open Trace open Test_helpers open Ast_simplified let type_file f = let%bind simplified = Ligo.Compile.Of_source.compile f (Syntax_name "cameligo") in let%bind typed,state = Ligo.Compile.Of_simplified.compile simplified in ok @@ (typed,state) let get_program = let s = ref None in fun () -> match !s with | Some s -> ok s | None -> ( let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/hashlock.mligo" in s := Some program ; ok program ) let compile_main () = let%bind simplified = Ligo.Compile.Of_source.compile "./contracts/hashlock.mligo" (Syntax_name "cameligo") in let%bind typed_prg,_ = Ligo.Compile.Of_simplified.compile simplified in let%bind mini_c_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in let%bind michelson_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c_prg "main" in let%bind (_contract: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) = (* fails if the given entry point is not a valid contract *) Ligo.Compile.Of_michelson.build_contract michelson_prg in ok () let empty_op_list = (e_typed_list [] t_operation) let empty_message = e_lambda (Var.of_name "arguments") (Some t_unit) (Some (t_list t_operation)) empty_op_list let call msg = e_constructor "Call" msg let mk_time st = match Memory_proto_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Timestamp.of_notation st with | Some s -> ok s | None -> simple_fail "bad timestamp notation" let to_sec t = Tezos_utils.Time.Protocol.to_seconds t let storage hashed used commits = e_ez_record [("hashed", hashed); ("unused", e_bool used); ("commits", commits)] let (first_committer , first_contract) = let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in let id = List.nth dummy_environment.identities 0 in let kt = id.implicit_contract in Protocol.Alpha_context.Contract.to_b58check kt , kt let commit () = let%bind program,_ = get_program () in let%bind predecessor_timestamp = mk_time "2000-01-01T00:10:10Z" in let%bind lock_time = mk_time "2000-01-02T00:10:11Z" in let test_hash_raw = sha_256_hash (Bytes.of_string "hello world") in let test_hash = e_bytes_raw test_hash_raw in let%bind packed_sender = pack_payload program (e_bytes_string first_committer) in let salted_hash = e_bytes_raw (sha_256_hash (Bytes.concat Bytes.empty [test_hash_raw; packed_sender])) in let pre_commits = e_typed_big_map [] t_address (t_record_ez [("date", t_timestamp); ("salted_hash", t_bytes)]) in let init_storage = storage test_hash true pre_commits in let commit = e_ez_record [("date", e_timestamp (Int64.to_int (to_sec lock_time))); ("salted_hash", salted_hash)] in let post_commits = e_big_map [((e_address first_committer), commit)] in let post_storage = storage salted_hash true post_commits in let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~predecessor_timestamp ~payer:first_contract () in expect_eq ~options program "commit" (e_pair (e_unit ()) init_storage) (e_pair empty_op_list post_storage) let main = test_suite "Hashlock" [ test "compile" compile_main ; test "commit" commit ; ]