let sepBy1 = (sep, p) => seq(p, repeat(seq(sep, p))) let sepBy = (sep, p) => optional(sepBy1(sep, p)) let some = x => seq(x, repeat(x)) function mkOp($, opExpr) { return seq( field("left", $._expr), field("op", opExpr), field("right", $._expr) ); } module.exports = grammar({ name: 'CameLigo', word: $ => $.Keyword, extras: $ => [$.ocaml_comment, $.comment, /\s/], rules: { contract: $ => repeat(field("declaration", $._declaration)), _declaration: $ => choice( $.let_decl, $.fun_decl, $.type_decl, $.include, ), include: $ => seq( '#include', field("filename", $.String) ), _attribute: $ => /\[@@[a-z]+\]/, fun_decl: $ => seq( "let", optional(field("recursive", "rec")), field("name", $.Name), some(field("arg", $._paren_pattern)), optional(seq( ":", field("type", $._type_expr) )), "=", field("body",$._program), repeat(field("attribute", $._attribute)) ), let_decl: $ => seq( "let", optional(field("recursive", "rec")), field("name", $._pattern), optional(seq( ":", field("type", $._type_expr) )), "=", field("body",$._program), repeat(field("attribute", $._attribute)) ), //========== EXPR ============ _program: $ => choice( $.let_expr1, $._expr ), let_expr1: $ => seq( field("decl", $.let_decl), "in", field("body", $._program) ), // [1;2] list_pattern: $ => seq( "[", sepBy(';', field("item", $._pattern)), "]" ), // a :: b list_con_pattern: $ => prec.right(9, seq( field("x", $._pattern), "::", field("xs", $._pattern) )), // a, b, c tup_pattern: $ => prec.right(8,seq( field("item", $._pattern), ",", sepBy1(",", field("item", $._pattern)) )), _pattern: $ => choice( $.Name, $._paren_pattern, $.con_pattern, $._literal, $.list_pattern, $.list_con_pattern, $.tup_pattern, "_" ), con_pattern: $ => prec(10, seq( field("ctor", $.data_con), optional(field("args",$._pattern)) ) ), _paren_pattern: $ => choice( $.annot_pattern, $.paren_pattern, ), paren_pattern: $ => seq( "(", field("pat", $._pattern), ")" ), annot_pattern: $ => seq( "(", field("pat", $._pattern), ":", field("type", $._type_expr), ")" ), _call: $ => choice( $.unary_op_app, $.binary_op_app, ), binary_op_app: $ => choice( prec.left(16, mkOp($, "mod")), prec.left(15, mkOp($, choice("/", "*"))), prec.left(14, mkOp($, choice("-", "+"))), prec.right(13, mkOp($, "::")), prec.right(12, mkOp($, "^")), prec.left(11, mkOp($, choice("&&", "||"))), prec.left(10, mkOp($, choice("=", "<>", "==", "<", "<=", ">", ">="))), ), // - a unary_op_app: $ => prec(19, seq( field("negate", "-"), field("arg", $._expr) )), // f a fun_app: $ => prec.left(20, seq( field("f", $._sub_expr), field("x", $._sub_expr) )), // a.0 index_accessor: $ => prec.right(21, seq( field("box", $._sub_expr), ".", field("field", $._sub_expr) )), // { p with a = b; c = d } rec_literal: $ => seq( "{", field("field", $.rec_assignment), repeat(seq(";", field("field", $.rec_assignment))), optional(";"), "}" ), // { p with a = b; c = d } rec_expr: $ => seq( "{", field("subject", $.Name), "with", field("field", $.rec_assignment), repeat(seq(";", field("field", $.rec_assignment))), optional(";"), "}" ), // a = b; rec_assignment: $ => seq( field("field", $._expr), "=", field("value", $._expr), ), // if a then b else c if_expr: $ => prec.right(seq( "if", field("condition", $._expr), "then", field("then", $._program), optional(seq( "else", field("else", $._program) )) )), // match x with ... match_expr: $ => prec.right(1,seq( "match", field("subject", $._expr), "with", optional('|'), sepBy('|', field("alt", $.matching)) )), // Dog as x -> f x matching: $ => seq( field("pattern", $._pattern), "->", field("body", $._program) ), lambda_expr: $ => seq( "fun", repeat1(field("arg", $._paren_pattern)), "->", field("body", $._expr) ), list_expr: $ => seq( "[", sepBy(";", field("item", $._expr)), "]" ), tup_expr: $ => prec.right(9,seq( field("x", $._expr), some(seq( ",", field("x", $._expr), )), )), _expr: $ => choice( $._call, $._sub_expr, $.tup_expr ), _sub_expr: $ => choice( $.fun_app, $.paren_expr, $.annot_expr, $.Name, $.Name_Capital, $._literal, $.rec_expr, $.rec_literal, $.if_expr, $.lambda_expr, $.match_expr, $.list_expr, $.index_accessor, $.block_expr, ), block_expr: $ => seq( "begin", sepBy(";", field("item", $._program)), "end", ), paren_expr: $ => seq( "(", field("expr", $._program), ")" ), annot_expr: $ => seq( "(", field("expr", $._program), ":", field("type", $._type_expr), ")", ), //========== TYPE_EXPR ============ // t, test, string, integer type_con: $ => $.TypeName, // Red, Green, Blue, Cat data_con: $ => $.Name_Capital, // a t, (a, b) t type_app: $ => prec(10,seq( choice( field("x", $._type_expr), field("x", $.type_tuple), ), field("f", $.type_con) )), type_tuple: $ => seq( "(", sepBy1(",", field("x", choice($._type_expr, $.String))), ")" ), // string * integer type_product: $ => prec.right(5, seq( field("x", $._type_expr), some(seq( "*", field("x", $._type_expr) )) )), // int -> string type_fun: $ => prec.right(8, seq( field("domain", $._type_expr), "->", field("codomain", $._type_expr) )), _type_expr: $ => choice( $.type_fun, $.type_product, $.type_app, $.type_con, $.type_tuple, ), // Cat of string, Person of string * string variant: $ => seq( field("constructor", $.data_con), optional(seq( "of", field("type", $._type_expr) )) ), // Cat of string | Personn of string * string type_sum: $ => seq( optional('|'), sepBy1('|', field("variant", $.variant)), ), // field : string * int _label: $ => $.FieldName, type_rec_field: $ => seq( field("field", $._label), ":", field("type", $._type_expr) ), // { field1 : a; field2 : b } type_rec: $ => seq( "{", sepBy(";", field("field", $.type_rec_field)), optional(";"), "}" ), _type_def_body: $ => choice( $.type_sum, $._type_expr, $.type_rec ), type_decl: $ => seq( "type", field("name", $.type_con), "=", field("type", $._type_def_body) ), _literal: $ => choice( $.String, $.Int, $.Nat, $.Tez, $.Bytes, $.True, $.False, $.Unit ), String: $ => /\"(\\.|[^"])*\"/, Int: $ => /-?([1-9][0-9_]*|0)/, Nat: $ => /([1-9][0-9_]*|0)n/, Tez: $ => /([1-9][0-9_]*|0)(\.[0-9_]+)?(tz|tez|mutez)/, Bytes: $ => /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/, Name: $ => /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, TypeName: $ => /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, FieldName: $ => /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, Name_Capital: $ => /[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, Keyword: $ => /[A-Za-z][a-z]*/, False: $ => 'false', True: $ => 'true', Unit: $ => '()', comment: $ => /\/\/(\*\)[^\n]|\*[^\)\n]|[^\*\n])*\n/, ocaml_comment: $ => seq( '(*', repeat(choice( $.ocaml_comment, /[^\*\(]/, /\*[^\)]/, /\([^\*]/, )), /\*+\)/ ), } });