(** {{:https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898}RFC 2898} specifies two password-based key derivation functions (PBKDF1 and PBKDF2), which are abstracted over a specific hash/pseudorandom function. *) module type S = sig (** [pbkdf2 password salt count dk_len] is [dk], the derived key of [dk_len] octets. @raise Invalid_argument when either [count] or [dk_len] are not valid *) val pbkdf2 : password:Bigstring.t -> salt:Bigstring.t -> count:int -> dk_len:int32 -> Bigstring.t end (** Given a Hash/pseudorandom function, get the PBKDF *) module Make (H: Hacl.Hash.S) : S module SHA256 : S module SHA512 : S