# This is a very simple accounts system. # (Left key) initializes or deposits into an account # (Right key (pair tez (signed tez))) withdraws tez amount to a # IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT created from the key if the balance is available # and the key is correctly signed parameter (or key_hash (pair key (pair tez signature))); # Maps the key to the balance they have stored storage (map key_hash tez); return unit; code { DUP; CAR; # Deposit into account IF_LEFT { DUP; DIIP{ CDR; DUP }; DIP{ SWAP }; GET; # Create the account IF_NONE { DIP{ AMOUNT; SOME }; UPDATE; UNIT; PAIR } # Add to an existing account { AMOUNT; ADD; SOME; SWAP; UPDATE; UNIT; PAIR }} # Withdrawl { DUP; DUP; DUP; DUP; # Check signature on data CAR; DIIP{ CDAR; H }; DIP{ CDDR; PAIR }; CHECK_SIGNATURE; IF {} { FAIL }; # Get user account information DIIP{ CDR; DUP }; CAR; HASH_KEY; DIP{ SWAP }; GET; # Account does not exist IF_NONE { FAIL } # Account exists { DUP; DIIP{ DUP; CDAR; DUP }; # Ensure funds are available DIP{ CMPLT }; SWAP; IF { FAIL } { SUB; DIP{ DUP; DIP{ SWAP }}; DUP; # Delete account if balance is 0 PUSH tez "0.00"; CMPEQ; IF { DROP; NONE tez } # Otherwise update storage with new balance { SOME }; SWAP; CAR; HASH_KEY; UPDATE; SWAP; DUP; CDAR; # Execute the transfer DIP{ CAR; HASH_KEY; IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT }; UNIT; TRANSFER_TOKENS; PAIR }}}}