const React = require('react'); const pre = '```'; const PASCALIGO_EXAMPLE = `${pre}pascaligo type storage is int type parameter is Increment of int | Decrement of int | Reset type return is list (operation) * storage // Two entrypoints function add (const store : storage; const delta : int) : storage is store + delta function sub (const store : storage; const delta : int) : storage is store - delta (* Main access point that dispatches to the entrypoints according to the smart contract parameter. *) function main (const action : parameter; const store : storage) : return is ((nil : list (operation)), // No operations case action of Increment (n) -> add (store, n) | Decrement (n) -> sub (store, n) | Reset -> 0 end) ${pre}`; const CAMELIGO_EXAMPLE = `${pre}ocaml type storage = int type parameter = Increment of int | Decrement of int | Reset type return = operation list * storage // Two entrypoints let add (store, delta : storage * int) : storage = store + delta let sub (store, delta : storage * int) : storage = store - delta (* Main access point that dispatches to the entrypoints according to the smart contract parameter. *) let main (action, store : parameter * storage) : return = ([] : operation list), // No operations (match action with Increment (n) -> add (store, n) | Decrement (n) -> sub (store, n) | Reset -> 0) ${pre}`; const REASONLIGO_EXAMPLE = `${pre}reasonligo type storage = int; type parameter = Increment (int) | Decrement (int) | Reset; type return = (list (operation), storage); (* Two entrypoints *) let add = ((store, delta) : (storage, int)) : storage => store + delta; let sub = ((store, delta) : (storage, int)) : storage => store - delta; (* Main access point that dispatches to the entrypoints according to the smart contract parameter. *) let main = ((action, store) : (parameter, storage)) : return => { (([] : list (operation)), // No operations (switch (action) { | Increment (n) => add ((store, n)) | Decrement (n) => sub ((store, n)) | Reset => 0})) }; ${pre}`; module.exports = props => { const MarkdownBlock = props.MarkdownBlock; return ( <div className="tabs"> <div className="nav-tabs"> <div className="nav-link active" data-group="examples" data-tab="pascaligo" > PascaLIGO </div> <div className="nav-link" data-group="examples" data-tab="cameligo"> CameLIGO </div> <div className="nav-link" data-group="examples" data-tab="reasonligo"> ReasonLIGO </div> </div> <div className="tab-content"> <div id="pascaligo" className="tab-pane active" data-group="examples"> <MarkdownBlock>{PASCALIGO_EXAMPLE}</MarkdownBlock> </div> <div id="cameligo" className="tab-pane" data-group="examples"> <MarkdownBlock>{CAMELIGO_EXAMPLE}</MarkdownBlock> </div> <div id="reasonligo" className="tab-pane" data-group="examples"> <MarkdownBlock>{REASONLIGO_EXAMPLE}</MarkdownBlock> </div> </div> </div> ); };