(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Error_monad type public_key_hash = | Ed25519 of Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t | Secp256k1 of Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.t | P256 of P256.Public_key_hash.t type public_key = | Ed25519 of Ed25519.Public_key.t | Secp256k1 of Secp256k1.Public_key.t | P256 of P256.Public_key.t type secret_key = | Ed25519 of Ed25519.Secret_key.t | Secp256k1 of Secp256k1.Secret_key.t | P256 of P256.Secret_key.t type watermark = | Block_header | Endorsement | Generic_operation | Custom of MBytes.t module Public_key_hash = struct type t = public_key_hash = | Ed25519 of Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t | Secp256k1 of Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.t | P256 of P256.Public_key_hash.t let name = "Signature.Public_key_hash" let title = "A Ed25519, Secp256k1, or P256 public key hash" type Base58.data += Data of t (* unused *) let b58check_encoding = (* unused *) Base58.register_encoding ~prefix: "\255\255" ~length: 2 ~to_raw: (fun _ -> assert false) ~of_raw: (fun _ -> assert false) ~wrap: (fun x -> Data x) let raw_encoding = let open Data_encoding in def "public_key_hash" ~description:title @@ union [ case (Tag 0) Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding ~title:"Ed25519" (function Ed25519 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> Ed25519 x); case (Tag 1) Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.encoding ~title:"Secp256k1" (function Secp256k1 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> Secp256k1 x) ; case (Tag 2) ~title:"P256" P256.Public_key_hash.encoding (function P256 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> P256 x) ] let to_bytes s = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn raw_encoding s let of_bytes_opt s = Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes raw_encoding s let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (to_bytes s) let of_string_opt s = of_bytes_opt (MBytes.of_string s) let size = 1 + Ed25519.size let zero = Ed25519 Ed25519.Public_key_hash.zero include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let of_bytes_opt = of_bytes_opt let of_string_opt = of_string_opt let to_string = to_string end) let of_b58check_opt s = match Base58.decode s with | Some Ed25519.Public_key_hash.Data pkh -> Some (Ed25519 pkh) | Some Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.Data pkh -> Some (Secp256k1 pkh) | Some P256.Public_key_hash.Data pkh -> Some (P256 pkh) | _ -> None let of_b58check_exn s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> x | None -> Format.kasprintf Pervasives.failwith "Unexpected data (%s)" name let of_b58check s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> Ok x | None -> generic_error "Failed to read a b58check_encoding data (%s): %S" name s let to_b58check = function | Ed25519 pkh -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_b58check pkh | Secp256k1 pkh -> Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.to_b58check pkh | P256 pkh -> P256.Public_key_hash.to_b58check pkh let to_short_b58check = function | Ed25519 pkh -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_short_b58check pkh | Secp256k1 pkh -> Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.to_short_b58check pkh | P256 pkh -> P256.Public_key_hash.to_short_b58check pkh let to_path key l = match key with | Ed25519 h -> "ed25519" :: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_path h l | Secp256k1 h -> "secp256k1" :: Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.to_path h l | P256 h -> "p256" :: P256.Public_key_hash.to_path h l let of_path = function | "ed25519" :: q -> begin match Ed25519.Public_key_hash.of_path q with | Some pkh -> Some (Ed25519 pkh) | None -> None end | "secp256k1" :: q -> begin match Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.of_path q with | Some pkh -> Some (Secp256k1 pkh) | None -> None end | "p256" :: q -> begin match P256.Public_key_hash.of_path q with | Some pkh -> Some (P256 pkh) | None -> None end | _ -> assert false (* FIXME classification des erreurs *) let of_path_exn = function | "ed25519" :: q -> Ed25519 (Ed25519.Public_key_hash.of_path_exn q) | "secp256k1" :: q -> Secp256k1 (Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.of_path_exn q) | "p256" :: q -> P256 (P256.Public_key_hash.of_path_exn q) | _ -> assert false (* FIXME classification des erreurs *) let path_length = let l1 = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.path_length and l2 = Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.path_length in assert Compare.Int.(l1 = l2) ; 1 + l1 let prefix_path _ = assert false (* unused *) let hash = Hashtbl.hash include Compare.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare a b = match (a, b) with | Ed25519 x, Ed25519 y -> Ed25519.Public_key_hash.compare x y | Secp256k1 x, Secp256k1 y -> Secp256k1.Public_key_hash.compare x y | P256 x, P256 y -> P256.Public_key_hash.compare x y | _ -> Pervasives.compare a b end) include Helpers.MakeEncoder(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let title = title let raw_encoding = raw_encoding let of_b58check = of_b58check let of_b58check_opt = of_b58check_opt let of_b58check_exn = of_b58check_exn let to_b58check = to_b58check let to_short_b58check = to_short_b58check end) include Helpers.MakeIterator(struct type nonrec t = t let hash = hash let compare = compare let equal = equal let encoding = encoding end) let rpc_arg = RPC_arg.like rpc_arg ~descr:"A Secp256k1 of a Ed25519 public key hash (Base58Check-encoded)" "pkh" end module Public_key = struct type t = public_key = | Ed25519 of Ed25519.Public_key.t | Secp256k1 of Secp256k1.Public_key.t | P256 of P256.Public_key.t let name = "Signature.Public_key" let title = "A Ed25519, Secp256k1, or P256 public key" let hash pk = match pk with | Ed25519 pk -> Public_key_hash.Ed25519 (Ed25519.Public_key.hash pk) | Secp256k1 pk -> Public_key_hash.Secp256k1 (Secp256k1.Public_key.hash pk) | P256 pk -> Public_key_hash.P256 (P256.Public_key.hash pk) include Compare.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare a b = match (a, b) with | Ed25519 x, Ed25519 y -> Ed25519.Public_key.compare x y | Secp256k1 x, Secp256k1 y -> Secp256k1.Public_key.compare x y | P256 x, P256 y -> P256.Public_key.compare x y | _ -> Pervasives.compare a b end) type Base58.data += Data of t (* unused *) let b58check_encoding = (* unused *) Base58.register_encoding ~prefix: "\255\255" ~length: 2 ~to_raw: (fun _ -> assert false) ~of_raw: (fun _ -> assert false) ~wrap: (fun x -> Data x) let of_b58check_opt s = match Base58.decode s with | Some (Ed25519.Public_key.Data public_key) -> Some (Ed25519 public_key) | Some (Secp256k1.Public_key.Data public_key) -> Some (Secp256k1 public_key) | Some (P256.Public_key.Data public_key) -> Some (P256 public_key) | _ -> None let of_b58check_exn s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> x | None -> Format.kasprintf Pervasives.failwith "Unexpected data (%s)" name let of_b58check s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> Ok x | None -> generic_error "Failed to read a b58check_encoding data (%s): %S" name s let to_b58check = function | Ed25519 pk -> Ed25519.Public_key.to_b58check pk | Secp256k1 pk -> Secp256k1.Public_key.to_b58check pk | P256 pk -> P256.Public_key.to_b58check pk let to_short_b58check = function | Ed25519 pk -> Ed25519.Public_key.to_short_b58check pk | Secp256k1 pk -> Secp256k1.Public_key.to_short_b58check pk | P256 pk -> P256.Public_key.to_short_b58check pk include Helpers.MakeEncoder(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let title = title let raw_encoding = let open Data_encoding in def "public_key" ~description:title @@ union [ case (Tag 0) Ed25519.Public_key.encoding ~title:"Ed25519" (function Ed25519 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> Ed25519 x); case (Tag 1) Secp256k1.Public_key.encoding ~title:"Secp256k1" (function Secp256k1 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> Secp256k1 x) ; case ~title:"P256" (Tag 2) P256.Public_key.encoding (function P256 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> P256 x) ] let of_b58check = of_b58check let of_b58check_opt = of_b58check_opt let of_b58check_exn = of_b58check_exn let to_b58check = to_b58check let to_short_b58check = to_short_b58check end) let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (to_b58check t) end module Secret_key = struct type t = secret_key = | Ed25519 of Ed25519.Secret_key.t | Secp256k1 of Secp256k1.Secret_key.t | P256 of P256.Secret_key.t let name = "Signature.Secret_key" let title = "A Ed25519, Secp256k1 or P256 secret key" let to_public_key = function | Ed25519 sk -> Public_key.Ed25519 (Ed25519.Secret_key.to_public_key sk) | Secp256k1 sk -> Public_key.Secp256k1 (Secp256k1.Secret_key.to_public_key sk) | P256 sk -> Public_key.P256 (P256.Secret_key.to_public_key sk) include Compare.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare a b = match (a, b) with | Ed25519 x, Ed25519 y -> Ed25519.Secret_key.compare x y | Secp256k1 x, Secp256k1 y -> Secp256k1.Secret_key.compare x y | P256 x, P256 y -> P256.Secret_key.compare x y | _ -> Pervasives.compare a b end) type Base58.data += Data of t (* unused *) let b58check_encoding = (* unused *) Base58.register_encoding ~prefix: "\255\255" ~length: 2 ~to_raw: (fun _ -> assert false) ~of_raw: (fun _ -> assert false) ~wrap: (fun x -> Data x) let of_b58check_opt b = match Base58.decode b with | Some (Ed25519.Secret_key.Data sk) -> Some (Ed25519 sk) | Some (Secp256k1.Secret_key.Data sk) -> Some (Secp256k1 sk) | Some (P256.Secret_key.Data sk) -> Some (P256 sk) | _ -> None let of_b58check_exn s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> x | None -> Format.kasprintf Pervasives.failwith "Unexpected data (%s)" name let of_b58check s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> Ok x | None -> generic_error "Failed to read a b58check_encoding data (%s): %S" name s let to_b58check = function | Ed25519 sk -> Ed25519.Secret_key.to_b58check sk | Secp256k1 sk -> Secp256k1.Secret_key.to_b58check sk | P256 sk -> P256.Secret_key.to_b58check sk let to_short_b58check = function | Ed25519 sk -> Ed25519.Secret_key.to_short_b58check sk | Secp256k1 sk -> Secp256k1.Secret_key.to_short_b58check sk | P256 sk -> P256.Secret_key.to_short_b58check sk include Helpers.MakeEncoder(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let title = title let raw_encoding = let open Data_encoding in def "secret_key" ~description:title @@ union [ case (Tag 0) Ed25519.Secret_key.encoding ~title:"Ed25519" (function Ed25519 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> Ed25519 x); case (Tag 1) Secp256k1.Secret_key.encoding ~title:"Secp256k1" (function Secp256k1 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> Secp256k1 x) ; case (Tag 2) ~title:"P256" P256.Secret_key.encoding (function P256 x -> Some x | _ -> None) (function x -> P256 x) ] let of_b58check = of_b58check let of_b58check_opt = of_b58check_opt let of_b58check_exn = of_b58check_exn let to_b58check = to_b58check let to_short_b58check = to_short_b58check end) let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (to_b58check t) end type t = | Ed25519 of Ed25519.t | Secp256k1 of Secp256k1.t | P256 of P256.t | Unknown of MBytes.t let name = "Signature" let title = "A Ed25519, Secp256k1 or P256 signature" let size = assert (Ed25519.size = Secp256k1.size && Secp256k1.size = P256.size) ; Ed25519.size let to_bytes = function | Ed25519 b -> Ed25519.to_bytes b | Secp256k1 b -> Secp256k1.to_bytes b | P256 b -> P256.to_bytes b | Unknown b -> b let of_bytes_opt s = if MBytes.length s = size then Some (Unknown s) else None let to_string s = MBytes.to_string (to_bytes s) let of_string_opt s = of_bytes_opt (MBytes.of_string s) type Base58.data += Data of t let b58check_encoding = Base58.register_encoding ~prefix: Base58.Prefix.generic_signature ~length: Ed25519.size ~to_raw: to_string ~of_raw: of_string_opt ~wrap: (fun x -> Data x) let () = Base58.check_encoded_prefix b58check_encoding "sig" 96 include Helpers.MakeRaw(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let of_bytes_opt = of_bytes_opt let of_string_opt = of_string_opt let to_string = to_string end) include Compare.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare a b = let a = to_bytes a and b = to_bytes b in MBytes.compare a b end) let of_b58check_opt s = if TzString.has_prefix ~prefix:Ed25519.b58check_encoding.encoded_prefix s then Option.map (Ed25519.of_b58check_opt s) ~f: (fun x -> Ed25519 x) else if TzString.has_prefix ~prefix:Secp256k1.b58check_encoding.encoded_prefix s then Option.map (Secp256k1.of_b58check_opt s) ~f: (fun x -> Secp256k1 x) else if TzString.has_prefix ~prefix:P256.b58check_encoding.encoded_prefix s then Option.map (P256.of_b58check_opt s) ~f: (fun x -> P256 x) else Base58.simple_decode b58check_encoding s let of_b58check_exn s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> x | None -> Format.kasprintf Pervasives.failwith "Unexpected data (%s)" name let of_b58check s = match of_b58check_opt s with | Some x -> Ok x | None -> generic_error "Failed to read a b58check_encoding data (%s): %S" name s let to_b58check = function | Ed25519 b -> Ed25519.to_b58check b | Secp256k1 b -> Secp256k1.to_b58check b | P256 b -> P256.to_b58check b | Unknown b -> Base58.simple_encode b58check_encoding (Unknown b) let to_short_b58check = function | Ed25519 b -> Ed25519.to_short_b58check b | Secp256k1 b -> Secp256k1.to_short_b58check b | P256 b -> P256.to_short_b58check b | Unknown b -> Base58.simple_encode b58check_encoding (Unknown b) include Helpers.MakeEncoder(struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let title = title let raw_encoding = Data_encoding.conv to_bytes of_bytes_exn (Data_encoding.Fixed.bytes size) let of_b58check = of_b58check let of_b58check_opt = of_b58check_opt let of_b58check_exn = of_b58check_exn let to_b58check = to_b58check let to_short_b58check = to_short_b58check end) let pp ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (to_b58check t) let of_ed25519 s = Ed25519 s let of_secp256k1 s = Secp256k1 s let of_p256 s = P256 s let zero = of_ed25519 Ed25519.zero let bytes_of_watermark = function | Block_header -> MBytes.of_string "\x01" | Endorsement -> MBytes.of_string "\x02" | Generic_operation -> MBytes.of_string "\x03" | Custom bytes -> bytes let sign ?watermark secret_key message = let watermark = Option.map ~f:bytes_of_watermark watermark in match secret_key with | Secret_key.Ed25519 sk -> of_ed25519 (Ed25519.sign ?watermark sk message) | Secp256k1 sk -> of_secp256k1 (Secp256k1.sign ?watermark sk message) | P256 sk -> of_p256 (P256.sign ?watermark sk message) let check ?watermark public_key signature message = let watermark = Option.map ~f:bytes_of_watermark watermark in match public_key, signature with | Public_key.Ed25519 pk, Unknown signature -> begin match Ed25519.of_bytes_opt signature with | Some s -> Ed25519.check ?watermark pk s message | None -> false end | Public_key.Secp256k1 pk, Unknown signature -> begin match Secp256k1.of_bytes_opt signature with | Some s -> Secp256k1.check ?watermark pk s message | None -> false end | Public_key.P256 pk, Unknown signature -> begin match P256.of_bytes_opt signature with | Some s -> P256.check ?watermark pk s message | None -> false end | Public_key.Ed25519 pk, Ed25519 signature -> Ed25519.check ?watermark pk signature message | Public_key.Secp256k1 pk, Secp256k1 signature -> Secp256k1.check ?watermark pk signature message | Public_key.P256 pk, P256 signature -> P256.check ?watermark pk signature message | _ -> false let append ?watermark sk msg = MBytes.concat "" [msg; (to_bytes (sign ?watermark sk msg))] let concat msg signature = MBytes.concat "" [msg; (to_bytes signature)] type algo = | Ed25519 | Secp256k1 | P256 let algo_param () = Clic.parameter ~autocomplete:(fun _ -> return [ "ed25519" ; "secp256k1" ; "p256"]) begin fun _ name -> match name with | "ed25519" -> return Ed25519 | "secp256k1" -> return Secp256k1 | "p256" -> return P256 | name -> failwith "Unknown signature algorithm (%s). \ Available: 'ed25519', 'secp256k1' or 'p256'" name end let generate_key ?(algo = Ed25519) ?seed () = match algo with | Ed25519 -> let pkh, pk, sk = Ed25519.generate_key ?seed () in (Public_key_hash.Ed25519 pkh, Public_key.Ed25519 pk, Secret_key.Ed25519 sk) | Secp256k1 -> let pkh, pk, sk = Secp256k1.generate_key ?seed () in (Public_key_hash.Secp256k1 pkh, Public_key.Secp256k1 pk, Secret_key.Secp256k1 sk) | P256 -> let pkh, pk, sk = P256.generate_key ?seed () in (Public_key_hash.P256 pkh, Public_key.P256 pk, Secret_key.P256 sk)