(* Red-black trees according to the following classic paper: Chris Okasaki, Red-Black Trees in a Functional Setting. J. Funct. Program. 9(4): 471-477 (1999) *) type colour = Red | Black type 'a t = Ext | Int of colour * 'a t * 'a * 'a t let empty = Ext let is_empty m = (m = empty) let blacken = function Ext -> Ext | Int (_, left, root, right) -> Int (Black, left, root, right) let balance colour left root right = match colour, left, root, right with Black, Int (Red, Int (Red, a, x, b), y, c), z, d | Black, Int (Red, a, x, Int (Red, b, y, c)), z, d | Black, a, x, Int (Red, Int (Red, b, y, c), z, d) | Black, a, x, Int (Red, b, y, Int (Red, c, z, d)) -> Int (Red, Int (Black, a, x, b), y, Int (Black, c, z, d)) | _ -> Int (colour, left, root, right) type choice = Old | New let choose ~old ~new' = function Old -> old | New -> new' exception Physical_equality let add ~cmp choice elt tree = let rec insert = function Ext -> Int (Red, Ext, elt, Ext) (* A leaf *) | Int (colour, left, root, right) -> let diff = cmp elt root in if diff = 0 then let root' = choose ~new':elt ~old:root choice in if root == root' then raise Physical_equality else Int (colour, left, root', right) else if diff < 0 then balance colour (insert left) root right else balance colour left root (insert right) in try blacken (insert tree) with Physical_equality -> tree let remove : type a b . cmp:(a -> b -> int) -> a -> b t -> b t = fun ~cmp elt tree -> (* TODO: this leaves the tree not properly balanced. *) let rec bst_shift_up : b t -> b t = function | Ext -> failwith "unknown error" | Int (colour, left, root, right) -> ( ignore root; (* we delete the root *) match left, right with | Ext, Ext -> Ext | Ext, Int (_rcolour, _rleft, rroot, _rright) -> let new_right = bst_shift_up right in Int (colour, Ext, rroot, new_right) | Int (_lcolour, _lleft, lroot, _lright), _ -> let new_left = bst_shift_up left in Int (colour, new_left, lroot, right) ) in let rec bst_delete : a -> b t -> b t = fun elt -> function | Ext -> raise Not_found | Int (colour, left, root, right) as current -> let c = cmp elt root in if c = 0 then bst_shift_up current else if c < 0 then Int (colour, bst_delete elt left, root, right) else Int (colour, left, root, bst_delete elt right) in try bst_delete elt tree with Not_found -> tree let rec find ~cmp elt = function Ext -> raise Not_found | Int (_, left, root, right) -> let diff = cmp elt root in if diff = 0 then root else if diff < 0 then find ~cmp elt left else find ~cmp elt right let find_opt ~cmp elt tree = try Some (find ~cmp elt tree) with Not_found -> None (* Inorder iterators *) let rec iter f = function Ext -> () | Int (_, left, root, right) -> iter f left; f root; iter f right let rec inorder acc = function Ext -> acc | Int (_, left, root, right) -> inorder (root :: inorder acc right) left let elements t = inorder [] t let rec fold_inc f ~init = function Ext -> init | Int (_, left, root, right) -> fold_inc f ~init:(f ~elt:root ~acc:(fold_inc f ~init left)) right let rec fold_dec f ~init = function Ext -> init | Int (_, left, root, right) -> fold_dec f ~init:(f ~elt:root ~acc:(fold_dec f ~init right)) left