(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Logging.RPC module Arg = Resto.Arg module Path = Resto.Path module Description = Resto.Description let read_answer = Resto.read_answer let forge_request = Resto.forge_request let service ?description ~input ~output path = Resto.service ?description ~input:(Data_encoding.Json.convert input) ~output:(Data_encoding.Json.convert output) path type ('prefix, 'params, 'input, 'output) service = ('prefix, 'params, 'input, 'output) Resto.service include RestoDirectory (* public types *) type server = (* hidden *) { shutdown : unit -> unit Lwt.t ; mutable root : unit directory } module ConnectionMap = Map.Make(Cohttp.Connection) exception Invalid_method exception Cannot_parse_body of string (* Promise a running RPC server. Takes the port. *) let launch port root = (* launch the worker *) let cancelation, canceler, _ = Lwt_utils.canceler () in let open Cohttp_lwt_unix in let create_stream, shutdown_stream = let streams = ref ConnectionMap.empty in let create _io con (s: _ Answer.stream) = let running = ref true in let stream = Lwt_stream.from (fun () -> if not !running then Lwt.return None else s.next () >|= function | None -> None | Some x -> Some (Data_encoding.Json.to_string x)) in let shutdown () = running := false ; s.shutdown () in streams := ConnectionMap.add con shutdown !streams ; stream in let shutdown con = try ConnectionMap.find con !streams () with Not_found -> () in create, shutdown in let callback (io, con) req body = (* FIXME: check inbound adress *) let path = Utils.split_path (Uri.path (Cohttp.Request.uri req)) in lwt_log_info "(%s) receive request to %s" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) (Uri.path (Cohttp.Request.uri req)) >>= fun () -> Lwt.catch (fun () -> lookup root () path >>= fun handler -> begin match req.meth with | `POST -> begin Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string body >>= fun body -> match Data_encoding.Json.from_string body with | Error msg -> Lwt.fail (Cannot_parse_body msg) | Ok body -> Lwt.return (Some body) end | `GET -> Lwt.return None | _ -> Lwt.fail Invalid_method end >>= fun body -> handler body >>= fun { Answer.code ; body } -> let body = match body with | Empty -> Cohttp_lwt_body.empty | Single json -> Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string (Data_encoding.Json.to_string json) | Stream s -> let stream = create_stream io con s in Cohttp_lwt_body.of_stream stream in lwt_log_info "(%s) RPC %s" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) (if Cohttp.Code.is_error code then "failed" else "success") >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:(`Code code) (), body)) (function | Not_found | Cannot_parse _ -> lwt_log_info "(%s) not found" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:`Not_found (), Cohttp_lwt_body.empty) | Invalid_method -> lwt_log_info "(%s) bad method" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () -> let headers = Cohttp.Header.add_multi (Cohttp.Header.init ()) "Allow" ["POST"] in Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:`Method_not_allowed ~headers (), Cohttp_lwt_body.empty) | Cannot_parse_body msg -> lwt_log_info "(%s) can't parse RPC body" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (Response.make ~flush:true ~status:`Bad_request (), Cohttp_lwt_body.of_string msg) | e -> Lwt.fail e) and conn_closed (_, con) = log_info "connection close %s" (Cohttp.Connection.to_string con) ; shutdown_stream con in lwt_log_info "create server listening on port %d" port >>= fun () -> let ctx = Cohttp_lwt_unix_net.init () in let mode = `TCP (`Port port) in let stop = cancelation () in let _server = Server.create ~stop ~ctx ~mode (Server.make ~callback ~conn_closed ()) in let shutdown () = canceler () >>= fun () -> lwt_log_info "server not really stopped (cohttp bug)" >>= fun () -> Lwt.return () (* server *) (* FIXME: bug in cohttp *) in Lwt.return { shutdown ; root } let root_service { root } = root let set_root_service server root = server.root <- root let shutdown server = server.shutdown () module Error = struct let service = service ~description: "Schema for all the RPC errors from the shell" ~input: Data_encoding.empty ~output: Data_encoding.json_schema Path.(root / "errors") let encoding = let open Data_encoding in let path, _ = forge_request service () () in describe ~description: (Printf.sprintf "The full list of error is available with \ the global RPC `/%s`" (String.concat "/" path)) (conv ~schema:Json_schema.any (fun exn -> `A (List.map json_of_error exn)) (function `A exns -> List.map error_of_json exns | _ -> []) json) let wrap param_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (obj1 (req "ok" param_encoding)) (function Ok x -> Some x | _ -> None) (fun x -> Ok x) ; case (obj1 (req "error" encoding)) (function Error x -> Some x | _ -> None) (fun x -> Error x) ; ] end