open P2p type net_id = Store.net_id type msg = | Discover_blocks of net_id * Block_hash.t list (* Block locator *) | Block_inventory of net_id * Block_hash.t list | Get_blocks of Block_hash.t list | Block of MBytes.t | Current_operations of net_id | Operation_inventory of net_id * Operation_hash.t list | Get_operations of Operation_hash.t list | Operation of MBytes.t | Get_protocols of Protocol_hash.t list | Protocol of MBytes.t module Message = struct type t = msg let encoding = let open Data_encoding in let case ?max_length ~tag encoding unwrap wrap = P2p.Encoding { tag; encoding; wrap; unwrap; max_length } in [ case ~tag:0x10 (tup2 Block_hash.encoding (list Block_hash.encoding)) (function | Discover_blocks (Net genesis_bh, bhs) -> Some (genesis_bh, bhs) | _ -> None) (fun (genesis_bh, bhs) -> Discover_blocks (Net genesis_bh, bhs)); case ~tag:0x11 (tup2 Block_hash.encoding (list Block_hash.encoding)) (function | Block_inventory (Net genesis_bh, bhs) -> Some (genesis_bh, bhs) | _ -> None) (fun (genesis_bh, bhs) -> Block_inventory (Net genesis_bh, bhs)); case ~tag:0x12 (list Block_hash.encoding) (function | Get_blocks bhs -> Some bhs | _ -> None) (fun bhs -> Get_blocks bhs); case ~tag:0x13 Data_encoding.bytes (function Block b -> Some b | _ -> None) (fun b -> Block b); case ~tag:0x20 Block_hash.encoding (function Current_operations (Net genesis_bh) -> Some genesis_bh | _ -> None) (fun genesis_bh -> Current_operations (Net genesis_bh)); case ~tag:0x21 (tup2 Block_hash.encoding (list Operation_hash.encoding)) (function Operation_inventory ((Net genesis_bh), ops) -> Some (genesis_bh, ops) | _ -> None) (fun (genesis_bh, ops) -> Operation_inventory (Net genesis_bh, ops)); case ~tag:0x22 (list Operation_hash.encoding) (function | Get_operations ops -> Some ops | _ -> None) (fun ops -> Get_operations ops); case ~tag:0x23 Data_encoding.bytes (function Operation o -> Some o | _ -> None) (fun o -> Operation o); case ~tag:0x32 (list Protocol_hash.encoding) (function | Get_protocols protos -> Some protos | _ -> None) (fun protos -> Get_protocols protos); case ~tag:0x33 Data_encoding.bytes (function Protocol proto -> Some proto | _ -> None) (fun proto -> Protocol proto); ] let supported_versions = let open P2p.Version in [ { name = "TEZOS" ; major = 0 ; minor = 0 ; } ] end type metadata = unit module Metadata = struct type t = metadata let initial = () let encoding = Data_encoding.empty let score () = 0. end let meta_cfg : _ P2p.meta_config = { P2p.encoding = Metadata.encoding ; initial = Metadata.initial ; } and msg_cfg : _ P2p.message_config = { encoding = Message.encoding ; versions = Message.supported_versions ; } type net = (Message.t, Metadata.t) let bootstrap ~config ~limits = P2p.bootstrap ~config ~limits meta_cfg msg_cfg let broadcast = P2p.broadcast let try_send = P2p.try_send let recv = P2p.recv_any let send = P2p.send let set_metadata = P2p.set_metadata let get_metadata = P2p.get_metadata let connection_info = P2p.connection_info let find_connection = P2p.find_connection let connections = P2p.connections type connection = (Message.t, Metadata.t) P2p.connection let shutdown = P2p.shutdown let roll = P2p.roll let maintain = P2p.maintain let faked_network = P2p.faked_network module Raw = struct type 'a t = 'a P2p.Raw.t = | Bootstrap | Advertise of Point.t list | Message of 'a | Disconnect type message = Message.t t let encoding = P2p.Raw.encoding msg_cfg.encoding let supported_versions = msg_cfg.versions end