(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type t = Storage.t type context = t module type BASIC_DATA = sig type t include Compare.S with type t := t val encoding: t Data_encoding.t val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module Tez = Tez_repr module Period = Period_repr module Timestamp = struct include Time_repr let get_current = Storage.get_timestamp end include Operation_repr module Operation = Operation_repr module Block = Block_repr module Vote = struct include Vote_repr include Vote_storage end module Raw_level = Raw_level_repr module Cycle = Cycle_repr module Script_int = Script_int_repr module Script = Script_repr type public_key = Ed25519.Public_key.t type public_key_hash = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t type secret_key = Ed25519.Secret_key.t type signature = Ed25519.Signature.t include Tezos_hash module Constants = struct include Constants_repr let cycle_length c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.cycle_length let voting_period_length c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.voting_period_length let time_before_reward c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.time_before_reward let slot_durations c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.slot_durations let first_free_mining_slot c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.first_free_mining_slot let max_signing_slot c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.max_signing_slot let instructions_per_transaction c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.instructions_per_transaction let proof_of_work_threshold c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.proof_of_work_threshold let dictator_pubkey c = let constants = Storage.constants c in constants.dictator_pubkey end module Public_key = struct let get = Storage.Public_key.get let get_option = Storage.Public_key.get_option let set = Storage.Public_key.init_set let remove = Storage.Public_key.remove let list ctxt = Storage.Public_key.fold ctxt [] ~f:(fun pk_h pk acc -> Lwt.return @@ (pk_h, pk) :: acc) >>= fun res -> return res end module Voting_period = Voting_period_repr module Level = struct include Level_repr include Level_storage end module Contract = struct include Contract_repr include Contract_storage end module Roll = struct include Roll_repr include Roll_storage end module Nonce = Nonce_storage module Seed = struct include Seed_repr include Seed_storage end module Bootstrap = Bootstrap_storage module Reward = Reward_storage module Fitness = struct include Fitness_repr include Fitness type t = fitness include Fitness_storage end module Asset = Asset_repr let init = Init_storage.may_initialize let finalize ?commit_message c = match commit_message with | None -> return (Storage.recover c) | Some msg -> Storage.set_commit_message c msg >>= fun c -> return (Storage.recover c) let configure_sandbox = Init_storage.configure_sandbox let get_prevalidation = Storage.get_prevalidation let set_prevalidation = Storage.set_prevalidation let activate = Storage.activate let fork_test_network = Storage.fork_test_network let set_test_protocol = Storage.set_test_protocol