(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Logging.Client.Mining let run cctxt ?max_priority ~delay ?min_date delegates = (* TODO really detach... *) let endorsement = if Client_proto_args.Daemon.(!all || !endorsement) then Client_mining_blocks.monitor cctxt ?min_date ~min_heads:1 () >>= fun block_stream -> Client_mining_endorsement.create cctxt ~delay delegates block_stream else Lwt.return_unit in let denunciation = if Client_proto_args.Daemon.(!all || !denunciation) then Client_mining_operations.monitor_endorsement cctxt >>= fun endorsement_stream -> Client_mining_denunciation.create cctxt endorsement_stream else Lwt.return_unit in let forge = Client_mining_blocks.monitor cctxt ?min_date ~min_heads:1 () >>= fun block_stream -> (* Temporary desactivate the monitoring of endorsement: too slow for now. *) (* Client_mining_operations.monitor_endorsement *) (* cctxt >>= fun endorsement_stream -> *) let endorsement_stream, _push = Lwt_stream.create () in if Client_proto_args.Daemon.(!all || !mining) then Client_mining_forge.create cctxt ?max_priority delegates block_stream endorsement_stream else Lwt.return_unit in denunciation >>= fun () -> endorsement >>= fun () -> forge