(* Test set operations in CameLIGO *) let literal_op (p: unit) : string set = Set.literal ["foo"; "bar"; "foobar"] let add_op (s : string set) : string set = Set.add "foobar" s let remove_op (s : string set) : string set = Set.remove "foobar" s let remove_deep (s : string set * nat) : string set = Set.remove "foobar" s.0 (* let patch_op (s: string set) : string set = begin patch s with set ["foobar"]; end with s let patch_op_deep (s: string set * nat) : string set * nat = begin patch s.0 with set ["foobar"]; end with s *) let mem_op (s : string set) : bool = Set.mem "foobar" s let size_op (s: string set) : nat = Set.cardinal s