '%s' don't correspond, \ please don't use -force" name) >>=? fun () -> Secret_key.add ~force cctxt name skloc) ; command ~group ~desc: "Add a public key to the wallet." (args1 (Public_key.force_switch ())) (prefix "import" @@ string ~name:"scheme" ~desc:"signer to use for this public key\n\ Use command `list signing schemes` for a list of \ supported signers." @@ prefixes [ "public" ; "key" ] @@ Public_key.fresh_alias_param @@ seq_of_param (string ~name:"spec" ~desc:"public key specification\n\ Varies from one scheme to the other.\n\ Use command `list signing schemes` for more \ information.")) (fun force scheme name location cctxt -> Public_key.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> Lwt.return (find_signer_for_key ~scheme) >>=? fun signer -> let module Signer = (val signer : SIGNER) in Signer.pk_locator_of_human_input (cctxt :> Client_context.logging_wallet) location >>=? fun pkloc -> Signer.pk_of_locator pkloc >>=? fun pk -> Signer.public_key_hash pk >>= fun pkh -> Public_key_hash.add ~force cctxt name pkh >>=? fun () -> Public_key.add ~force cctxt name pkloc) ; command ~group ~desc: "Add an identity to the wallet." (args1 (Public_key.force_switch ())) (prefixes [ "add" ; "identity" ] @@ Public_key_hash.fresh_alias_param @@ Public_key_hash.source_param @@ stop) (fun force name hash cctxt -> Public_key_hash.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> Public_key_hash.add ~force cctxt name hash) ; command ~group ~desc: "List all identities and associated keys." no_options (fixed [ "list" ; "known" ; "identities" ]) (fun () (cctxt : #Client_context.full_context) -> list_keys cctxt >>=? fun l -> iter_s begin fun (name, pkh, pk, sk) -> Public_key_hash.to_source pkh >>=? fun v -> begin match pk, sk with | None, None -> cctxt#message "%s: %s" name v | _, Some Sk_locator { scheme } -> cctxt#message "%s: %s (%s sk known)" name v scheme | Some Pk_locator { scheme }, _ -> cctxt#message "%s: %s (%s pk known)" name v scheme end >>= fun () -> return () end l) ; command ~group ~desc: "Show the keys associated with an identity." (args1 show_private_switch) (prefixes [ "show" ; "identity"] @@ Public_key_hash.alias_param @@ stop) (fun show_private (name, _) (cctxt : #Client_context.full_context) -> let ok_lwt x = x >>= (fun x -> return x) in alias_keys cctxt name >>=? fun key_info -> match key_info with | None -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt#message "No keys found for identity" | Some (pkh, pk, skloc) -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt#message "Hash: %a" Ed25519.Public_key_hash.pp pkh >>=? fun () -> match pk with | None -> return () | Some (Pk_locator { scheme } as pkloc) -> Lwt.return (find_signer_for_key ~scheme) >>=? fun signer -> let module Signer = (val signer : SIGNER) in Signer.pk_of_locator pkloc >>=? fun pk -> Signer.public_key pk >>= fun pk -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt#message "Public Key: %a" Ed25519.Public_key.pp pk >>=? fun () -> if show_private then match skloc with | None -> return () | Some skloc -> Secret_key.to_source skloc >>=? fun skloc -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt#message "Secret Key: %s" skloc else return ()) ; command ~group ~desc: "Forget the entire wallet of keys." (args1 (Cli_entries.switch ~long:"force" ~short:'f' ~doc:"you got to use the force for that" ())) (fixed [ "forget" ; "all" ; "keys" ]) (fun force cctxt -> fail_unless force (failure "this can only used with option -force") >>=? fun () -> Public_key.set cctxt [] >>=? fun () -> Secret_key.set cctxt [] >>=? fun () -> Public_key_hash.set cctxt []) ; ]