(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context open Test_tez (**************************************************************************) (* bootstrap contracts *) (**************************************************************************) (* Bootstrap contracts are heavily used in other tests. It is helpful to test some properties of these contracts, so we can correctly interpret the other tests that use them. *) let expect_error err = function | err0 :: _ when err = err0 -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "Unexpected successful result" let expect_alpha_error err = expect_error (Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error err) let expect_non_delegatable_contract = function | Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error (Delegate_storage.Non_delegatable_contract _) :: _ -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "Contract is not delegatable and operation should fail." let expect_no_deletion_pkh pkh = function | Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error (Delegate_storage.No_deletion pkh0) :: _ when pkh0 = pkh -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "Delegate can not be deleted and operation should fail." (** bootstrap contracts delegate to themselves *) let bootstrap_manager_is_bootstrap_delegate () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> let bootstrap0 = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in Context.Contract.delegate (B b) bootstrap0 >>=? fun delegate0 -> Context.Contract.manager (B b) bootstrap0 >>=? fun manager0 -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate0 manager0.pkh (** bootstrap contracts cannot change their delegate *) let bootstrap_delegate_cannot_change ~fee () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> let bootstrap0 = List.nth bootstrap_contracts 0 in let bootstrap1 = List.nth bootstrap_contracts 1 in Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap1 >>=? fun manager1 -> Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap0 >>=? fun balance0 -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) bootstrap0 >>=? fun delegate0 -> Op.delegation ~fee (I i) bootstrap0 (Some manager1.pkh) >>=? fun set_delegate -> if fee > balance0 then Incremental.add_operation i set_delegate >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) else Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:expect_non_delegatable_contract i set_delegate >>=? fun i -> Incremental.finalize_block i >>=? fun b -> (* bootstrap0 still has same delegate *) Context.Contract.delegate (B b) bootstrap0 >>=? fun delegate0_after -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate0 delegate0_after >>=? fun () -> (* fee has been debited *) Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) bootstrap0 balance0 fee (** bootstrap contracts cannot delete their delegation *) let bootstrap_delegate_cannot_be_removed ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun balance -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun delegate -> Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun manager -> Op.delegation ~fee (I i) bootstrap None >>=? fun set_delegate -> if fee > balance then Incremental.add_operation i set_delegate >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) else Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_no_deletion_pkh manager.pkh) i set_delegate >>=? fun i -> (* delegate has not changed *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun delegate_after -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate delegate_after >>=? fun () -> (* fee has been debited *) Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) bootstrap balance fee (** bootstrap keys are already registered as delegate keys *) let bootstrap_manager_already_registered_delegate ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun manager -> let pkh = manager.pkh in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract pkh in Context.Contract.balance (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun balance -> Op.delegation ~fee (I i) impl_contract (Some pkh) >>=? fun sec_reg -> if fee > balance then begin Incremental.add_operation i sec_reg >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else begin Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(function | Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error Delegate_storage.Active_delegate :: _ -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "Delegate is already active and operation should fail.") i sec_reg >>=? fun i -> (* fee has been debited *) Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract balance fee end (** bootstrap manager can be set as delegate of an originated contract (through origination operation) *) let delegate_to_bootstrap_by_origination ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun manager -> Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun balance -> (* originate a contract with bootstrap's manager as delegate *) Op.origination ~fee ~credit:Tez.zero ~delegate:manager.pkh (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Context.get_constants (I i) >>=? fun { parametric = { origination_burn ; _ }} -> (* 0.257tz *) Lwt.return (Tez.(+?) fee origination_burn) >>=? fun total_fee -> if fee > balance then begin Incremental.add_operation i op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else if total_fee > balance && balance >= fee then (* origination did not proceed; fee has been debited *) begin Incremental.add_operation i ~expect_failure:(function | Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error Contract.Balance_too_low _ :: _ -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "Not enough balance for origination burn: operation should fail.") op >>=? fun i -> (* fee was taken *) Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) bootstrap balance fee >>=? fun () -> (* originated contract has not been created *) Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* bootstrap is delegate, fee + origination burn have been debited *) begin Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) bootstrap balance total_fee end (** bootstrap manager can be set as delegate of an originated contract without initial delegate (through delegation operation) *) let delegate_to_bootstrap_by_delegation ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun manager -> (* originate a contract with no delegate *) Op.origination ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_balance -> (* Format.printf "\nBalance of originated contract: %a\n%!" Tez.pp orig_balance; *) (* delegate to bootstrap *) Op.delegation ~fee (I i) orig_contract (Some manager.pkh) >>=? fun deleg_op -> if fee > orig_balance then begin Incremental.add_operation i deleg_op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* manager is delegate, fee is debited *) begin Incremental.add_operation i deleg_op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) orig_contract orig_balance fee end (** bootstrap manager can be set as delegate of an originated contract with initial delegate (through delegation operation) *) let delegate_to_bootstrap_by_delegation_switch ~fee () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap0 = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap0 >>=? fun manager0 -> let bootstrap1 = List.nth bootstrap_contracts 1 in Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap1 >>=? fun manager1 -> (* originate a contract with bootstrap1's manager as delegate *) Op.origination ~fee:Tez.zero ~credit:Tez.one ~delegate:manager1.pkh (I i) bootstrap0 >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_balance -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager1.pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* switch delegate to bootstrap0 *) Op.delegation ~fee (I i) orig_contract (Some manager0.pkh) >>=? fun switch_deleg -> if fee > orig_balance then begin Incremental.add_operation i switch_deleg >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* manager0 is delegate, fee is debited *) begin Incremental.add_operation i switch_deleg >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager0.pkh >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) orig_contract orig_balance fee end let tests_bootstrap_contracts = [ Test.tztest "bootstrap contracts delegate to themselves" `Quick bootstrap_manager_is_bootstrap_delegate ; Test.tztest "bootstrap contracts cannot change their delegate (small fee)" `Quick (bootstrap_delegate_cannot_change ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap contracts cannot change their delegate (max fee)" `Quick (bootstrap_delegate_cannot_change ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap contracts cannot delete their delegation (small fee)" `Quick (bootstrap_delegate_cannot_be_removed ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap contracts cannot delete their delegation (max fee)" `Quick (bootstrap_delegate_cannot_be_removed ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap keys are already registered as delegate keys (small fee)" `Quick (bootstrap_manager_already_registered_delegate ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap keys are already registered as delegate keys (max fee)" `Quick (bootstrap_manager_already_registered_delegate ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap manager can be delegate (init origination, small fee)" `Quick (delegate_to_bootstrap_by_origination ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; (* balance enough for fee but not for fee + origination burn *) Test.tztest "bootstrap manager can be delegate (init origination, edge case)" `Quick (delegate_to_bootstrap_by_origination ~fee:(Tez.of_mutez_exn 3_999_999_750_000L)) ; (* fee bigger than bootstrap's initial balance*) Test.tztest "bootstrap manager can be delegate (init origination, large fee)" `Quick (delegate_to_bootstrap_by_origination ~fee:(Tez.of_int 10_000_000)) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap manager can be delegate (init delegation, small fee)" `Quick (delegate_to_bootstrap_by_delegation ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap manager can be delegate (init delegation, max fee)" `Quick (delegate_to_bootstrap_by_delegation ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap manager can be delegate (switch delegation, small fee)" `Quick (delegate_to_bootstrap_by_delegation_switch ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "bootstrap manager can be delegate (switch delegation, max fee)" `Quick (delegate_to_bootstrap_by_delegation_switch ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; ] (**************************************************************************) (* delegate registration *) (**************************************************************************) (* A delegate is a pkh. Delegates must be registered. Registration is done via the self-delegation of the implicit contract corresponding to the pkh. The implicit contract must be credited when the self-delegation is done. Furthermore, trying to register an already registered key raises an error. In this series of tests, we verify that 1- unregistered delegate keys cannot be delegated to, 2- registered keys can be delegated to, 3- registering an already registered key raises an error. We consider three scenarios for setting a delegate: - through origination, - through delegation when the originated contract has no delegate yet, - through delegation when the originated contract already has a delegate. We also test that emptying the implicit contract linked to a registered delegate key does not unregister the delegate key. *) (* Valid registration Unregistered key: - contract not credited and no self-delegation - contract credited but no self-delegation - contract not credited and self-delegation Not credited: - no credit operation - credit operation of 1μꜩ and then debit operation of 1μꜩ *) (** A- unregistered delegate keys cannot be used for delegation *) (* Two main series of tests: without self-delegation, and with a failed attempt at self-delegation 1- no self-delegation a- no credit - no token transfer - credit of 1μꜩ and then debit of 1μꜩ b- with credit of 1μꜩ. For every scenario, we try three different ways of delegating: - through origination (init origination) - through delegation when no delegate was assigned at origination (init delegation) - through delegation when a delegate was assigned at origination (switch delegation). 2- Self-delegation fails if the contract has no credit. We try the two possibilities of 1a for non-credited contracts. *) let expect_unregistered_key pkh = function | Alpha_environment.Ecoproto_error Roll_storage.Unregistered_delegate pkh0 :: _ when pkh = pkh0 -> return_unit | _ -> failwith "Delegate key is not registered: operation should fail." (* A1: no self-delegation *) (* no token transfer, no self-delegation *) let unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in (* origination with delegate argument *) Op.origination ~fee ~delegate:unregistered_pkh (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Context.get_constants (I i) >>=? fun { parametric = { origination_burn ; _ }} -> Lwt.return (Tez.(+?) fee origination_burn) >>=? fun _total_fee -> (* FIXME unused variable *) Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun balance -> if fee > balance then begin Incremental.add_operation i op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* origination did not proceed; fee has been debited *) begin Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) i op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) bootstrap balance fee >>=? fun () -> (* originated contract has not been created *) Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) end let unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun _balance -> (* FIXME unused variable *) (* origination without delegate argument *) let credit = Tez.of_int 10 in Op.origination (I i) bootstrap ~credit >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Op.delegation ~fee (I i) orig_contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun delegate_op -> if fee > credit then begin Incremental.add_operation i delegate_op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* fee has been debited; no delegate *) begin Incremental.add_operation i ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) delegate_op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) orig_contract credit fee >>=? fun () -> (* originated contract has no delegate *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) end let unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in (* origination with delegate setting *) Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun manager -> let credit = Tez.of_int 10 in Op.origination (I i) ~delegate:manager.pkh bootstrap ~credit >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* switch delegate through delegation *) Op.delegation ~fee (I i) orig_contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun delegate_op -> if fee > credit then begin Incremental.add_operation i delegate_op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* fee has been debited; no delegate *) begin Incremental.add_operation i ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) delegate_op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) orig_contract credit fee >>=? fun () -> (* originated contract's delegate has not changed *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.not_equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate unregistered_pkh >>=? fun () -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh end (* credit of some amount, no self-delegation *) let unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination_credit ~fee ~amount () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* credit + check balance *) Op.transaction ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* origination with delegate argument *) Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun balance -> Op.origination ~fee ~delegate:unregistered_pkh (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> if fee > balance then begin Incremental.add_operation i op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* origination not done, fee taken *) begin Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) i op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) bootstrap balance fee >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) end let unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation_credit ~fee ~amount () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* credit + check balance *) Op.transaction ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* origination without delegate argument *) let credit = Tez.of_int 10 in Op.origination ~fee:Tez.zero ~credit (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Op.delegation ~fee (I i) contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun delegate_op -> if fee > credit then Incremental.add_operation i delegate_op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) else begin (* fee has been taken, no delegate for contract *) Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) i delegate_op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract credit fee >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) end let unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation_credit ~fee ~amount () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* credit + check balance *) Op.transaction ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* origination without delegate setting *) Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun manager -> let credit = Tez.of_int 10 in Op.origination (I i) ~fee:Tez.zero ~credit ~delegate:manager.pkh bootstrap >>=? fun (op, contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* switch delegate through delegation *) Op.delegation ~fee (I i) contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun delegate_op -> if fee > credit then Incremental.add_operation i delegate_op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) else begin (* fee has been taken, delegate for contract has not changed *) Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) i delegate_op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract credit fee >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.not_equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate unregistered_pkh >>=? fun () -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh end (* a credit of some amount followed by a debit of the same amount, no self-delegation *) let unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination_credit_debit ~fee ~amount () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* credit + check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* debit + check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) impl_contract bootstrap amount >>=? fun debit_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i debit_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract Tez.zero >>=? fun _ -> (* origination with delegate argument *) Context.Contract.balance (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun balance -> Op.origination ~fee ~delegate:unregistered_pkh (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> if fee > balance then begin Incremental.add_operation i op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else (* fee taken, origination not processed *) begin Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) i op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) bootstrap balance fee >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.balance (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) end let unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation_credit_debit ~amount ~fee () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* credit + check balance *) Op.transaction ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* debit + check balance *) Op.transaction ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) impl_contract bootstrap amount >>=? fun debit_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i debit_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract Tez.zero >>=? fun _ -> (* origination without delegate argument *) let credit = Tez.of_int 10 in Op.origination ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) ~credit bootstrap >>=? fun (op, contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> (* set a delegate with delegation operation *) Op.delegation ~fee (I i) contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun delegate_op -> if fee > credit then begin Incremental.add_operation i delegate_op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) end else begin (* fee has been taken, no delegate for contract *) Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) i delegate_op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract credit fee >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) end let unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation_credit_debit ~fee ~amount () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let unregistered_account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(unregistered_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* credit + check balance *) Op.transaction ~fee:Tez.zero (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* debit + check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) impl_contract bootstrap amount >>=? fun debit_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i debit_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract Tez.zero >>=? fun _ -> (* origination with delegate setting *) Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun manager -> let credit = Tez.of_int 10 in Op.origination (I i) ~fee:Tez.zero ~credit ~delegate:manager.pkh bootstrap >>=? fun (op, contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* switch delegate through delegation *) Op.delegation (I i) ~fee contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun delegate_op -> if fee > credit then Incremental.add_operation i delegate_op >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Balance_too_low _ -> true | _ -> false) else begin (* fee has been taken, delegate for contract has not changed *) Incremental.add_operation ~expect_failure:(expect_unregistered_key unregistered_pkh) i delegate_op >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) contract credit fee >>=? fun () -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.not_equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate unregistered_pkh >>=? fun () -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate manager.pkh end (* A2- self-delegation to an empty contract fails *) let failed_self_delegation_no_transaction () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, _) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* check balance *) Context.Contract.balance (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun balance -> Assert.equal_tez ~loc:__LOC__ Tez.zero balance >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation fails *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Empty_implicit_contract pkh -> if pkh = unregistered_pkh then true else false | _ -> false) let failed_self_delegation_emptied_implicit_contract amount () = (* create an implicit contract *) Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let account = Account.new_account () in let unregistered_pkh = Account.(account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract unregistered_pkh in (* credit implicit contract and check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* empty implicit contract and check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) impl_contract bootstrap amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract Tez.zero >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation fails *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some unregistered_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Contract_storage.Empty_implicit_contract pkh -> if pkh = unregistered_pkh then true else false | _ -> false) (** B- valid registration: - credit implicit contract with some ꜩ + verification of balance - self delegation + verification - empty contract + verification of balance + verification of not being erased / self-delegation - originate contract w implicit contract as delegate + verification of delegation *) let valid_delegate_registration_init_origination_credit amount () = (* create an implicit contract *) Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let delegate_account = Account.new_account () in let delegate_pkh = Account.(delegate_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract delegate_pkh in (* credit > 0ꜩ + check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation + verification *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some delegate_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate delegate_pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* originating a contract with the newly registered delegate account as delegate *) Op.origination ~delegate:delegate_account.pkh (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate delegate_pkh let valid_delegate_registration_init_delegation_credit amount () = (* create an implicit contract *) Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let delegate_account = Account.new_account () in let delegate_pkh = Account.(delegate_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract delegate_pkh in (* credit > 0ꜩ + check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation + verification *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some delegate_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate delegate_pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* originating a contract with no delegate *) Op.origination (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> (* check no delegate for orig contract *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) >>=? fun _ -> (* delegation to the newly registered key *) Op.delegation (I i) orig_contract (Some delegate_account.pkh) >>=? fun delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i delegation >>=? fun i -> (* check delegation *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate delegate_pkh let valid_delegate_registration_switch_delegation_credit amount () = (* create an implicit contract *) Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let delegate_account = Account.new_account () in let delegate_pkh = Account.(delegate_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract delegate_pkh in (* credit > 0ꜩ + check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation + verification *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some delegate_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate delegate_pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* originating a contract with bootstrap's account as delegate *) Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun bootstrap_manager -> Op.origination (I i) ~delegate:bootstrap_manager.pkh bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> (* test delegate of new contract is bootstrap *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate bootstrap_manager.pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* delegation with newly registered key *) Op.delegation (I i) orig_contract (Some delegate_account.pkh) >>=? fun delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate delegate_pkh let valid_delegate_registration_init_origination_credit_debit amount () = (* create an implicit contract *) Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let delegate_account = Account.new_account () in let delegate_pkh = Account.(delegate_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract delegate_pkh in (* credit > 0ꜩ+ check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation + verification *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some delegate_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate_pkh delegate >>=? fun _ -> (* empty implicit contracts are usually deleted but they are kept if they were registered as delegates. we empty the contract in order to verify this. *) Op.transaction (I i) impl_contract bootstrap amount >>=? fun empty_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i empty_contract >>=? fun i -> (* impl_contract is empty *) Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract Tez.zero >>=? fun _ -> (* verify self-delegation after contract is emptied *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate_pkh delegate >>=? fun _ -> (* originating a contract with the newly registered delegate account as delegate *) Op.origination ~delegate:delegate_account.pkh (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate delegate_pkh let valid_delegate_registration_init_delegation_credit_debit amount () = (* create an implicit contract *) Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let delegate_account = Account.new_account () in let delegate_pkh = Account.(delegate_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract delegate_pkh in (* credit > 0ꜩ+ check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation + verification *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some delegate_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate_pkh delegate >>=? fun _ -> (* empty implicit contracts are usually deleted but they are kept if they were registered as delegates. we empty the contract in order to verify this. *) Op.transaction (I i) impl_contract bootstrap amount >>=? fun empty_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i empty_contract >>=? fun i -> (* impl_contract is empty *) Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract Tez.zero >>=? fun _ -> (* verify self-delegation after contract is emptied *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate_pkh delegate >>=? fun _ -> (* originating a contract with no delegate *) Op.origination (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> (* check no delegate for orig contract *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>= fun err -> Assert.error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | RPC_context.Not_found _ -> true | _ -> false) >>=? fun _ -> (* delegation to the newly registered key *) Op.delegation (I i) orig_contract (Some delegate_account.pkh) >>=? fun delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i delegation >>=? fun i -> (* check delegation *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate delegate_pkh let valid_delegate_registration_switch_delegation_credit_debit amount () = (* create an implicit contract *) Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let delegate_account = Account.new_account () in let delegate_pkh = Account.(delegate_account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract delegate_pkh in (* credit > 0ꜩ + check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract amount >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract amount >>=? fun _ -> (* self delegation + verification *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some delegate_pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) impl_contract >>=? fun delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ delegate_pkh delegate >>=? fun _ -> (* empty implicit contracts are usually deleted but they are kept if they were registered as delegates. we empty the contract in order to verify this. *) Op.transaction (I i) impl_contract bootstrap amount >>=? fun empty_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i empty_contract >>=? fun i -> (* impl_contract is empty *) Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (I i) impl_contract Tez.zero >>=? fun _ -> (* originating a contract with bootstrap's account as delegate *) Context.Contract.manager (I i) bootstrap >>=? fun bootstrap_manager -> Op.origination (I i) ~delegate:bootstrap_manager.pkh bootstrap >>=? fun (op, orig_contract) -> Incremental.add_operation i op >>=? fun i -> (* test delegate of new contract is bootstrap *) Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate bootstrap_manager.pkh >>=? fun _ -> (* delegation with newly registered key *) Op.delegation (I i) orig_contract (Some delegate_account.pkh) >>=? fun delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i delegation >>=? fun i -> Context.Contract.delegate (I i) orig_contract >>=? fun orig_delegate -> Assert.equal_pkh ~loc:__LOC__ orig_delegate delegate_pkh (** C- a second self-delegation should raise an `Active_delegate` error *) (* with implicit contract with some credits *) let double_registration () = Context.init 1 >>=? fun (b, bootstrap_contracts) -> Incremental.begin_construction b >>=? fun i -> let bootstrap = List.hd bootstrap_contracts in let account = Account.new_account () in let pkh = Account.(account.pkh) in let impl_contract = Contract.implicit_contract pkh in (* credit 1μꜩ+ check balance *) Op.transaction (I i) bootstrap impl_contract (Tez.one_mutez) >>=? fun create_contract -> Incremental.add_operation i create_contract >>=? fun i -> (* return_unit *) (* self-delegation *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some pkh) >>=? fun self_delegation -> Incremental.add_operation i self_delegation >>=? fun i -> (* second self-delegation *) Op.delegation (I i) impl_contract (Some pkh) >>=? fun second_registration -> Incremental.add_operation i second_registration >>= fun err -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ err (function | Delegate_storage.Active_delegate -> true | _ -> false) let tests_delegate_registration = [ (*** unregistered delegate key: no self-delegation ***) (* no token transfer, no self-delegation *) Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key (origination, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee:Tez.one_mutez); Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key (origination, edge case fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee:(Tez.of_int 3_999_488)); Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key (origination, large fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination ~fee:(Tez.of_int 10_000_000)); Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key (init with delegation, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation ~fee:Tez.one_mutez); Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key (init with delegation, max fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation ~fee:Tez.max_tez); Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key (switch with delegation, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key (switch with delegation, max fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; (* credit/debit 1μꜩ, no self-delegation *) Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit/debit 1μꜩ (origination, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination_credit_debit ~fee:Tez.one_mutez ~amount:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit/debit 1μꜩ (origination, large fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination_credit_debit ~fee:Tez.max_tez ~amount:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit/debit 1μꜩ (init with delegation, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation_credit_debit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit/debit 1μꜩ (init with delegation, large fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation_credit_debit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit/debit 1μꜩ (switch with delegation, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation_credit_debit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit/debit 1μꜩ (switch with delegation, large fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation_credit_debit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; (* credit 1μꜩ, no self-delegation *) Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (origination, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination_credit ~fee:Tez.one_mutez ~amount:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (origination, edge case fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination_credit ~fee:(Tez.of_int 3_999_488) ~amount:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (origination, large fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_origination_credit ~fee:(Tez.of_int 10_000_000) ~amount:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (init with delegation, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation_credit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (init with delegation, large fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_init_delegation_credit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (switch with delegation, small fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation_credit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "unregistered delegate key - credit 1μꜩ (switch with delegation, large fee)" `Quick (unregistered_delegate_key_switch_delegation_credit ~amount:Tez.one_mutez ~fee:Tez.max_tez) ; (*** unregistered delegate key: failed self-delegation ***) (* no token transfer, self-delegation *) Test.tztest "failed self-delegation: no transaction" `Quick failed_self_delegation_no_transaction ; (* credit 1μtz, debit 1μtz, self-delegation *) Test.tztest "failed self-delegation: credit & debit 1μꜩ" `Quick (failed_self_delegation_emptied_implicit_contract Tez.one_mutez) ; (*** valid registration ***) (* valid registration: credit 1 μꜩ, self delegation *) Test.tztest "valid delegate registration: credit 1μꜩ, self delegation (origination)" `Quick (valid_delegate_registration_init_origination_credit Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "valid delegate registration: credit 1μꜩ, self delegation (init with delegation)" `Quick (valid_delegate_registration_init_delegation_credit Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "valid delegate registration: credit 1μꜩ, self delegation (switch with delegation)" `Quick (valid_delegate_registration_switch_delegation_credit Tez.one_mutez) ; (* valid registration: credit 1 μꜩ, self delegation, debit 1μꜩ *) Test.tztest "valid delegate registration: credit 1μꜩ, self delegation, debit 1μꜩ (origination)" `Quick (valid_delegate_registration_init_origination_credit_debit Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "valid delegate registration: credit 1μꜩ, self delegation, debit 1μꜩ (init with delegation)" `Quick (valid_delegate_registration_init_delegation_credit_debit Tez.one_mutez) ; Test.tztest "valid delegate registration: credit 1μꜩ, self delegation, debit 1μꜩ (switch with delegation)" `Quick (valid_delegate_registration_switch_delegation_credit_debit Tez.one_mutez) ; (*** double registration ***) Test.tztest "double registration" `Quick double_registration ; ] (******************************************************************************) (* Main *) (******************************************************************************) let tests = tests_bootstrap_contracts @ tests_delegate_registration