(* Lexer specification for LIGO, to be processed by [ocamllex]. The underlying design principles are: (1) enforce stylistic constraints at a lexical level, in order to early reject potentially misleading or poorly written LIGO contracts; (2) provide precise error messages with hints as how to fix the issue, which is achieved by consulting the lexical right-context of lexemes; (3) be as independent as possible from the LIGO version, so upgrades have as little impact as possible on this specification: this is achieved by using the most general regular expressions to match the lexing buffer and broadly distinguish the syntactic categories, and then delegating a finer, second analysis to an external module making the tokens (hence a functor below); (4) support unit testing (lexing of the whole input with debug traces). A limitation to the independence with respect to the LIGO version lies in the errors that the external module building the tokens (which may be version-dependent) may have to report. Indeed these errors have to be contextualised by the lexer in terms of input source regions, so useful error messages can be printed, therefore they are part of the signature [TOKEN] that parameterises the functor generated here. For instance, if, in a future release of LIGO, new tokens are added, and the recognition of their lexemes entails new errors, the signature [TOKEN] will have to be augmented and this lexer specification changed. However, in practice, it is more likely that instructions or types will be added, instead of new kinds of tokens. *) module Region = Simple_utils.Region module Pos = Simple_utils.Pos type lexeme = string (* TOKENS *) (* The signature [TOKEN] exports an abstract type [token], so a lexer can be a functor over tokens. This enables to externalise version-dependent constraints in any module whose signature matches [TOKEN]. Generic functions to construct tokens are required. Note the predicate [is_eof], which caracterises the virtual token for end-of-file, because it requires special handling. Some of those functions may yield errors, which are defined as values of the type [int_err] etc. These errors can be better understood by reading the ocamllex specification for the lexer ([Lexer.mll]). *) module type TOKEN = sig type token (* Errors *) type int_err = Non_canonical_zero type ident_err = Reserved_name type nat_err = Invalid_natural | Non_canonical_zero_nat type sym_err = Invalid_symbol (* Injections *) val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result val mk_mtz : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token val eof : Region.t -> token (* Predicates *) val is_string : token -> bool val is_bytes : token -> bool val is_int : token -> bool val is_ident : token -> bool val is_kwd : token -> bool val is_constr : token -> bool val is_sym : token -> bool val is_eof : token -> bool (* Projections *) val to_lexeme : token -> lexeme val to_string : token -> ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> string val to_region : token -> Region.t end (* The module type for lexers is [S]. It mainly exports the function [open_token_stream], which returns * a function [read] that extracts tokens from a lexing buffer, together with a lexing buffer [buffer] to read from, * a function [close] that closes that buffer, * a function [get_pos] that returns the current position, and * a function [get_last] that returns the region of the last recognised token. Note that a module [Token] is exported too, because the signature of the exported functions depend on it. The call [read ~log] evaluates in a lexer (also known as a tokeniser or scanner) whose type is [Lexing.lexbuf -> token], and suitable for a parser generated by Menhir. The argument labelled [log] is a logger, that is, it may print a token and its left markup to a given channel, at the caller's discretion. *) module type S = sig module Token : TOKEN type token = Token.token type file_path = string type logger = Markup.t list -> token -> unit type instance = { read : ?log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token; buffer : Lexing.lexbuf; get_pos : unit -> Pos.t; get_last : unit -> Region.t; close : unit -> unit } val open_token_stream : file_path option -> instance (* Error reporting *) exception Error of Error.t Region.reg val print_error : ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> Error.t Region.reg -> file:bool -> unit end (* The functorised interface Note that the module parameter [Token] is re-exported as a submodule in [S]. *) module Make (Token: TOKEN) : S with module Token = Token