(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type net_id = Store.net_id = Net of Block_hash.t val net_id_encoding: net_id Data_encoding.t type shell_operation = Store.shell_operation = { net_id: net_id ; } val shell_operation_encoding: shell_operation Data_encoding.t type raw_operation = Store.operation = { shell: shell_operation ; proto: MBytes.t ; } val raw_operation_encoding: raw_operation Data_encoding.t (** The version agnostic toplevel structure of blocks. *) type shell_block = Store.shell_block = { net_id: net_id ; (** The genesis of the chain this block belongs to. *) predecessor: Block_hash.t ; (** The preceding block in the chain. *) timestamp: Time.t ; (** The date at which this block has been forged. *) fitness: MBytes.t list ; (** The announced score of the block. As a sequence of sequences of unsigned bytes. Ordered by length and then by contents lexicographically. *) operations: Operation_hash.t list ; (** The sequence of operations. *) } val shell_block_encoding: shell_block Data_encoding.t type raw_block = Store.block = { shell: shell_block ; proto: MBytes.t ; } val raw_block_encoding: raw_block Data_encoding.t type 'error preapply_result = 'error Protocol.preapply_result = { applied: Operation_hash.t list; refused: 'error list Operation_hash_map.t; (* e.g. invalid signature. *) branch_refused: 'error list Operation_hash_map.t; (* e.g. past account counter; insufficent balance *) branch_delayed: 'error list Operation_hash_map.t; (* e.g. futur account counter. *) } val empty_result: 'error preapply_result val map_result: ('a list -> 'b list) -> 'a preapply_result -> 'b preapply_result val operations: 'error preapply_result -> Operation_hash_set.t val preapply_result_encoding : 'error list Data_encoding.t -> 'error preapply_result Data_encoding.t module type PROTOCOL = Protocol.PROTOCOL module type REGISTRED_PROTOCOL = sig val hash: Protocol_hash.t (* exception Ecoproto_error of error list *) include Protocol.PROTOCOL with type error := error and type 'a tzresult := 'a tzresult val complete_b48prefix : ?alphabet:string -> Context.t -> string -> string list Lwt.t end type component = Tezos_compiler.Protocol.component = { name : string ; interface : string option ; implementation : string ; } val extract: Lwt_io.file_name -> Protocol_hash.t -> component list -> unit Lwt.t val compile: Protocol_hash.t -> component list -> bool Lwt.t val activate: Context.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Context.t Lwt.t val set_test_protocol: Context.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Context.t Lwt.t val fork_test_network: Context.t -> Context.t Lwt.t val register: Protocol_hash.t -> (module REGISTRED_PROTOCOL) -> unit val get: Protocol_hash.t -> (module REGISTRED_PROTOCOL) option val get_exn: Protocol_hash.t -> (module REGISTRED_PROTOCOL) val init: string -> unit