(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Helpers_logger.Logger exception No_error open Isolate_helpers let run (starting_block : Block.result): unit Proto_alpha.tzresult Lwt.t = let open Proto_alpha.Error_monad in let init_tc = starting_block.tezos_context in Account.make_2_accounts ~tc: init_tc >>=? fun ((account_a, account_b), init_tc) -> Account.make_account ~tc: init_tc >>=? fun (_baker, init_tc) -> let account_unknown_foo = Account.new_account () in debug "Accounts set" ; let default_fee = 10 in let transfer ?(tc=init_tc) ?fee a b c = Apply.transaction_pred ~tc ~pred: starting_block (a,b,c, fee) in let originate ?(tc=init_tc) ?fee ?(spendable=true) ?(delegatable=true) a b = let fee = Option.unopt ~default:default_fee fee in Apply.origination_pred ~tc ~pred: starting_block (a, b, spendable, delegatable, fee) in (* Send from a sender with no balance (never seen). *) (* TODO: Is it OK to get Storage_error and not something more specific? *) transfer account_unknown_foo account_b 10000 >|= Assert.unknown_contract ~msg: __LOC__ >>= fun _ -> debug "Transfer from no balance V2" ; (* Send 1000 tz to unknown account. *) transfer account_a account_unknown_foo 10000 >>= Assert.ok_contract >>=? fun (_, tc) -> Assert.equal_cents_balance ~msg: __LOC__ ~tc (account_unknown_foo.contract, 10000) >>=? fun () -> debug "Reception" ; (* Check that a basic transfer originates no contracts. *) transfer ~tc account_a account_b 1000 >>=? fun ((contracts, _), _) -> Assert.equal_int ~msg: __LOC__ 0 (List.length contracts) ; debug "No contracts originated" ; (* Check sender/receiver balance post transaction *) transfer account_a account_b 1000 >>= Assert.ok_contract ~msg: __LOC__ >>=? fun (_,tc) -> Assert.equal_cents_balance ~msg: __LOC__ ~tc (account_a.contract, 998990) >>=? fun () -> Assert.equal_cents_balance ~msg: __LOC__ ~tc (account_b.contract, 1001000) >>=? fun () -> debug "Transfer balances" ; (* Check balance too low. *) transfer account_a account_b 10000000 >|= Assert.balance_too_low ~msg: __LOC__ >>= fun _ -> debug "Too low" ; (* Check non-spendability of a non-spendable contract *) (* TODO: Unspecified economic error: should be more specific. *) originate ~spendable: false account_a 1000 >>= Assert.ok_contract ~msg: __LOC__ >>=? fun ((contracts,_), tc) -> Assert.equal_int (List.length contracts) 1 ; let non_spendable = List.hd contracts in let account = {account_a with contract = non_spendable} in debug "Contract created" ; transfer account account_b 50 ~tc >>= Assert.wrap >>= fun result -> Assert.non_spendable ~msg: __LOC__ result ; debug "Non Spendable" ; (* Check spendability of a spendable contract *) originate ~spendable: true ~fee: 100 account_a 1000 >>= Assert.ok_contract ~msg: __LOC__ >>=? fun ((contracts, _), spendable_tc) -> Assert.equal_int (List.length contracts) 1 ; let contract_spendable = List.hd contracts in let account_spendable = {account_a with contract = contract_spendable} in debug "Contract created" ; transfer account_spendable account_b 50 ~tc: spendable_tc >>= Assert.ok ~msg: __LOC__ >>=? fun _ -> debug "Spendable" ; (* Try spending a default account with unmatching pk/sk pairs. *) let account = { account_a with ppk = account_b.ppk } in transfer account account_b 50 >>= Assert.wrap >>= fun result -> Assert.generic_economic_error ~msg: __LOC__ result ; debug "Unmatching keys" ; (* Try spending a default account with keys not matching the contract pkh. *) let account = {account_a with contract = account_b.contract } in transfer account account_unknown_foo 50 >>= Assert.wrap >>= fun result -> Assert.inconsistent_pkh ~msg: __LOC__ result ; debug "Unmatching contract" ; (* Try spending an originated contract without the manager's key. *) let account = {account_b with contract = contract_spendable } in transfer ~tc: spendable_tc account account_unknown_foo 50 >>= Assert.wrap >>= fun result -> Assert.inconsistent_pkh ~msg: __LOC__ result ; debug "No manager key" ; return () let main () = Init.main () >>=? fun starting_block -> run starting_block >>= Assert.wrap let tests = [ "main", (fun _ -> main ()) ; ] let main () = let module Test = Tezos_test_helpers.Test.Make(Error_monad) in Test.run "dsl." tests